

May 16th, 2016
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  1. I'm running on like 3 hours of sleep and 10 hours of work and two bowls of chili so excuse me for rambling incoherently but I just want to say that I've been part of speedrunning in some capacity for around 5 years now and I really like a lot of people and they're cool and I want to meet more cool people and we'll meet at SGDQ and I'm usually pretty forward about saying hello so don't be shy with me if you want to also say hello.
  3. Idk if I'm weird or how other people feel but there's a certain amount of pride and joy I get out of people coming to what is basically my home and stomping grounds and having a great time. I like making sure people have fun and that they can find what they're looking for.
  5. I'd like to do some more speedrunning but there are a lot of new games coming out that I'd like to play too and I've never been too big on the emulator side for the games I pick (mostly due them not being on super accurate emulators) so the focus is on the new games. I have expensive taste in speedrun games and I know that. Still waiting on another sub $300 copy of Tryrush Deppy.
  7. New Doom is really fun I recommend it, it's pretty much a classic FPS and it has key cards and fun weapons and fast movement and none of this AI partner telling you to do stuff or big military whatsits you just shoot some demons and have a good time I like good times.
  9. If you would like to contribute to getting me to SGDQ, please pay in one hug at the event or a nice handshake it really helps me out
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