
TSW 14: Robin's Dream

Jun 2nd, 2016
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  1. [13:50] IcePickLobotomy You are on a beach beside the jungle. The air is thick and warm. Water drips from the still wet leaves and vines, the sand damp from the rains. The clouds have began to break away, revealing a pinkish haze in the sky and stars that glitter past it. The red waters of the sea gently lap at the gray sands, the silvery-pink light of the moon reflecting off the waves. Out in the distance you can...
  2. [13:50] IcePickLobotomy ...make out a shadowy mass of land, as the coast line slowly curves around to the beach you are on.
  3. [13:51] RobinE (which personality am I working with?)
  4. [13:51] IcePickLobotomy (Robin)
  5. [13:53] RobinE (the last time I was in the jungle I heard a noise or song, gonna listen for something.)
  6. [13:53] RobinE looks around the beach listening for anything... familiar.
  7. [13:53] IcePickLobotomy You can hear the distant rain and thunder, a faint melody carried by the sounds.
  8. [13:54] RobinE (is there a direction, or is it more ambient?)
  9. [13:54] IcePickLobotomy (Ambient)
  10. [13:55] RobinE (well, I'd rather not swim red waters. so I'm going to walk along the beach.)
  11. [13:56] RobinE begins to travel the beach, searching for something, anything.
  12. [14:00] IcePickLobotomy There is a noticeable curve to the beach as it rapidly arks inward. With the new view you can see that you were standing at a outcropping, and that the beach curves inward over a long distance before curving back out. That distant shore can be walked too, though it would be a long trek. You do notice a trail not too far, a few old wooden steps leading up off the beach and into the jungle again.
  13. [14:01] RobinE (well, some direction is better than no direction, taking the wooden steps.)
  14. [14:02] RobinE decides to travel the wooden steps, in hopes it will guide her somewhere.
  15. [14:02] IcePickLobotomy They creak and moan under your weight, the loamy sand shifting as you do so. The trail is a rough wooden one, not quite overgrown though leaves and vines dangle into the path. It's dark, a few silvery slivers of light snake their way to the ground, leaving the jungle is shades of black, grey with a rare patch of silver.
  16. [14:04] RobinE (I continue.)
  17. [14:09] IcePickLobotomy You walk. You walk for a long time, or perhaps no time at all. You can't tell. The stars and moon remain fixed in the sky despite the seemingly great distance you travel. At some point the trail turns uphill, growing steep, but you manage to continue onward. When you crest the slope, the jungle clears enough to look outwards. Below you in a bowl-shaped valley stands a lake of crimson, a...
  18. [14:09] IcePickLobotomy ...deeper shade than the pinkish color of the sea. Standing in the middle of the lake is a ziggurat connected to the shore by a stone bridge. You can hear the song again, a melody that seems to hide within the sounds of the jungle. It seems stronger here, something you can almost make out as it tantalizingly hovers at the edge of your hearing.
  19. [14:10] IcePickLobotomy From this distance you can make out a statue of some kind at the top, though the details allude you from afar.
  20. [14:12] RobinE Curious about the music and the statue, Robin feels slightly compelled to move towards the ziggurat.
  21. [14:13] IcePickLobotomy The slope downwards is treacherous, covered in vines and creeping plants. The air is thick and pungent with the scent of forest loam with the tinge of something coppery and metallic that sticks to the back of your throat. The water, no the liquid, is thicker than water,.
  22. [14:15] RobinE (I can only guess what the liquid is.)
  23. [14:16] IcePickLobotomy The bridge is weathered and worn, but free of plants, moss and the like. The light from the moon and stars reflects off the waters, bathing the area in a eerie redish light. The quiet padding of your feet on the stone is the only sound now, the noise of the wind and insects swallowed up by the liquid below you.
  24. [14:17] RobinE (could I grab a stick nearby?)
  25. [14:17] IcePickLobotomy (Yeah)
  26. [14:17] RobinE grabs a nearby stick to check the 'water.'
  27. [14:18] IcePickLobotomy It hardly ripples as the stick pokes at it. It's thicker than you water you can tell, but not by too much. Any attempt to gather it on the stick fails as it slides back into the source moments after the stick emerges.
  28. [14:20] RobinE , figuring she can't learn anything new with the stick, tosses it and tries to cross the bridge.
  29. [14:23] IcePickLobotomy You reach the other-side. The ziggurat is in the same still as the bridge, and just as weather. You climb the stairwell to the top and find yourself facing the statue.
  30. [14:27] IcePickLobotomy The statue is of a nude woman and is the most painstakingly detailed quality you can imagine. You can see the folds of her skin, the lines in her upturned palm, even individual hairs that run the length of her head to her waist. But where her face would be is a mask, it's angled back on a vertical line running across the center of it. Other than the 7 eyes, running in two columns, it is flat...
  31. [14:27] IcePickLobotomy ...and featureless. You feel a painful throb in your chest, a familiar ache.
  32. [14:29] RobinE grabs at her chest where the pain is.
  33. [14:30] IcePickLobotomy The pain grows as it squeezed the breathe out of your chest. Slowly, each of the 7 eyes open, and red eyes meet red eyes before-
  34. [14:30] IcePickLobotomy You wake up
  35. [14:31] IcePickLobotomy The sun streams in from a nearby window. Your head hurts and your throat feels hoarse, the bed too soft and warm.
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