
Brolight Sparkle. Grab-Bag story #1

Feb 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day ‘Broseidon, lord of the brocean’ in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anon, and you’ve been in magical horse land for almost a year now.
  3. >It would have driven you mad if not for your new best bro, Twilight Sparkle.
  4. >When you first arrived, she took you in and got you on your feet. She convinced the town to stop running when they saw you.
  5. >Hell, she even got you a job helping Aloe and Lotus at the spa doing massages.
  6. >Your hands sealed the deal immediately.
  7. >Once word got around about how nice your hands are, the spa had a huge increase in business. That meant a bigger paycheck for you!
  8. >With your new-found dosh, you bought yourself a house by the Everfree forest, where land was cheapest. The p0nies didn’t like living so close to the ‘dangerous’ forest. For you, it was the only reminder of home.
  9. >However, you had another reason for being so close to the Everfree forest.
  10. >You had a crush.
  11. >During your first few days here, you had seen her, and she was unlike any other p0ny in Ponyville.
  12. >Mostly because she was a Zebra. Still... the way she held herself, she just radiated a quiet dignity. A natural, confident grace that you just felt drawn to; when she spoke the way her words weaved through your mind. It was magical, how she rhymed.
  13. >When you first saw her, it was all too brief. She had come simply to gather supplies, before drifting back to her home in the Everfree.
  14. >Asking Twilight, you discovered her name was Zecora and that she lived in the Everfree forest.
  15. >A few times you tried approaching her, but always got too nervous and chickened out.
  16. >Wimp.
  17. >She would see you looking, sometimes, while going about her business.
  18. >You would, of course, try to act nonchalant. She would laugh softly and wave. You just didn’t know how to approach her.
  19. >Which brings you to where you are now: about to ask your bro Twilight if she can help set you up with Zecora.
  20. >You knock on the door and wait, shuffling your feet impatiently.
  21. >Eventually the door opens and you look down to see Spike. The dude’s like a little brother to you. Leaning down, you smile and fist bump.
  22. “Hey Spike! What’s up, man? Is Twilight in?”
  23. >Spike takes his claw, makes a fist, and bumps it against yours, before smiling back at you and stepping aside, letting you in. “Yeah, she’s in the kitchen making tea. I was just on my way to Rarity’s so I can’t stay; can’t keep a lady waiting.”
  24. >Getting up, you nod and walk inside. Spike walks out behind you, closing the door. Once he’s gone, you let out a sigh.
  25. >Kid has more gumption than you.
  26. >Grumbling, you stalk to the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed tea guiding you.
  27. >Sitting right at the table is Twilight, book spread open and a cup of tea floating nearby, her gaze a million miles away, lost in her thoughts during such a peaceful morning.
  28. “Good morning, Twilight!”
  29. >Twilight lets out a yelp and jumps, bringing a foreleg up to her chest. Her cup of tea falls to the floor with an audible crash, shattering from the fall. Slowly, she turns to face you, her breathing a bit erratic and her mane disheveled from the sudden scare.
  30. >She opens her mouth, then closes it, deciding it would be better to just glare at you.
  31. >Grinning, you take the seat across from her, resting your elbows on the table and cradling your head.
  32. “Aww, come on, Twilight. I wish you a good morning and you give me a glare? That’s not very nice.”
  33. >Letting out a sigh, Twilight’s horn lights up once more. The tea and broken shards come off the floor. The tea slips away to the sink while the cup begins to piece itself together in the air.
  34. >”I suppose you’re right. Good morning, Anonymous.”
  35. >You let out a low whistle.
  36. “Full name, huh? I must be in trouble. How about this? Next time I’m at the market I pick you up some lavender tea as an apology.”
  37. >Her lips turn up into a small smile, the now-repaired teacup floating into the sink and she nods.
  38. >“That sounds good to me, though we should go today. That was the last of my tea. Anyways, how are you?”
  39. >Sighing, you lean back and fold your arms over your chest. “I’m good, Twi, but I actually came to ask a favor...”
  40. >Her smile shifts into a smirk. She leans forward and flutters her eyes at you. “Is it about your special somep0ny?”
  41. >You groan and slump forward onto the table.
  42. “It’s embarrassing enough I have to ask for help, Twi.”
  43. >Stifling a giggle, she nods and brings a hoof to her chin, the tip of her tongue peeking out from the corner of her mouth as she’s lost in thought.
  44. >Finally, she brings her hoof down and raps the table. “I’ve got it! You’re too nervous to talk to her right now, but what about if you practiced first?”
  45. >Lifting your head up, you nod and offer Twilight a smile.
  46. “That sounds good, Twi, but... you’re my best friend. I don’t think I can even feel nervous talking to you.”
  47. >Twilight nods and hops out of her chair, walking towards the main room of the library.
  48. >”Just follow me, you’ll see!”
  49. >With a shrug, you stand and follow Twilight, who is already starting to channel magic through her horn. A grin splits her face as waves of light start to encircle her, wrapping her in bright white light
  50. >Unable to look, you close your eyes.
  51. “Twilight! Your magic is too bright, turn it down, sheesh!”
  52. >”It is no longer Twilight you address, but now Zecora. You must impress!”
  53. >Your heart skips a beat and you whip your head towards the voice.
  54. >Where Twilight once stood is instead Zecora, smiling triumphantly.
  55. “Twilight?... Oh, wow! That is sweet! When did you learn how to do that?”
  56. >”The time I found for this simple illusion
  57. >Was in between your every intrusion.
  58. >Now, rhyme with me you must,
  59. >Or this shall be a bust.”
  60. >You sit down across from Twilight-turned-Zecora, folding your legs under you. You never really were good with rhymes, but when in Rome...
  61. “I’ll try my best to rhyme...
  62. or it would waste our time?”
  63. >Twilight raises a hoof, giggles into it, and nods, setting it back down and clearing her throat.
  64. >”You’re doing a very good job,
  65. >You’ll yet make Zecora’s heart throb.”
  66. >Rubbing your hands together, you lean forward. You really do feel more comfortable with the idea of talking to Zecora now.
  67. “With your help, my dear friend Twilight,
  68. at Zecora, I won’t take flight!
  69. My fear, I’ll rise above,
  70. and I won’t spend another night
  71. without telling my love.”
  72. >Twilight nods and raises a hoof up, pointing it towards you.
  73. >“Just do not make Zecora wait,
  74. >if you do, it could be too late!”
  75. >Laughing, you raise your hand and fist-bump Twilight. Your confidence was starting to skyrocket! It was time to try something more romantic.
  76. “I’ll take Zecora to see the sunset orange,
  77. I’ll admit to her my love and show my...”
  78. >Twilight looks at you with a slowly growing look of horror as you search for a word to rhyme. You quickly realize your mistake.
  80. “There’s nothing that rhymes with orange!”
  81. >”I know, Anon! Just be glad you didn’t make that mistake in front of the real Zecora!”
  82. >Nodding, you reach over and hug Twilight, letting out a sigh of relief. She in turn wraps her forelegs over your shoulders and squeezes back. A small gust of wind blows her mane into your face.
  83. “A draft? I thought everything was closed...”
  84. >Scanning the room, you find that all the windows are in fact closed. The draft came from the open doorway. With Zecora standing in it.
  85. “...How much did you hear?”
  86. >Twilight slowly looks over her shoulder at Zecora, as she looks you can feel her whole body tense.
  87. >”Oh, Celestia... Anon... is my illusion still...?”
  88. “Yes.”
  89. >Twilight takes a deep breath and nods quickly. You start to feel something like static race through your body. She’s gathering magic. A lot of it, from how it feels.
  90. >She tries to smile at Zecora, but it’s more of a grimace.
  91. >”Hey Zecora! It’s really nice to see you! Help yourself to any book! Something came up and we have to go right now! Can’t be late, after all!”
  92. >With that ringing in your ears, you feel yourself violently pulled in a burst of magic as you both teleport as far as possible from that situation.
  93. >As you feel your body being forcefully moved through time and space, you decide that you’ll wait a few more weeks before you try to confess to Zecora again.
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