
King of Trolls

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 has joined the chat
  2. bloodfuerer has joined the chat
  3. Guest_vampirealexa385 has joined the chat
  4. AzazelMagnusSnow has joined the chat
  5. xxLoveForAllxx has joined the chat
  6. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal.
  7. AzazelMagnusSnow: What do you want?
  8. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Hello there.
  9. bloodfuerer: oh fun fun everyone i need to see is here... now were to start...
  10. xxLoveForAllxx: Hello, Ashla. I swear I am not here to cause trouble
  11. AzazelMagnusSnow: -shakes head-
  12. Guest_Nimru has joined the chat
  13. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, don't start.
  14. bloodfuerer: dont worry hun no fighting.... less they attack me then the rules change
  15. AshlaSnow: its alright i dont mind you here love
  16. bloodfuerer: ill be civil
  17. AzazelMagnusSnow: Very well then
  18. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: ASHHHH. MY PIMP!
  19. AshlaSnow: the fuck do you want cal just tell us and be done with it
  20. AshlaSnow: what hoe where my money b
  21. bloodfuerer: i need to talk to you and your husband
  22. AzazelMagnusSnow:
  23. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: -He cowers behind the tower.- "I forgot it!"
  24. AshlaSnow: you have 5 minutes
  25. bloodfuerer: so hows about you be nice and civil aswell okay
  26. AshlaSnow: bitch you know what happens when i dont get my money!
  27. AshlaSnow: nah there was time for that but you ruined that quickly
  28. bloodfuerer: no you did
  29. Guest_Nimru: Umm.... I think I may have entered at the wrong time...
  30. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, respect. Just say what you need to
  31. bloodfuerer: i was deffending a girls honor not realizing that the other was a girl aswell sorry about that bali
  32. AzazelMagnusSnow: Nimru you are fine dear
  33. AshlaSnow: XD of course i did its never the king of trolls fault anyway fine ill play nice for now
  34. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Me sorry, I has no money, No torture today...
  35. bloodfuerer: anyways
  36. AzazelMagnusSnow: you may sit in the throne -smiles-
  37. AshlaSnow: ugh ill get the paddle later
  38. AshlaSnow: its okay nimru
  39. bloodfuerer: this was with Le pur needs to be done and over with now your trouble was with me not them and i am no longer one of them
  40. bloodfuerer: war*
  42. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Sorry. -Hides again...-
  43. bloodfuerer: no kylan.... i wasnt
  44. bloodfuerer: i left of my own acord
  45. AshlaSnow: we have more reason with le pur than just you sadly you arent the center of attention
  46. AzazelMagnusSnow: -Grins- Kylan i love you lolhahah
  47. AshlaSnow: Hera kicked you out
  48. bloodfuerer: never the less your war needs to end now and no she didnt if she had id be banned but im not but never the less
  49. AshlaSnow: your telling us what to do? king of trolls have you lost it no this war isnt over sorry
  50. AshlaSnow: actually wait im not sorry
  51. bloodfuerer: everyone of them said i should be scared of him..... i really dont see why
  52. AzazelMagnusSnow: -laughs- Because your an Idiot
  53. Guest_Nimru: -Hums to her self.-
  54. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [You're*]
  55. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [ooh, trolled like a bun son.]
  56. AshlaSnow: here let me get my message across once more cal in caps THIS WAR WILL NOT END TILL LE PUR IS NO MORE!
  57. bloodfuerer: call me what you might but know this... youve never even seen me fight
  58. AzazelMagnusSnow: (sorry my bad thank you buddy))
  59. AshlaSnow: (love ya kylan)
  60. AzazelMagnusSnow: ((love you too))
  61. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Aww, I am loved.]
  62. AzazelMagnusSnow: (( -hugs and kissess-))
  63. AshlaSnow: then lets see it fight me here and now
  64. Guest_Nimru: ((You know you are Kylan, never doubt it.))
  65. bloodfuerer: you..... you fight.... bahahaha
  66. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: -Ed walks to the edge and kneels to the ground. He plops into the water, hitting his head on a fish.-
  67. AshlaSnow: lets go
  68. AzazelMagnusSnow: -sighs- this stupid -shakes head
  69. bloodfuerer: come at me then if you think youve got what it takes
  70. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, I begged for your life once
  71. xxLoveForAllxx: Unfortuantly, I
  72. bloodfuerer: and now ill prove why you didnt have to hun
  73. xxLoveForAllxx: I'm not doing it again
  74. Guest_Nimru: ((Brb))
  75. AshlaSnow: Ha lets go choose your witnesses
  77. AshlaSnow: (SEXY)
  78. bloodfuerer: its funny.... your daughter will hate you if you kill me
  79. AshlaSnow: she actually wont which is funny
  80. bloodfuerer: wanna bet
  81. AshlaSnow: yup
  82. AzazelMagnusSnow: ((she don't like you))
  83. bloodfuerer: what proof you have cuz mines from last night
  84. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [JENNA DONE WITH YOU.]
  85. AshlaSnow: XD
  86. xxLoveForAllxx: She's online now
  87. AshlaSnow: I know
  88. xxLoveForAllxx: Let's see whar she has to say
  89. AzazelMagnusSnow: ((we are in a skype call us me now lol))
  90. AshlaSnow: she already told us
  91. xxLoveForAllxx: No, Ashla, I am on your side with this one
  92. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I'm in call with bae.]
  93. AshlaSnow: baeee
  94. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Not nikki. Mr. Flanders.]
  95. AshlaSnow: omg yusss
  96. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Hahha]
  97. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Let me play love music.]
  98. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov1
  99. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov2
  100. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov3
  101. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov4
  102. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov5
  103. AshlaSnow: that 50 shades of grades
  104. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: FUCK THAT SHIT
  105. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Gay shit niqqa
  106. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov6
  107. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov7
  108. AshlaSnow: XD
  109. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov8
  110. SariandiOnbin has joined the chat
  111. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov9
  112. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov10
  113. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov11
  114. JennaMagnusSnow has joined the chat
  115. JennaMagnusSnow: (Sorry on mobile)
  116. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: lov12
  117. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, don't do this
  118. JennaMagnusSnow: -glares at Isabella-
  119. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I played it because Ed can never have what he wants.]
  120. bloodfuerer: do what?
  121. bloodfuerer: im not of le pur anymore why should any of you care what i do dont do
  122. SariandiOnbin: ~Constance would lightly step into the temple barefoot remaining quiet observing near the entrance~
  123. JennaMagnusSnow: -she looks towards to Cal-
  124. xxLoveForAllxx: Because she's here -she points to Constance- Do you really want to die by her?
  125. bloodfuerer: i gave her up because i saw i wasnt what she wanted even if it wasnt what she knew herself... so
  126. AzazelMagnusSnow: Constance?......What are you doing here....i mean welcome my dear -smiles-
  127. xxLoveForAllxx: But she still cares
  128. AshlaSnow: Cal...after talking to my daughter I will spare your life but I dont like you I dont want you here you arent welcome here i suggest you leave before someone here does try to kill you
  129. xxLoveForAllxx: You do'll break her
  130. AshlaSnow: I wont stop them either
  131. AzazelMagnusSnow: Yeah like ME!
  132. xxLoveForAllxx: -she sighs- Nether will I
  133. bloodfuerer: im already broken
  134. JennaMagnusSnow: -she turns and around and sighs-
  135. SariandiOnbin: ~She'd hide behind a pillar peeking quietly~
  136. bloodfuerer: ive left countless famillies
  137. bloodfuerer: ive been thrown out of even more
  138. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Because you have constant periods
  139. bloodfuerer: ive been talked down to by all manner of idiots
  140. JennaMagnusSnowJennaMagnusSnow : -she takes her seat and sits quietly-
  141. bloodfuerer: and for what? being myself
  142. AshlaSnow: because you a lying asshole
  143. bloodfuererbloodfuerer : im not going to be some jack ass who changes just because others dont like him the way he is
  144. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Says that guy that thinks the world is 4,600 years old. It is 4.6 billion your r-tard.
  145. AshlaSnow: ^
  146. AzazelMagnusSnow: -paces side to side listening-
  147. bloodfuerer: and ashla dont speak because you dont know me at all
  148. xxLoveForAllxx: -she puts her hands up in surrender and backs away- Do as you please. As I said before, I begged for your life to be spared once but I shall not do it again
  149. AshlaSnow: I can speak in my own damn house you can stfu
  150. bloodfuerer: oh like i could speak in mine?
  151. JennaMagnusSnow: Isabella leave Cal alone -she says softly- his life wasn't spared by you
  152. bloodfuerer: oh wait i couldnt because you came in and stirred the shit
  153. SariandiOnbinSariandiOnbin WhisperAdd Friend: ~She'd look over to jenna~
  154. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I'm gonna have to leave in a few. I feel my chest throbbig.]
  156. Guest_KylanDeadMau5Guest_KylanDeadMau5 Whisper: [throbbing*]
  157. SariandiOnbin: ((calm down))
  158. AzazelMagnusSnow: "Isabella why don't you head into the back in the Mages Quarters, you may have a seat in the thrones"
  159. xxLoveForAllxxxxLoveForAllxx WhisperAdd Friend: ((Alright))
  160. xxLoveForAllxx: -she shakes her head- No, I'm fine
  161. AzazelMagnusSnowAzazelMagnusSnow Whisper: hmmm I would not piss off my wife there....its the last thing you'll never do -laughs-
  162. AshlaSnow: Bella if cal touches you i will kill
  163. bloodfuerer: i tried making peace...... in my own way......
  164. SariandiOnbinSariandiOnbin WhisperAdd Friend: ~Constance would speak up her soft voice echoing throughout as she tugged t the piece of ribbon about her neck~ May iask whats going on..
  165. xxLoveForAllxxxxLoveForAllxx WhisperAdd Friend: Ashla, I'm fine. Really.
  166. AshlaSnow: ok well can i ask something
  167. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal came in to talk then challenged the Sith
  168. bloodfuerer: no you challenged me
  169. AshlaSnow: whas italy look like?
  170. bloodfuerer: i came in saying the war needs to end
  171. bloodfuerer has left the chat
  172. JennaMagnusSnow has left the chat
  173. AzazelMagnusSnow: HAHAHAH!!!
  174. AshlaSnow: thats that
  175. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Did I tell you I proposed in a child like way?]
  176. xxLoveForAllxx: -she sits on the ground, rubbing her temple-
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