

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. (Scene 1 of his anger)
  3. Venus kept his moving going far away from Orto and Alteros. Way more deeper within the Marshlands. He was stumbling about the swamp lands, his head a boggle as he did so. Why was this happening to him now? It seems that with the discovery and knowledge of his magic, and how deep it had actually went, caused a sudden reaction within Venus...Things weren't the same as they were before. The sense of depravity, and anger was slowly growing within the boy. It seems that everything was moving into place, and soon, if Venus played his cards right, could have the mastery of Lyperion.
  5. Although, as of right now, Lyperion was more so kicking his ass and controlling the boy. Weeks within the Marshlands had gone by, Venus had traveled across every part of it, stuck in a daze due to his occult magic, anger still oddly enough building up within the boys body. But why was he so mad? Thoughts of his defeat, of his lack of power....IT all roamed within his head. Might that be his reason for such anger?
  7. No one except maybe some of the more expierenced Harukeans could tell, but for now Venus didn't know shit about shit. Somehow, he didn't really know how, Venus had acquired a new mask. One he placed over his face, and was now walking around in. The 5'5 boy now taking a walk away from the Marsh, and just...just going on. Upon another two months of his travel though, it seems Venus had stumbled upon a interesting sight.
  9. Appearing in the desert, and nearly making it to the northern praire's as well. Though, he didn't, and instead he stumbled upon two other occult mages that were just starting up a conversation. Venus stopped some feet away, still noticeable as his cape went on to float as the wind rushed passed it. The sense, any occult should find familiar if using their own magi clong enough, of depravity and anger was now waving over all three of them as Venus got closer.
  11. "Mmmm..." A small groan let out from Venus's mouth..He seemed to be 'out of it' at this point. Possibly because of Lyperion attempting to take control? Who knew...Anyhow, Venus's eyes soon looked over to Anastasia and back to Emphir. A sigh coming out from his mouth as he'd speak again "What are weak one's such as yourself doing out here? Why aren't the two of you hiding under some rock or whatever...."
  12. (Venus Haruke)
  13. The woman had initially been crooking an eyebrow at the boys response- to chide her for suggesting that a wee babe shouldn't be out alone in the desert. A sigh escapes her and she chuckles at that. "I don't care how strong a little bodyguard of Youkai you have, you can't be older than six or so- you should be wherever your parents are, nice and safe, rather than in danger of dying of thirst or hunger out in an overly large desert." She chides him firmly- then pauses.
  15. She feels Venus coming- feels his approach... and sighs, as the occult flames lick about her body. She shudders slightly at the sensations- where once her magical flames burnt her, now imbued with the occult they seem to burn whence only she desires. She licks her lips at the thought of the increased mastery of fire her occult delvings have granted her- at how merging the two has led to something that feels so /good/.
  17. So it is with a pleased smile that she turns to face Venus. She rolls her eyes at his words and chuckles. "My rock is being redecorated, you see."
  18. (Anastasia Lohengrim)
  19. A new guy...great. A cocky one...amazing.
  21. Upon hearing the voice, Emphir's gaze would drift toward its source and meet with the Harukean. He didn't look too old although everyone was old from the beeble's perspective. His attitude problems were the only issue here. Adjusting his glasses while gazing upon this trouble maker, the youngest dark magi would state in a rather blank manner.
  22. "You're an asshole."
  24. That said, he would switch his greyish stare toward Anastasia and add in the very same bland and blunt way.
  25. "And you're not funny."
  26. Now, to get back to more serious business, the boy would take a few steps away from the two elders and ask.
  28. "What are you two doing out here?"
  29. (Emphir Balmaria)
  30. Venus first looked over towards Anastasia. She seeming to be the strongest one here. Maybe not, but by observation she seemed to be it. Anyhow, Venus went on to listen to her little smart remark and only gave a small sarcastic and fake chuckle before stopping and looking her dead in the eyes. His own crimson hue's glowing through the plague mask, and showing themselves for the girl. "Do not toy with me,woman. Does your age permit your attitude....Because I have another way to wipe such an idea from your mind..."
  32. With his main focus on her, he almost forgot about the little kid that was also nearby. The kids very first words towards Venus and simply insulting him. Venus's head slowly shuffled over towards Emphir, and he spoke angrily "Where are your parents boy? Or are you some desert baby that has failed within society...Pitiful.." Venus said with spite before standing up completely straight and crossing his arms.
  34. His mood staying the same and all as he heard another question coming from Emphir. "Im here to kill you both if you don't go back to the rock you each came from..." Woah woah! A harsh statement there, Venus! Though, was he actually planning to go through with it, or was this his depraved mind speaking?
  35. (Venus Haruke)
  36. "First, you're a kid too so stop acting like you're a grown up supposed to be free to roam cause you're not and furthermore you really didn't get your share of spanking if the first thing you tell peoples you meet is an insult then don't expect anything nice. Be a douche with a brain or don't be a douche at all."
  37. A pause is taken during which the boy would inerly praize himself for being so smart, even nodding in approval without realising it before adding.
  39. "That aside, if you really did come to kill us, I only have one question: Why?"
  40. For real, the boy just couldn't understand why he deserved death as there obviously was no reason for such act in the first place.
  41. Venus seemed to be one of those lacking a screw to their brain and seriously, that was worrysome. The occult lover began wondering if this was the fate awaiting him if he kept increasing his dark powers.
  42. (Emphir Balmaria)
  43. Meanwhile, the redhead takes it a different way entirely. Rather than worrying why- or indeed, about any moral quandaries on the subject, the senior occultist makes a smooth gesture. An orb of purplish black flame manifests in the palm of her hand, and she stares at the eleven year old whose come to threaten her and the child.
  45. "Look. I dunnow who you are- but clearly, somethings wrong with your head." The knifewielding occultist begins, even as she slides a dagger from her coat.
  47. "But if you try to kill either of us. I will burn you alive and scorch your very soul. I will leave not a mote of your existence save the scattered ash of what was once a man, you insignificant, impolite, impudent cur. I do not care about your age- while the young boy I have some concern for as a result of his age.... you, are clearly voiding yourself of any concern other beings might possess for you by nature, through sheer idiotic blind murderous intent." She finishes harshly- before tilting her head to look at the five year old.
  49. "From your work with the Yokai you seem fond of teamwork. If he continues to press his idiotic path, what say you we show him the nature of teamwork, and aid each other in removing him from this world?"
  50. (Anastasia Lohengrim)
  51. Nothing but insults came from these two. Insult after insult, especially from the youngest. Not only did they insult this boy though, but they also even planned to team up on him? How rude, how brash, how idiotic...How annoying...Venus's anger continued to grow, and that voice of his dark side was only coursing around in his head yet again "Feast...Feast...Feast...FEAST! It was as if Venus's own occult aura was bubbling as it began to sway back and forth at a more quicker pace.
  53. The woman, Anastasia, she seemed ready to kill. As if she's been through such before. Losing this here fight might also mean the end of Venus unless some magical mercy was actually shown by the woman. Though, Venus wasn't worried about such as of now. Instead, he was more focused upon the fight, and his own preperation. His hand now lifting up into the air, and as it did he began to reach for the star, Deimos. Tugging back on its power, and grabbing ahold of more cosmic energy then he'd had before. Venus's hand was now glowing a bright yellow allure.
  55. His head then turned, and focused itself upon Emphir. Everything silent, only the wind pushing up some dust particles every now and again. "Why, boy? Because it's my fate..." Venus said in a grumpy tone. His occult aura now violently radiating about the area. The sense of depravity and anger looming over the area as Venus began to reach for his staff.
  57. Once having a hold of it he'd pull it forward, and glance at the two mages. He himself already prepared, so why wait on them? He'd just start sending shadow balls at both of them in order to get things started. Moving on to attack them with pure anger!
  58. (Venus Haruke)
  59. The woman sighs at his movements. She sneers faintly at his mannerisms, his speak of fate. How weak, how miserable, she thinks. Fate? An excuse used by those too weak to decide their own. She barks out a laugh as he begins to radiate- and her own form is wreathed in those shadowy purple flames. Darkness seethes from her form, and the sand at her feet starts to become glass, as she radiates with an intense heat- and then readies herself to move.
  61. As her foe begins to hurtle shadow balls- she snaps her fingers... and brings forth explosions of blackened flames that scorch to the very soul. She shifts her feet and gestures- as fountains of flame belch from her form, and waves of corrupt force assail her foe.
  63. She has never thought of herself as truly strong- not before, and not ever, not in truth... and yet, in this moment- she fills herself with her Bravado, her false arrogance- and moves. She shifts herself and casts- spell after spell hurtling to the man even as she aims to dance about and avoid his own attacks. The gleam in her eyes is nothing short of wicked- even as one of her first spells is quite possibly one of her most deadly- shielded by the orb of purple flame, an insidious heat that seems to burn him from within.
  65. She laughs- as the madness of battle and darkness overtakes her.
  66. (Anastasia Lohengrim)
  67. This time, it wasn't just a spar right?
  69. Emphir's question remained unanswered for the prophetic bullshit Venus was spouting didn't really mean't shit to him. This display of pure madness surely was enough to scare off your common toddler but for a badass summoner that couldn't do much...hopefuly.
  71. His body already shrouded in tendrils of darkness, the boy's stare remained fixed on the wannabe assassin, attempting to release every once of negativity dwelling within him in order to release the full might of his dark arts. Tapping into them as an unlimited source of strength and anger, a source he would have to use up if he wished to emerge out of this with his head still on his neck and that, despite Anastasia's help.
  73. Unsheating his staff, the Balmarian would point it toward the assaulter with his right hand and declare.
  74. "You're batshit."
  75. (Emphir Balmaria)
  76. Venus continued to glance towards the two as they readied up, and even began to get next to each other. Planning some sort of strategy or whatever that they'd use against Venus during their battle. Venus only stood there though, anger still boiling within his very heart as the two talked on and on, and took years for their preperation. With the shadow balls fired off, and heading for the two, it seems the yokai gaurds summoned by Emphir had moved forward as a defense for the two. Blocking the attack, and now coming for Venus.
  78. Venus's eyes shuffled towards Emphir then, and once they were locked upon him Venus knew his next target. Since Emphir controlled the most enemys and what not on the field, defeating him would mean he'd break the control. Thus, once seeing the yokai charge for him, he began to cover his body within the cosmic energies. Quickly charging forward at top speed with the cosmic powers help. Hitting Emphir in the tummy with extreme force.
  80. Once done, Venus had to also worry about Anastasia. Her now throwing shadow flames towards Venus, an odd magic he himself had never really seen. It was impressive, though, something that didn't cause a lot of damage nor was all that quick at the moment. Venus saw this, and quickly began to dodge it. Trying to figure out his next plan of attack. Seeing Anastsia fire off one more of her shadow flames, Venus did the same and countered with a fire ball.
  82. The explosion being so big it covered the boy within a cloud of dust. With this distraction, Venus began to charge up yet again. Dashing forward at Emphir with another cosmic dash and hitting him in the tummy for another direct hit. The boy tried using his own occult magic to counter against Venus, but...I mean c'mon..What's occult magic to an occult? Venus quickly shrugged off the attacks, and tossed a wave of fire at Emphir in order to take him down. The yokai he controlled now scurrying off.
  84. Venus was then hit in the back by one of Anastasia's devistating fire balls. Nearly falling on his face as he stumbled forward. Venus turned, and saw the woman now running forward, attempting to send a flamethrower on to Venus's body. Though, once seeing this, Venus only got ready to counter. Raising his hand into the air, and using his cosmic powers in order to command a fleat of cosmically charged meteorites down upon her.
  86. Whilst the woman dodged, and got hit by the cosmic attack, Venus began to cause a field of long black tendrils that cut her legs, nothing fatal, over and over with each step. Soon, she too had fallen with one more hit of a meteorite upon her chest. With both of the occult magi down then, Venus had leaped back wards, and was at the mid-point between the two.
  88. Panting heavily for a while before just letting out a loud shout "GRAAAAAH!" soon he fell down upon his elbows and knees as he began to clutch his head in confusion...Was this the actual Venus? "W-Where am I...?" he began to rock back and forth, and slowly began to look up as he felt the occult energies of the other two near.
  90. "W-What happened...?" " Feast, boy...This is my power, can't you see? Now Feast dammit! The voice tried to rage on, but Venus's consiounce was still in place..He couldn't do it, not now....Not yet. "No no no..." he began to repeat as he struggled to get back up onto his feet. A glance given to the two defeated before he just continued to make his way north...Staggering about with his mind still in a boggle.
  91. (Venus Haruke)
  93. (Scene 2- In Alteros, skipped straight to the fighting part with Hakim Sakete since everything else isn't important to this as of now.)
  95. Once Venus left the drunk within town he thought about going to Byson to return the book, although, he just figured he'd run into more rude and clumsy drunks like Roy. Instead, Venus decided he'd take his venture back to Alteros. Seeing as to how he was a 'gaurd' there, and had a lot more freedom when within the town instead of outside of it. Once inside, he was reunited with Hakim. Speaking with the short teen for a while before coming to an agreement of a spar.
  97. Though Venus has been on a bit of a rampage today, it seems that seeing Hakim's height put a bit of cheer into the boy. Venus and Hakim moved a bit away from the others as they began to get ready. Venus glancing at the large sword Hakim now held before going to his back, and grabbing the new weapon he also had. Some weapon that actually was for melee fighters, but oddly enough Venus wanted to hold it for the time being.
  99. Anyhow, once having it in hand he'd start to get ready. A sense of depravity, and a hint of rage slowly looming over the area as Venus began to shroud himself within his own occult magic. Then raising up his hand as he began to draw cosmic energy from his star, Deimos. Once done, his hand began to glisten a bright yellow allure.
  101. Once Venus was fully ready he looked towards Hakim, awaited the teen to be ready as well as he'd then move on to start the fight.
  102. (Venus Haruke)
  103. [17:32:32] Hakim holds the bastard sword with two hands, keeping it firmly within his grasp as he holds it with some aptitude for swords. Although clearly not of noteable strength yet considering his size, the boy seems to have a good grasp on the sword regardless. Inhaling air through his nostrils, letting the moisture flow through him.
  105. "We can fight with weapons, since you are wearing armor." Hakim spoke, nodding his head, tensing his muscles up, ready to give it his all in the coming battle. Remembering the sting of defeat from the last battle, it was time for a recount, another match up to see how their growth has been.
  107. "When you are ready!" He yells, bending over to dabble himself in mud, letting it coat his skin before it began to harden all over his body. His entire form was now encased in rock solid defense, providing him with a feasible defense against the darkness.
  108. (Hakim Sakete)
  109. The strength in his arms are able to keep up with the demand of power, the rock hard defense being his ultimate form of combat. Getting his head into the game, strength unrivaled in close quarters combat. But the true victory was within Hakim's excelled fire magic. A dangerous explosion, wave after wave unleashed in a chaotic mess.
  111. He wasn't done just yet, dashing forward with unparralleled speed for his age. But he was not done yet, preparing to slash Venus with the bastard sword, only to spin around and smash the pommel of the blade into his chest. A deep breath drawn, trying to focus his stamina, now that he was slightly drained.
  113. "Woo woo, let us go!" He yells, blood pumped, heart racing, the fight is getting closer to the conclusion. But there was still more fighting to be done, a need for speed and a thirst for victory that he must acquire. A maximum velocity achieved nearly, but there was still more to do, much more speed for him to unleash.
  114. (Hakim Sakete)
  115. Well then, it seems Hakim truely did get stronger. The teens new blade being one evident sign, but the hits he also threw was the second. Venus couldn't believe his improvement with his attack speed as well as defense. He was only knocked around even whilst trying to fight back. A close match for sure, but no win for Venus. Oddly enough, once losing the first round, Venus began to feel nothing more than anger...His occult magic being no help to stop such emotion, and only fueling it. " Even him aye? Even he is your demise? Terrible..." Lyperion seemed to have some choice words for the Haruke to hear.
  117. Venus's sense of depravity and anger became stronger than before. Being defeated was something he obviously didn't like....He slowly stood up, his melee weapon still in hand. Occult aura still raging about the young near-depraved body. Venus could tell Hakim was up for another round, so he was too. Picking up his weapon and getting ready for part two of their battle.
  118. (Venus Haruke)
  119. Venus and Hakim began to go at it once again. Venus being hit by the large wave of waves sent forth by Hakim. Knocking him back a bit as the flames collided with his own armor. Hot, sure sure, but Venus had to over come it. Getting back up and moving over towards Hakim yet again, he'd start to send fire balls and meteorites at the little man as best he could. Commanding his own occult magic in order for tendrils to rise up from the ground and cut at Hakims legs, nothing fatal but only due to Hakim's fast speed.
  121. Venus and Hakim were neck and neck, the fight nearly coming to an end with one of these two being the loser. Venus watched as Hakim did his best in order to get some distance from the Haruke and send more fire magic, but with the help of Deimos and its cosmic energy, he was able to dash at the teen and knock Hakim down on his butt, giving him the round.
  123. Venus was obviously tired, but his own rage and depraved mind pushed him own. He said nothing. Only readied his melee weapon once more, and got ready for Hakim to charge again. "Do you feel strong because you won kekeke! Weak, he could've beaten you to be honest!" the voice seemed to only anger Venus even more. The grip on his weapon tightening as he began to get ready to fight against Hakim in their final spar.
  124. (Venus Haruke)
  125. Hakim was exhausted by the second round, losing his momentum and dropping upon the impact given. But never did his grip on Nocturne fade, holding it firm in his hands out of possessive greed instilled upon the blade. It was his, it was now his and entrusted to him to carry. Hakim was going to carry the burden of the Saketes upon his back.
  127. And swing it from his shoulders. "I... Am... Not done... Yet..." He muttered, his bald head reflecting less of the sun, the sheen of the solar rays marred by the mud and rock skin that layered on his head. Drowning out the conversation up North, Hakim hoists the blade onto his shoulders, keeping it there before he stamps his foot.
  129. "Go!" He shouts, hunching his back to better burden the encumbersome sword. Despite its weight and size, his speed was only slightly affected by Nocturne's weight and size.
  130. (Hakim Sakete)
  131. Venus and Hakim quickly went at it once again. Hakim starting off as he did last time, expected, sending a large wave of flames towards the boy, and then attempting to dash in and get the big hit. Although, with Venus's anger empowering him as well as Lyperion. He was able to leap out of the flames way, and charge at Hakim with his cosmic energy. Sending Hakim hurdling in the grass for a while. Once back up, Venus was put back on the defensive. The quick and agile Hakim already back near him, attacking like crazy, and swinging his blade like there was no tomorrow!
  133. Venus had no choice but to counter, using the melee weapon he had in order to parry one of Hakim's attacks. Once Hakim was off-balance he only began to send fire waves, fire balls, and shadow balls at the teens chest. The fight now coming down to a nail biter as both of them were obviously beat up from their spar. Though, Venus had to continue to fight on as well as Hakim.
  135. Venus tossing a shadow ball towards Hakim as it would only explode on the ground. With such distraction, Venus had time to cover himself within cosmic energy, dashing forward towards Hakim at the speed of a meteor, and quickly hitting him in the chest. Knocking him back a few feet, and ending the spar. Venus being the winner. Once winning though, it seems the boys depraved mind was still....depraved...
  137. He began to walk forward towards the downed Hakim, acting as if he were some zombie. His 'want' to feast, and the anger that pushed him towards it slowly becoming stronger. Though, with one step in what seemed to be a puddle, Venus's consiounce began to come back to him. "Ugh..." he held half of his face with his hand, and sighed some. Looking to Hakim, and trying to help him up. "G-Good spar..." Venus said. Dispelling the occult aura, and trying to relax now.
  138. (Venus Haruke)
  139. Still, despite wielding the hefty blade, Hakim came out the loser. He lost again, seemingly no matter he did, he still came out the loser. Gritting his teeth, losing his focus, Hakim holds the sword upon his shoulder, even as he fell. But he refused Venus aid, refusing to let his inability to achieve victory to allow him to be a good sportsman.
  141. "Whatever!" He yelled, rolling off his back and hoisting his nocturne upon his back. "You kept running behind thorns, it was not a good spar!" Turning his head away, slamming Nocturne's blade into the grass, Hakim huffed in air as tears of defeat rolled down his cheeks. Sniffling on his way back, lugging Nocturne through the grass, Hakim refused to look back.
  143. Limbing away a sore loser, Hakim clamped his other hand over his left arm, trying to keep himself from dropping the blade and leaving it behind. Left behind was a trail of tears, bitterness brewing in his chest, refusing to admit to the close fight that was nearly achieved.
  144. (Hakim Sakete)
  145. Venus was ready to smack down Hakim at such an answer, although another fight was occuring in the area. Venus's focus was taken away from Hakim at such moment, and he was now only focusing upon the fight and just walked on. Deciding not to deal with it now.
  146. (Venus Haruke)
  148. (Scene 3- Within Wychwood after leaving Alteros)
  150. How annoying that was. Did Hakim think he actually had a chance? Is that why he dared to back talk against Venus saying the spar wasn't even fair? Venus was so damn annoyed...Just fed up at this point! Venus was being back talked, disrespected, and every thing in between. He was sick of it, and it seems Lyperion was too. Their rage..It grew together, not just as one. Venus was starting to get the idea it seems...Lyperion wasn't just some entity, yet a part of him that was born the same day he was branded the oracle marking.
  152. With Venus's anger growing because of Hakim, Venus decided to just leave Alteros. Making his way wherever now. Going, and putting on the plague mask yet again only because it seems others didn't even mess with him when he had it on, accept for the idiotic bandits that thought he wasn't paying attention to them or something. Anyways, Venus's travel took about a month and a week.
  154. The young Harukean ended up venturing all the way over towards the Wychwood forest. His only companion and friend being Lyperion. The voice of the dark entity oddly enough soothing him as they walked along....How odd though, what use to be annoying was now one of his only friends in the world. Anyways, Venus was now walking within the Wychwood forest.
  156. The strong sense of depravity and anger that he's been giving off a lot lately began to loom over a vast area of the forest. He himself not seeing anyone else yet, though expecting those near to feel his presence as he got closer.
  157. (Venus Haruke)
  158. .. Since Dayton was no Holy magi, and that Dark magic had only bothered him mildly, he could feel all the depravity radiating throughout the area. It was as strong as a smelly odor; it didn't took long before the 'commoner' had turn to his left. And there he was, a Harukean whom was radiating depravity, while being engloved with a sinister, Occult aura.
  160. The young Magi was simply trying to be 'commoner' for a day -again-, but now, he was forced to be in Mage clothing. He had no problem stripping in front of a pink-haired Ookami, and since Sapphire didn't seemed like she was bothered...
  162. "You there... erm.." His emerald-green eyes stared at Venus, piercing at the edgy guy. Wasn't much of a surprise that someone his age was an Occultist; most four year old magic-capable kids had dark magic these days, anyways. "Danarium is nearby.. and it's banned Occult arts, so erm.. stay away from there, kays'?"
  164. Sigh..
  165. (Dayton Ironside)
  166. Sapphire didn't practice magic of any kind, but could still feel the heavy presence of an occultist nearby. She didn't recognize the feeling but knew it wasn't pleasant. She turned and looked at the person who seemed to be radiating the aura.
  168. To say the least the little girl had to choke back some fear. She had never faced anything she couldn't deal with, and refused to let this be the exception. "Any chance you know him?" she asked him, hoping the two were acquainted.
  169. (Sapphire Locre)
  170. As Venus continued to walk through the forest, it seems he had become visible to two others. Their eyes already locked upon the depraved radiating boy, and already the tension was high. At least for them it was, Venus hadn't even noticed them, nor would have if they hadn't said anything. His eyes shifted towards them within his plague mask, the beak focusing on each of them at a certain point in time. Red hue's being visible through the eye part of the mask. Venus then let out a small groan, he was being annoyed yet again.
  172. His focus first being upon Dayton. Only one of his fist clenching as the boy began to question "What makes you think I care? Did I even ask if they did, 'boy'?" Venus only called him boy as a way of trying to say he was lower than himself. "I'll do what I wish...." Venus said angrily before taking a look over to the pink Ookami girl that was now only speaking towards Dayton.
  174. "And should he?!" he quickly shouted towards her with some anger. "What, can't a magi such as myself walk through the woods? Or does it mean something...Does one of 'my kind' appearing here...within these woods means something else?" His hand reached for his back, and he grabbed his staff quickly. Pointing it now at the both of them as the ball within the strata staff began to glow.
  176. "Am I not allowed here...?" Venus questioned them in an angry tone. This obviously being some threat. He now only awaiting to hear what answers they'd have. One to just anger him, or would it actually calm him down?
  177. (Venus Haruke)
  178. Her eyes went wide as the man pulled out a staff and she caught a glimpse of red eyes behind the mask he was wearing. Sapphire was willing to admit her fear, her life was worth more than her pride. "That's not what we meant." she said nervously. "Of course you're allowed here, it's a forest." she continued, calming herself down as she talked, hoping the man wouldn't start attacking.
  180. "Right?" she asked Dayton, hoping for a hand in this, surely he must be nearly just as afraid. Even if he is a magi, he is human, he said so himself.
  181. (Sapphire Locre)
  182. Venus looked to Sapphire. She was so nervous..It only made him chuckle, laugh even. She was trying to avoid him, it was obvious, and Venus figured he'd just let the two go with the little warning of 'fear'...Though, Lyperion wasn't one for such mercy. "And where do you think you're going...These are meals, and not only that, but people who've insulted you....Twice now when you think about it...FEAST, boy..." The voice had spoken, and it seems to have once again changed the very feel of Venus.
  184. "Only acceptance of apology is through pain.." Venus said in a dim voice as his head shot back. The beak of his mask facing the sky now. He began to lift up one of his hands, his mana shooting upward towards his star, Deimos. Pulling back power of the star, and applying them to Venus. His hand now glowing a glistening yellow allure. The sense of depravity and anger began to weigh down upon the ones there as it got stronger and stronger with the time passing by.
  186. His head shot back forward then, his crimson red eyes staying locked on each of them as he was ready to now fight, and get things started up. "Kekekekke..." What the hell, was Venus even inheriting Lyperions laugh now? Dangerous...Anyhow, with Venus fully ready he'd start lifting up his staff. Ready to now send down an attack upon the two disrespecting commoners.
  187. (Venus Haruke)
  188. When the stranger started to charge what seemed to be some dark magic in his staff and his hand, Sapphire knew it was too late to run, she'd die either way if she ran. Instead she hesitantly pulled out her staff, knowing she should at least go down fighting. "Alright, looks like we're doing this..." she said, clearly scared, almost shaking.
  189. (Sapphire Locre)
  190. Sigh, sigh.
  192. "Not this again.." He sighed, he shrugged, and his hands firmly grasped onto his own staff. The tip of the staff; the orb itself shone a light blue, with minor water vapor coursing, flowing about it. Nature itself had conjured vines from the boy's mana, and some vines were wrapping around the very Magi-weapon.
  194. Dayton's expression changed; he frowned, yet he maintained a straight face. His eyes, still staring upon the Harukean...
  196. ... This proved to be quite.. troublesome..
  198. "Edgy-quotes and what not.. sigh, sigh. This'll be troublesome.." He spoke up, he spoke out as if he was not phazed, or frightened. He rotated his staff, holding it in place, and stylishly thrusted it forward while having it pointing at Venus.
  200. He was confident in his abilities. And his ability, currently.. included wiggling and jiggling vines surrounding him, liquid-water drenching his very form, and sparkling mana converted into pure energy.
  202. "Wolf girl! Try not to.. do something reckless out there.."
  204. This was, indeed, a Magi-battle. Well, excluding Sapphire the Ookami, anyways..
  205. (Dayton Ironside)
  206. Venus watched as vines began to sprout upwards from the ground. The thought of Zana began to course through his mind, and only angered the boy even more. Venus remembered having to actually fight against such a magic...The ruthlessness of it, and its strategic advantage. It was all just dangerous, but Venus knew he'd need to come out on top. Especially if he wanted to live or anything. He didn't know how the two before him operated, maybe they were occult killers?
  208. Once the fight started, Venus quickly began to set up the field all around him. Causing a large amount of meteorites surrounded by cosmic energy to start crashing into the woods. Now using his own occult magic as the tendrils were set about the field, stabbing the two in the legs as they moved about. Venus then had to deal with the spores and vines coming his way. barely being able to fight them off, though with his fire magic he was able to scorch them down into nothing but ashes.
  210. Now going directly for Dayton since Sapphire was already downed, surrounding his very body with cosmic energy, and quickly charging towards Dayton as fast as a meteor. Once hitting the boy in the chest, Dayton would fall down, leaving Venus the last one to stand. "....*Huff huff*" he was panting, tired and beat up obviously. As he continued to glance at the two for a while he only turned away. "Hmph...let the pain be your apology, peasants..." Venus said as he began to walk off then. Going else where, maybe back to Alteros.
  211. (Venus Haruke)
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