
RGRE: Anon goes to a bar

Dec 14th, 2015
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  1. [Anon]
  2. >You've managed to survive your first day in magical horse land now, so you've earned yourself a drink.
  3. >You were given a good sum of money earlier that day.
  4. >"In case you need to relax with a shopping spree", you were told.
  5. >Guess girls were the same in both worlds. Shame they don't realise that kind of thing's not relaxing or enjoyable for guys.
  6. >You decided to spend it more wisely; for example, sampling the local cuisine.
  7. >They have flowers in the sandwiches and hay in the chips.
  8. >You hoped they didn't have grass in the alcohol too.
  9. >You walk into a decent-looking bar and order a drink.
  10. >The mare working there asked if you were sure you wanted a cider, which you confirmed.
  11. >Maybe she was worried another species' anatomy would react badly to it.
  12. >Since it was the drink of little ponies, you thought it was going to be weak.
  13. >Taking a light sip, you realise it was about the same as the stuff you're used to, if a bit tastier.
  14. >So you glug back a good amount of it, taking about half down your gullet before putting the glass down.
  15. >It had been a while since you had a good drink like this so you finish it off soon enough.
  16. >You order a second one which you're given, after getting the barpony to snap out of whatever trace she was in.
  17. >She must have been raptured in watching another being drinking alcohol.
  18. >Drinking your next cider a bit more slowly, you decide to take a look around the place.
  19. >Pretty typical bar, but more girl ponies than you might think so it must be a ladies night.
  20. >After some time of drinking your cider while mulling over things, you feel something tap your side and you turn to see who's wanting to grab your attention.
  21. >It was a pony you didn't recognise; but seeing as you'd only met a handful, that just meant it was almost any pony in the world.
  22. >"Hey there."
  23. "Hey."
  24. >"You're our new guest, right?"
  25. "Yeah."
  26. >"Cool. So, uh... how are you finding the place?"
  27. >The two of you chatted for a bit as you drank your respective drinks.
  28. >Until now you hadn't been able to really chat with a pony.
  29. >Sure, you talked to some; but that was about either explaining where you were and what was going on, or ordering stuff from them.
  30. >It was nice just chatting with one of these intelligent pony alien things.
  31. >The "mare", as she said the right term was, mostly asked about yourself.
  32. >Not surprising, considering you were basically an alien.
  33. >Eventually you finished your drink and were about to order another.
  34. >But you're stopped when she puts her hoof on your hand.
  35. >"Hey, let me take care of that. Cute boy like you shouldn't pay for your own drink."
  36. >You turn back to her in mild surprise.
  37. >Her tone and the her lidded eyes...
  38. >Was she hitting on you?
  39. >This GIRL was hitting on you? AND buying you a drink?
  40. >That's something that never happened before!
  41. >The fact that someone else gave you this money to do with whatever you wanted and could easily pay for it was absent from your mind as you considered what was going on.
  42. >Could you do this? Like, be with a pony? It's a pony!
  43. >But... it IS an alien pony...
  44. >It's a sapient organism, with it's own conscience and mind; it thinks, it talks, it makes its own decisions...
  45. >And it's a girl.
  46. >Time to summon your inner Captain Kirk.
  47. >You did plan on sampling the local cuisine, after all.
  48. >Your return to the world made you realise that you were staring at her in silence for a few moments.
  49. >Fuck, better recover from that.
  50. >You start to answer...
  52. [Stallion]
  53. >I couldn't believe my eyes.
  54. >I was sat there, in that bar I had decided I'd start going to, having a light drink...
  55. >But make no mistake: I was no floozy! I didn't go there to be picked up by some mare like some sort of object.
  56. >I had decided that it was high time for the mares of these places be put in their place!
  57. >I would train myself and my liver, having light drinks like this one and gradually working my way up until I could "drink somepony under the table", as the saying was.
  58. >I would become so good that I would beat any mare to a drinking contest.
  59. >Then, if any of them hit on me, I'd say that I would only go with them if they could win in a drinking contest against me.
  60. >And when I beat them, as I knew I would, I would stand victorious and they would be humbled and knocked down a peg.
  61. >That would teach them, trying to buy me a drink and get me intoxicated!
  62. >But enough about another one of my brilliant plans to enact revenge on marekind, I just saw another atrocious act being committed by a mare!
  63. >I heard rumours that an alien had appeared in Ponyville-
  64. >Oh no, not alien! A "non-Equestrian citizen"!
  65. >I didn't have anything against them, after all. I was very tolerant towards other cultures.
  66. >I would be especially tolerant towards this one, as the rumours said he was a stallion!
  67. >Or at least a male of his species, whatever the word for that was. I would be sure to learn it as not to offend him.
  68. >The poor thing, suddenly torn from his own lands and trapped in this mare's world against his will!
  69. >I wanted to find him so that I could give him some much-needed emotional support, but I never did find him.
  70. >Maybe he was avoiding a filthy stalker, or trying to find somewhere that could accept him for who he was.
  71. >The poor, poor thing. I wanted so much to find him so he could let it all out in private safety with me.
  72. >Even though stallions can easily be as tough (and much tougher) than mares, it's good for stallions to let go of their pent up emotions like that.
  73. >...uhhh...
  74. >Oh, right! The thing that I saw!
  75. >As I said, I was training myself up in a bar so that I could strike another blow for stallions everywhere, when I saw this vile act!
  76. >Everything started just fine: That newcomer walked in and ordered a drink.
  77. >When the barmare hesitated to bring him what he wanted I almost charged straight in, but he seemed to handle it fine.
  78. >Maybe he saw me on his way in and it boosted his confidence, knowing that one of his fellowkind was there.
  79. >He took an impressive drink of cider almost as soon as it came to him.
  80. >No doubt he was also training himself to beat mares in drinking contests. Great minds really do think alike.
  81. >Maybe we could do that, together, after we became friends.
  82. >We would laugh and mock our fallen foes, as we further fight for social justice!
  83. >My watching him was interrupted by a mare sliding in next to me.
  84. >Of course it was a mare; no stallion would be so rude as to interrupt someone's thinking
  85. >"Hey. Uh, What do you think of that alien over there?"
  86. >Oh. My. Sun.
  87. >Did... did she just call him an "alien"?!
  88. >That is SO xenophobic!
  89. >She continues, completely unaware of her problematic behaviour!
  90. >"You'd think a new guy to our world would see the sights instead of coming here and drinking, wouldn't you?"
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