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Alty talk

a guest
Aug 20th, 2014
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  1. [21:26] <rutger412> has Alty quit?
  2. [21:26] <Alty> no
  3. [21:26] <rutger412> nice :D
  4. [21:26] <rutger412> strange rumors
  5. [21:26] <cloakdesk> Just typical fud
  6. [21:26] <rutger412> keep up the great work
  7. [21:27] <Alty> but i have to quit some time. x11 keep it up. i sold some Cloak last days. sorry guys
  8. [21:28] <cloakdesk> "but i have to quit sometime"?
  9. [21:28] <issie81_> wtf this is not even the real alty?
  10. [21:28] <issie81_> alty is op of irc
  11. [21:28] <Alty> sorry guys
  12. [21:28] <issie81_> go ff yourself fake alt
  13. [21:28] <SebSebastian> dick
  14. [21:28] <issie81_> make yourself opp on IRC
  15. [21:28] <cloakdesk> lol good find
  16. [21:28] <issie81_> proof your the real alty
  17. [21:29] <issie81_> i can also make nick
  18. [21:29] <issie81_> a1lty
  19. [21:29] <issie81_> it
  20. [21:29] <issie81_> its free for everyone to make up a nick
  21. [21:29] <rutger412> why doesn't alty use nickserv?
  22. [21:29] <issie81_> but only the real alty can by op
  23. [21:29] <issie81_> this sucker is the fake alty
  24. [21:29] <issie81_> spreading fud
  25. [21:29] == Seio__ [c1ef53d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  26. [21:30] <issie81_> make yourself op alty then i believe you;)
  27. [21:30] <Alty> we have new project with real trustless anon soon.
  28. [21:30] == Alty1 [c1ef53d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #cloakcoin
  29. [21:30] <issie81_> hahahah
  30. [21:30] <issie81_> it's halloween
  31. [21:30] <Alty1> I'm the real alty!!!
  32. [21:30] <wheat> aity
  33. [21:30] <rutger412> why don't you use nickserv?
  34. [21:30] <issie81_> everyone is turning into alty:)
  35. [21:30] <cloakdesk> AIty
  36. [21:30] <issie81_> so sad
  37. [21:31] <issie81_> that people use fake id's
  38. [21:31] <issie81_> :P
  39. [21:31] <issie81_> and then say he sold his coins
  40. [21:31] <Alty> Auditor is piece of shit. and guy stole 10btc for fix. i quit this now, sorry guys but things not going well
  41. [21:31] == alty9000 [c1ef53d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #cloakcoin
  42. [21:31] <alty9000> hey guys
  43. [21:31] == Tcherkin [d9baf7cc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #cloakcoin
  44. [21:31] <issie81_> hheheh
  45. [21:31] <issie81_> another one
  46. [21:31] <issie81_> :P
  47. [21:31] <alty9000> tomorrow i'll dump to 9000. sorry
  48. [21:31] <Alty> sorry one more time. and see you new coin trustless anon soon
  49. [21:31] <Alty> bye guys
  50. [21:32] <noobsticks> can't tell if real or not
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