
alien stats

Jul 21st, 2014
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  1. >Inventory:
  2. +[Human Disguising Device (H.D.D.)]
  3. +[Universal Translator]
  4. +[Broken Disintegrator Rifle]
  5. +[Crimson Jacket]
  6. +[Plasma Knife]
  7. +[1 Pulse Core]
  8. >Skills:
  9. +[DESTROY ALL LIFEFORMS] +10 to combat rolls.
  10. +[Gray Matter] +5 to intellect rolls.
  11. >Flaws:
  12. -[Aggressive] Ziptak is a hot head of a grey man, and is prone to picking the most violent course of action in a situation instead of thinking things through, ESPECIALLY when he's pissed off.
  13. >Species Bonus: +[Double-Agent] You are trusted by both The White Men and normal humans, which provides you with a significant reputation bonus. However, should one side figure out about your involvement with the other, things will get heated.
  14. >Motive Bonus:
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