

Aug 23rd, 2015
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  1. // ---------------------------// AUTOEXEC //---------------------------//
  2. // Special thanks to:
  3. // m0re for his config and his beautiful HUD - (link is down)
  4. // Chris for his equally as important config -
  5. // Rhpasody for his proactivity and idea of updating and making a new graphical config -
  6. // Comanglia for amazin config which I would have never been able to steal most of my stuff from -
  7. // Danpixed for his Everything Pack -
  8. // _______________
  9. // | READ THIS |
  10. // `````````````````
  11. // move autoexec.cfg -> x:\Steam\steamapps\<user name>\team fortress 2\tf\cfg
  12. // clear config.cfg, dont clear bind commands
  13. // _______________
  14. // | DXLEVEL |
  15. // `````````````````
  16. // Use dxlevel 80 or 81, IF you prefer dxlevel 90 or don't know how to set DX80, change mat_bumpmap to 1
  17. // right click TF2 > properties > launch options > -dxlevel 80 or 81
  18. // ____________________
  19. // | LAUNCH OPTIONS |
  20. // ``````````````````````
  21. // -heapsize ;; system memory/2 (x 1024) | [ 2048 / 2 (x 1024) = 1048576]
  22. // -noforcemspd ;; Use desktop mouse speed settings.
  23. // -noforcemaccel ;; Use desktop mouse acceleration settings.
  24. // -window ;; This enables tf2 to start in a window mode, instead of fullscreen.
  25. // -full ;; This runs tf2 in full screen mode.
  26. // -freq ;; Set the Refresh Rate
  27. // -nocrashdialog ;; Suppresses some memory could not be read unhandled errors.
  28. // -dev ;; Enables developer mode. Also disables the automatic loading of menu background maps and stops the quit dialog from appearing on exit.
  29. // -high ;; Sets the game to high priority
  30. // ___________________________________
  32. // `````````````````````````````````````
  33. // -autoconfig
  34. // right click TF2 > properties > launch options > -autoconfig
  35. // Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed.
  36. // _______________
  37. // | EXEC |
  38. // `````````````````
  39. sv_forcepreload "1"
  40. // + + + STEFAN + + +
  41. crosshair 0
  42. sensitivity 2.24
  43. m_rawinput 0
  44. hud_fastswitch 1
  45. // cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1 // enables the TF2 HUD Class 3d model class, look below at CL_ section
  46. bind 1 "slot1"
  47. bind 2 "slot2"
  48. bind 3 "slot3"
  49. bind 4 "slot4"
  50. bind 5 "slot5"
  51. bind 6 "slot6"
  52. bind 7 "slot7"
  53. bind "F9" "say Good game everyone!; wait 100; explode; wait 100; rcon exit; wait 100; disconnect"
  54. bind v +voicerecord
  55. bind "'" "hud_reloadscheme"
  56. bind "t" "cl_playerspraydisable 0; wait 90; impulse 201; wait 90; cl_playerspraydisable 1"
  57. -jump
  58. -duck
  59. -attack
  60. -forward
  61. -moveleft
  62. -moveright
  63. r_drawviewmodel "1"
  64. viewmodel_fov "94"
  65. rcon_password "asd"
  66. cl_crosshair_file crosshair6
  67. cl_mute_all_comms "0" // see chat
  68. sv_allow_point_servercommand always
  71. // First write in console: bind1 then press the bind key that you set bellow
  72. //////////////
  73. //Chat Binds//
  74. //////////////
  75. //alias "bind" "say ; bind "MOUSE4" "bind"";
  76. alias "bind1" "say noob_down; bind "MOUSE4" "bind2"";
  77. alias "bind2" "say Yet another kill on my strange.; bind "MOUSE4" "bind3"";
  78. alias "bind3" "say lern 2 play; bind "MOUSE4" "bind4"";
  79. alias "bind4" "say my mom has a higher kdr than u; bind "MOUSE4" "bind5"";
  80. alias "bind5" "say There's blood on your spleen and it can be seen.; bind "MOUSE4" "bind6"";
  81. alias "bind6" "say nerd_down; bind "MOUSE4" "bind7"";
  82. alias "bind7" "say ur mom; bind "MOUSE4" "bind8"";
  83. alias "bind8" "say I don't know how old are you,but I think you was 11 with this style; bind "MOUSE4" "bind9"";
  84. alias "bind9" "say ur just badde XD *Snobby laugh*; bind "MOUSE4" "bind10"";
  85. alias "bind10" "say i destroyed u lol; bind "MOUSE4" "bind11"";
  86. alias "bind11" "say Your mom has ebole huehue #clever #original #swag; bind "MOUSE4" "bind12"";
  87. alias "bind12" "say ♥♥♥; bind "MOUSE4" "bind13"";
  88. alias "bind13" "say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°); bind "MOUSE4" "bind14"";
  89. alias "bind14" "say rekt; bind "MOUSE4" "bind15"";
  90. alias "bind15" "say outplayed to da next lvl; bind "MOUSE4" "bind16"";
  91. alias "bind16" "say D-stroyed; bind "MOUSE4" "bind17"";
  92. alias "bind17" "say down_town; bind "MOUSE4" "bind18"";
  93. alias "bind18" "say u ded; bind "MOUSE4" "bind19"";
  94. alias "bind19" "say i bet u dont even good at the game; bind "MOUSE4" "bind20"";
  95. alias "bind20" "say ur stupid face got rekt lol; bind "MOUSE4" "bind21"";
  96. alias "bind21" "say i owned u like i owned ur mom last nite lol; bind "MOUSE4" "bind22"";
  97. alias "bind22" "say My cat has better aim than you.; bind "MOUSE4" "bind23"";
  98. alias "bind23" "say ur mom iz so stuped thet shi gav berth 2 u; bind "MOUSE4" "bind24"";
  99. alias "bind24" "say Another noob bites de_dust.; bind "MOUSE4" "bind25"";
  100. alias "bind25" "say; bind "MOUSE4" "bind26"";
  101. alias "bind26" "say 8); bind "MOUSE4" "bind27"";
  102. alias "bind27" "say; bind "MOUSE4" "bind28"";
  103. alias "bind28" "say Death: not even once; bind "MOUSE4" "bind30"";
  104. alias "bind29" "say rext; bind "MOUSE4" "bind1"";
  105. alias "bind30" "say TF2 is also free to uninstall; bind "MOUSE4" "bind31"";
  106. alias "bind31" "say hats are better than skills you nimrang; bind "MOUSE4" "bind32"";
  107. alias "bind32" "say dis is u:; bind "MOUSE4" "bind33"";
  108. alias "bind33" "say u are kid and u are idiot because u dont good at the game and u are ded :); bind "MOUSE4" "bind34"";
  109. alias "bind34" "say scrub_slain; bind "MOUSE4" "bind35"";
  110. alias "bind35" "say; bind "MOUSE4" "bind1"";
  112. //
  113. // _______________
  114. // | NET |
  115. // `````````````````
  116. //Comanglia's Net Settings
  117. //
  118. rate "60000" // Max bytes/sec the host can receive data.
  119. cl_cmdrate "67" // Number of command pakets sent to the server per second. Capped at 6.66~, in order to maintain max we assign it a value of 67
  120. cl_interp "0.0152" // Interpolate x seconds from game (0.02 = 20ms)
  121. cl_lagcompensation "1" // Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
  122. cl_updaterate "67" // Number of packets per second you are requesting from the server. Capped at 6.66~, in order to maintain max we assign it a value of 67
  123. cl_smooth "0" // If set to 1 attempts to smooth the view after prediction errors.
  124. cl_smoothtime "0" // Time over which to smooth the view after prediction errors if cl_smooth is enabled.
  125. cl_pred_optimize "2" // Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2)
  126. cl_interp_ratio "1" // Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
  127. net_queue_trace "0"
  128. // _______________
  129. // | SPRAYS |
  130. // `````````````````
  131. cl_playerspraydisable "1" // Set to 1 to disable.
  132. r_spray_lifetime "0" // Set to 0 to disable.
  133. // _______________
  134. // | GIBS |
  135. // `````````````````
  136. cl_phys_props_enable "0" // Disables clientside props being affected by physics. Set to 1 to enable.
  137. cl_phys_props_max "0" // Sets the maximum amount of clientside props your client can have at once. Default is 128.
  138. props_break_max_pieces "0" // Sets the amount of pieces props can break into. Default is -1 (model default).
  139. r_propsmaxdist 1 // Sets the maximum visible distance from which you can see clientside props. Default is 1000.
  140. cl_burninggibs "0" // Disables burning gibs. Enough of a performance hit with it enabled that it really shouldn't be on either way...
  141. prop_active_gib_limit "0"
  142. // _______________
  143. // |FACIAL DETAILS |
  144. // `````````````````
  145. r_eyes "0" // Set to 1 to enable.
  146. r_flex "0" // Set to 1 to enable.
  147. r_lod 2 // Needs to be set to 1, or else facial features will be disabled regardless.
  148. r_teeth "0" // Set to 1 to enable.
  149. r_eyemove 0
  150. r_eyeshift_x "0"
  151. r_eyeshift_y "0"
  152. r_eyeshift_z "0"
  153. r_eyesize "0"
  154. blink_duration "0" // Default is 0.2
  155. // _______________
  156. // | RAGDOLLS |
  157. // `````````````````
  158. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0 // Sets how long until ragdolls fade, in seconds. Default is 15.
  159. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 // Set to 0 to enable.
  160. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 // Sets whether bullets, explosives, or attacks will interact with the body. Default is 1.
  161. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0 // Sets how fast the fading effect is. Default is 600.
  162. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0 // Set to 100 to enable. Convar isn't documented.
  163. ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0 // Set to "5.0f" to enable.
  164. // _______________
  165. // | SHADOW |
  166. // `````````````````
  167. r_shadowmaxrendered "0" // Set to 11 to enable.
  168. r_shadowrendertotexture "0" // Set to 1 to enable, but can cause lag; 0 is the recommended setting either way.
  169. r_shadows "0" // Set to 1 to enable.
  170. nb_shadow_dist "400" // Distance from which shadows are visible. Uncomment to modify.
  171. // _______________
  172. // | MAT |
  173. // `````````````````
  174. mat_aaquality "0"
  175. mat_alphacoverage "0"
  176. mat_antialias "1"
  177. mat_autoexposure_max "0"
  178. mat_autoexposure_min "0"
  179. mat_bloomscale "0"
  180. mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0"
  181. mat_bufferprimitives "1"
  182. mat_bumpmap "0"
  183. mat_clipz "1"
  184. mat_colcorrection_disableentities "0"
  185. mat_colorcorrection "0"
  186. mat_compressedtextures "1"
  187. mat_debugdepthval "0"
  188. mat_debugdepthvalmax "0"
  189. mat_disable_bloom "1"
  190. mat_disable_d3d9ex "1"
  191. mat_disable_fancy_blending "1"
  192. mat_disable_lightwarp "1"
  193. mat_disable_ps_patch "1"
  194. mat_envmapsize "0"
  195. mat_envmaptgasize "0"
  196. mat_fastspecular "1"
  197. mat_filterlightmaps "0"
  198. mat_filtertextures "0"
  199. mat_forceaniso "1"
  200. mat_forcehardwaresync "0"
  201. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"
  202. mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "0"
  203. mat_hdr_enabled "0"
  204. mat_hdr_level "0"
  205. mat_levelflush "1"
  206. mat_maxframelatency "0"
  207. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "0"
  208. mat_mipmaptextures "1"
  209. mat_monitorgamma "2"
  210. mat_motion_blur_enabled "0"
  211. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled "0"
  212. mat_motion_blur_strength "0"
  213. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor "0"
  214. mat_parallaxmap "0"
  215. mat_phong "0"
  216. mat_picmip "2"
  217. mat_queue_mode "2"
  218. mat_reducefillrate "1"
  219. mat_reduceparticles "1"
  220. mat_shadowstate "0"
  221. mat_softwarelighting "0"
  222. mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0"
  223. mat_software_aa_edge_threshold "9"
  224. mat_software_aa_quality "0"
  225. mat_software_aa_strength "0"
  226. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "0"
  227. mat_software_aa_tap_offset "0"
  228. mat_specular "0"
  229. mat_trilinear "0"
  230. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "0"
  231. mat_viewportscale "1"
  232. mat_viewportupscale "1"
  233. mat_vsync "0"
  234. mat_wateroverlaysize "8"
  235. mod_load_anims_async "1"
  236. mod_load_mesh_async "1"
  237. mod_load_vcollide_async "1"
  238. // _______________
  239. // | CL_ |
  240. // `````````````````
  241. cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out "1"
  242. cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"
  243. cl_clearhinthistory "1"
  244. cl_cloud_settings "0"
  245. cl_debugrumble "0"
  246. cl_detaildist "0"
  247. cl_detailfade "0"
  248. cl_drawmonitors "0"
  249. cl_ejectbrass "0"
  250. cl_hud_killstreak_display_time "1"
  251. cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel "1"
  252. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff "0"
  253. cl_loadondemand_default "0"
  254. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0"
  255. cl_localnetworkbackdoor "0"
  256. cl_new_impact_effects "0"
  257. cl_notifications_show_ingame "0"
  258. cl_phys_props_enable "0"
  259. cl_phys_props_max "0"
  260. cl_playerspraydisable "1"
  261. cl_predict "1"
  262. cl_predictweapons "1"
  263. cl_rumblescale "0"
  264. cl_showhelp "0"
  265. cl_showpluginmessages "0"
  266. cl_show_splashes "0"
  267. cl_software_cursor "0"
  268. cl_threaded_bone_setup "1"
  269. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0"
  270. // _______________
  271. // | HUD |
  272. // `````````````````
  273. hud_achievement_count "0"
  274. hud_achievement_glowtime "0"
  275. hud_achievement_tracker "0"
  276. hud_deathnotice_time "2.5"
  277. hud_saytext_time "2.5"
  278. // _______________
  279. // | R_ |
  280. // `````````````````
  281. r_3dsky "0"
  282. r_ambientboost "0"
  283. r_ambientfactor "0"
  284. r_ambientmin "0"
  285. r_bloomtintb "0"
  286. r_bloomtintexponent "0"
  287. r_bloomtintg "0"
  288. r_bloomtintr "0"
  289. r_cheapwaterend "1"
  290. r_cheapwaterstart "1"
  291. r_decals "0"
  292. r_decalstaticprops "0"
  293. r_decal_cullsize "0"
  294. r_dopixelvisibility "0"
  295. r_drawbatchdecals "0"
  296. r_drawdetailprops "0"
  297. r_drawflecks "0"
  298. r_drawmodeldecals "0"
  299. r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"
  300. r_dynamic "0"
  301. r_fastzreject "-1"
  302. r_flashlightdepthtexture "0"
  303. r_flex "0"
  304. r_forcewaterleaf "1"
  305. r_hunkalloclightmaps "0"
  306. r_lightaverage "0"
  307. r_lightcache_zbuffercache "0"
  308. r_maxdlights "0"
  309. r_maxmodeldecal "1"
  310. r_maxnewsamples "0"
  311. r_maxsampledist "1"
  312. r_minnewsamples "0"
  313. r_occlusion "1"
  314. r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0"
  315. r_pixelfog "1"
  316. r_propsmaxdist "1"
  317. r_queued_decals "0"
  318. r_queued_post_processing "1" //causes issues for people who do use post processing and have AMD cards
  319. r_queued_ropes "1"
  320. r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
  321. r_rootlod "2"
  322. r_ropetranslucent "0"
  323. r_shadowmaxrendered "0"
  324. r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
  325. r_shadows "0"
  326. r_spray_lifetime "0"
  327. r_staticprop_lod "4"
  328. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1"
  329. r_threaded_particles "1"
  330. r_threaded_renderables "1"
  331. r_waterdrawreflection "0"
  332. r_waterdrawrefraction "1"
  333. r_waterforceexpensive "0"
  334. r_waterforcereflectentities "0"
  335. r_worldlights "0"
  336. // _______________
  337. // | ROPES |
  338. // `````````````````
  339. rope_averagelight "0"
  340. rope_collide "0"
  341. rope_rendersolid "0"
  342. rope_shake "0"
  343. rope_smooth "0"
  344. rope_smooth_enlarge "0"
  345. rope_subdiv "0"
  346. rope_wind_dist "0"
  347. // _______________
  348. // | TF_ |
  349. // `````````````````
  350. tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"
  351. tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"
  352. tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel "1"
  353. tf_explanations_craftingpanel "1"
  354. tf_explanations_discardpanel "1"
  355. tf_explanations_store "1"
  356. tf_particles_disable_weather "1"
  357. tf_playergib "0"
  358. tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"
  359. tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"
  360. tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"
  361. tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"
  362. tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"
  363. // _______________
  364. // | VIOLENCE_ |
  365. // `````````````````
  366. violence_agibs "0" // Sets whether you can see gibs from the 'alien' team (a convar that likely retained it's name from an older version of TF). Set to 1 to enable.
  367. violence_hgibs "0" // Sets whether you can see gibs from the 'human' team (a convar that likely retained it's name from an older version of TF). Set to 1 to enable.
  368. violence_hblood "1" // Draw human blood - This gives more fps on "1" - I preffer it on 1
  369. violence_ablood "1" // Draw alien blood (Chris has both of these on, WHY?)
  370. // _______________
  371. // | MP_ |
  372. // `````````````````
  373. mp_decals "0"
  374. mp_usehwmmodels "0"
  375. mp_usehwmvcds "0"
  376. // _______________
  377. // | MISC |
  378. // `````````````````
  379. adsp_debug "0"
  380. ai_expression_optimization "1"
  381. budget_show_history "0"
  382. commentary "0"
  383. filesystem_native "0"
  384. flex_smooth "1"
  385. fov_desired 90
  386. glow_outline_effect_enable "0"
  387. gl_clear "0"
  388. host_thread_mode "0"
  389. in_usekeyboardsampletime "0"
  390. lod_transitiondist "0"
  391. muzzleflash_light "0"
  392. overview_mode "0"
  393. sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"
  394. sys_minidumpspewlines "500"
  395. tracer_extra "0"
  396. voice_enable "1"
  397. // _______________
  398. // | AUDIO |
  399. // `````````````````
  400. dsp_enhance_stereo 1
  401. dsp_slow_cpu 1
  402. fast_fogvolume "1"
  403. snd_async_fullyasync 1
  404. snd_legacy_surround 1
  405. snd_mixahead .05
  406. snd_pitchquality 0
  407. snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
  408. voice_fadeouttime 0
  410. echo +-------------------+
  411. echo | R4NDOM CFG LOADED |
  412. echo +-------------------+
  413. exec custom.cfg
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