
Law of Attraction

Nov 17th, 2014
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  1. I think the "Law of Attraction" is a stupid name. It should be called the "Law of Perception". We don't actually ATTRACT things to us or MANIFEST anything! All we do is change our perception, how we see things. The outside world itself doesn't actually change because it has NO PROPERTIES of its own. In fact, things don't even exist on their own. All that we are is a huge messy chaotic soup, and the reason "everything is connected" is that there are NO THINGS. Everything is neutral and the only one perceiving patterns or properties is OUR OWN MIND. Our minds create existence BY OBSERVING IT. So basically:
  3. 1) Nothing really exists outside of us until we perceive it
  4. 2) We will always find what we are looking for
  5. 3) What we believe is what we will perceive
  6. 4) We can't actually change anything outside of us
  8. Our minds are like "pattern recognizing machines". We only see what we believe, not what's actually there. Because there is nothing there, but our OWN MIND. The only thing we can actually change is our mind, and that's when our outside world will APPEAR to change. We can't change the world, only how we observe it. How could we change something that doesn't even exist? When things appear to have changed, they haven't actually changed because they NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  10. Everything that SEEMS to exist is actually structured chaos. All things are PATTERNS; including time, our memories, our surroundings, our bodies, and EVEN OUR MINDS THEMSELVES. Because all structure has its source in MIND, which in turn has its source in CHAOS, that's where we need to look to make ANY CHANGE WHATSOEVER. This is the reason why most spiritual traditions tell us to LOOK INSIDE. When we change our minds we have the power to change ANYTHING. But because even our minds are a pattern, and that pattern in turn affects our whole experience of life, when we find ourselves in a negative loop there's NO WAY to THINK our way out of it. This is the reason why presence in the NOW is so important. When we are totally present in the now, we cannot think because all thinking is actually a distraction from experiencing the now fully as it is. The now IS the chaos, and when we are totally present in the current moment there is NO ROOM for patterns. In the now we can only experience life WITHOUT duality and definition, hence without patterns. This is when we INVITE the chaos into our experience and have a chance to BREAK FREE from any unwanted experience by allowing it to happen WITHOUT RESISTANCE. When we no longer hold on to a pattern it automatically breaks down into chaos again, and we have a chance to allow a NEW PATTERN to form. This is how we can escape the situations we don't prefer, and as a consequence have a possibility to experience more of what we actually prefer.
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