
Escort to Gerudo Valley, Part 1

Apr 20th, 2020
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  1. <DM> -=QUEST START=-
  2. * DM kicks Maliki, Neon_Mercilion and Vincent_Blaze to the main gate of Hyrule Village. It's night time, with a crescent moon high above with a clear and starry night.
  3. <Neon_Mercilion> Heh.
  4. <Neon_Mercilion> Nice out.
  5. <Vincent_Blaze> What a beautiful night.
  6. * Maliki breaths in deeply and looks up into the sky with a smile looking up at the stars and the moon high above "certianly is" he says before lowing his head back down and grining a little "well it looks like we are locked out for the night hmm?"
  7. <DM> *Err, on the inside of the Hyrule Village, not outside.*
  8. <Neon_Mercilion> (There's a roof?)
  9. <Maliki> (sorry)
  10. <Neon_Mercilion> (...Oh wait, didn't read. XD)
  11. <DM> (You're within the area enclosed by the walls, lol)
  12. <DM> *A fair, middle-aged woman approaches you. She appears to be a Hylian, with long red hair that's braided at the bottom. She wears a green dress with a red overcoat, and she smiles innocently at you.*
  13. <Maliki> (to the main gate sorry XD)
  14. * Neon_Mercilion yawns
  15. <DM> *Behind the woman appears to be a carriage led by two horses. I love how the Zelda universe uses all these distinct animals, and suddenly, horses. Normal. Horses.*
  16. * X_X is now known as Woman
  17. <Woman> Greetings. How do you fare?
  18. * Woman bows slightly as she asks for your wellbeing.
  19. <Maliki> "i am very well my self how are you ?" *bows a little back "
  20. * Neon_Mercilion continues looking out at the sky.
  21. * Vincent_Blaze goes and grabs her hand. "good evening madam, what a beautiful night this is but alas its not nealy as beautiful as you."
  22. <Vincent_Blaze> nearly*
  23. * Neon_Mercilion continues doing what he's doing, not really ignoring everyone, but just seemingly not a part of the conversation.
  24. <Woman> Oh my. Well...
  25. * Woman holds her hand up to her mouth in slight awe.... but she interrupts the awkwardness.
  26. <Woman> Ahem...
  27. <Woman> I am Tessa Farlon, a diplomat of Hyrule Castle.
  28. * Woman is now known as TessaFarlon
  29. <Neon_Mercilion> Hmm?
  30. * Neon_Mercilion pays attention upon hearing the word diplomat.
  31. <TessaFarlon> I seek your assistance. Would you care to escort me to Gerudo Valley?
  32. <TessaFarlon> I am unarmed and unable to defend myself against the terrors the lurk Hyrule Field at night.
  33. * Neon_Mercilion enters the conversation
  34. <Maliki> "Well i wasn't exactly heading that way but I've never been much for planing to far ahead so I'm fairly free to do so.. hmm why not yes"
  35. <Neon_Mercilion> So you're looking for a sellword of sorts?
  36. <TessaFarlon> A... what?
  37. * Vincent_Blaze Without a second to think screams. "I would do anything for a beautiful woman such as yourself!!!"
  38. <Neon_Mercilion> ....
  39. <Neon_Mercilion> As I was saying
  40. <Neon_Mercilion> A sellsword
  41. <Neon_Mercilion> A Mercenary
  42. <Neon_Mercilion> Somebody who helps people for money
  43. <DM> *Your scream echoes throughout the southern end of the village through this cold, desolate night. Congrats and nice confession, bro.*
  44. <TessaFarlon> I see.
  45. <Neon_Mercilion> If you require assistance...
  46. <Neon_Mercilion> 100 rupees at the very least.
  47. <TessaFarlon> I will give a reward of 250 Rupees to each of you upon completion of this task. Shall that be fair?
  48. <Neon_Mercilion> Alrighty
  49. * Vincent_Blaze yes that would be perfect my lady!
  50. <Vincent_Blaze> (sorry was typing something else didnt go as far back as i should of)
  51. <Maliki> "sounds more then fair"
  52. * TessaFarlon bows once again to you all.
  53. * DM slams his head against a wall of pure grammar, only to find it overload his mind. Nevermind me, carry on.
  54. * Vincent_Blaze bows
  55. <TessaFarlon> Thank you for taking on my request. We shall depart at once. Stay close to the carriage, please.
  56. * Neon_Mercilion puts on his gauntlets and scarf.
  57. * TessaFarlon boards the carriage.
  58. <Neon_Mercilion> Okay then, there are some fairly tough monsters, so I suggest you all be careful
  59. * Vincent_Blaze checks his sword
  60. * Neon_Mercilion boards the carriage
  61. <DM> *Neon points out that he, himself, is clearly not a monster. Note to self - drop a Goriya on Neon sometime this quest.*
  62. <Vincent_Blaze> What do you mean by that? Arent you going to escort her as well?
  63. <Neon_Mercilion> Just giving a fair warning is all.
  64. <Neon_Mercilion> I'm a sellsword
  65. <Neon_Mercilion> It's my job to protect people.
  66. <DM> *The horses begin to move slowly, and the carriage begins its journey out towards Hyrule Field. It's moving at a fast walking pace.*
  67. <Neon_Mercilion> I need to wake myself up
  68. * Neon_Mercilion jumps out of the carriage and follows it on foot.
  69. <DM> *Neon, you board the carriage and find most of its room is taken up by a large barrel, about 5 feet wide and 8 feet tall. Tessa Farlon is taking one of the two seats in the carriage.*
  70. <Neon_Mercilion> (O_O)
  71. <DM> *Neon, you jump off the carriage, because that's how waking up works.*
  72. * Maliki shrugs and jogs along with the cariage and looks around the area directly in front of us , he smiles a little and looks over the carriage to check its wheels and the like.
  73. <Neon_Mercilion> (Walking wakes people up. :3)
  74. * Vincent_Blaze follows the carriage at a decent clip.
  75. <DM> *The wheels appear to be in good condition. They're mostly wooden, plated with steel supports, as is the rest of the carriage.*
  76. <DM> *You get to Hyrule Field. The guards that were protecting the drawbridge head into the walls, and the drawbridge closes. Have fun!*
  77. <Neon_Mercilion> Stay cautious, everyone.
  78. <Vincent_Blaze> I will, I will.
  79. <DM> *You hear nothing save for insect chatter and the light blowing of the wind, though Vincent, with your improved hearing, you're able to tell that in about 100 feet away in all directions, various things are lurking under the ground.*
  80. <Vincent_Blaze> There is something near....
  81. * Vincent_Blaze readies his sword.
  82. <Maliki> "isn't there always ?"
  83. <DM> *The carriage continues onwards, to the West, despite Vincent's warning.*
  84. * Neon_Mercilion holds his still still in its sheath
  85. <Neon_Mercilion> *sword
  86. * Maliki grins softly and scans the area keeping his eyes wide open "Don't worry i've got pretty good eyes besides it is best to keep moving none the less"
  87. <DM> *Maliki, you are able to see a pair of red eyes hovering through the darkness ahead.*
  88. <Maliki> "theres some kind of creature up ahead guys"
  89. <Neon_Mercilion> Your race has good eyesight, correct? In that case, be cautious everyone.
  90. <Neon_Mercilion> We'll probably be approaching danger soon.
  91. <Vincent_Blaze> Yes.
  92. <Maliki> "a pair of red eyes from what i can see"
  93. <Vincent_Blaze> It sounds like only one.
  94. <DM> (By the way, in the tutorial, enemy stats were listed. When you encounter enemies in quests, their stats are hidden (that is, Power, Courage, Wisdom, Hearts, and Magic).)
  95. <Maliki> (alrighty)
  96. <DM> *The carriage gets close enough to the pair of hovering red eyes. It appears to be a Keese.*
  97. <DM> *As the carriage comes into range, the Keese rams into the side of the carriage.*
  98. * X__X is now known as Keese
  99. <Neon_Mercilion> (My current battle music choice: )
  100. <Keese> $10d10
  101. <Navi> Keese: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 1, 5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 10 and 3. Total: 37. Successes: 4.
  102. * Keese hits the side of the carriage with a knock, but it doesn't really do any damage. The carriage comes to a halt.
  103. * TessaFarlon speaks in a muffled yell, which you all are able to hear just fine.
  104. <TessaFarlon> Yes? Does someone require me?
  105. <DM> (brb 1 minute)
  106. * Orithan gives channel half-operator status to CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku
  107. <Vincent_Blaze> (back sorry guys)
  108. <Maliki> "looks like trouble boys lets get to work"
  109. <Neon_Mercilion> Tessa!
  110. <Neon_Mercilion> Stay in the carriage
  111. <Neon_Mercilion> We have troulbe
  112. <Neon_Mercilion> *trouble
  113. <DM> (back)
  114. <Neon_Mercilion> $init 1d10
  115. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  116. <TessaFarlon> Okay!
  117. <Vincent_Blaze> $init 1d10
  118. <Navi> Vincent_Blaze: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  119. <Maliki> $init 1d10
  120. <Navi> Maliki: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
  121. <DM> *As you prepare for battle, an arm appears from the ground. It raises the rest of its body up to reveal a Stalchild.*
  122. <Maliki> (hey finaly a decent initive *
  123. * X___X is now known as Stalchild
  124. <Keese> $init 1d10
  125. <Navi> Keese: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  126. <Stalchild> $init 1d10
  127. <Navi> Stalchild: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  128. <DM> (o_O)
  129. <Neon_Mercilion> (Oh fuck)
  130. <DM> $init s
  131. <Navi> The battle has begun!
  132. <Navi> ROUND 1: Neon_Mercilion (10), Keese (9), Stalchild (9), Maliki (8) and Vincent_Blaze (6).
  133. <Navi> Bonus Turns: Neon_Mercilion (10).
  134. <DM> (gimme a moment)
  135. <DM> enemy profiles -
  136. <Kefka> ZURPG: 1-25-14: Escort to Gerudo Valley
  137. <DM> *Round one... FIGHT!*
  138. * Neon_Mercilion pulls out his sword.
  139. * Vincent_Blaze still has his sword out from earlier.
  140. * Neon_Mercilion strikes at the stalchild with his steel sword, hopiung to defeat it before it can attack. (Roll Courage)
  141. <Neon_Mercilion> $7d10
  142. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 10, 3, 2, 1, 5 and 2. Total: 32. Successes: 4.
  143. <Stalchild> $5d10
  144. <Navi> Stalchild: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 4, 2 and 6. Total: 28. Successes: 3.
  145. * Stalchild is hit by the sword, but...
  146. <DM> *Your attack is to no avail, as your sword bounces off its hardened bone structure.
  147. <DM> (4 - 3 = 1 - 1 = 0 damage)
  148. <Neon_Mercilion> Cripes
  149. * Neon_Mercilion back up
  150. <Neon_Mercilion> $endturn
  151. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion has ended their turn.
  152. <Navi> ROUND 1: Neon_Mercilion (10), Keese (9), Stalchild (9), Maliki (8) and Vincent_Blaze (6).
  153. <Navi> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
  154. <Neon_Mercilion> TRY THIS!
  155. * Neon_Mercilion attempts to stab the Stalchild. (Roll Courage)
  156. <Neon_Mercilion> $7d10
  157. * Stalchild cackles at Neon... up until the stabbity.
  158. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 4, 9, 9, 5, 1 and 3. Total: 38. Successes: 4.
  159. <DM> (it's only $4d10... Stab doesn't have the +3 attached to it)
  160. <DM> (so roll $3d10)
  161. <Neon_Mercilion> $4d10
  162. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 5, 5 and 6. Total: 17. Successes: 3.
  163. <DM> (or that)
  164. <Stalchild> $5d10
  165. <Navi> Stalchild: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 7, 7, 5 and 8. Total: 37. Successes: 6.
  166. <Neon_Mercilion> (I have 4 courag-fuck)
  167. <DM> (lulz)
  168. <DM> *Your sword doesn't even get the chance to thunk off the Stalchild as your miss completely. High five, bro!*
  169. <Orithan> (Stalchild can't counterattack because IIRC Counter Attacks require Level 5)
  170. <DM> (what does IIRC stand for?)
  171. <Neon_Mercilion> (6...successes)
  172. <Neon_Mercilion> (fuck)
  173. <Orithan> (If I Recall Correctly)
  174. <DM> (oh)
  175. <Neon_Mercilion> ( )
  176. <DM> right
  177. <Neon_Mercilion> (O_O)
  178. * Stalchild cackles wildly as it tries to bite Neon_Mercilion's head off! (Roll Courage)
  179. <Stalchild> $6d10
  180. <Navi> Stalchild: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 7, 8, 4, 3 and 3. Total: 35. Successes: 4.
  181. <Neon_Mercilion> Damn!
  182. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  183. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 7, 10, 4 and 4. Total: 31. Successes: 4.
  184. <DM> ROLLOFF
  185. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  186. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 6, 3 and 9. Total: 31. Successes: 4.
  187. <Stalchild> $6d10
  188. <Navi> Stalchild: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 1, 2, 4 and 7. Total: 25. Successes: 2.
  189. * Neon_Mercilion smacks the Stalchild's face with his shield
  190. * Neon_Mercilion backs off a little bit
  191. * Stalchild enjoys a face full of dirt after bouncing off of Neon's shield.
  192. <Neon_Mercilion> $endturn
  193. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion has ended their turn.
  194. <Navi> ROUND 1: Neon_Mercilion (10), Keese (9), Stalchild (9), Maliki (8) and Vincent_Blaze (6).
  195. * Stalchild goes back to cackling nonsensically.
  196. <Neon_Mercilion> (God damn, this RNG.)
  197. <Keese> $1d3
  198. <Navi> Keese: You rolled 1 Die with 3 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
  199. * Keese swoops in at Vincent_Blaze! (Roll Courage)
  200. <Keese> $10d10
  201. <Navi> Keese: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 1, 3, 10, 4, 6, 6, 1 and 3. Total: 50. Successes: 6.
  202. <Vincent_Blaze> $5d7
  203. <Navi> Vincent_Blaze: You rolled 5 Dice with 7 Sides. Result: 1, 4, 4, 2 and 4. Total: 15.
  204. <DM> (lolfail)
  205. <Vincent_Blaze> $8d10
  206. <Navi> Vincent_Blaze: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 10, 1, 10, 6, 3 and 2. Total: 41. Successes: 6.
  207. <DM> ROLLOFF
  208. <Keese> $10d10
  209. <Navi> Keese: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 9, 3, 1, 4, 5, 10, 7, 5 and 8. Total: 57. Successes: 8.
  210. <Orithan> (@StalChild's counterattack: OBJECTION!)
  211. <Vincent_Blaze> $8d10
  212. <Navi> Vincent_Blaze: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 10, 8, 7, 3, 10, 6 and 4. Total: 56. Successes: 8.
  213. <DM> (@Orithan - Read Stab)
  215. <Keese> $10d10
  216. <Navi> Keese: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 9, 7, 3, 1, 4, 9, 1, 8 and 9. Total: 60. Successes: 6.
  217. <Vincent_Blaze> @8d10
  218. <Vincent_Blaze> $8d10
  219. <Navi> Vincent_Blaze: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 6, 7, 1, 6, 5, 10 and 5. Total: 50. Successes: 9.
  220. <Orithan> (Counterattack: Requires Level 5
  221. <Orithan> In a counterattack, you immediately retaliate against the attacker with anything that doesn't require a charge time.
  222. <Orithan> You may also activate something on yourself instead.
  223. <Orithan> You may only counterattack once during any given turn.
  224. <Orithan> )
  225. <DM> (Orithan. READ STAB.)
  226. * Vincent_Blaze whacks the keese with his shield.
  227. * Keese bounces off Vincent_Blaze's shield, despite its swift attack.
  228. <Keese> -_-
  229. <Keese> ?h, ?m
  230. <Keese> $endturn
  231. <Navi> Keese has ended their turn.
  232. <Navi> ROUND 1: Neon_Mercilion (10), Keese (9), Stalchild (9), Maliki (8) and Vincent_Blaze (6).
  233. <Orithan> (Shoot, that overrides the level requirements?)
  234. <DM> (yeah)
  235. <Orithan> (I think you might want to put that under special rulings)
  236. * Stalchild retaliates against poor Neon_Mercilion with a bite attack! (Roll COurage)
  237. <DM> (I'll just rewrite that later)
  238. <Stalchild> $6d10
  239. <Navi> Stalchild: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 10, 7, 9, 3 and 10. Total: 49. Successes: 8.
  240. <CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku> (Yeah, just remove the wording 'counter-attack')
  241. <DM> (holy 3 10's)
  242. <CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku> (AHAHAHAHA)
  243. <Vincent_Blaze> (wow)
  244. <Vincent_Blaze> (just wow)
  245. * DM pokes Neon_Mercilion with a stick.
  246. <Neon_Mercilion> (Oh shit, I zoned out for a moment.)
  248. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  249. <CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku> ( )
  250. <Navi> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 5, 10, 2 and 10. Total: 28. Successes: 5.
  251. * Stalchild bites a chunk of meaty ol' flesh outta Neon's Goriya skin. Mmmm. Tasty.
  252. <Orithan> (Owww)
  253. <Neon_Mercilion> ARGH
  254. * Stalchild deals 8 - 5 = 3 damage + Infected Affliction
  255. <Stalchild> ?h
  256. <Stalchild> $endturn
  257. <Navi> Stalchild has ended their turn.
  258. <Navi> ROUND 1: Neon_Mercilion (10), Keese (9), Stalchild (9), Maliki (8) and Vincent_Blaze (6).
  260. <Neon_Mercilion> 2/5
  261. <DM> (quote for truth)
  263. (Log is incomplete)
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