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Oct 1st, 2012
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  1. Tonight, as I was assembling the Pastebin file for consumption, I took a step back and realized something: We've got two or three different systems mish-mashed together and all of the independent parts seem to work properly, but the core itself is all kinds of fucked. I'm in the process of rebuilding the core of the system making it a much more fluid thing, so far, it is looking like the bastard child of GURPS and FATE, taking FATE's narrative aspects (Literally the Aspects and the idea of a narrative ladder) while un-specifying GURPS.
  3. The new mechanic revolves around generating Spin with a 3d6 roll, aiming to roll under the Target Number of your skill rating is. Skills are essentially half of your stat + what ever skill points you've placed into it. Stats boil down to Body (which includes your strength and stamina), Finesse (Your reflexes and fine motor control), Brains (How smart you are), and Willpower (Which is how strong your sense of self is and your stick-to-it-iveness). I'm debating on adding a fifth stat, Title, and simply boil down Mythos Abilities as Mythos Skill rolls (Do the Windy Thing being a possible Mythos Skill.). Each stat would be around 10 for a human teen average, 14 being more on par for adults.
  5. Generating Spin is done by meeting or beating the TN for your roll and figuring how much you've beaten it by:
  6. - Beating the TN by 0-2 nets you no Spin, just basic success.
  7. - Beating the TN by 3-5 gets 1 Spin
  8. - Beating the TN by 6-8 gains 2 Spin
  9. - Beating the TN by 9-10 gains 3 Spin
  10. - Beating the TN by 11 or more adds up to 4 Spin
  12. Spin can be spent numerically to do something better than someone (with tied Spin spent going to the defender on a roll) or quicker (Reducing the time spent on an extended action); or Spin can be spent narratively, adding a sort of 'and' to your action (Spend 1 Spin and the result goes from "You succeed" to "You succeed and get this cool thing." adding one and per Spin spent). Durations can be figured out by adding 1 to the amount of Spin generated from a Mythos Skill roll.
  14. Skills themselves are handled relatively free-form, each with a rating from 0 to 15-ish. You name it, say what it does, and then call it either a Hard skill, Tough skill, or an Easy skill. Hard skills are very specialist in terms of training, like performing brain surgery and you can't roll it untrained without making things worse (Called defaulting). Tough skills require some specialist knowledge that anyone with the internet or a book and some free time can pick up and default to half a Stat - 3 and can't be attempted if the TN is lower than 3. Easy skills are intuitive and innate, much like walking, running, or driving from point A to point B with no traffic or obstacles. Easy Skills default to just half your Stat. Expect a list of common skills to give you ideas. If a skill requires equipment (like Computer Hacking requiring a Computer), you can't do it if you (or someone you are instructing) lack a computer. What's the matter? Not prepared enough to have 5 computers on you at any one time?
  16. One still has something that won't be called Aspects, but essentially are the same thing. You define three qualities about your character that might be good things, but bad things can have benefits too. If your Aspect comes into play and affects you, you gain a +2 to the skill roll if it's good, or a -2 if it's bad.
  18. From there, one can easily hammer out the idea of Mythos Skills, revamping the Fraymotifs, and then we can sound the horn to herald the call of the Vast Fluffing. Alchemizing would stay the same, really.
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