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Nov 23rd, 2015
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  1. <r57shell> guys
  2. <r57shell> maybe I'm really stupid
  3. <r57shell> but
  4. <r57shell>
  5. <r57shell> why there movies that actually HAVE stars
  6. <r57shell> don't have stars icons?
  7. <Fog_TAS> because you're in the star section?
  8. <Fog_TAS> seems counter intuitive to have a star when you're in the star section
  9. * ais523 (~ais523@unaffiliated/ais523) has joined #tasvideos
  10. <r57shell> no
  11. <r57shell> it's counter intuitive to NOT HAVE
  12. <r57shell> star icon for movie that has it
  13. <DwainiumB> Fog_TAS: I just wanted to make a quick test movie but it just isn't responsive enough
  14. <DwainiumB> I use 5396 anyway, I'll just wait until everything is fixed.
  15. <r57shell> Fog_TAS in hope that it will change something, I'll add example from life
  16. <r57shell> Imagine I have car
  17. <r57shell> and I wanna buy tires
  18. <r57shell> studded wheels
  19. <r57shell> I opening some shop
  20. <r57shell> for tires
  21. <r57shell> then, I adding filter
  22. <r57shell> studded
  23. <r57shell> and SUDDENLY
  24. <r57shell> it returns in results
  25. <r57shell> studded ACTUALLY
  26. <r57shell> but NO info about they are studded
  27. <r57shell> it's just hidded "because it's obvious, you had searching studded"
  28. <r57shell> it makes really big confusion
  29. <r57shell> I would even call support
  30. <r57shell> and say, guys, filter "studded" does not work
  31. <r57shell> and imagine manager
  32. <r57shell> that will tell bs
  33. <r57shell> (bullshit)
  34. <r57shell> "you was searching studded, so info about studded not need, so we removed it in info"
  35. <r57shell> wtf
  36. <r57shell> r u mad?
  37. <r57shell> ok, I can post that all somewhere, if you point where to post that thing
  38. <Zanoab> what extra information could a star icon provide?
  39. <Zanoab> (I agree with you for other reasons though)
  40. <r57shell> I don't need extra info actually
  41. <Zanoab> my problem is when the inverse happens
  42. <r57shell> it needs for consistency
  43. <r57shell> what inverse?
  44. <Zanoab> what if you don't just want to look at star movies?
  45. <r57shell> profile of movie should not depend any condition
  46. <Zanoab> there is no way to tell it is filtered
  47. <r57shell> it should be OBJECTIVE
  48. <r57shell> not SUBJECTIVE
  49. <r57shell> atm, it depends on page where you looking from
  50. <Invariel> There is a way to tell that it's filtered: Filter+ is a link at the top of the page.
  51. <Invariel> And, on top of that, the page that links to Movies-Stars says, "For a list of all currently starred movies,".
  52. <r57shell> as programmer I completely understand current mechanics
  53. <Zanoab> star movies are the primary links in
  54. <r57shell> and how can person detect what was filtered
  55. <Zanoab> *notable
  56. <Invariel> Also that -- Movies by tier -> Stars.
  57. <r57shell> BUT! it's not reason to remove things from movie item
  58. <r57shell> *info
  59. <Invariel> If I could see the template page for how the Stars page is put together, I'd be able to comment (possibly) on the design decision.
  60. <Zanoab> I changed my mind
  61. <Invariel> But I don't seem to be able to.
  62. <r57shell> also
  63. <r57shell> from "information" side
  64. <r57shell> if person starting to ask "what icon does not show"
  65. <r57shell> that means, that he can gain that info
  66. <r57shell> and, conclusion is: that info was removed
  67. <r57shell> that is my answer to question "what extra info could a star icon provide"
  68. <Invariel> The URL of the page includes "Movies-Stars".
  69. <Zanoab> and you can't just get to it by accident without knowing
  70. <r57shell> other example
  71. <r57shell> imagine site that removes actor from actors lists in movies
  72. <r57shell> when you search movies with actor
  73. <r57shell> it's completely mad
  74. <Zanoab> I would want that though
  75. <Zanoab> do you know how many actors are in movies?
  76. <r57shell> but, arguing in that way, you should do that
  77. <r57shell> I know
  78. <r57shell> but this does not reason to remove actor from movie profile depending on filter
  79. <Invariel> So, let's take your example, and change it to what is going on here.
  80. <r57shell> normal site would highlight it
  81. <Invariel> You search up the actors in a given movie, and it gives you a page: ABugsLife-Actors
  82. <r57shell> as item that you was looking for
  83. <Invariel> And then goes on to list Jerry Seinfeld, etc., etc., etc.
  84. <Zanoab> yes, let's fill profiles with redudant information which is better served for more unique information
  85. <Invariel> You know, from the URL, that everyone listed is going to be an actor in A Bug's Life.
  86. <+TASVideoAgent> New reply by Weatherton (N64gam: Mario Kart 64): [a:1]
  87. <Zanoab> not everybody reads URL (or even understand their purpose)
  88. <r57shell> Zanoab it's not redundant, if you look for movies with Leonardo DiCaprio, and in actors list he is omitted
  89. <r57shell> it makes conclusion, that info is NOT CONSISTENT
  90. <r57shell> not true
  91. <r57shell> info - lies
  92. <r57shell> because he was there
  93. * Amaraticando (~amaratica@ Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  94. <r57shell> same with movies info
  95. <r57shell> when it does not show star icon
  96. <r57shell> it simply lies to user
  97. <r57shell> that movie does not have star
  98. <r57shell> because that placeholder
  99. <r57shell> is actually "awards"
  100. <r57shell> placeholder
  101. <r57shell> and when you see that there is no star icon
  102. <r57shell> you making conclusion that it does not have star award
  103. <r57shell> that all
  104. <Invariel> Except that you are on the page dedicated only to those movies that have that award.
  105. <r57shell> thx, I'm stoping complain, because I'm tired to tell reasonable things to those who just don't listen
  106. <r57shell> the end
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