
Makoto cat transformation spell interrupted

Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. [Refer to (teen girl with long black hair) for tone & personality]
  3. Ah-hem. [Scottish; don't worry about pronunciation correctness] I sall gae intil a catt, Wi’ sorrow and sych and a black shat; And I shall gae in the Devillis name, Ay quhill I com hom againe…. I sall gae-- Aack! Kei-kun? I'm busy here! What--? Uh, I sall gae intil a catt-- Aw, I lost it! Kei-kun! You didn't see the sign? ...I forgot to put up the sign. Oops.
  5. Well, with my clothes on I can't gather enough energy for that spell. Yes, I'm okay, I just...I still have so much energy charged up and... I might need your help, Kei-kun. Come in. It's okay, I’ve got my blanket on.
  7. So, I was trying to turn into a cat, so I could go with Chito-san to the cats' meeting. But I only got as far as the tail, and a couple of teeth... Oh, ears too, you're right! Tehe. Meow, meow! But, whew...all this energy. I'll get magic burnout if I don't release it soon.
  9. Kei-kun, sit behind me. I'm going to transfer some energy to you - not too much, just a safe amount. Take your shirt off. Now...hold me. Yes, it's fine! Hold... Haaaaah. Ahaha. Oh gosh, Kei-kun, you are so comfy. Feel the energy? Tell me if you get too warm, okay?
  11. Hmmm. I never knew you smelled so nice. I could stay like this all day. I could... [kisses him, gasps] Did I just--? Ahahaha! I couldn't resist. Did I startle you? I'm sorry. You can kiss me too, Kei-kun. No, I want you to. Please... [kissing continues]
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