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Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. [OOC] Silent Pete: Noh
  2. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 says "<:: Unit."
  3. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 says "<:: You do not touch the conrols unless permitted."
  4. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 says "<:: Oi, /sir/."
  5. Codyworlds has connected to the server.
  6. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913 radios in "<:: I don't know if you're aware,,,"
  7. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 says "<:: Also, never leave your partner behind. If you continue I'll have you blackmarked or decomissioned."
  8. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg: ,,,
  9. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 says "<:: Now, 10-50."
  10. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg: gg
  11. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913 radios in "<:: The Nexus was attacked yesterday."
  12. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): u shity
  13. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg was given 'pet' flags for 0.0001 minutes, by Asher 'Xero' Reisz.
  14. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913 radios in "<:: Do /not/ leave SHADOW open."
  15. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): u cant issue anything on me#
  16. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): actually
  17. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): no
  18. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): i acan
  19. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): i cant
  20. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): read the permission list u fuck
  21. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg was given 'pet' flags for 2 minutes, by Asher 'Xero' Reisz.
  22. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  23. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: pp/copy)
  24. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): I have authority over you 748 and have the authority to decomisison 04s and below that fuck up hard
  25. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): So GET IC
  26. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): dude
  27. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): Read. The. Fucking. Permissionlist.
  28. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): You. Can't. Fuck.
  29. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek):
  30. Grampa' Soldier has disconnected from the server.
  31. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): No, you read. I know what I can and can't do.
  32. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): - May issue blackmarks (inter-division)- May issue blackmarks (para-division)
  33. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: Hey guys
  34. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): RED.
  35. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: Guess what
  36. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): LEARN TO READ:
  37. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: fuk u
  38. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg: Chicken butt
  39. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: The first person that tried to pass through unlocked SHADOW
  40. [LOOC] MPF.C17-UNION.04.748 (Florek): Red = restricted
  41. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: Had shotgun ammo
  42. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): In green - May supervise units below them
  43. [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): learn to read
  44. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: # kill748
  45. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: So
  46. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: We're keeping SHADOW locked
  47. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: lol
  48. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Cocky 112 think he can issue blackmarks only because he can SUPERVISE units.
  49. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Better go back to school and learn to read.
  50. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: hes an 03..
  51. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: i didnt say i would blackmark moron
  52. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: but he is judg
  53. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Issueing blackmarks is restricted on the permission list, para and inter divisional.
  54. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: I said I would have you blackmarked.
  55. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg was given 'pet' flags for 5 minutes, by [OOC] Zalgo.
  56. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: lrn to read
  57. [OOC] [SCG] Higgs: Any units wanna flag off to fix the ratio?
  58. [OOC] Black Flag: No
  59. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: [LOOC] MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 (Dr Suspicious): I have authority over you 748 and have the authority to decomisison 04s and below that fuck up hard
  60. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: haha
  61. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: aha*
  62. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: i hate cocky units. just ignore him. but he is a judge.
  63. Grampa' Soldier has connected to the server.
  64. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: so dont fuck with him
  65. MPF.C17-SCN.489: grampa is back
  66. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: cut judge is full
  67. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: cuz*
  68. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: Yes I do have the authority to decomission units that fuck up hard and have the authority to supervise you, I said I would have you blackmarked.
  69. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 radios in "<:: 913 may I have a word?"
  70. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Stupid fu--... omg, I get a headache from you...
  71. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Please, just fuck off...
  72. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913 radios in "<:: Only one. Go."
  73. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: 03s cant supervise units no matter their division NCO's and up
  74. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 radios in "<:: When you're available I'd like to speak with you in private."
  75. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112 radios in "<:: When you're available I'd like to speak with you in private."
  76. [OOC] Zalgo has gone to Monty Lee's location.
  77. Create Stream Failed error 41
  78. Failed to load sound "common\off4.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  79. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg: 112 I have an 01 and I cant even BM units
  80. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: He can supervise, which means dispatch them somewhere or shit, but not issueing BM's and shit.
  81. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913 radios in "<:: What was more than one."
  82. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: That*
  83. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: I never said I could you fuck heads
  84. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: nah he is 03
  85. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: He better learns how to read a permission list instead of being a cocky albert einstein.
  86. Create Stream Failed error 41
  87. Failed to load sound "common\on2.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  88. Dr. Hanz M. Stienenburg: 112 thinks he is l337
  89. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: I never said you moron lmao.
  90. Create Stream Failed error 41
  91. Failed to load sound "common\off9.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  92. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: it is getting heated
  93. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: I'm done arguing this kid..
  94. MPF.C17-UNION.02.315: just drop it
  95. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: lol no.
  96. Create Stream Failed error 41
  97. Failed to load sound "common\on2.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  98. Create Stream Failed error 41
  99. Failed to load sound "common\off1.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  100. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Yeah, also done with you because I can't last your dumbness any further...
  101. MPF.C17-UNION.04.748: Its hurting my mind.
  102. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: Alright guys, cut the /rad
  103. MPF.C17-JUDGE.03.112: Sure kid sure..
  104. MPF.C17-HELIX.EpU.913: Alright guys, cut the /rad
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