

Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. Chronicles of the Gods
  2. Act 1 - Chapter 7
  3. Inside of the Stratos Space Station
  6. Rei and Yūki stare down Nindo's heinous purple eyes, as he gazes intensely upon them with a wicked grin upon his face. He gently caresses the small leather book in his hands as he bursts out into laughter, unable to contain his excitement.
  8. "This day just keeps getting better and better for me by the minute!" Nindo shouts in elation. "How fucking stupid do you motherfuckers have to be to press the goddamn homecoming app on the car?"
  10. "Just what the Hell is with you?" Yūki barks in an uneasy tone. "What do you want with us so badly?"
  12. Nindo runs a finger through his hair as his smile begins to fade away some. "I want to kill you fuckers, of course. I can't accept that you've embarrassed me not once, but TWICE today. I told you this shit wasn't over and when I say something I fucking mean it."
  14. Rei gets a puzzled and slightly angered look upon his face.
  15. "Goodness, you're still salty about this? Just let it go already. The past is the past, just let us go home already, dammit."
  17. "You just had to mess with these clowns, didn't you? I told you to keep your nose to yourself! Why can't you ever behave yourself, dammit?" Yūki snaps at Rei with her fists clenched, her palms beginning to shine faintly. "I can't believe you got me into this shit. What're we supposed to do now, huh?"
  19. "Gimme a fucking break, alright?" He shouts back "I was helping a guy out and trying to get us some food. We haven't eaten in days what else was I supposed to do??"
  21. Nindo begins erupting in laughter, interrupting Rei and Yūki's feud. He wipes a tear from his eye as he begins to bring himself under control.
  22. "You two fuckers are just priceless. I almost feel bad for having to ice your ass." He says still barely containing his excitement and laughter. "I hate to interrupt your little lover's quarrel, but you still have me to deal with and I plan to see this through to the end. You motherfuckers is dying here today and there's no worming out of that shit this time."
  24. Rei and Yūki turn to face Nindo once again. Yūki's face turns to that of worry, while Rei's fills with rage as he passionately glares at Nindo, still sitting atop the parked limousine.
  26. "You wish, pal." Rei retorts in a powerful and furious tone. "You couldn't even touch me without your two super friends. Just what the Hell do you think you're going to do by your damn self to stop BOTH of us from bailing out of this dump?"
  28. "It's like you said earlier, asshole. That was the past, and this is now. And I can promise your ass this shit won't be the same as last time." Nindo chuckles as he stands from the limo, sprawling his arms open, inviting Rei to challenge him. You had the jump on me before, but your ass won't be walking all over me this time, motherfucker. You and your little glow in the dark whore are mine."
  30. Rei slowly begins pacing towards Nindo with unyeilding rage in every step, his fists tightly clenched and fire in his eyes. Yūki grabs his arm attempting to stop him, her efforts are futile.
  32. "Oh, you're really doing this?" Nindo says with excitement and a bit of shock.
  34. "Rei just stop already! We can figure this out another way dammit!" Yūki shouts with concern and worry in her voice.
  36. "I've had enough of you. I'm putting a rest to this shit already" Rei exclaims as he draws closer and closer to Nindo.
  38. "Well, c'mon then asshole. Do your worst." Nindo goads.
  40. Rei reaches Nindo, brimming with rage. In one swift and sudden move, Rei raises his arm and slams his fist into Nindo's jaw with all of his might. Nindo is slightly staggered by the extremely heavy blow, but his body stands firm. Rei is shocked by Nindo's resiliance as he grinds his fist deeper into Nindo's cheek, a face of slight pain and fear creeps onto his face. Nindo gets a slight smile across his wicked face as a small trace of blood dribbles from the corner of his mouth.
  42. "That all you've got, asshole?" Nindo chuckles "I remember you hitting a fuckton harder before"
  44. Rei recoils his fist and takes a few steps back, striking his signature boxing stance as Nindo wipes the blood from his mouth onto his jacket sleeve and stands upright.
  46. "What the Hell? Just what type of trick is this?" Rei exclaims in confusion.
  48. Nindo opens the small leather book to the center and flips through a few pages. He peeks up at Rei, his eyes beaming with confidence.
  49. "Trick? There's no tricks you piece of shit. This is my revolution and your funeral. It's MY turn now"
  51. "As if I'm going to fight fair with a snake like you!" Rei shouts as he charges at Nindo, fists clenched tightly. A heinous smile creeps onto Nindo's face as the book begins to emit the eerie blue light and illuminates the entire hanger and begins pooling in a large circle directly behind Nindo. As Rei begins to strike at Nindo, a hidious, humanoid beast with crimson and black fur erupts from the blue light behind Nindo and he is then intercepts Rei with a massive red fist the size of his entire body. With little time to react, Rei throws himself to the ground, barely avoiding the beast, scrambling to safety as the beast begins pounding its fists against the ground in pursuit.
  53. "What the fuck is that thing!?" Rei shouts in horror as he gets to his feet and begins running from the beast.
  55. Yūki follows Rei, screaming in terror with tears in her eyes as the beast pursues them. Nindo laughs histerically as he enjoys the sounds of their panic and watches the beast chase down the couple. Rei and Yūki continue to run from the beast and take refuge behind a few parked car and docked space ships. The beast thrashes vigorously, overturning cars and heavily damaging the ships throughout the hanger.
  57. "You motherfuckers sure turned a different tune now!", Nindo shouted, " What the fuck are you gunna do now, huh!? I told you this shit wouldn't be the same as before!"
  59. "What the fuck is that thing!?", Rei shouts in horror.
  61. "Just fucking run!", Yūki exclaims in retort.
  63. The couple continues to run and dodge the beast, ducking behind the overturned cars and avoiding its cumsy blows as Nindo continues to laugh with bliss. Rei spots his kodachi on the ground flung from their car and begins to run for it. As the beast pursues Rei, he reaches and retrieves the blade and takes a very rigid stance against the monster. As the monster swings its mighty fist, Rei is able to dodge the blow and deliver a vicious slash with the blade to the monster's arm, deeply tearing its flesh and spilling its warm blood all over the floor. Rei's excitement turns quickly into despair as the blow doesn't fase the beast at all. Unable to react fast enough, Rei is immediately slammed with a powerful punch from the beast, sending his body hurdling across the hanger and crashing onto the floor, his bones shattered and previous injuries blown open anew from the shock of the impact. He screams loudly in agony, which sends dread throughout Yūki's body as she watches in terror. Nindo continues to laugh as he ejoys the couple's anguish.
  65. Rei's burned and battered and heavily fractured arms struggle to clench his chest, erupting in agony. He feels his ribs swimming throughout his torso, free of any structure and prodding his lungs with every twitch and movement. He struggles to reorient himself as he sees the beast drawing nearer. His vision begins to blurr and the sound of Nindo's laughter begins to muffle as his ears begin ringing loudly, his concience slowly slipping away from him.
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