
Devron's Rampage in Yiff Mansion?

Aug 3rd, 2015
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  1. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: -puts a gun to shocky's- DONT TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB!
  2. Lil' ♥ Squishy: You know it's funny you decide to do this while Van is on vacation. An Admin going on a kick/ban rampage. Wasn't the last thing you said to me about you never abusing your power and it's just all in my mind? Of course I talk in group chat, just not when you're around.
  3. Agent Washington: this is what you do
  4. Shocky.j2: I'm kidding Nyarai xD...
  5. ♥Nyarai♥: Wait...
  6. Shocky.j2: Youre looking at someone who fuckin' rocks at Sniper xP
  7. Agent Washington: go to dwey dat dick profile
  8. Ace Guardian: WELLLLLLL
  9. ♥Nyarai♥: Who want on a kick/ban rampage?
  10. Dewey Dat Dick entered chat.
  11. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  12. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  13. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  14. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  15. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  16. Dewey Dat Dick: There are dark times in the ERP Kingdom! Down with the Admins with an Iron Fist!!!
  17. Dewey Dat Dick was banned by Agent Washington.
  18. ♥Nyarai♥: Oh thats the dude.
  19. ♥Nyarai♥: K.
  20. Ace Guardian: Rekt
  21. ✪Dax~✪: rekt
  22. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: there we go
  23. Agent Washington: its fine guys just chill
  24. Ace Guardian: XD
  25. ♥Nyarai♥: Who went on a kick/ban rampage? o.o
  26. Agent Washington: im now gonna see whos a friend in the group of dewey and ban them
  27. Shocky.j2: Nyarai...-Points to Devron- .3.;
  28. ♥Nyarai♥: Why?
  29. Shocky.j2: -Shrugs- I have very little idea of this entire situation in a whole.
  30. Catø the Synx: You're banning them for being in another group?
  31. Kogasa Tatara | ㊙: Uhhh....
  32. Agent Washington: private profile
  33. ♥Nyarai♥: Hue.
  34. Ace Guardian: Yeah
  35. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Oh and squishy, remember you got a kick warning first of all over something you caused, 2nd I've already talked to vanquish about this before he was leaving 3 days before hand, and 3rd of all tf2 is one of the games i'll have a good server for hopefully
  36. ♥Nyarai♥: Why'd you kick people Devron?
  37. Catø the Synx: Because viva la revolution
  38. ♥Nyarai♥: No seriously, why? o.o
  39. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: im kicking those that come in stay silent and don't- basically what cato said
  40. Ace Guardian: .3.
  41. Catø the Synx: This is not a revolution though
  42. Kogasa Tatara | ㊙: Well, I just have trouble finding somewhere I could interject
  43. ♥Nyarai♥: I've been a part of internet communities for going on 16 years....And that right there was about the dumbest excuse I've heard in several years.
  44. ♥Nyarai♥: People don't talk, but some people do, and you're kicking them for being quiet?
  45. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Not even that nyarai
  46. Ace Guardian: Oh my god X3
  47. Catø the Synx: Exactly
  48. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: It's actually a waste of group space
  49. Shocky.j2: -Noms on some more popcorn as I watch shit go down-
  50. Catø the Synx: Is there a group space limit?
  51. Ace Guardian: Hes fuckin spamming the comments again
  52. Agent Washington: no
  53. ✪Dax~✪: -Stays silent next to Shocky, watching.-
  54. Laski left chat.
  55. Agent Washington: i removed all the comments ace
  56. ♥Nyarai♥: *Pats Devron* Honey....The official Steam group has over one million people in it...
  57. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: And?
  58. Ace Guardian: XD
  59. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm pretty sure you won't run out of group space.
  60. Agent Washington: Also diiine it is pretty stupid to kick for being quiet
  61. ♥Nyarai♥: :)
  62. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Its not about space
  63. Agent Washington: gotta admit
  64. ♥Nyarai♥: ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: It's actually a waste of group space
  65. ♥Nyarai♥: Wut?
  66. Shocky.j2: Devron...I'm fairly certain that having a big of a larger community, having some AFK or not...isnt really a bad thing...
  67. Catø the Synx: Its also pretty stupid to kick people for not rping :/
  68. Lil' ♥ Squishy: Exactly, I've only communicated when Devron isn't in the room. Heck I've spoken to most people here through PMs when he is on. Groups have no space limit.
  69. Shocky.j2: What would you have, a group that has people seeing "Oh, a large community. I'm sure I can have fun here!
  70. ♥Nyarai♥: ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Its not about space
  71. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: It's actually a waste of group space
  72. Ace Guardian: *Lays back* Hmhmhmh
  73. Shocky.j2: Or, would you rather see a small, active community with no new membres?
  74. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: I see that every day shocky
  75. Shocky.j2: Cause I've been in small communities.
  76. Shocky.j2: That shit gets old.
  77. Shocky.j2: My name is for a community in fact. .j2.
  78. ♥Nyarai♥: I've been a member of this group for over 6 months now...This is the 3rd time in those 3 months that I actually talk while being here.
  79. ♥Nyarai♥: Kick me.
  80. ♥Nyarai♥: If the people you kicked deserve it.
  81. ♥Nyarai♥: Then me too please.
  82. ♥Nyarai♥: I broke your rule.
  83. ♥Nyarai♥: Now plz.
  84. Catø the Synx: How about not turning this into a dictatorship?
  85. ♥Nyarai♥: *6 months
  86. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Nyarai, you came in, you rped, and i've seen you atleast 3 times today being the 3rd
  87. Ace Guardian: ....*Sigh* Mehmehmeh
  88. ♥Nyarai♥: .....3 times today?
  89. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: No
  90. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: not today cause you leaving today then coming back in made it 4 XD
  91. ♥Nyarai♥: I've not been talking in this group for months.
  92. Shocky.j2: Commas are very helpful.
  93. ♥Nyarai♥: Lol.
  94. Ace Guardian: I fucking love commas
  95. ✪Dax~✪: Oh, so now the people have to be in here while you are in here for it to be valid? .w. I was in here yesterday, and I was rping too.
  96. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: I said you came in dax so dont complain
  97. Ace Guardian: I remember you dax
  98. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: i just said you come in rarely
  99. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: just like she nyarai
  100. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: But the whole coming into the group rping rampage is over cause I got that problem solved already
  101. Ace Guardian: *Yawn* Well, Imma go listen to music till this blows over
  102. ♥Nyarai♥: To sweep all the bullshit under the rug, Devron...You're in over your head, and only a child continues on making a fool of themselves after being called out on a bad decission. I suggest growing a spine, manning up a bit, admitting you made a bad call, and to refrain from doing it again.
  103. Kogasa Tatara | ㊙: I am like that too, but it's because most of the times it's dead.
  104. ♥Nyarai♥: As a leader, people don't serve you, you serve them...Leaders who get that mixed up end up making North Korea or Nazi Germany
  105. Ace Guardian: Well, Ill be back
  106. ✪Dax~✪: I don't understand why people can't have the choice to come in when they want to come in, wether that be every day, or very rarely.
  107. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Nyarai, there is no such thing as a leader :l never believed in that bullshit
  108. Shocky.j2: I'm begind Nyarai on this one, the whole logic begind your idea Devron is pretty moronic at best.
  109. ♥Nyarai♥: What logic?
  110. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Leader logic
  111. Catø the Synx: Or Castro
  112. ♥Nyarai♥: ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Nyarai, there is no such thing as a leader
  113. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Leader logic
  114. Shocky.j2: "Leader logic"
  115. Shocky.j2: -Chews on some more popcorn, murring faintly as my tail swishes back and forth rythmicly-
  116. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Yeah "Leader Logic" the logic behind being a leader
  117. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: there is no leader cause no one can control another
  118. Agent Washington: whut
  119. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: something I already know but I can convince some people to do something
  120. ♥Nyarai♥: This isn't my fight, to be honest. I couldn't truly care less if you kick me out or not. There are hundreds of other groups I can go to, including my own 3 groups that I'm the only leader of, and go start events there if I really want to...But still, when I see someone acting like a power tripping fool with no foundation for their outrageous actions and similarly outrageous, corresponding excuses?
  121. ♥Nyarai♥: I speak up.
  122. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: There's no need to kick you
  123. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: you're stating your mind like everyone else
  124. ♥Nyarai♥: Really?
  125. ♥Nyarai♥: According to this I should be kicked for inactivity.
  126. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: i was talkin about earlier when you're just here day in and day out and just stay there
  127. Shocky.j2: I was about to say, wouldnt that sort of be going back on what youre whole reasoning behind kicking was in the first place?
  128. ♥Nyarai♥: So if you want to live up to your own demands? If you want to abide by the regulations you set?
  129. ♥Nyarai♥: Kick me now.
  130. ♥Nyarai♥: Or lose face, and admit to EVERYONE that you're full of shit.
  131. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Okay before I even kick you answer these questions
  132. ♥Nyarai♥: Those are the two options you got now.
  133. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Were you not in here today?
  134. ♥Nyarai♥: To RP, yes.
  135. Shocky.j2: -Offers the tub of popcorn down to Dax- Want some?
  136. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Then you answered 2 questions in one
  137. Catø the Synx: That was actually one
  138. ♥Nyarai♥: But before then I was silent for 4 months.
  139. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: You were here, not just pop in and sitting there like a ghost
  140. ♥Nyarai♥: I did 4 months ago.
  141. ♥Nyarai♥: And multiple times since.
  142. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: that wasn't my main concern ny
  143. ♥Nyarai♥: You just werent here.
  144. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Yeah of course I wasnt, so you're actually argueing over the wrong point
  145. ♥Nyarai♥: Whenever an event popped up I'd join, but not actually talk. I just got this fursona done so I was eager to try her out.
  146. Shocky.j2: Devron, that SHOULD be your main concern. If youre worried abuot inactive members and ghosters, worry about the group in a whole and not just a damn chat you so happen to be in at the current moment.
  147. Lil' ♥ Squishy: I am sure even in the most popular groups their are those who come in and stick to PMs. It is what they are use to and use it as a way of speaking to people. Not everyone is into the whole group chat thing.
  148. ✪Dax~✪: -Takes some popcorn- Thanks :D!
  149. Catø the Synx:
  150. ♥Nyarai♥: Meh, I'm done trying to punch a point through a dense skull hellbent on supporting its own delusional ideals of right and wrong. Gonna go talk to other administrators and see what they think.
  151. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Oh also if I was to state my point, why isn't I haven't muted the chat by not and told you what I said is final? think on that.
  152. Shocky.j2: I'm litterally like that right now Cato.
  153. Shocky.j2: Because that would make you look like a complete asshole?
  154. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Next to that it also would give a group bad rep
  155. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Its like we're in a tf2 group and I just do that and say
  156. Shocky.j2: Thats kind of the same thing.
  157. ♥Nyarai♥: Because you'd cement your standing as an unreasonable tyrant and people would either demand you be removed as admin, or kicked outright?
  158. Agent Washington: The group already has bad rep
  159. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: "All scouts MUST use FoN"
  160. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: No the group doesn't have bad rep yet wash
  161. Agent Washington: "yet"
  162. ¬° Devron Rosetachi {Zero G.X}: Yeah yet I can't control the rep rate nor do i try to do it
  163. Catø the Synx: You know how to get bad rep? Being an asshole and kicking people for not joining the chat :T
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