

Aug 23rd, 2015
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  1. Name: Relius Blackheart
  2. Age:Looks in his mid 30's
  3. Species: Human/Vampire
  4. Height: 6 ft
  5. Appearance: he wears a body armor of some sort, it is single piece around the torso, and leg regions and arms mainly. They only would separate when it comes down to just joint. and a long cloak that goes around Relius body and conceals mainly his arms. The color of the cloak is a Dark purple and the man wears a Masquerade mask which it has a dark yellow kind of color. Relius Hair color is an Ash Blonde, And he has Blue eyes, his armor also has shoulder pads, and his armor does look kind of thick at some points of it.
  6. Armor in general: the armor is composed like a ceramic armor would be, but having a form underneath the exterior part of the armor, which allows it to absorb the shockwave of an attack. This helping relius not sustain as much damage as he doesn't truly rely on his Healing factor.
  7. Soul alignment: Dev necromactic
  8. Weapon Choice: Relius has a preference towards almost all forms of weaponry to be real honest, but he does utilize pressure points and using the momentum of enemy attackers completely against Them. He also knows all forms of martial arts and he uses his Vamperic traits to its fullest. But he prefers using guantlets and either a dagger and or a short sword. Hammers and two handed weapons are his least favorite though as it takes much longer to swing and would weigh him down if he would to carry it around.
  9. Combat style: Relius is a strategist, and depending on what he is planning to do would result on what he will take, as you know he knows matrial arts of all kinds. And he knows most species preasure points going from the most lethal towards the ones that just would cause the surronding muscles to suddenly tense up and would impare the opponents mobility that way. Relius prefers defense as he would dodge, parry, and or block attacks, and will continue doing this untill his opponent would get tired out, and thats when Relius would switch towards offense. relius will end the battle as fast as he will cripple his opponents at certain spots hindering them to react towards certain attacks.
  11. Personality: Relius is entirly unpridictable he can either help or hinder you, and usaully if he helps he probably expects a benefit from it. Relius personality is unknown even towards this app.
  13. Powers: Relius does have access towards all vamperic powers such as healing, strength,speed,hearing,sight,smell and he was also born with a slightly large Aura capacities and his soul also produces more aura at a slighlty faster rate (To be honest Relius could regen aura really a few seconds faster then other khelans). this does not make him an echo or anything close to it but his soul does slightly produces more aura at a slight rate but is hardly noticeable at all.
  16. Bio: Relius was born from Rachel Blackheart, thus you can see where he got his vampire traits from. Relius was always fascinated by science in general but he prefers Biology in general. The man loves studying and learning an animal behaviors and anatomy...but his favorite is to learn its strength and weaknesses. As he grew up he became more educated about...almost everything, Literature, math, science, music, and buisnes marketing is what he specialized in. Relius also knows..Spanish, Landish, and even Japanese and Latin. Relius though is also fascinated by the soul in general how it produces pure energy, how it works. And if he could plug it in into something else?. The man though takes more interest in alchemy and wants to learn more about it, but he doesn't want to use it just learn how to beat it in general. Relius utterly hates True humans with a passion and he also hates Xavier along with that. He beliefs that they rely on him far too much and should be a shamed of that. Relius also took over the Blackhearts buisness, but he changed the title, and also made it separate from the Blackheart's as he had "Other" interests than trying to help the Blackhearts start a civilization.
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