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Harbinger go home

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Oct 15th, 2013
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  1. Please keep in mind this is a unfinished story. If I wanted to finish it, I would have to spit on my sleeve and rub the shit around.
  3. They take your mind in the night, while you are sleeping. You go from dreaming about TPS reports and bob from accounting (with tentacles on OF COURSE, these are dreams we're talking about) to dreaming about ponies. By the time you wake up, it's much, MUCH too late.
  5. You find yourself in a choking blackness. A swallowing, gaping darkness with no end in sight. A great and terrible fear grips your very soul. And then from the darkness, a single spark appears. A glimmering light in the darkness, a hope for redemption? As you watch this glimmer, this spark, this star you notice, it isn't a single, isolated point. It is a great many points. A stellar cloud approaching you. Approaching fast. Too fast. Way too goddamn fast.
  7. Before your instincts, before your reaction time you are surrounded. A great mass of flesh and fur and hooves surrounds you. Loves you. And in its love it crushes you. Wants you. Needs and kneads and crushes you. You cry out with the last breath in your lungs as the great herd rends and grinds and mutilates you. You feel your limbs twist and break then reform into new shapes. You feel fear as your very humanity is bled out of you, before even that is taken from you. Your mind is shattered, as if by a great weight being dropped upon it.
  9. Then that, too is reformed and molded into a shape fitting the needs of that great stellar herd.
  11. You stand up on your new quad of legs and stare at the faces around you, your new instincts supplying feelings of love, of belonging, of intimacy. But your mind still remains and feels fear. You look at the smattering of faces all different, all alike, all staring at you and smiling. You feel sorrow and loss for your family, friends and loved ones, but that you, that you that is not-you supplies a answer to that riddle.
  13. You need not worry. We are your friends now. We are your family now. We love you and you love us. And you will never be alone again.
  15. And as the not-you supplies this information the herd closes in and you feel the breath of a thousand lungs upon you, the warmth of a thousand bodies flow through you and the strength of two million limbs squeezes you. And your fear, your doubt and yourself die all at the same time.
  17. You wake up in a cold sweat. All but a dream. But you know, in a place you were certain wasn't there before, that it wasn't a dream. It was something else entirely. Not reality and not a truth, but not a falsehood as well. You turn your gaze and your tired eyes supply a new fact, solid as steel to your mind. You just woke up at 3 AM from a nightmare. About ponies.
  19. As you try to reason with the strange story your mind has fabricated for you, you turn on your light and stare at the quintessential mess that is any room that has housed a male human teenager for more than 12 seconds. You grab your shitty little netbook off of your shitty little particle board bedside table and put it on your shitty little portable desk. As you hit the power button you wonder, how many times will you promise to yourself that you'll clean up the place before you actually get around to it.
  21. Before you can actually supply an answer to that question which has plagued both philosophers and mothers for ages, your POS'es screen gets past the BIOS without a BSOD and asks that you LOG in.
  23. You punch in your password and are rewarded with your scantly cluttered desktop, covered in more icons that I have space to describe here (without a footnote that goes sideways across multiple pages and states just
  24. about nearly every program to grace the home computer).
  26. You boot up your instant messenger of choice and inform your best buddy in the whole wide world that he still owes you 50 goddamn dollars. This is because he made a bet that, pretty much, in the end, he would pay you said 50 dollars for hugging a pony. This is because said friend occasionally has a minor streak of fiendishness and felt that he needed to supply the entire difference of data between last year and this year in pictures of you hugging a pony at the local fair's petting zoo. And so you thought, "sure, I can do this, it's a quick squeeze and then I'm a whole 50 dollars closer to making a rent payment on time."
  28. And now there's a picture of you hugging a pony on meme-base, said 50 dollars has failed to appear and people greet you on the street by the name "[insert later]". And to take a turn for the surreal, the worst part is your dreams have taken a turn for the drug addled. The funny thing is you are a complete and total teetotaler. Sure you smoked (tobacco only) back when you were 16 whenever you could bum a cigarette off your friends but when you came of age, you dropped that habit. So what you're left with are screwed up dreams and not much to pin it on. Well others might say that the stress of becoming pseudo-famous for an embarrassing reason may cause stress and therefore the interesting dreams, but that tends to fall flat given that you honestly don't give a flying fuck.
  29. So once the requisite message is sent you turn your attention to your usual habit of internet use and begin checking your sites like an elderly woman watching her soap operas. This chews up time, and soon your alarm goes off, informing you that you it isn't the crack of dawn anymore.
  31. Following Hooves. A dark alleyway. You. You can feel something, something that you have felt before in a place that surely couldn't be real. Hot breath. Bodily warmth. Constriction. You try to open your mouth, to cry out, but its already too late. Too late for quite some time really. Your body spasms, twists, breaks. Pain, exquisite, sharp, prolonged. A non-kinetic pressure, wrong but friendly and loving. It wants you. It needs you. You wake up.
  32. You really need to sleep more if you're passing out like that. You rub your eyes and sigh. You get out of bed and take your self-prescribed medication of 240 mg caffeine and other similar chemicals as supplied by 16 Fl/OZ of energy drink. You then make the wise decision that, since you are up, now would be an excellent time to vacate your bowels, rid your body of dirt or stain via a brief, heavy and artificial rain, and sever your facial hairs close to their roots. Or in layman's terms, shit, shower and shave.
  33. Daily habits completed (aside from touching lightly upon your teeth with a small, coarse brush fabricated from plastic handle and nylon bristles) you realize that it is the weekend and breathe a sigh of relief that you don't need to go into work as a shambling wreck with nightmares about small horses. You rub your temples as you sit back to your computer. As you glance at your screen you notice that your ol' buddy has sent you a reply to your message.
  35. Champ Thunderdick: Dude whatevs, that was a LOOOONG ass time ago
  36. Champ Thunderdick: just let it go
  37. Champ Thunderdick: BTW, party of 2 at my place?
  38. Champ Thunderdick: ?
  39. Champ Thunderdick:???
  40. Champ Thunderdick:??????????????
  42. As expected, the son of a mother expects you to respond back instantly, and has a patience shorter than the width of a hair. You respond that, yes you would like to go over to his house and "party", knowing full well that all you are going to to is use his WIFI, shoot the wind and talk crap about that newest thing on the internet that has attracted his nigh-constant odium.
  43. And so, with the knowledge that once there you can use his internet (which is much faster net than you get here, which you are certain relies on thin-net cables bought bulk from a warehouse back when computers still used punch cards) You pack up your conveniently portable computer and get on your bike because Jesus Christ, have you seen the price of gas these days?
  44. During the ride, like prodding a tooth damaged by injury or rot, you feel around you mind for that part, that impossible part that could feel the many and communicate with your very essence. But of course by the time you've arrived at your destination, you've only confirmed what can only logically be true. You aren't a psychic, there is no equine hive mind and dreams are dreams, nothing more, nothing less. But no matter how you try you can't extinguish that nagging feeling that logic has no say on these matters.
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