
Sweaty Personhorses: Chapter V -IN PROGRESS-

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. >Just moments ago, you stepped off the train in Canterlot for official royal business
  2. >Said royal business will not start until later this evening, however, giving you a little extra time on your hands
  3. >Your friends have also planned to make the best of their free time
  4. >Pinkie said she was going shopping in the market district
  5. >Dash and Fluttershy would be at the gym after lunch
  6. >Rarity and Applejack are meeting you for dinner at 6
  7. >And Twilight is at the castle right now preparing for the meeting with the princess at 4
  8. >Your watch now reads 11:18
  9. >You still have a couple questions for Dash
  10. >But you have no idea where to find her
  11. >At least you know where she will be later
  12. >Might as well wander the city and take in the sights
  14. ...
  16. >It's been 30 minutes and so far all you've seen are snooty rich folk, expensive stores, and snooty rich folk running expensive stores
  17. >Where do all the poor people such as yourself go?
  18. >Feeling dejected, you make your way out of the...
  19. "Bank District?"
  20. >Oh
  21. >As you leave, you pass by a quaint little restaurant
  22. >A sign advertises a woman in a gray dress playing a violin
  23. >Tempting, but those prices...
  24. >Eventually, you come across what you believe is the entertainment district
  25. >Neon signs advertising night clubs seem so dull in the morning
  26. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot several people entering one of the clubs
  27. >You turn to get a better look
  28. >A giant record with a comical scratch on the side reads "The Scratch"
  29. >A smaller sigh below confirms it's a bar and grill
  30. >A quick bite wouldn't hurt
  31. >You open the door to reveal a dimly lit building
  32. >Wisps of smoke fill the air from various ashtrays
  33. >There are actually more people than you thought there would be
  34. >Most are smoking or having a beer a little too early
  35. >Most of the guys here brought their arm candy
  36. >ALL of the guys, actually...
  37. >Yeah, you are definitely not standing out
  38. >...
  39. >On stage, a young woman is checking her equipment
  40. >No doubt for tonight's performance
  41. >The turntable and amps make it obvious she's a DJ
  42. >Oh wait, 'The Scratch'
  43. >Duh
  44. >You stand around awkwardly for a few moments, debating on if you wanted to go up and talk to her
  45. >She probably wouldn't be interested in some nobody like you...
  46. >Eh, worth a shot
  47. >The stage lighting was a little brighter than the rest of the room, so you wince as you get close to all the reflective metal
  48. >The woman sees you approach and gives you a nod as she takes off her headphones
  49. >"Hey, you here for the show tonight?"
  50. "When is it?"
  51. >"Six."
  52. "Er, sorry. I already have plans."
  53. >"Tch. Bummer. But it's cool, man. We're gonna be open til eleven if you have some time."
  54. >She goes back to her deck
  55. "Hey, aren't you Vinyl Scratch?"
  56. >Her eyes quickly raise to meet yours
  57. >"Yeah! Heard of me?"
  58. "You've played in town, right?"
  59. >"Yep! I'm kinda shocked, you know my actual name! Usually I'm just called the DJ."
  60. >You smile
  61. "I thought it was you. I almost didn't recognize you without your goggles."
  62. >"Heh, I get that a lot."
  63. >Vinyl walks from behind her table and takes a seat on the stage lip
  64. >She was wearing a white tank top with baggy blue pants
  65. >As she gets comfortable, her black boots swing
  66. >They reminded you of Gilda's
  67. >"So you got plans, huh? Who's the lucky girl?"
  68. >Vinyl playfully pokes you in the stomach with the toe of her boot
  69. "Uh, girls, actually."
  70. >She gives a mock gasp
  71. >"You bad boy!"
  72. >She lightly kicks you this time
  73. "No, nothing like that! We're just going out to eat... as friends."
  74. >"Uh huh. Suuuure. I'm not judging."
  75. >She winks before getting up
  76. >"Tell you what. If you aren't busy after your date, come on by. We can hang backstage."
  77. "Really? Just me and you?"
  78. >"Sure! You don't gush over me like my other fans. And you just seem like a chill guy in general."
  79. >Huh
  80. "Alright."
  81. >"Cool! See ya tonight!"
  82. >You turn to leave, but suddenly something clicks in your brain
  83. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be a mute?"
  84. >"Nah, that's just my stage gimmick."
  85. >Shrugging, you take your leave
  86. >You shield your eyes from the sun as they readjust to the brightness
  87. >Jeez, your to-do list is just growing by the hour
  88. >A sharp pang in your stomach makes you realize something
  89. >You're friggin' starving
  90. >Forgot to eat breakfast... again
  91. >This is becoming a bad habit for you
  92. >You think about grabbing something at the bar, but don't really want to eat alone
  93. >Pinkie should be around here somewhere
  94. >Maybe you could grab lunch with her?
  96. ...
  98. >Canterlot's marketplace is definitely different than back home
  99. >Most everything here is overpriced as hell
  100. >A sign advertises cherries for 5 bits
  101. "Can Pinkie even afford this stuff?"
  102. >"Nonny!"
  103. >As if on cue, the pure, raw energy and its host body skip over to you
  104. >"What did I tell you about talking to inanimate objects?"
  105. >She giggles
  106. >How...?
  107. "You heard- I mean, how was your shopping spree?"
  108. >Ponko's eyes light up
  109. >"Ooh, ooh! You shoulda been there, Nonny! The 'healthy' store had SOOOOO many things I've never heard of! Do you know what a... dietary supplement tablet is?"
  110. "I think it's-"
  111. >"Anyway, the lady wanted to charge me 30 bits for a pound of tofu! 30! And it wasn't even cupcake shaped! Can you believe that?!"
  112. "I-"
  113. >"So I just got some strawberries instead."
  114. >You don't open your mouth in fear of being interrupted
  115. >Pinkie just stands there with the same grin, expecting something
  116. "Hey, did you wanna-"
  117. >"Of course I'll grab lunch with you, silly!"
  118. >Getting mad just ain't worth it
  119. >"I know just the place!"
  120. >You remember the restaurant prices on that sign and feel your wallet ache
  121. >Pinkie notices the expression on your face and smirks
  122. >"Don't worry, it's just a burger joint."
  123. >She leads you to a modest little cafe she must have passed by
  124. >Luckily, Pinkie was right about the prices, so you were able to order a decent meal
  125. >The food arrives and the two of you eat in silence
  126. >Both of you were hungrier than you thought
  127. >You rip into your burger as Pank slurps down her shake
  128. >Out of the corner of your eye, you can't help but notice her foot bobbing up and down on her knee
  129. >Swallow your bite a little harder than you meant to
  130. >Y'know, I bet those feet are nice and warm after this morning
  131. >Not now...
  132. >You shift your eyes back to Pinkie, but she's still engrossed in her milkshake
  133. >And she DID say she wanted to do it again sometime...
  134. >This never gets easier...
  135. >Why not ease into the subject?
  136. "So, uh, you must have walked a lot."
  137. >Hold that spaghetti in, Anon
  138. >Pinkie looks up from her shake
  139. >"Well, DUH! How else would I get around? Ooh! I can hop or skip or even-"
  140. "Aren't you tired at all?"
  141. >"Hmm, maybe a little. But this choco brownie blast is giving me a major sugar rush!"
  142. >She emphasizes by taking a huge gulp
  143. >Darn Pinkie's childlike innocence
  144. "I bet your feet are tired of being in those hot shoes. I could help if you wanted."
  145. >Pinkie looks down at her pink sneakers
  146. >"Oh! You mean one of your super awesome foot rubs! Sure!"
  147. "Hey, not so loud..."
  148. >She ignores your plead and plops both feet on the table
  149. >"Ready!"
  150. "Uh, h-how about somewhere a little more comfortable?"
  151. >Pinkie plays with her curls as she thinks
  152. >"The park sound okay? I think I remember seeing a bench under a shady tree."
  153. "Sounds perfect."
  155. ...
  157. >The park wasn't that far from the cafe
  158. >And sure enough, there was a bench under a tree
  159. >The bench was warm from the sun hitting it all morning, and the shade protected you from the sun directly overhead
  160. >'Comfy' would be an understatement
  161. >Pinkie joins you on the bench and swings her legs around to rest on your lap
  162. >"Mmm, ready."
  163. >Her voice already has that mellow tone
  164. >Almost flirty
  165. >You take her left shoe into your hand and begin unlacing
  166. >Even with the shoe on, you can still catch a whiff of the prize inside
  167. >With the knot undone, the pink sneaker slides off easily
  168. >The wind was blowing directly in your face, carrying the aroma right to your nose
  169. >The last time you were in this position, Pinkie was covered in cake and other sweet scents, but this was different
  170. >It wasn't rank or sour, but not fresh and fruity either
  171. >Just the natural smell of a hyperactive girl
  172. >The pink ankle sock covering her foot was also damp
  173. >Pinkie must be enjoying the cool air on her feet as her toes wiggled in her socks
  174. >As if guided by an invisible hand, your fingers find her other foot and free it as well
  175. >Now you were staring at both her soles, complete with small, dark smudges under the toes
  176. >Wait, you can't give a proper massage with socks on, can you?
  177. >Feeling bold, you slip your finger under the band of her left sock
  178. >Pinkie doesn't protest, so you continue
  179. >In a swift tug, the sock slides off her foot
  180. >You set down her now bare left foot on your lap in a way that lets it press into your stomach
  181. >After the second foot is freed, Pinkie opens her eyes and sits up
  182. >"Wow! Just look at all those fuzzies!"
  183. "Fuzzies?"
  184. >"Yeah! Look!"
  185. >She lifts her feet off your lap and practically shoves them into your face
  186. >Sure enough, Pinkie's feet are covered in pink sock lint, mostly in between her toes
  187. >"See 'em?!"
  188. "Y-Yeah..."
  189. >Your heart is nearly about to burst out of your chest
  190. >Unfortunately, you make the mistake of fantasizing about cleaning the lint from her toes
  191. >"Anon?"
  192. "Wha- Huh?"
  193. >"Your face is all red again. That always seems to happen when I talk about my feet."
  194. >shitshitshit
  195. "What? No, it doesn't..."
  196. >"Yeah, it does! Sugarcube Corner, over at Applejack's, and right now!"
  198. >Pinkie might be naive, but once she gets suspicious...
  199. >In a last ditch effort, you squeak
  200. "It's... hot?"
  201. >Her incredulous look doesn't fade as she brings her feet up to rest on your chest
  202. >Before you can ask what she's doing, Pinkie begins rubbing her big toe in circles around your chest
  203. >She's obviously trying to get a reaction out of you, as her eyes never leave yours
  204. >Her glare is actually pretty terrifying
  205. >You had almost forgotten how vicious Pinkie can be when she interrogates someone, if Spike's story holds any water
  206. >"I think you're lying to me..."
  207. >That did NOT sound like the Pinkie you knew
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