
Jan 29th, 2014
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Python 4.06 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/usr/bin/python -OO
  2. '''
  3. tray icon battery indicator
  5. adapted from and
  7. any original code Copyright (c) 2013
  8. licensing GPL3 or later
  9. '''
  10. import sys, os, wx, subprocess, re, time
  11. ACPI_PATTERN = '^Battery 0:\s+(\w+), (\d+)%'
  12. COLORS = {
  13.  'Full': 'green',
  14.  'Charging': 'green',
  15.  'Discharging': 'yellow',
  16. }
  17. UPDATE_TIME = 5  # seconds
  18. MILLISECONDS = 1000  # multiplier for seconds
  19. UPDATER = wx.NewEventType()  # returns unique (to this app) ID
  20. WIDTH, HEIGHT = 16, 16  # must be multiples of 5 + 1; only 16 works right
  21. BORDER_WIDTH = BORDER_HEIGHT = 1  # black border -- width and height the same
  22. PADDING_WIDTH = 3  # transparent pixels
  24. TRANSPARENT = 'white'
  25. WARNING_LEVEL = 3  # show red when this many lines
  26. class Icon(wx.Frame):
  27.  def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
  28.   wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize)
  29.   self.updateIcon()
  30.   # bind frame onQuit to window close
  31.   self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onQuit)
  32.   # bind frame onUp to mouseup on taskbar icon
  33.   self.icon.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP, self.onUp)
  34.   width, height = self.GetSize()
  35.   debug('frame size: (%d, %d)' % (width, height))
  36.   self.timer = wx.Timer(self, UPDATER)
  37.   self.timer.Start(UPDATE_TIME * MILLISECONDS)
  38.   wx.EVT_TIMER(self, UPDATER, self.updateIcon)
  39.   debug('initialization complete')
  40.  def onQuit(self, event):
  41.   self.timer.Stop()  # maybe not necessary but can't hurt
  42.   self.icon.Destroy()
  43.   self.Destroy()
  44.  def onUp(self, event):
  45.   iconized = self.IsIconized()
  46.   if not iconized:
  47.    self.Iconize()
  48.    self.Hide()
  49.   else:
  50.    self.Restore()
  51.    self.Show()
  52.  def updateIcon(self, event = None):
  53.   acpistring = acpi()
  54.   debug('acpi: %s' % acpistring)
  55.   status = re.compile(ACPI_PATTERN).match(acpistring)
  56.   debug('status: %s' % status)
  57.   color, charge = icon_data(*status.groups()) if status else ('red', 5)
  58.   pixels = build_image(color, charge)
  59.   image = wx.EmptyImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
  60.   image.SetData(pixels)
  61.   bitmap = image.ConvertToBitmap()
  62.   bitmap.SetMask(wx.Mask(bitmap, color_tuple(TRANSPARENT)))
  63.   icon_image = wx.EmptyIcon()
  64.   icon_image.CopyFromBitmap(bitmap)
  65.   if not hasattr(self, 'icon'):
  66.    self.icon = wx.TaskBarIcon()
  67.   self.icon.SetIcon(icon = icon_image, tooltip = "Battery 0 State")
  68.   # put text of acpi string in frame
  69.   if not hasattr(self, 'statusline'):
  70.    self.statusline = wx.StaticText(self, label = acpistring)
  71.   else:
  72.    self.statusline.SetLabel(acpistring)
  73. class IconApp(wx.App):
  74.  def OnInit(self):
  75.   frame = Icon(None, -1, "Battery 0 State")
  76.   frame.Show()  # shows just momentarily before we iconize it
  77.   self.SetTopWindow(frame)
  78.   frame.Iconize()
  79.   return True
  80. def build_image(color, charge):
  81.  battery_height = HEIGHT - (2 * BORDER_HEIGHT)
  82.  charge_height = int((float(charge) / 100) * battery_height)
  83.  if color == 'yellow' and charge_height <= WARNING_LEVEL:
  84.   color = 'red'
  85.  padding_left = (pixel(TRANSPARENT) * PADDING_WIDTH) + pixel('black')
  86.  padding_right = pixel('black') + (pixel(TRANSPARENT) * PADDING_WIDTH)
  87.  pixels = padding_left + (pixel('black') * BATTERY_WIDTH) + padding_right
  88.  for i in range(battery_height):
  89.   rowcolor = color
  90.   if (battery_height - 1 - i) > charge_height:
  91.    rowcolor = TRANSPARENT
  92.   pixels += padding_left + (pixel(rowcolor) * BATTERY_WIDTH) + padding_right
  93.  pixels += padding_left + (pixel('black') * BATTERY_WIDTH) + padding_right
  94.  return pixels
  95. def color_tuple(color):
  96.  if type(color) == str:
  97.   return wx.NamedColour(color).asTuple()
  98.  else:
  99.   return tuple(color)
  100. def pixel(color):
  101.  return ''.join(map(chr, color_tuple(color)))
  102. def debug(message = None):
  103.  if __debug__:
  104.   if message:
  105.    print >>sys.stderr, message
  106.   return True
  107. def acpi():
  108.  output = subprocess.Popen(['acpi'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
  109.  return output
  110. def icon_data(word, number):
  111.  return COLORS.get(word, 'yellow'), int(number)
  112. if __name__ == '__main__':
  113.  IconApp(0).MainLoop()
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