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Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. does anyone feel like they wont succeed
  2. you pour your heart out but all you do is bleed.
  3. failing at every attempt you make,
  4. to try and improve yourself through all the drugs you take
  6. going through depression
  7. fighting off the evils
  8. at your own indiscretion
  9. mentally twisting your way through hell
  10. only to hate yourself more than anyone can tell
  12. self loathing and pain running through my veins
  13. my minds screaming out
  14. trying to get me to step away
  15. while I want to set up a noose
  16. and hang myself til these feelings are shook loose
  18. and the loneliness and depression slip away
  19. all during that final and hopeless day
  20. where people walk into my room to see me
  21. and leave with nothing to say
  23. I'm sorry is all ive heard all my life
  24. nobody is willing to stand up for someone
  25. even if it means saving their life
  26. empathy is all we feel
  27. while others just want to feel the steel of the knife
  28. cutting away
  29. slicing today
  30. in half
  31. as we hold back a tear
  32. all we wanted was a hug
  33. but nobody would come near
  35. shunned and disregarded
  36. as an outcast we stand
  37. because nobody is willing to take our hand
  38. and help us along
  39. after we trip and fall
  40. reminding us that relative to everyone
  41. our life is so small
  42. and meaningless
  43. so why even live at all?
  45. this pain doesnt eb and flow
  46. it just stays with you
  47. until the day that you go
  48. sometimes it rests in the back of your mind
  49. other days it's suffering all the time
  51. well you know what?
  52. im sorry for wasting my life
  53. im sorry for everying that didnt turn out right
  54. im sorry i exist at all
  55. but i'm not sorry for what i became
  56. because i tried to stay happy and live day to day
  58. I guess things dont always go right
  59. like the best laid plans george and lenny had in sight
  60. but i guess that's alright
  61. as long as you help me end my self harm
  62. and be my george that take me to my farm
  63. just take me to the rabbits and lay me out to rest
  64. and I swear I'll no longer be a pest
  66. -Casp3r
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