
Across The Field And Back (ch3)

Jun 12th, 2018
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  3. Day 3: Struggle
  5. A flashback from what was mentioned in ch1!
  7. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  9. ------------
  11. Chapter 3.
  13. "Now go, you dolt! They're waiting for you!"
  15. "You too! And don't forget to drink something!"
  17. Ruby had said that to Weiss on the evening of their first game of the season, and she had often said it jokingly in past seasons as well, but only in recent years once the sting of the memories had eased off a little.
  19. Everyone knew they were best friends and always had been, and everyone knew they always ended up on opposite teams for soccer.
  21. But the two of them never complained or tried to get it changed, because they had come to enjoy the slight rivalry the sport built up between them. They'd come to realize that if they were on the same team, they would take things much less seriously, have no particular opponent they wished to combat, and therefore would probably start slacking in their skills.
  23. They had come to overlook the misfortune of not being on the same team together, as they were together in just about everything else they did in life anyway. And instead they had come to appreciate the challenge it presented to have their own best friend on the other side of the field, wearing opposing colors.
  25. They'd come to appreciate that challenge over the years. But the very first year the two of them had signed up for soccer back in middle school, when Ruby was 12 and Weiss 13, they hadn't been happy about the results at all...
  27. . . .
  29. Ruby pouted all the day throughout school and all on the bus ride home as she sat next to Weiss, muttering and mumbling how soccer wasn't going to be fun if she couldn't even be with her best friend. Weiss sympathized.
  31. "I know it isn't exactly what we'd hoped for, but don't go quitting on me just because of that. We promised we'd do this together, even if we weren't together, right?"
  33. And Ruby sighed and groaned.
  35. "I guess..."
  37. Luckily practices weren't as boring as Ruby feared they would be. Her own Coach Oobleck and Weiss' Coach Port were best friends as well, and so they often let their teams train and practice together on the weekends.
  39. Not only did Ruby actually get to play with Weiss, but she got to play with her other friends as well. It ended up being a lot of fun to go to those practices every couple evenings after school or on weekend mornings.
  41. Ruby quickly found out that she liked the forward offense position, as she enjoyed running around the field, making passes to friends, and shots on the goal the most.
  43. However Weiss was still trying to figure out if she liked offense or defense more. She felt she had a knack for both, and really wanted to push for offense, just because it meant she'd get to cross the mid-field line and be on Ruby's side more often.
  45. Before they knew it, their coaches were talking about the first game of the season, which just so happened to be against each other's teams.
  47. The evening of that first game Weiss got a thrill of excitement getting dressed into her blue jersey and tying her hair into a ponytail. She loved the look of her new outfit, as did her older sister, who insisted on taking pictures in the foyer.
  49. As their father drove them to the field, Winter sat in the back with Weiss to talk with her.
  51. "So what position will you be playing tonight? Do you know yet?"
  53. Weiss considered.
  55. "I think Coach Port wants to put me on defense. But I want to try offense."
  57. "Really now? That should be interesting. You know I'll be cheering you on either way."
  59. "I know. Thank you, Winter."
  61. When they arrived, Weiss gave her sister and father a hug before jogging off onto the field toward her coach and gathering teammates. Port was already assigning positions.
  63. "Mr. Len, my good lad, you'll be on defense with eh... with Miss Schnee."
  65. "Pardon me, sir?" Weiss raised her hand halfway. "I'd like to request a forward position."
  67. "Would you now? Are you certain about that? You're quite skilled at guarding the goal, you know."
  69. "Thank you, sir. But I'd like to try offense. At least for the first quarter."
  71. "Hmm... How does the third sound? Defense until then, is that all right?"
  73. "Yes! Thank you, sir!"
  75. "Please, please! Call me 'Coach'!"
  77. So Weiss jogged across the field to where Ruby's team was just dispersing from Oobleck's position assignment. Ruby perked up at the sight of her and ran in for a hug.
  79. "Wow! Weiss, you look great in your jersey! So sporty!"
  81. "You don't look half bad either, I suppose. It rather suites you. Are you excited?"
  83. "Yeah! Though I'm still bummed we can't be on the same team. I don't wanna have to verse you..."
  85. "Don't think like that or you'll never enjoy yourself, you dolt." Weiss flicked her forehead. "Don't worry about being on my team or not. Just have fun and play."
  87. "You're right. Thanks, Weiss."
  89. "Best of luck. You're going to need it."
  91. Weiss winked as she headed off, having successfully uplifted her friend's spirits.
  93. Their first game ever soon began, and Weiss stuck to her defensive position, keeping all of her training in mind. She watched the ball, watched the formation of the players, though she kept an eye on Ruby more often than anyone else. Not only because she was her friend, but because most of the time Ruby was the one with the ball.
  95. It was just like their skirmishes. Ruby would usually be the one bringing the ball to Weiss' goal, but Weiss intercepted her at least half the time. Though she let a few goals get past her, she prevented a lot of them, to the glee of her teammates and sister on the bleachers.
  97. Being the first game of the season, everyone was giving it their all, both teams trying to prove they wouldn't go down so easily the first match.
  99. By the end of the second quarter it was 4 to 3 with Weiss' team in the lead. Everyone was told to get some water and stretch out.
  101. Weiss was sweating and her turn on offense was coming. Winter rushed over to hand her a water bottle, but Weiss refused. She could take a ball to the gut or the back and be fine. That kind of pain didn't faze her. It was the cramps and the internal things that debilitated her the most, and she wasn't about to risk that when she'd be playing offense now.
  103. When she took up her new position now closer to the middle of the field, closer to Ruby, the brunette was shocked and called out to her in surprise.
  105. "Weiss, you're playing offense?"
  107. "What, did you think I couldn't?"
  109. "N-No not at all, I just-"
  111. "Quiet, you dolt! We're about to start."
  113. Referee Glynda brought the ball to the center, motioning both Ruby and Weiss forward to start the kick-off. She placed the ball between them and put her whistle to her lips. Ruby smirked up at Weiss.
  115. "I'm not gonna go easy on you!"
  117. "You'd better not."
  119. The whistle blew. Weiss reacted more quickly and touched the ball with her foot, but though Ruby was a second later, her kick had more force. She ended up with control of it and hurried forward past Weiss. Annoyed, Weiss took off after her.
  121. The game commenced with the offense players clashing, bringing the ball closer to this goal or that one, back and forth across the field.
  123. It was a lot to keep up with. Someone would have the ball down by a goal but then a solid kick from a defense player would send it three quarters of the way in the opposite direction, making all the offense players run back the other way.
  125. Weiss almost felt dizzy. She found herself struggling with Ruby for the ball many times now that she was on offense. Just getting it away from her and passing to someone else or kicking it clear was a challenge with Ruby's trademark speed.
  127. About ten minutes in the red team scored to even the points. They all reset to their positions and waited for the whistle. Ruby felt confident enough to gloat.
  129. "Sure you don't wanna go back to defense, Weiss? Looks like they need you there."
  131. "Why you little-"
  133. Whistle. They both charged forward for the ball, but Ruby ended up with it again. Weiss pivoted and raced after her.
  135. But it wasn't cramps that got to her. It was all the shouting, the noise, the pounding of cleats over wet ground, the smells of dirt and sweat and popcorn from the bleachers, the bright lights and blurring colors...
  137. Ruby was carrying the ball to the goal when she noticed Weiss in her peripheral vision. She'd been flanking her as usual when suddenly she went down. Weiss swayed and dropped to one knee, then the other.
  139. Ruby was the first to notice because she was always watching Weiss. And it terrified her.
  141. "Weiss?!"
  143. She abandoned the ball without a second thought, pushing through the other players in spite of everyone's confused shouts. No one else had noticed Weiss until now. Ruby pelted to her side and dropped to her knees, holding her up and yelping frantically.
  145. "Weiss? Weiss? What happened?" Ruby supported her as best she could, clearing the bangs away from Weiss' face. She was panting hard and trembling.
  147. "I... I-I don't know... I just got... so dizzy all of a sudden..."
  149. Ruby moved closer and used her jersey to wipe more sweat off of Weiss' face. As everyone else realized what was going on the game was put on pause. Ruby turned to her worried friends and shouted.
  151. "S-Someone bring her some water!" As people rushed around and started muttering anxiously, Ruby pulled Weiss into a hug for support. "J-Just take deep breaths. You're okay, Weiss." Ruby could feel Weiss' heart pounding, feel her shaking and panting for breath.
  153. As soon as Pyrrha raced over with a bottle of water, Ruby held her hands around Weiss' to help her drink. The on-site medic arrived and Ruby helped bring Weiss to a bench to get checked over.
  155. The other players took a knee and waited.
  157. It was determined Weiss was dehydrated and wouldn't be allowed to play the rest of the game. Winter and her father prepared to take her home.
  159. Not Ruby or anyone else felt like playing much after that, and the rest of the game felt lifeless. The score remained at 4 to 4 till the end, and the coaches decided against overtime and settled for a tie.
  161. That had been their first game ever.
  163. The next time Ruby had seen Weiss at school she'd given her a big tight hug and hadn't let go for 5 whole minutes, even as Weiss insisted she was all better.
  165. They'd made a promise not to quit soccer, a promise to take better care of themselves and each other, a promise to become worthy rivals and to do their best.
  167. A promise that had held true to the present day five years later...
  169. . . .
  171. Enough time had passed since then for them to be able to learn how to joke about it. Now Ruby would often jibe at Weiss and tell her not to forget to drink before a game or practice.
  173. An incident like that hadn't occurred again since, just a few stray balls to the gut or face here or there. But every once in a while Ruby would tease her a little too much-
  175. "Don't forget to drink, Weiss! Water, water, water-"
  177. -and it would end with Weiss dumping an entire bottle onto Ruby's head.
  179. -----------
  181. A/N: That goes for you guys to! Drink water!
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