
Pinkie Pet (unfinished)

Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. So I'm going to do the same thing that I did with Pinkie Gak and put the unfinished version of this up just so that you can see what I've been working on.
  3. >”Wakey wakey! Rise and shine!”
  4. >Day pain in the ass in Equestria.
  5. >You grumble and turn over in bed to meet your animated alarm clock.
  6. >It’s been a week since your odd experience with Pinkie Pie in which she turned herself into gak.
  7. >After Fluttershy reamed your ass raw with Dildo Pie, she left her as a souvenir, just in case you decided it was your fetish after all.
  8. >So now you have a tiny talking Pinkie on your bedside table, who you just don’t have the heart to either throw away or use.
  9. >”Come on, lazybones! It’s time to get up!”
  10. >Her light and bouncy tone sounds just like the real deal, and your mind drifts back to that fetish attempt that day.
  11. >All that crazy stuff that Pinkie did...
  12. >It really got you going.
  13. >You guess that she did guess your fetish after all, even if you didn’t know it was one at the time.
  14. >”Looks like someone’s perky today at least!”
  15. >Dildo Pie is eyeing your morning wood.
  16. >She licks her plastic lips.
  17. ”Oh, shush. You know I wake up with these every day by now.”
  18. >”Are you sure you’re not just thinking about our fantastic time together?”
  19. “With you, Fluttershy or Pinkie?”
  20. >”I think he knows the answer to that one.” She answers, staring at your erection.
  21. >You shoot an accusatory glance at your boner.
  22. >It ignores you.
  23. >Just thinking about Pinkie gets you hot and bothered.
  24. >You’re going to need to rub one out in the shower at this rate...
  25. >You clamber out of bed and make your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
  26. >You idly wonder whether Pinkie is going to try another fetish attempt soon...
  27. >You’d like to tell her that she guessed right.
  28. >Well, not exactly LIKE to tell her.
  29. >Just inform her that she was correct and can stop guessing.
  30. >I-it’s not like you like these fetish attempts o-or anything!
  31. >BAKA!
  32. >Your morning routine continues as usual with you bringing Dildo Pie to the breakfast table for conversation.
  33. >She gets lonely if you leave her upstairs.
  34. >”So how come you haven’t used me yet?”
  35. >You spit out most of your Cheerilee-os that you had once upon a time intended to eat.
  36. “W-what?!”
  37. >”W-well I’m a dildo... How come you haven’t used me?”
  38. “Is this the right time or place?”
  39. >Dildo Pie gets a hurt look on her pink, plastic face.
  40. >”Well I never get to talk to you otherwise...”
  41. >You set down your spoon and put your serious business face on.
  42. “Look, Dild-“
  43. >”Call me Dilly.”
  44. “Dilly. I’ve only just mastered the art of sitting down again without wincing in pain. I’m sure you’re a perfectly nice dildo, but I’ve not had that kind of business on my mind at all. I’ve been trying to find a comfortable position without getting butthurt constantly!”
  45. >”B-but you’ll consider it, right?”
  46. >Dildo Pie was apparently made with Pinkie’s never-fails-always-guaranteed-to-work blubbering puppy-dog eyes.
  47. >You look at those watery blue orbs.
  48. >They look ready to leak fat plastic tears at the drop of a hat.
  49. >Even if she’s not the real Pinkie, you can’t stand to see a grown dildo cry.
  50. >You’d better plan your words carefully.
  51. >You take a deep breath, and you’re about to speak when you’re saved by a knock at the door.
  52. “I’d better go and answer that.”
  53. >”We’ll talk about this later!”
  54. “No, we won’t.”
  55. >You thank Celestia for her divine interception as you stride eagerly over to the door.
  56. >You open it to find...
  57. >A Pinkie Pie!
  58. >She’s sitting on her haunches on your doorstep, wearing a collar and holding a leash in her mouth.
  59. >She smiles brightly up at you from the cardboard box around her.
  60. >Even though she hasn’t said a word, her infectious mirth causes you to smile back at her with more warmth than you intended.
  61. “M-morning Pinkie!”
  62. >Why are you getting flustered all of a sudden?
  63. >Oh yeah, this pony fucked you six ways from Sunday.
  64. >But you’re genuinely happy to see her...
  65. >”Boof boof!”
  66. >Pinkie drops the leash and points to one flap of her cardboard box with her snout.
  67. >Scrawled on the box in black marker pen is:
  68. >”Free 2 a gud homme.”
  69. >What, she’s up for adoption?
  70. >You weren’t planning on getting a new roommate today...
  71. >”No, silly! If I know me, and I do, she’s your new pet! Check the collar!” Dildo Pie cries from the kitchen.
  72. >You kneel down on your doorstep and reach for the collar around Pinkie’s neck.
  73. >A blue balloon tag hangs from the red collar.
  74. >It has PP engraved on one side.
  75. >You flip it over.
  76. “Property of Anon Y Mous. Please return if found.”
  77. >You stand up and take the situation in.
  78. >Well, you guess it’s official.
  79. >This is your Pinkie Pet!
  80. >Wait, Pinkie Pet?
  81. “Hold on, Ponko. This isn’t one of your fetish guesses, is it?”
  82. >Your Pinkie Pet nods vigorously, making her collar jangle.
  83. >”Oh, now it makes sense! This is a pet play fetish!” Dildo Pie remarks.
  84. >For a lump of plastic she’s actually quite insightful.
  85. >This sounds just like something that the pink party pony would do.
  86. >You’re mortified, yet curious to see how this will turn out.
  87. >But you should tell her that she doesn’t need to guess anymore.
  88. “Pinkie, I’d love to play, but-“
  89. >”Boof boof!”
  90. >Pinkie springs out of the box with her forelegs outstretched.
  91. >She hooks herself over your shoulders and starts licking your face.
  92. >You’re getting a complete facial tongue bath.
  93. >You find your body is completely paralyzed partially from surprise, partially from the feeling of Pinkie’s warmth and weight on your chest, and mostly from enjoying it.
  94. >Feeling her soft, wet organ on your face sends your mind reeling back to the events of a week ago...
  95. >”Oh, come on, Anon! It’s only for a day, right Pinkie?” Dilly calls from the kitchen.
  96. >Pinkie stops her assault on your face momentarily.
  97. >”Boof boof!” She barks in the affirmative.
  98. >”See? Now don’t be a spoilsport, Anon!”
  99. >Pinkie lets herself down and lands with a collection of clops.
  100. >Now that she’s back on the ground, she looks around before blushing intensely.
  101. >You look down to see what’s made her so bashful.
  102. >Your boner has perked up again in response to your naughty thoughts.
  103. >Your hands shoot to your crotch to cover your shame.
  104. >”See? He already thinks it’ll be fun! Go and take her for a walk. I’ll see you later!” Dildo Pie shouts.
  105. >Pinkie turns around and reaches into the cardboard box to take out her leash.
  106. >She holds it in her mouth and presents it to you.
  107. >She looks up at you with those dazzling blue orbs.
  108. >She looks so hopeful.
  109. >And uncertain.
  110. >She really hopes that you’ll play along with this.
  111. >You can’t stand to dash her hopes.
  112. >You take the leash.
  113. >Pinkie seems overjoyed and starts prancing in circles on your doorstep, barking all the while.
  114. >You kneel down and grab her by her shoulders, turning her to face you.
  115. >A moment of solemn understanding passes between the two of you as you look deep into each other’s eyes.
  116. “Pinkie, this is just for one day, understand?”
  117. >Pinkie nods in confirmation.
  118. “Alright then.”
  119. >You clip the leash to Pinkie’s collar and stand up again.
  120. >Your little pet pony looks up at you expectantly with bright blue eyes.
  121. “Well, giddy up!”
  122. >Pinkie jumps in place and then starts hopping down your driveway.
  123. >You start walking in pace with her.
  124. >”Goodbye you two! Have fun! Don’t worry, Anon! Everything’s going to be just fine!”
  125. >Dildo Pie’s last words ring ominously in your head.
  126. >You shake it off, though.
  127. >After all, what’s the worst that could happen?
  129. >So it turns out Pinkie Pets are quite a lot like dogs in some respects.
  130. >They’re inquisitive, hyperactive and enjoy the company of a human.
  131. >They’re slightly different to dogs in other ways though.
  132. >Like how each time she reaches the apex of one of her jumps her tail reveals just a slight peek of her rump.
  133. >And since she’s bouncing in front of you, you are the lucky audience to her assets.
  134. >And, unlike a dog each glimpse makes your breath hitch and your heart skip a beat.
  135. >You’ve ploughed that pussy raw, and then some.
  136. >You’d be lying if you didn’t want to do it again.
  137. >But you’re starting to approach Ponyville.
  138. >You can’t deal with your treacherous boner in the middle of town.
  139. >You have to nip this in the bud.
  140. “Pinkie, please stop pronking.”
  141. >Yes, that is the correct term for it.
  142. >Pinkie hovers in the air as she comes to an abrupt stop mid-jump.
  143. >She flutters down, light as a feather, and turns to give you a confused look.
  144. >”Boof?”
  145. “You’re not talking at all?”
  146. >Pinkie shakes her head.
  147. “But you do understand what I’m saying, right?”
  148. >Pinkie nods enthusiastically, evidently pleased with herself.
  149. >Then she stops and thinks for a moment.
  150. >”Well, pets aren’t supposed to understand their owners, are they? From now on I’ll stop listening to you!”
  151. “No, Pinkie, wait!”
  152. >Pinkie turns back to face Ponyville and rears up on her hind legs before galloping down the road.
  153. >You’re dragged along by your wrist as she pulls you with surprising strength for a little pink pony.
  154. >You stumble and try to run with her, but it’s an exercise in futility.
  155. >Pinkie is insanely fast when she wants to be.
  156. >Pinkie is really anything she wants to be.
  158. >She drags you along the dusty dirt path at breakneck speeds, and it’s a miracle you don’t ACTUALLY break your neck.
  159. >You shut your eyes tightly to try and save yourself from this ordeal.
  160. >Then, as suddenly as it started, it’s over.
  161. >You open your eyes to find yourself in Ponyville town square.
  162. >Pinkie is standing over you, panting with her tongue hanging out.
  163. >As soon as you lock eyes with her, she gives you a big, affectionate lick on your cheek.
  164. >Yet more Pinkie slobber to deal with.
  165. >Great.
  166. >You pick yourself up off the ground and dust yourself off.
  167. >Pinkie obediently sits on her haunches in front of you.
  168. “Oh, now you decide to behave...”
  169. >Pinkie simply pants and cocks her head quizzatively at you.
  170. >You give Pinkie a stern look.
  171. >Or as stern as you can muster when faced with such a bundle of joy as Pinkie.
  172. >You wag your finger at her.
  173. “Bad pony! Don’t do that again!”
  174. >Even if Pinkie promised to not understand your speech, your tone is clear.
  175. >She dun goofed.
  176. >Pinkie’s ears droop, and she hangs her head in shame.
  177. “Goddammit...”
  178. >You hate seeing these ponies upset.
  179. >Whether it’s their big, expressive eyes.
  180. >Or their somehow easy to read ears and mouths.
  181. >When a pony is sad, their entire body screams that fact to you.
  182. >So you can’t stand to see them sad.
  183. >You kneel down and wrap your arms around Pinkie.
  184. >You pull her in for a tight hug.
  185. “It’s ok, Pinkie. Nobody got hurt. Just don’t do it again, ok?”
  186. >You can’t see it, but you feel Pinkie’s cheek brush your shoulder as she nods in acknowledgement.
  187. >”AWWWW...”
  188. >You’re startled by the collective admiration of your touching moment from the residents of Ponyville.
  189. >You have to admit, Pinkie is pretty cute.
  190. >”Don’t they make the cutest couple?”
  191. >”Ooh... Looks like Pinkie’s finally landed her stallion...”
  192. >”So he’s got her on a leash, huh? How lewd!”
  193. >Your cheeks apparently require all of the blood in your body all of a sudden.
  195. >You use your free hand to cover your face while the other holds the leash.
  196. >You start walking in the direction of... wherever isn’t here!
  197. >”Glerk!”
  198. >Pinkie is dragged along by her leash behind you, unable to react in time to your embarrassment-fuelled walking pace.
  199. >Her shiny, red collar is temporarily turned into a makeshift choke chain.
  200. >You don’t notice this until you’ve made it safely away from the shame zone’s radius.
  201. >”Anonymous, you ruffian! Release my friend at once!”
  202. >You recognise that haughty accent anywhere.
  203. >You wheel around to see an irate, white unicorn glaring at you from about two foot below your eye height.
  204. >”How dare you treat Pinkie like that! Stop choking her!”
  205. >Following Rarity’s withering glare, you turn to see a limp, pink pony pawing feebly at her collar.
  206. >You drop the leash immediately.
  207. >Rarity rushes to Pinkie’s aid.
  208. >”Oh my dear sweet Celestia! What in Equestria has he done to you, my dear, sweet Pinkie!”
  209. >In your panic you ran straight to the Carousel Boutique.
  210. >Not your favourite place in the world for the exact reason that you’re experiencing right now.
  211. >Rarity sits on her haunches and cradles the exhausted Pinkie to her chest in her forelegs.
  212. >”Boof...”
  213. >”You hear that, you brute? She’s delirious! Why ever would you do such a horrible thing?!”
  214. >Under the pressure of Rarity’s dramatic interrogation, you blurt out the first thing that came to your mind.
  215. “S-she started it! She did it to me first!”
  216. >”Well I never! I never took you to be so petty, Anonymous! Of course, if a delicate lady like Pinkie tosses you around like some kind of diamond dog, you can take it! But to do the same to a prized flower like Pinkie... She’s not like you, Anonymous! She requires gentle care!”
  217. >You’re pretty sure Pinkie violated you in about 8 different ways last week.
  218. >In one day.
  219. >Your boner is starting to stir again...
  220. >”And look! You’ve gotten my collar dirty! When Pinkie asked me to make this for her, I never imagined you would abuse it like this! It’s simply despicable! Deplorable! De- De-... De-horrible!”
  221. >You start to feel very small under the verbal assault from this tiny horse.
  222. >You didn’t want to hurt Pinkie, you just didn’t think.
  223. “I- I’m sorry.”
  224. >”I should think you are, you overgrown ape! You’re behaving no better than the gorillas in Canterlot zoo! You should feel absolutely miserable for what you’ve done to-“
  225. >”Booooof...”
  226. >Pinkie stirs in Rarity’s arms.
  227. >”Pinkie? PINKIE! STAY WITH ME, PINKIE!” Rarity screams at point blank range.
  228. >”Boof...!”
  229. >Pinkie stirs again and this time pushes herself away from Rarity.
  230. >Through some herculean effort she pulls herself to her shaking hooves and stumbles over to you.
  231. >You can’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes.
  232. >Especially after berating her for doing the same thing to you.
  233. >”Boof.”
  234. >Pinkie’s bark is muffled by something.
  235. >”Boof.”
  236. >You feel something warm and soft nudge your hand.
  237. >”Boof!”
  238. >You finally turn to face Pinkie, who is looking up at you with her shining blue eyes again.
  239. >In her mouth she holds the leash.
  240. >She’s offering it to you.
  241. >Tentatively, you take the cord that tethers you to your pet.
  242. >Except it’s not just a piece of rope anymore.
  243. >Pinkie gave it back to you, and now she’s smiling at you.
  244. >She trusts you and wants to be with you.
  245. >The world around you melts away into nothingness.
  246. >All that matters is the bond between you and your pet.
  247. >Maybe...
  248. >Maybe it would be nice to have Pinkie around.
  250. >Rarity used her extra-super strong bitch powers to knock you out of your trance.
  251. >She stalks closer to the pair of you, intent on breaking the two of you up.
  252. >”Pinkie, what do you think you’re doing?! He just-“
  253. >”Boof.”
  254. >”What?”
  255. >”Boof.”
  256. >Pinkie simply raises a pink hoof to stop Rarity’s advance.
  257. >Rarity is stunned.
  258. “I think Boof means, ‘Talk to the hoof, cause the face ain’t listenin’.’” You offer.
  259. >Pinkie giggles and nods in the affirmative.
  260. >2x COMBO!
  261. >”W-well I- I-... OOH! I’m simply flabbergasted! You two are just as bad as each other!”
  262. >Rarity decides that enough is enough and turns about face to leave.
  263. >She thrusts her snout into the air and walks forward with her eyes closed.
  264. >She thinks she looks refined.
  265. >She walks into the door frame.
  266. >Rarity finally opens her eyes and slinks into her home-come-business place, muttering to herself all the way.
  267. >”Those two are perfect for each other... She can have him for all I care...”
  268. >Rarity finally slams the door to her boutique and the two of you can hold in your laughter no longer.
  269. >You fall to the ground, clutching your belly and roar with laughter.
  270. >Pinkie does the same next to you.
  271. >For a good minute you two are laughing at Rarity’s misfortune, and loving every second of it.
  272. >The two of you lie next to each other on the ground.
  273. >Once again your eyes lock, and time stops for a moment.
  274. >You could look into those dazzling orbs forever...
  275. >...
  277. >She’s a goddamn pony!
  278. >Yeah, ok, you fucked her already.
  279. >But you can’t seriously be thinking of a relationship with her?
  280. >She’s a different species!
  281. >You’ve got her on a leash for goodness’ sake!
  282. >And yet...
  283. >When you think of that day...
  284. >Your boner stirs once more.
  285. >You break eye contact with Pinkie and pick yourself up.
  286. “Ahem... L-let’s get going, shall we?”
  287. >Pinkie looks slightly confused for a second, but then gets up as well.
  288. >It seems like she was enjoying herself, and is perplexed as to why you wanted to stop.
  289. >Well that doesn’t matter.
  290. >You have to be stern.
  291. >For both of your sakes.
  292. >Yourself and your boner, that is.
  293. >...
  294. >Hey, you have a responsibility now!
  295. >Pinkie gave you the leash.
  296. >You’re the one in the reins at the moment!
  297. >So to speak.
  298. “Hyah!”
  299. >You shake the leash.
  300. >Pinkie just stares at you in even more confusion than before.
  301. >Definitely not reins.
  302. “Let’s go to the park, Pinkie.”
  303. >Pinkie warily nods her head and starts walking towards the park.
  304. >She stops when the leash pulls taut.
  305. >She waits for you to catch up.
  306. >And you both walk at a pace that’s good for both of you.
  308. >You reach the park in no time at all, and find that actually it’s quite busy with other ponies.
  309. >Of course, it shouldn’t surprise you that the ponies have a natural love of sunshine and lush grass.
  310. >Pinkie is no exception to the rule and immediately pulls at the leash to get you to move faster.
  311. >Her enthusiasm makes you smile, but attracts the attention of some of the other ponies.
  312. >You feel their judging stares on you.
  313. >But you’re not going to panic this time.
  314. >This is between you and Pinkie.
  315. >So you let her drag you to a verdant patch of grass next to a bench and take a seat.
  316. >She sits in front of you, panting and wagging her tail, eager to be let off her leash.
  317. “Okay, Pinkie. But make sure you don’t run off, okay?”
  318. >Pinkie shows no outward sign of understanding, but you think you can trust her, regardless.
  319. >You unclip her leash and she pounces into your arms to give you a loving lick before running off onto the grass.
  320. >You can’t help but smile as you wipe the pony slobber off your cheek.
  321. >She’s really getting into this pet thing for you.
  322. >It must be pretty important to her that she guesses your fetish.
  323. >Even though she got it right last time.
  324. >You really do need to tell her some time soon.
  325. >But right now she’s having a whale of a time rolling in the grass.
  326. >Seems pretty important.
  327. >You don’t want to interrupt her fun.
  328. >Fun...
  329. >That’s what she’s all about.
  330. >Even when she’s trying to seduce you, she’s all about having fun.
  331. >That’s...
  332. >Admirable.
  333. >Perhaps it’d be nice to have someone like her in your life.
  334. >And you know she can bake, too.
  335. >Waifu materal all round, it seems.
  336. >Apart from the fact that she has four hooves.
  337. >”So is she yours?”
  338. >You almost jump out of your skin as somepony addresses you and interrupts your train of thought.
  339. >You look to your left to see a mint coloured pony sitting on the bench with you.
  340. “O-oh, hey Lyra. You startled me.”
  341. >”Heh. Sorry. I just saw a fellow pet-lover and thought I’d strike up conversation.”
  342. >She motions at the leash that you’ve been clutching tightly in your hands.
  343. >Pinkie’s leash.
  344. “Y-yeah. I just got a pet today, in fact. Well, she’s not really a pet...”
  345. >”Oh, they never are. They’re more like members of the family, aren’t they?”
  346. >Family...
  347. >Yeah, that could work...
  348. >”So which one’s yours?”
  349. >Lyra looks out to the park to see plenty of ponies and their pet partners.
  350. “Uh, well... Mine’s not exactly a pet...”
  351. >Lyra is confused by your cryptic speech.
  352. >”So you just got a pet, but they’re not a pet?”
  353. “Uh...”
  354. >”BOOF BOOF!”
  355. >Oh god what now?
  356. >Pinkie is at the base of a tree, barking at something in the branches.
  357. >You get up and rush over to her.
  358. >”BOOF! BOOF!”
  359. “Pinkie! No! Bad pony! Stop that right now!”
  360. >”Grrr...!”
  361. >You look up into the branches to see a terrified squirrel clinging to the bark of the tree for dear life.
  362. >Well, at least Pinkie is playing the part.
  363. >”Pinkie, what are you doing?”
  364. >You wheel around to see Lyra.
  365. >She followed you, it seems.
  366. >”BOOF! BOOF!”
  367. “Pinkie, come on! Calm down!”
  368. >Pinkie refuses to stop barking, and you’re forced to kneel down and restrain her while you clip on her leash.
  369. “Bad Pinkie! Bad!”
  370. >”Ah. I get it now. You’re into THAT?”
  371. >Well, shit.
  372. >Now things are about to get awkward.
  373. “Well, it’s not exactly like that, you see... Pinkie came to me this morning, and-“
  374. >”Don’t worry, Anon. We understand.”
  375. >No, this is all going wrong!
  376. >Pinkie ignores your plight and starts munching on some grass.
  377. “N-no, this is all her idea, and-“
  378. >Lyra gives you a knowing wink.
  379. >”I get it, Anon. Don’t worry. I just didn’t know you were so kinky. BON BON!”
  380. >From around a tree comes a cream coloured mare with blue and pink hair.
  381. >She’s dressed from head to toe in riding gear.
  382. >She’s wearing blinders, a harness...
  383. >She’s even drooling around a black bit that is wedged into her mouth.
  384. >Her tail is tied up to a clip on the back of her head, exposing her privates.
  385. >Said privates seem to be dripping with excitement.
  386. >”See, nothing to worry about, Anon. It’s nice to see a fellow pet lover. I’ll have to look you up some time. I’m sure you’d make a good petsitter. See you around!”
  387. >Lyra clips a leash around Bon Bon’s spiked collar and walks ahead of her on two legs in some twisted parody of human-animal husbandry.
  388. >You and Pinkie both stare at them, mouths agape.
  389. “I, uh... I don’t think I want to own a pet anymore.”
  390. >”Boof...” Pinkie agrees.
  391. “Let’s... Let’s just go for a walk, shall we?”
  392. >”Boof.”
  393. >You take your pony by the leash, turn 180 degrees and walk the fuck away from what you just saw.
  395. >As you and Pinkie walk through the park, you see many other ponies enjoying themselves.
  396. >They love to bask in the sunshine and lie in the grass.
  397. >It’s weird, seeing these horses in their “natural” habitat.
  398. >Especially since you’ve seen them in houses and castles, too.
  399. >But despite all their development, they seem to love nature just as much as horses on Earth.
  400. >You guess some things never change.
  401. >”Boof!”
  402. >Pinkie’s bark is muffled by something.
  403. >You look down at your pet to see her holding a stick in her mouth.
  404. “Oh, you wanna play fetch, huh?”
  405. >Pinkie nods her head vigorously.
  406. >You unclip her leash and take the stick.
  407. “Alright, then. You want the stick?”
  408. >Pinkie bounces from side to side in anticipation.
  409. “You want the stick?”
  410. >She whines and nods her head.
  411. “Then get it!”
  412. >You throw the stick ahead of you and Pinkie takes off like a rocket after it.
  413. >It doesn’t even manage to hit the ground before she snatches it out of the air with speed that you didn’t even know could be achieved by land-based creatures.
  414. >She brings it back to you promptly and looks up at you with those hopeful, blue eyes expectantly.
  415. “W-wow. You’re good at this. You sure you haven’t played before?”
  416. >”World Treasure Hunt champion. I’m good at fetching things and bringing them back. I mean... Boof.”
  417. >You scratch your head and walk on with Pinkie by your side.
  419. >A little further on, you and Pinkie are walking along the side of a canal that cuts through the park.
  420. >It has wonderful scenery.
  421. >It’s not only framed by the nature of the park, but by the pony-made masonry along its banks and on its bridges.
  422. >It’s amazing what they’ve achieved without opposable thumbs.
  423. >”Boof! Boof! Grrr...”
  424. >Pinkie starts freaking out about something on the other side of the river.
  425. >You cast your gaze over to see a very weird sight.
  426. >On the opposite bank are two familiar looking, yellow pegasi.
  427. >One of them is wearing a collar, and the other one is holding the leash.
  428. >The one with the collar has...
  429. >A PENIS?!
  431. >Fluttershy launches herself about 5 feet into the air in response to your outburst.
  432. >”Eek! Oh, Anon! It’s you!”
  433. >Once she realises that she’s in your presence, her terror turns to lust.
  434. >You can feel the waves of debauchery wash over you from all the way over on her side of the canal.
  435. “What the heck are you doing? Did you clone yourself?”
  436. >”Oh, no... This is Futashy. Say hello, Futashy!”
  437. >The Flutterpet turns to you.
  438. >”Naa! Naa!”
  439. >”Boof! Boof!”
  440. >”Naa?”
  441. >”Boof.”
  442. >Oh.
  443. >It seems Pinkie Pet and Futashy are having their own conversation.
  444. >”I’m taking her for a walk for a friend of mine. What are you doing with Pinkie?”
  445. “Uh... This is another one of her fetish attempts.”
  446. >”Dammit! Why didn’t I think of that?”
  447. >”Boof Boof!”
  448. >Pinkie and Flutterguy burst into raucous laughter at Pinkie’s apparent joke.
  449. >You’re starting to feel left out.
  450. “Hey, Fluttershy. You’re good with pets, right? Do you have any advice? I’m not really sure what I should be doing.”
  451. >”W-well, I’m kind of busy right now, Anon. Not that I wouldn’t want to help you... Unless not helping is your fetish, but maybe Twilight could help you? She’s sure to have some books on it.”
  452. “Oh, thanks. That’s a great idea!”
  453. >Well it looks like you have a new destination.
  454. >”Oh, Anon...”
  455. >You roll your eyes.
  456. >You know what comes next when Fluttershy gets that tone.
  457. >”Boof.”
  458. >”Is being unhelpful your fetiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH?”
  459. >Fluttershy is interrupted mid-sentence by Futashy suddenly bolting along the canalside.
  460. >She’s dragged along by the leash around her wrist and is powerless to stop it.
  462. >And with that she’s out of sight.
  463. >You look down at Pinkie.
  464. >She looks up at you with a shit-eating grin.
  465. “You did that, didn’t you?”
  466. >”Boof.”
  467. >Does that mean yes?
  468. >Or no?
  469. >Looks like you’ll never find out.
  470. >Oh well.
  471. >You lean down and give Pinkie a scratch behind her ear.
  472. “You’re a good pony, Pinkie.”
  473. >Pinkie sighs in approval.
  474. >You stop and straighten up, reaffirming your goal in your mind.
  475. >You’re off to Twilight’s!
  477. >The walk to Twilight’s is uneventful for the most part.
  478. >Pinkie got distracted by a butterfly, but that’s par for the course at this point.
  479. >You’ve learned to shrug off the weird stares of the Ponyville residents by now.
  480. >Yes, this whole situation is crazy, but you’re doing it for Pinkie.
  481. >And it is kinda fun.
  482. >You approach the library to the sound of raised voices within.
  483. >You pause for a moment in front of the door.
  484. >”She could not! The entire notion is ridiculous!”
  485. >”Oh she totally could! She’s just that awesome!”
  486. >”Nopony could survive a sonic rainboom in a fridge, Rainbow Dash, no matter how awesome they are!”
  487. >”I’ve survived two without a fridge!”
  488. >”Yes, but that’s only because you were at the epicentre of the blast! Anypony else that close would be vaporised instantly!”
  489. >”I still like Daring Do and the Crystal Cranium. That Shia LeBeef character is so dreamy...”
  490. >”He’s a bull, Rainbow.”
  491. >”Y-yeah? So? ”
  492. >”He’s bovine and you’re equine. It’d never work.”
  493. >”Hey, that’s not fair! You’ve got the hots for that humine guy. What’s your beef with LeBeef?”
  494. >”You’re just not compatible! And I d-do not have a crush on Anon! And it’s hu-MAN, Rainbow!”
  495. >This seems like the perfect time to interrupt and nip this sappy crush talk in the bud.
  496. >You knock on the door quite firmly and loudly.
  497. >Pinkie sits beside you on Twilight’s doorstep, obediently.
  499. >Seconds later a disgruntled looking purple dragon opens the door.
  500. >He’s wearing an apron and holding a still sizzling skillet in his claw.
  501. >”It’s for you, Twilight.” Spike says in a deadpan voice.
  502. >Poor guy must never get a break.
  503. >Spike shuffles away back to the kitchen, muttering under his breath the entire time.
  504. >With his presence no longer blocking the doorway, you can see into the tree-turned-library clearly.
  505. >The multicoloured, dusty tomes line the walls of the building, holding all sorts of knowledge just waiting to be claimed for any worthy seeker.
  506. >The keeper of all this wealth, a certain purple unicorn gallops towards you, excitement clear on her face.
  507. >She’s flanked by a blue Pegasus who hovers above the wooden floor.
  508. >”Anon! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here? Have you finally agreed to let me study human mating rituals?”
  509. >You check your watch.
  510. >5 seconds into the conversation and she already made it awkward.
  511. “N-no, Twilight.”
  512. >Twilight’s disappointment is written all over her face.
  513. >Her quivering lip and watery eyes threaten to burst into full blown tears.
  514. “Maybe another day.”
  515. >And just like that it’s gone.
  516. >”So what are you here for?”
  517. “Well, I got a new pet today...”
  518. >You motion to Pinkie sitting beside you.
  519. >”Boof!”
  520. >”Oh, man! You totally went through with it! And he agreed? Awesome!” Rainbow Dash interjects.
  521. “And Fluttershy said I might be able to find a book on pet care here at the library.”
  522. >”Wait, you’re keeping a pony as a pet? That’s horrible! That’s so degrading!”
  523. >”Pfft. Don’t be such a prude, Twilight. I know you’d do worse to get belly rubs from Anon.”
  524. >Twilight’s cheeks burn with embarrassment.
  525. >”W-would not! W-well, I wouldn’t mind doing some things to get Anon to pet me...”
  526. >The shade of magenta blush on Twilight’s face would look lovely on your walls.
  527. “Yeah, so I was wondering if you had any books like that?”
  528. >”O-of course! I’ll just go get some!”
  529. >Twilight lights up her horn and disappears from sight with a purple flash.
  530. >Rainbow Dash swoops down next to Pinkie and starts nudging her with an elbow.
  531. >”So, have you two, you know...?”
  532. >”Boof?”
  533. >”Have you, uh... ‘Fetched the stick’ yet?”
  534. >”Boof?”
  535. >”Has he ‘let you off the leash?’”
  536. >”Uh... Boof?”
  537. >”Has he... ‘given you a treat?’”
  538. >”...?”
  539. >Rainbow Dash slaps her forehead with a hoof.
  541. >”Oooooooh! Boof.”
  542. >Pinkie shakes her head in the negative.
  543. >”Oh. Well that’s boring.”
  544. “Well where on Earth would we do that, Rainbow? We’ve been out all day!”
  545. >”But you would?”
  546. “I d-didn’t say that!”
  547. >”But you didn’t say you wouldn’t...”
  548. >Rainbow Dash prowls towards you with a grin on her face.
  549. >”So, you want to know how to take care of her, eh?”
  550. >She flutters up close to your ear and whispers,
  551. >”Pull her tail.”
  552. >You quickly shove her away.
  553. “T-that’s...!”
  554. >Rainbow giggles to herself.
  555. >”Anon, you so want to bang her. It’s written all over your face!”
  556. >Now you can feel your cheeks glowing red.
  557. >”Look, if you want me to stop teasing, let’s make a deal. Give me a belly rub, and you’ll make it onto my cool list, okay?”
  558. >”Boof! Boof!” Pinkie barks defensively.
  559. >It seems she takes offense at the idea of you sharing your affection.
  560. >”Oh come on, Pinkie! Just a little!”
  561. >All of a sudden Pinkie’s usual cheery expression changes.
  562. >If you thought Twilight looked sad earlier, Pinkie blows her melancholy out of the water.
  563. >”B-but I wanted today to be about me and Anon... He should be giving me belly rubs!”
  564. “Whoa, girls! There’s enough Anon to go around!”
  565. >Pinkie pounces on you suddenly.
  566. >She embraces your leg fiercely.
  567. >”But I’M your pet. You should be giving all your affection to me! I’m yours...”
  568. >You bend down and pick Pinkie up by her shoulders and hold her at arm’s length.
  569. >You look deeply into her watery eyes and make sure she’s looking at you.
  570. >Once again you share a profound moment with your little pony.
  571. “Pinkie, whose name is on your collar?”
  572. >”Y-yours.”
  573. “So who is your owner?”
  574. >”You are...”
  575. >You bring Pinkie into a hug.
  576. >She readily reciprocates, desperate for your touch.
  577. “I’m not going to forget about you. You’re my little pony today.”
  578. >Pinkie nuzzles into your collarbone and grunts in acknowledgement of your reassurance.
  579. “Okay. Down you go.”
  580. >Pinkie is untimely ripped from your encapsulating affection as you place her on the ground.
  581. >She whines in protest, but you cut her off with a waggling finger.
  582. “Hey. Get back in character. If you’re a good pony, you’ll get a belly rub at home.”
  583. >Pinkie has a moment of revelation which is replaced by quiet concentration as she shuts her eyes and focuses.
  584. >When she opens her eyes again, she starts panting with a big smile on her face.
  585. >”Boof! Boof!”
  586. “Alright! Good girl!”
  587. >You turn your attention to a certain cyan Pegasus who has avoided being the center of attention for the last 3 minutes.
  588. >A new record for her.
  589. >However, she seems to be actively trying to extend this record by slinking her way towards the door.
  590. “Hey, Dash.”
  591. >”I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble... I just wanted a belly rub, and...”
  592. >You click your fingers at her to interrupt her.
  593. “Dash, get over here.”
  594. >You sit down on the floor of the library with your legs crossed.
  595. >As Dash traipses over towards you, you position Pinkie’s head to rest on one of your knees.
  596. >She looks confused, but you give her a stern gaze.
  597. >You’re the master after all.
  598. >Dash finally makes her way over to you and you pat your remaining free knee.
  599. >Rainbow lies down and places her head on your welcoming perch.
  600. >”So what did you want me to- OH!”
  601. >You shock Rainbow Dash by caressing her mane.
  602. >You run your fingers through it and come to rest your hand just behind her ear.
  603. >”O-oh wow... D-don’t stop...”
  604. >”Boof!”
  605. >Of course, you can’t neglect your pet.
  606. >You mirror your movements with your other hand on Pinkie’s scalp.
  607. >For her, however, you know you can’t get through that tangled frizz of a mane, so you trace her maneline until you reach her ear.
  608. >When both of your hands are in place, you unleash the magic contained in your fingers.
  609. >You start scratching that spot just behind their ears.
  610. >”M-muh muh mmmm...” Rainbow splutters.
  611. >”Boooooof...” Pinkie sighs contentedly.
  612. >The ponies are obviously enjoying themselves immensely, judging by how they’re melting into your touch.
  613. >It feels pretty nice for you, too.
  614. >Rainbow Dash’s coat, while still being somewhat plush, is coarser than Pinkie’s and provides a nice juxtaposition for your sense of touch.
  615. >Pinkie’s coat is fine and soft, and her body emits a penetrating warmth that you can feel all the way through your fingers.
  616. >It’s different to what you felt of her before when she was made out of gak.
  617. >She was completely smooth then.
  618. >This is different.
  619. >Not bad, not good.
  620. >Just different.
  621. >If you had to have a Pinkie Pet, moments like this wouldn’t be so bad.
  622. >It’s the little parts like this that show your companionship with your pet.
  623. >How you don’t have to exchange anything but touch, and still communicate volumes with each other about how much you care.
  624. >This...
  625. >Would be nice.
  626. >*POOF*
  627. >”Anon! I got the books you- HEY!”
  628. >Twilight Sparkle teleports in along with a stack of books as tall as you.
  629. >She’s surprised to see the two ponies on your lap indulging in absolute bliss.
  630. >”RAINBOW! What are you doing?”
  631. >”G-gettin’ scratches...”
  632. >”B-but you know I want scratches!”
  633. >You stop scratching to address Twilight.
  634. “Well that’s not exactly what you were saying earlier...”
  635. >”Hey! Less talking, more scratching!”
  636. >”Boof!” Pinkie barks in agreement.
  637. >”B-but!”
  638. >You decide this is a good time to leave.
  639. “No, girls. I think it’s time Pinkie and I went home. Someone’s earned themselves a belly rub.”
  640. >Pinkie’s ears prick up at the sound of promised belly rubs.
  641. >You remove your hands from the heads of your lapponies.
  642. >”Boof! Boof!”
  643. >Now Pinkie’s really excited.
  644. >”But I want some belly rubs!”
  645. >”Boof boof.” Pinkie barks, matter-of-factly.
  646. “Pinkie has spoken.”
  647. >”And that’s another thing! Why is Pinkie saying ‘boof’ all the time?” Twilight demands.
  648. >”Well, what other sound would she make?” Rainbow responds.
  649. >”She should be going ‘neigh!’”
  650. >”Why in Equestria would she do that?”
  651. >”B-because she’s a pony!”
  652. “Silly Twilight, ponies don’t make noises!”
  653. >”Boof.”
  655. >Twilight’s frustration manifests itself in the form of a fiery mane and tail.
  656. >Looks like your cue to get out of here.
  657. “Come on, Pinkie. Time to leave.”
  658. >”Boof!”
  659. >”I’m coming with you!”
  660. “Shouldn’t you help Twilight?”
  661. >”And do what? Fan the flames? I’m a weather pony, not a firemare! Plus I might get scratches if I come along...”
  662. >You shrug as the stack of petcare books catch fire.
  663. >”Boof...!”
  664. >”Okay, no scratches. But I might as well leave. Nothing to do here anymore.”
  665. >The three of you depart from Twilight’s library.
  666. >”Twilight, lunch is ready!”
  667. >Spike walks into the main room from the kitchen.
  668. >He drops his tray of food when he sees the fiery maelstrom that is the hall.
  670. >You’re sure he’s got this covered.
  672. >It occurs to you that since Pinkie is staying with you for the whole day, you will need to feed her at some point.
  673. >You decide to make your way to the market square to pick up some pony food on your way home.
  674. >Speaking of which...
  675. >What do ponies eat?
  676. >More importantly, what do Pinkies eat?
  677. “Hey, Rainbow.”
  678. >Rainbow Dash stops fluttering around your hands and trying to push her ear next to your fingers for just long enough to acknowledge you.
  679. >”What’s up?”
  680. “What do ponies eat?”
  681. >”What? That’s an odd question. What do you think they eat?”
  682. “Uh... Grass?”
  683. >”Well, yeah. Wait, how could you not know this? What do humans eat?”
  684. “D-definitely not bacon.”
  685. >”That’s an oddly specific thing to mention.”
  686. >SHIT.
  688. “Hey, Rainbow! Is that Spitfire on that cloud over there, saying that she’s giving out free tickets to the Wonderbolts?”
  689. >”Oh come on, Anon. I fell for that one last week, already.”
  691. >”HORSEAPPLES!”
  692. >Rainbow speeds off, leaving you and Pinkie in the marketplace.
  693. “That was convenient, huh?”
  694. >”Boof.”
  695. >Now that your potential guide on pony diet has departed, you set off in search of a new one.
  696. >There’s one pony you can rely on to be in the market square every day, selling her wares.
  697. >”Buy some apples.” She calls to passers by.
  698. >You creep up behind her and slip your hands underneath her forelegs to pick her up.
  699. >She loves this and usually responds with a playful buck to the chest.
  700. >She’s such a good sport.
  701. >”What in tarnation?! Oh. It’s you. Hi, Anon.”
  702. “How’s my favourite apple pony today?”
  703. >Applejack stays limp in your arms with the deadpan expression on her face that you always see on her.
  704. >It’s her way of saying she likes you.
  705. >”Same as yesterday, Anon. And the day before that. Buy some apples.”
  706. “Oh you’re such a kidder, Jackie. Acting as if it’s strictly business between us! There’s no need to be so formal!”
  707. >”Ah told ya not to call me that. Buy some apples.”
  708. “Well, if you’re so insistent, today might be your lucky day!”
  709. >Applejack’s face is the perfect picture of incredulity.
  710. >”Yer actually gonna buy some apples? Buy some apples.”
  711. “Well that all depends on the answer to my next question. What does a Pinkie Pie eat?”
  712. >”Pinkie? What the hay kind of question is that? I mean- uh... She eats apples. Tons of apples. Buy some apples.”
  713. >”Boof!”
  714. >”See? She agrees. Buy some apples!”
  715. >Applejack squirms out of your hands, twirls around, and in a well practiced motion, places a bushel of apples in your arms before you can protest.
  716. “Oof! Are you sure she’ll need this many?”
  717. >”Pinkie has a high metabolism. How d’ya think she throws all them parties? Buy some apples.”
  718. “Well, if you’re sure...”
  719. >”I’m sure. Buy some apples. Apples.”
  720. >You sure are glad to have found such an expert on Pinkie diets in your close circle of friends.
  721. “Well, whatever you say, Jackie!”
  722. >”Don’t call me that.”
  723. >You get your wallet out to pay Applejack.
  724. >”Y’all are actually gonna buy some apples for once? Hoo-ee! I thought I’d never see the day!”
  725. >Applejack starts dancing on the spot in front of her cart.
  726. “Oh my gosh, you’re right! I’ve never paid for anything before since you’re such a good friend. I almost forgot!”
  727. >”Yeah. So yer gonna pay for-“
  728. “ It’s great that you’re always so generous, Jackie! You should be the element of generosity, not honesty. Thanks for the apples!”
  729. >”Boof boof!”
  730. >You start walking back home with Pinkie and the apples in tow.
  731. >”Wait, what? Whaddya mean ‘Boof boof?’ An’ ya didn’t pay for ya apples! CONSARNIT, ANON!”
  732. >Applejack throws her hat to the ground and starts stomping on it for some reason.
  733. >She’s such a silly pony.
  735. >One long haul later, you arrive at home with your pet and pet food.
  736. >You set the bushel of apples down in the hall and sit down in your armchair.
  737. “Phew... It feels good to rest after lugging that thing around.”
  738. >Pinkie walks up to you and sets her head down on your knee, similar to how she did earlier in the library.
  739. >You smile at your pink companion and reach your hand out towards her mane to give her the attention she craves.
  740. >Companion...
  741. >As Pinkie nuzzles into your touch, you consider that word.
  742. >It wasn’t that long ago that you were dreading an encounter with the pink party pony.
  743. >But today, at the very least...
  744. >It has been nice.
  745. >It was nice having her by your side.
  746. >Even now as you scratch behind her ear, in the relative silence of your home...
  747. >No words are exchanged, but you feel at ease with her being near you.
  748. >No, at ease isn’t the right way to describe it.
  749. >It can only be summarized as companionship.
  750. >Perhaps you could keep her around...
  751. >And then you notice.
  752. >Your hand is wet.
  753. “Pinkie? What’s wrong?”
  754. >You look down at your partner, and cradle her cheek with your palm.
  755. >As you look into your pony’s eyes, you see something different to the pet that was previously simply happy by being in your presence.
  756. >No, Pinkie’s face says something different now.
  757. >Her normal bright smile is darkened by the tears that flow freely from her eyes.
  758. >But despite her crying, her happiness shines through.
  759. “Pinkie... Why are you crying?”
  760. >”I’m sorry, Anon... I feel all weird. I’m so happy to have spent all day with you, but I’m also so sad.”
  761. “Why are you sa-“
  762. >”Because this isn’t your fetish!” Pinkie shouts.
  763. >You’re taken aback by her proclamation.
  764. >Or rather...
  765. >Your mind only now decides to process what it means.
  766. >”If this isn’t your fetish, then I don’t get to stay with you... And that makes me so sad.” She sniffles.
  767. >”Can’t you see, Anon?”
  768. >Pinkie raises her head and holds her tag up with a hoof.
  769. >”I’m yours, Anon! I want to be yours! And I want you to be mine!”
  770. >It strikes you all at once.
  771. >The sincerity of her words and actions.
  772. >And what you must do in response.
  773. >You slide yourself off your armchair and sit on the floor in front of Pinkie.
  774. >At this height, you’re both equals; in stature and in status.
  775. >She sits on her haunches, sobbing quietly in front of you.
  776. >Even if she is equine, she’s a girl at heart.
  777. >Her femininity is undeniable.
  778. >Here sits a vulnerable girl who has just poured her emotions out to you.
  779. >And you know just what she needs.
  780. >”Ah!”
  781. >Pinkie gasps as she feels your tight embrace around her shoulders.
  782. >But soon after she realises what’s going on, she buries her muzzle into your collarbone, seeking your comfort.
  783. >”I... I just wanted to be yours... And since you see me as nothing more than an animal, maybe I could stay with you if I were your pet...”
  784. “No.”
  785. >You cut Pinkie’s train of thought right then and there.
  786. >She’s wrong.
  787. “Pinkie, you’re not just an animal. Animals can’t speak. They can’t laugh or cry or tell jokes. They can’t visit me with crazy, elaborate schemes and guess my fetish. You’re not an animal. You’re a pony.”
  788. >Your speech doesn’t seem to calm Pinkie down.
  789. >She buries her head into your embrace further.
  790. >Her words are muffled.
  791. >”Oh, I’m such a silly pony, Anon... I’ve really blown it, haven’t I...?”
  792. “Not at all.”
  793. >”No... You don’t understand. I got a potion from Zecora. It should kick in about right now. I’m... I’m in heat.”
  794. “What?!”
  795. >Pinkie’s crying doubles in volume.
  796. >”I t-thought that when you saw me at my most animalistic... You’d want to rut me, and-“
  797. “Pinkie, why...?”
  798. >”Because you see us as nothing more than animals! Just because we’re not human doesn’t mean we can’t love you!”
  799. >Pinkie suddenly looks up at you with an intense stare.
  800. >However, her eyes go wide when you lock lips with hers.
  801. >You tried to explain to her what you realised, but it didn’t work.
  802. >Thankfully, actions speak louder than words.
  803. >And so you kiss Pinkie fiercely, passionately – with all the force and tenderness that you wish to show this beautiful pony.
  804. >It matters not anymore that she’s not human.
  805. >She cared about you enough to do these crazy fetish attempts.
  806. >And somewhere along the way you started to care about her as well.
  807. >You can’t stand to see her sad, truthfully.
  808. >So you kiss her.
  809. >Your lips clash against Pinkie’s own satiny-soft ones, slipping and sliding, slick with saliva.
  810. >Initially, Pinkie is shocked, but she doesn’t push you away.
  811. >Instead, her eyes flutter closed as she gives into her own yearning emotions, happily trapped in your embrace.
  812. >Your tongue laps at her lips, knocking for entrance.
  813. >She gives it, hesitantly.
  814. >You can feel her lips quivering with a melange of excitement and apprehension.
  815. >As your tongue slips into her mouth, you decide to relieve her of the latter sensation by bringing your hands up towards her head.
  816. >You cradle the back of her skull with one of your hands, losing yourself in that luscious, curly mane.
  817. >In this act, you’ve committed an exchange.
  818. >Not only are you providing Pinkie with your comforting support, you’ve also taken power into your own hands.
  819. >You hold her head in your hand, preventing her escape.
  820. >But from her reaction, she doesn’t want to leave.
  821. >Your other hand draws close to the first as your tongue dances around hers.
  822. >Your hand strokes down her neck, and you marvel at her silky-smooth coat.
  823. >You muse to yourself that not even the finest exotic fabrics in Rarity’s storeroom could come close to how luxurious Pinkie’s coat is.
  824. >Your hand glides down her neck towards her withers, eliciting tiny shivers from Pinkie.
  825. >She wasn’t lying about her heat.
  826. >She’s so very warm.
  827. >And so very soft.
  828. >Her diet gives her just the right amount of plushness for your hands to enjoy.
  829. >You rest your hand on her shoulder and focus on your kiss once again.
  830. >Pinkie is warming up to your advances and surges forth with an attack of her own.
  831. >You allow her entry to your own mouth, and immediately she starts exploring.
  832. >The strange, new sensations of your canines entice her.
  833. >She drags her tongue against your fangs, obviously excited by the danger they present.
  834. >She is your prey, and you are the hunter.
  835. >As if to play to this role, you bat her tongue away, back into her own mouth, and advance your own.
  836. >You feel her own mouth, looking for your own differences to admire.
  837. >You find that her teeth are much the same as yours.
  838. >Except for the gap where her canines should be.
  839. >The gap allows for a bit to be fitted on normal horses, but here it presents a different opportunity.
  840. >Her lack of teeth allows you to attack her gums directly, tickling her sensitive flesh.
  841. >Immediately her tongue writhes in response, and she whines slightly.
  842. >You break your lip seal to smile slightly at her cute reaction.
  843. >Shortly after, Pinkie bats your tongue back into your mouth and rescinds her own.
  844. >You take this as a sign to stop.
  845. >You break the kiss entirely and sit panting in front of Pinkie.
  846. >The two of you stare into each others’ half lidded eyes, happy with the rush that you each finally got by giving into your instincts.
  847. >But now that you’ve had a taste, you want more.
  848. >Today has been so much fun, you want to finish it with something even better.
  849. >It only takes a moment for the idea to come to you.
  850. >It seems to natural, given everything that has happened today.
  851. >The words you need seem to find their way to your mouth easily.
  852. “Pinkie, I thought I told you a long time ago that you didn’t need to guess my fetish.”
  853. >”But if I-“
  854. “Ah! Shh. I’m not done.” You chide.
  855. “I tried to tell you earlier today that this wasn’t my fetish either, but I went along with it anyway. Do you know why?”
  856. >Pinkie shakes her head morosely.
  857. “Because it was fun. That’s the thing I love about you, Pinkie. You’re all about having fun. You’re different to Fluttershy. She just wants me for herself. You... You want to give yourself to me.”
  858. >You stand up and take Pinkie’s leash in hand.
  859. “So that’s why I can’t accept you as my pet, Pinkie.”
  860. >Pinkie’s expression falls even further into the depths of despair.
  861. >Her poofy pink hair deflates and falls limply across her shoulders.
  862. >Even her bubblegum pink coat becomes just a shade darker than usual.
  863. >Her worst fears have become a reality in her mind.
  864. “Instead, I must ask you, ‘Would you consider becoming my marefriend?’”
  865. >Upon hearing your words, Pinkie’s mood does a complete 180 faster than you can say “Xbox One press conference.”
  866. >”R-really? Oh my gosh I never thought that you would ask and I thought you were gonna tell me to get out and-“
  867. >You reach down and wrap a firm hand around her muzzle to silence her.
  868. “A simple yes or no will suffice, Pinkie.”
  869. >You relieve the pressure around her snout and a tiny,
  870. >”Yes.”
  871. >peeps its way out from between Pinkie’s lips.
  872. “Good. I’m glad. Now, heel.”
  873. >You start walking to the kitchen with the leash in tow.
  874. >Pinkie hesitates, confused.
  875. >She’s been on an emotional rollercoaster, and it just keeps getting more confusing.
  876. >You tug on the leash as it becomes taut and look back to Pinkie with a mischievous grin.
  877. “Ahem. Heel. You said you wanted to be my pet for the day. Well, the day isn’t over yet.”
  878. >Pinkie’s face once again brightens up when she realises that your commands have been playful.
  879. >She bounces into the kitchen, ready to play along with what you have planned.
  880. >”Oh, hi! Welcome back! Did you have a nice time?” Dildo Pie asks as you enter the kitchen.
  881. >She’s still sitting exactly where you left her on the table.
  882. “We did indeed, Dilly. But enough of that, I have a job for you.”
  883. >Dildo Pie is ecstatic, and vibrates with excitement.
  884. >”Ooh! Ooh! Are you finally gonna use me? Do I get to talk to your prostate again? He’s such a funny guy!”
  885. “No, I’m afraid not, Dilly. I need you to keep my pet here,” You motion to Pinkie. “As close to orgasm as possible.”
  886. >Dildo Pie wiggles on the table in what you assume to be some kind of quadriplegic form of salute.
  887. >”You got it, boss! Dilly torpedo ready for launch!”
  888. >You pick up Dildo Pie from the table and kneel down in front of the real Pinkie.
  889. “Well, Pinkie, since I’m still your owner for the day, I can’t idly let you suffer while you’re in heat, even if it is your fault.”
  890. >You tap Pinkie on the nose with Dilly for added admonishment.
  891. >Dilly ruins it by giving her larger copy a kiss as she connects.
  892. >You try to ignore it and get back to your speech.
  893. “So I’m going to help relieve your tension, but I think it’s only fair that I receive something in return, n’est pas?”
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