
Pooh Sticks (Challenge No.05 winner)

Nov 29th, 2019
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  1. lotueater, December 14, 2012; 20:29 / FB 7474
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. It's another day in the Happy Fluffy Park.
  4. Due to the large number of fluffies owned by the citizens of Anonville it was founded by the local authorities.
  5. It quickly became the pride of whole town.
  6. Here the owners can leave theirfluffy friends to play in a safe surrounding (for a small fee).
  7. The owners come inside only to take fluffies back to prevent abuse.
  8. Strays or ferals sometimes find their way inside the park but mostly they are allowed to stay.
  9. It's a lush, green place, filled with bushes, trees and tasty grass.
  10. It also features a playground for the little creatures.
  11. And a shallow river flowing gently into a very shallow pond with clear water.
  12. On the river there's a little bridge, and on the bridge two fluffies.
  13. A yellow mare named Honey and her brother, a pink fluffy called Puff stand.
  14. "Wook wa fwuffy fin'. Stick to pway wit sissy!" says Puff cheerfully.
  15. "How fwuffies pwa wit stick?"
  16. "Wook!" Puff says, and picks up the stick with his mouth.
  17. "Ssy wwk na" he mumbles with the stick in his mouth and then drops the stick on the bridge.
  18. "Stick pway fun!" says Honey.
  19. Fluffies are not demanding when it comes to entertainment.
  20. Now, Honey picks up the stick.
  21. But it falls out of her mouth right into the river!
  22. "NUUUU! Fwuffy wose stick!" Honey shouts in despair as she watches the stick.
  23. Puff however is on the other side of the bridge.
  24. "Sissy wook! Stick came hewe!"
  25. Wow, what an observant fluffy Puff is.
  26. "Puff haff idee! We fin' sticks an thwo into wawa.
  27. Dis be nu fwuffy game. We twow stick. Stick come on ota side. An wen fwuffys stick come fiwst, den fwuffy win!"
  28. Honey loves the idea "Wike nu game! Hunny win!"
  29. Both fluffies go searching for sticks.
  30. After a while the come back, each one with a stick in mouth.
  31. They stand on the brigde and let them fall in the river.
  32. Then, they run to the other side of the bridge.
  33. "Yay! Fwuffy stick come out!" Honey cheers as she sees a stick gently drifting.
  34. "Nuuu! Dat Puff stick!" her brother agrees "Sissy's stick come out now!"
  35. Both fluffies are puzzled.
  36. "How know wich stick is wich?" Honey wonders.
  37. "Fwuffies use ota fing to pway." Another bright idea from Puff comes.
  38. "Hunny kno wat do! WE make poopies to wawa. Den we see wat poopie come fiwst!"
  39. "Otay!" Puff agrees.
  40. Both fluffies position themselves with their rear-ends facing the river.
  41. "Otay. Twee, too, one!" *Pffffrrrt*
  42. Fluffies run to the other side.
  43. "NUUU! Dat nu use" Honey says as their turds appear.
  44. "Poopies wook da same. Fwuffies nee fin ota ting!"
  45. Just when the fluffy siblings begin to think what could they use for their game, they both hear something.
  46. They both go to the place where the noises are coming from.
  47. Its four little foals, all alone.
  48. "Mummeh! Wewe mummeh? Wan miwkies! Tummeh owiees!"
  49. They must have been left here by their mother.
  50. Honey looks at Puff and days "Bwudda tink wat Hunny tink?"
  51. "Yay!" he replies.
  52. Then he comes and gently picks up a green foal with his mouth.
  53. "NUUUU! Nu take fwuffy! Hewp!"
  54. "Nu take sissy dummeh munsta! Fwuffy giff owiees!" a blue foal is ready to defend it's sister.
  55. Honey calms dont he foals "Nu wowwy! We fwens. We hewp babbehs!"
  56. "Fwen hewp? Gif nummies?"
  57. "Yay.We take babbehs whewe miwkies awe! An den we pway wit babbehs."
  58. "Wuv fwens!" The little foal believed it. He gives hugs to Honey.
  59. "Wets go babbehs! Too babbehs stay hewe now!" Honey says as she lifts the wannabe smarty foal.
  60. The babies are humming gently and babbling about their love for new friends.
  61. The fluffies are back on the bridge.
  62. "Wat dis?" the blue foal asks "Dis wawa?"
  63. At that moment Honey and Puff let them go.
  64. "NUUUUU!" "HEW- HEWP HEP!"
  65. At the other side the green foal emerges first
  66. "YAY! Puff win game!"
  67. "Hunny win now bwudda! Wet's go fo pway babbehs"
  68. And they go. The babies stopped screaming, as they are below the face of water.
  69. Now it's the turn for an orange fluffy for Honey and a white one for Puff.
  70. "Wuv fwens. See bwudda an sissy. Hav miwkies!" the foals babble not knowing what awaits them.
  71. And then off they go!
  72. This time Honey's fluffy is first.
  73. "Yay! Hunney win too! Wuv game. Wuv bwudda!" The siblings embrace in a big hug.
  74. Just then...
  75. "Hewp! Wewe babbehs go? HUHUHUHU!" a mare comes to the fluffies.
  76. "Fwuffies hewp! Wen to fin foodies to haff miwkies fo babbiehs!
  77. But babbehs nu tewe! Babbeh wost! Am bad mummeh! HUHUHUHU!" the mare breaks into tears.
  78. "Nu wowwy!" says Honey hugging the mare "Fwuffies hewp!"
  79. "Hewp? Fwuffies fwens?" the mare asks.
  80. "Yay. Fwuffies hewp. Fwen nu move now" says Honey.
  81. "Why?" asks the mare only to scream after a second "NUUUUUUUU! OWIEEEES! NU WAN!!!"
  83. Puff is giving special hugs to the mare
  84. "Fwen wan babbehs. Bwudda giff speciaw huggies. Den fwen haff babbehs. Hee-hee!" Honey is as cheerful as ever.
  86. The mare clearly doesn't approve of help given by new friends.
  88. "Fwen nu wowwy! Bwudda giff gud speciaw huggies! Make fwen feew gud again!"
  89. "NU WAN! HUHUHU! she cant even scream now, tears run from her eyes.
  91. Puff has just finished.
  92. The mare lies heplessly, still crying, with semen dripping from her special place.
  93. "Why... huwt? Fwens nu huwt... Whewe babbehs?"
  94. "Come on bwudda. Dis fwuffy dummeh. Nu wan hewp fwom fwuffies."
  95. Says Honey, as she says goodbye to the mare by giving her sorry poopies.
  96. "Yay. Fwuffy dummeh. Nu wan speciaw huggies!"
  97. The mare still cries, raped, alone and shat upon as the sibling wander off happily.
  98. "Babbehs... Mah babbehs... huhuhuhu..."
  99. Honey's and Puff's owner came to pick them up.
  100. "Hi little guys! Did you have a good time?"
  101. "Yay daddeh! Fwuffies had wots of fun! Vevy gud time wit fwens!"
  102. "Oh that's great!' their owner says "You can come here tomorrow if you want, okay?"
  103. "Otay daddeh. Fwuffies wuv pway pawk!"
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