
Luna's inquiry (suggestive)

Apr 27th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon visiting Canterlot to meet with Luna. You're not entirely sure what it's all about but the atmosphere seems fairly casual.
  2. >"Anon. We are pleased that you have agreed to meet us here on this night."
  3. >Twilight had neglected to mention that this meeting was optional, though you can't say that you're particularly surprised that she would make it sound so compulsory.
  4. "Don't mention it. I suppose it's a pretty big deal to meet one on one with royalty. I have to admit that I'm not really sure why you'd want to see me. "
  5. >" Yes. There has been some concern and a great deal of curiosity surrounding you. As you might have heard we poses the ability to enter other ponies' dreams. You, however, are different. Despite our best attempts, we have not been able to see into your dreams. "
  6. >The idea of someone poking around in your dreams strikes you as a clear violation of privacy. You as much as intend to say so when you remind yourself that you're a visitor in a strange land. And as they say, when in Rome...
  7. >The day had been a roller-coaster of stress, the high of Twilight freaking out on you about being on time and looking your best, the low of carefree train ride there, another high seeing the daunting walls of the castle, another low in the peaceful wait for the princess, and now this. These ups and downs have been taking their toll. Especially on what little antiperspirant you had left in the few things that came to this land with you.
  8. >You tug lightly at your shirt as you listen to Luna, pulling the lightly moist fabric from your underarms. Your movement is immediately noticed by Luna.
  9. >"We understand that you may have reservations about us seeing your dreams. That is why we propose that we simply get to know... Anon? We appreciate the formal gesture of arriving dressed but it is not necessary. You may disrobe if it would make you more comfortable."
  11. "D-Disrobe? Oh no no thanks I'm uh more comfortable like this."
  12. >Luna is quick to notice the reddening hue of your face.
  13. >"Did I say something wrong? I did not mean to embarrass or offend you."
  14. >You struggle for the words to explain.
  15. "Oh no. It's fine its just... Well, culture shock I guess. You see it's somewhat taboo in the society I'm from to be... exposed."
  16. >"We are intrigued. Do your people keep themselves cover at all times? Is it not uncomfortable?"
  17. >You'd never thought Luna to be so inquisitive, especially of something that to you seems so... commonsense.
  18. "Well for the most part we do except for when it's necessary for things like bathing and such. And it's not really uncomfortable because we're so accustomed to it."
  19. >"We mean no offense but this sounds quite bizarre. To go through life revealing so little of yourself to anyone. It seems rather impersonal."
  20. >You try for the moment to see how it might appear to her. In a society that dresses only for formal occasions or to show off it might seem almost cold to cover one's self from everyone.
  21. "Well, I wouldn't say that we don't expose ourselves to anyone. I mean if there is someone we really trust it's not always a problem."
  22. >Luna smiles hearing this. And looking as though she now understands stating "It must be a rather hostile place you come from. We don't see how your clothes would afford you much protection. But trust is at the very heart of this meeting."
  23. >Now you're sure she missed the point. You're about to correct her when she leaves you speechless.
  24. >"We wish that one day you trust us enough to expose yourself not only to us but to all of Equestria."
  26. >Again you stand mouth open at a loss for words. But again the blood that rushes to you face tells it all.
  27. >"Oh dear." Luna admits, "We've done it again, haven't we?"
  28. >With a simple nod from you she goes over it again in her mind before inquiring further. "Is it something that you hide? Some manner of self revelatory secret?"
  29. >At this point she is just confusing you. Rather than admit the simple answer that you know would explain everything you grasp for an understanding of what she might be thinking. But in the end it is pointless. She won't allow you the time to think that over.
  30. "Well, it's.... I mean yeah kind of. Wait no not like that it's more of a..."
  31. >You continue to nervously dance around the subject in your mind as the princess clearly becomes frustrated. And how frustrating it must be not being able to simply delve into the mind of someone to see how their subconscious works. Then to be met with such obstinacy when asking a simple question.
  32. >As her frustration grows her diplomatic demeanor breaks. "We demand to know what it is you're hiding. We would prefer not to forcibly disrobe you but if you refuse to comply we have no choice but to-"
  33. >You cut her off with the only answer you have left to give her. The one you've been avoiding.
  34. "It's a sexual thing, okay?"
  36. >The princess so formidable a moment ago goes silent with a light blush. "Is-is that so? That is no reason to be so secretive."
  37. >She turns away slightly before peering at you from the corner of her eye. You can see the shock of what you said is quickly pushed off by her continuing suspicion.
  38. >"And you are certain there is nothing more to it? We are having a hard time believing that an entire people would subject themselves to such a concept for such a foolish reason."
  39. >Now she's just being difficult.
  40. "It's true. Where I come from, seeing someone unclothed is considered to be... sexually provocative."
  41. >Luna finally turn back to fully face you now wearing a slight smirk. "If that is the case we can only imagine what you must think of us. We must know, now. Do you find us to be sexually provocative?"
  42. >This feels like a loaded question. You could say no and it might offend her. Or you could say yes and she'd think to to be some kind of pervert. Your mind races and of course settles for both.
  43. "Well, no but.. I mean yes. Wait that is that... "
  44. >The princess narrows her eyes. She doesn't seem quite as wary of you now but you can tell that she still seems to think you're being dishonest with her. As you ramble on she turns away from you and with a flick of her tail the moonlight reveals all to you.
  46. >You catch yourself staring for what at the moment feels like it could have been forever. With a sudden involuntary gasp you divert your gaze nervously feeling as though you might faint.
  47. >An eruption of laughter comes from Luna's direction followed by a swift apology. "Truly sorry for the test but we are now convinced as well as most amused."
  48. >You glance up to see that she has turned to face you again. You mutter under your breath as she stands there still trying to regain her composure. Yeah she is the coruler of this land and all but you find it very disrespectful to tease you in such a way.
  49. >Catching that look in your eye helps Luna stifle her laughter a bit quicker. "Again we apologize. It seemed the easiest way to be sure of your honesty at the time."
  50. >With a sigh you quickly get over yourself. Even as the seconds go by it begins to seem more and more like a harmless prank.
  51. "Yeah. I guess I understand. That is as long as you don't think less of me for my reaction."
  52. >Now as it would seem on a more personal level she smirks at you. "We understand how it is to be confronted with a social stigma. Though to be honest, we're a little flattered by your response."
  53. >Luna takes a deep breath regaining the last but of her regal composer before stating in that familiar and serious tone. "We still believe there is a bridge of trust to be crossed. If you were to find it favorable to set aside the insecurities of your former home, we would consider it a strong gesture of trust to us."
  54. >With that she carefully kicks off her shoes, and with a light glow of magic lifts her crown and unlatches her breastplate before setting them to the ground.
  56. >You didn't think she could be more... nude, but there she stands before you with nothing but her sparkling mane to dress her. Without the royal accessories you find her to look a lot more personable. Not quite plain but approachable.
  57. >You take a deep breath and stifle a groan of defeat. Now you see it. That must be exactly how they see you. All covered up and shut away from the world around you. Too uptight and stuck in your ways to truly connect with them.
  58. >You shake your head with a half smile of embarrassment.
  59. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
  60. >You reach up and start to unbutton the top of your shirt. As you reach the bottom and slide it off your arms you look back to Luna. She simply stands there watching with a smile that seems to be goading you on.
  61. >You hesitate for a second before you feel a light tug at the front of your pants. With a faint glow of Luna's magic your belt unfastens, the button comes loose, and the zipper slips down. She doesn't go as far as to pull your pants down but leaves that to you in your own time despite her clear impatience.
  62. >You kick off your shoes and pull off your socks before pushing down and stepping out of your pants. I guess going commando today will just hurry this whole thing along. Standing bare in the moonlight fighting the urge to cover yourself. Hoping the lingering effect of her earlier presentation casts you in a more flattering light you watch Luna trying to guage her reaction.
  64. >With a bright smile she says, "We are pleased that you have found it acceptable to trust us so. It would only be fair that we entrust you with something as well."
  65. >Luna now having dropped much of her royal poise she approaches looking you over as she moves past brushing your exposed side. She walks around behind you before coming around your other side. Looking up at you she goes on with a bit of a sheepish tone, "We would entrust you with a secret. One with which our sister among others might disapprove. Will you keep our secret from all others?"
  66. >Testing this newfound comfort with each other you bring a hand up toward her face as you answer.
  67. "Of course. Your secret will be safe with me. "
  68. >She smiles and nuzzles her cheek again the back of your hand. Looking up at you with an almost gitty smile she whispers up to you, "We often dream of bedding with unusual creatures such as yourself."
  70. >Your mouth falls open as Luna gives a little giggle. Is the princess actually propositioning you? Your heart races and again you feel your face warm.
  71. "Luna, I don't know what to say. I... I suppose I... can't say I have any objection. "
  72. >Her eyes light up and she lifts her head beckoning you closer as if for a kiss. You hear her whisper your name, " Anon... " and you reply.
  73. "Luna..."
  74. >"Anon... Anon... ANON!"
  75. >Twilight's voice rings in your ears, "Are you going to sleep all day?"
  76. >You groan forcing your eyes open to the sight of the noisey little purple horse.
  77. >"You must have been having some kind of nightmare. You kept muttering Princess Luna's name. You must have been more nervous about going to meet her tonight than I thought."
  78. >Dazed you try to comprehend what she's saying as you lift your head and look about the room. As you gain your senses you suddenly become aware of how thankful you are that you were sleeping on your side.
  79. "Huh? Yeah a nightmare... "
  80. >Twilight smiles and with a sound of relief says," Well, you don't have to worry. I got a letter from her just this morning saying that she doesn't need to see you tonight after all. I guess she figured out the answer to whatever it was she was going to ask you about."
  81. >Heading out of the room she looks back and asks, "Well, aren't you going to get up?"
  82. >You look down at the blanket that is thankfully concealing you for now before putting your head back down on the pillow.
  83. "Ten minutes..."
  84. >Twilight shrugs and heads out the door. "Alright. Just don't doze off again. I don't know how much longer I can keep Spike from eating the breakfast I saved for you."
  85. End
  87. -Bonermancer
  88. bnrmancer[at]
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