

Jul 31st, 2013
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  1. So then, you read the rules? Yea, sounds like a butt load of fun, eh? All in all, it makes no fucking sense, it is no fun and in the show it has been shown that ponies are *extremely* durable. Those rules are perfectly realistic...for humans. As such, we could use those rules as they are, but just have all ponies have following traits:
  3. - Recovery -
  4. You recover from unconsciousness very quickly. When determining the length of time you remain unconscious for any reason, divide all times by 60: Hours become minutes, minutes become seconds...even a month -long coma becomes a mere 12-hour sleep.
  6. - Rapid Healing -
  7. Whenever you roll to recover lost HP or to see if you can get over a crippling injury, you get +5 to your roll.
  9. - Regeneration (Slow) -
  10. You heal 1 HP every 12 hours no matter what, in addition to all other healing.
  12. - High Pain Threshold -
  13. You are as suceptible to injury as any human, but you don't *feel* it as much. You never suffer shock penalty when injured.(Shock rules might be part of the ESSS someday) In addition, you get +3 to resist knockdown and stunning and have a +3 to resist any other form of debilitating pain.
  15. - Limb Recovery -
  16. Ponies recover from broken bones and similar *extremel* quickly(Raindow Dash was in the hospital for a broken wing for about 3 days and complained more of boredom than pain). Lasting crippling wounds have their duration reduced to weeks instead of months and *days* instead of weeks if tended to by a physician. Permanent injuries become Lasting Injuries but still last months, or weeks if tended to by a physician. This trait does not help with dismemberment.
  18. - Hard to Kill 5 -
  19. All ponies have a +5 on all rolls to resist death.
  22. Given these traits, I think pony medical physiology is quite well statted, leaving a normal non sub-0 HP wounded adventurer out for a few days or even not at all, one with a crippling wound or -HP for a few days to a week and someone with absolutely crushing wounds out for a few weeks, which seems fair to me. Hell, going by cartoon logic, I could go waaaaay beyond this and make 'em even more durable.
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