
Strider 2018 Kazakh

Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. You can zip from the Kazakh hill to the screen above. The idea is you wedge yourself into the wall, then repeatedly pause to scroll the screen higher. This allows you to stop wrapping when you reach the room above, instead of wrapping back to the bottom of the screen.
  2. For a video, see the TAS:
  4. Each pause while scrolling takes 4.5 seconds (~271 frames). The goal is to get by with 2 pauses. If done correctly, you'll save ~15-20 seconds in Kazakh, and lose ~6 seconds in Australia because the top route in Kazakh causes you to do less damage to the boss in Australia. So this should save, extremely roughly, 12 seconds or so. Each additional pause required will cost an additional 4.5 seconds, as mentioned.
  6. SETUP
  7. 1) Get to the top of the hill with the screen pushed as far up as possible.
  8. To do this, when climbing the hill simply do the first jump as close to the hill as possible, and the second jump soon after landing.
  9. (When done right, while standing on the hill there's only one pixel of black b/w top of health and ceiling)
  10. 2) Run down the hill, and jump when ~2/3 down. You must be running along the slope long enough to get a fast running speed, so that you can wedge yourself into the wall.
  11. 3) As you approach the wall, hold down. As you hit the wall, roll your thumb on the d-pad to down+left for 1 frame then pause. If done correctly, when you pause you will be fully wedged into the wall, with your foot barely sticking out.
  13. From here, you can either go with an easy approach or a hard approach.
  14. The easy approach (3-4 selects) loses 4.5 or 9 seconds over hard, but the rest of the zip is free. If you did not scroll the screen down in step 2, you can get away with 3 selects.
  15. The hard approach (2 selects) requires that in step 2, you jump before the screen scrolls down AT ALL. 1-2 frame window (variance is in how you climbed the hill, basically luck).
  17. ~----
  18. EASY
  19. 4e) Unpause and hold right. As you're scrolling, push select to enter the tricks menu, then select again to exit it. Enter and exit the tricks menu 3 more times, for a total of 4 times. You need to do this quickly enough so that you get all 4 menus in before Strider reaches the top of the screen.
  20. 5e) After the 4th time, as you exit the tricks menu, hold left on d-pad.
  22. HARD/TAS
  23. 4h) Unpause and hold right. Next will be timing a select push. Depending on when you time it you'll need to adjust.
  25. TIMING 1 (ideal)
  26. 5h-a) Push select on the frame that Strider's feet align with the ceiling (1-frame window):
  27. 6h-a) Release all inputs. Push select to leave tricks menu. Re-enter select menu ASAP (3 frame window).
  28. 7h-a) Hold up. Push select to leave tricks menu.
  30. TIMING 2 (doable)
  31. 5h-b) If you pushed select 1 frame earlier than 5h-a:
  32. 6h-b) Hold down/left. Push select to leave tricks menu. Push select shortly after you regain control. (3-frame window)
  33. 7h-b) Hold up+right. Push select to leave tricks menu.
  36. If done correctly, you should now be wrapped to the screen above.
  37. A 4-pauser only requires a 1-frame window, to enter the wall.
  38. The frame windows for a 2-pauser are 1-2 (don't scroll screen), 1 (enter wall), 2 (first select), 3 (second select).
  41. In step 2, if you don't get the fast jump, you won't be able to do the zip and will just have to try again.
  42. In step 2, if you scroll the screen down AT ALL, you will have to add 1-2 extra pauses depending on how far you scrolled it.
  43. In step 3, if you get pushed out of the wall, you'll have to try again.
  44. In step 4h, if you push select too early, keep holding right and add 1 extra pause. (There might be a way to still make it work with 2 pauses)
  45. In step 4h, if you push select too late, you missed the window and will have to start over.
  46. In step 7h, if you wrap to the bottom of the screen, you did not scroll the screen up high enough or did not push select at the correct time in step 4.
  48. Disclaimer: These are all very new findings and may develop further.
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