
SCU fuckery

Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: "That's an accurate assessment." She said with a smile, getting things stowed in the fridge. She turned around,resting her back against the fridge as she eyed him. "I never said it was a bad thing. I'm just evaluating to prove my point. If you'd said or done something I didn't like, I'd have told you by now."-
  2. Smokeless: Bea pulled up in the garage with Penelope."Have you met Chad before?" she was curious since Penelope did offer to pay for the booze and stuff."IF not I'll introduce you to him. He is pretty cool." she made her way to the door that lead into the house from the garage.
  3. Covet: "What can I asay, I'm very perceptive." He told her looking at her lean against the fridge, "I haven't heard any complaints, so I must be doing something correct." he told her, "That being said, I'd never do anything without getting permission first." Thorn said, "What if I told you I wasn't quite satisfied with dessert?"
  4. Tsaaq: "I've never had to pleasure in making his aquaintance." Penelope replied gently. "I'm sure he's 'lit' as our peers would say." She lifted her pale hands to make air quotes with her fingers. "I've already envisioned the outfit I'll wear. My red bottom heels, a fur and a red dress. No black, no, definitely red." Penelope rambled.
  5. Smokeless: [fuckin thorn man XD ]
  6. Smokeless: Bea covered her mouth to hide a laugh hearing penelope say 'lit' was just funny."okay I will introduce you tonight no worries." she thought for a moment."I think I'm just going to wearing some leggings and a long blouse. Oh you probably already know this but don't take drinks from strangers and always keep an eye on your drink." she said making her wa further into the house
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She tipped her head to the side as she watched him, pursing her lips. "I guess I would have to ask what would satisfy you then?" She pushed her hair back over her shoulder, her eyes looking him up and down.-
  8. Covet: "Hmm, I think that another kiss, longer than the one we shared the other night would fill the rest of my satisfaction meter tonight." He said all suave like as he leaned over to press his lips to Quinn's. He placed his hand at her cheek and slid it around to the back of her head as he deepened it.
  9. Covet: [Dude's got game XD]
  10. Tsaaq: Penelope nodded her head. "But of course. I wouldn't dream of accepting a strange drink or putting my own down." She whispered as she walked into the house behind Bea. She heard the voices of Thorn and Quinn in the dining room but went up the stairs to her room so she wouldn't interrupt them. "I'll be back down expediantly." She whisper-yelled.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn didn't hesitate to oblige his request, her hands moving to his sides so that her fingers could dig into the fabric of his shirt. She slid her lips over his in return, her head tilting to one side until she heard the sounds of people coming into the house. Pulling back abruptly, she let out an airy sigh, but didn't remove her hands from him. "I think maybe... we should go upstairs."-
  12. Smokeless: Bea rolle her eyes seeing Thorn and Quinn."Schwein" she said as she passed them and went to her own room. She went inside and set her bag down on her bed and started to look through her clothes to see what she wanted to wear to the party tonight.
  13. Covet: Thorn smiled into the kiss enjoying it while it lasted then looked up seeing Bea walk by. "You know, I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm getting used to her walking through at this point. You don't happen to speak german at all do you?" He asked wondering wht it was that Bea had said, then shrugged it off, with a grin as she suggested they go upstairs, "I thought you'd never ask Queeny." He said as he threw an arm around her and headed for the stairs.
  14. Tsaaq: Penelope went into her bedroom hurriedly as she got her clothes on and touched up her makeup. She pursed her lips as she went to adjust her hair for the party kind of just standing in her bedroom in her underwear as she brushed and used hairspray.
  15. Smokeless: Bea huffed and couldn't decided on what to wear. She grabbed a dress that was flowy at the skirt but had a vneck top and an another outfit which was just a long button up blouse and some jeans. she walked out of her room ignoring Thorn and Quinn and made her way upstairs."Penelope can you help me?" she called out as she made her way to her room and knocking waiitng.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I don't, but in light of recent discussions, I'm going to assume it's negative." She turned to the stairs with him, sticking by his side so it wasn't an awkward walk with his arm around her shoulders because that happens when you're not in sync and stuff. It sucks. She stopped in front of her bedroom door, glancing over at Bea before pushing the door open to step inside, turning quickly to grab Thorn by the front of his dirt and drag him inside behind her. She immediately closed her mouth over his, her arms circling up around his neck so she could pull him close to her body.-
  17. Covet: "Definitely is. Oh well. Not my problem." He said with a grin following her upstairs, then gave a laugh as she drug him inside. He tried to close the door, but was immediately wrapped up with Quinn as she kissed him again with a lot more intensity. His hands fell to her waist and he obliged her closeness. He was trying to reach out and close the door with his foot, and eventually succeeded, then started walking towards her bed with her.
  18. Tsaaq: Penelope heard Bea and wrapped herself up in one of her robes before running to the door. She opened it for her. "Why sure. Come on in." She told her as she went back to stand and glance at her hair in the mirror. "I'm almost ready myself, I promise." She sighed.
  19. Smokeless: Bea shrugged"take your time."she laid out the outfits on penelope's bed."I can't decided i'm going to wear black stilletos with the one I pick but I'm not sure the dress or the blouse with tthe leggings. The leggings really make my butt look good." she tapped a finger on her lips.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a bit of a giggle, walking backwards towards her bed without breaking from his lips. Pressing herself against him, her tongue leaving her own mouth to venture into his. She stopped walking when she felt her bed at the backs of her legs, her arms dropping a bit from around his neck so her hands could roam over the tops of his shoulders.-
  21. Covet: Hearing Quinn's giggle, and feeling her tongue in his mouth. He stopped her for a moment, holding onto her lip lightly. "I want to let you know.. right now. That I intend to go no further than you want to, tonight. So if you want something more, you have to ask." He told her with a slight authoritative tone to his voice as he watched her. Then tossed her back on the bed and climbed on next to her after kicking off his shoes, before going in for more kisses letting them move down her neck and collar bone.
  22. Alexithymiaa: (Im like applauding that he took off his shoes. My inner mom is like GOOD BOY. NO SHOES ON THE BED.)
  23. Smokeless: [did he leave his socks on...]
  24. Smokeless: [bet he leaves his socks on through it all XD]
  25. Alexithymiaa: (His pants arent coming off, so socks on is fine.)
  26. Smokeless: [ahh ok]
  27. Tsaaq: "Black stilletos." She told her hurriedly. "You simply have to wear a dress, if you attend a party without a dress on then you won't make as much of an impact as you could without showing your legs. Legs are a very sensual part of a woman's body. And showing them can be very important when establishing dominance." She explained.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn rolled her eyes, looking straight into his face. "Thorn? Shut up." When he tossed her back on the bed, her eyes lit up, her hands moving to grope at his chest and stuff because NOW its not awkward. The other night it was awkward. You can't just oddly touch people. It's awkward. She tipped her head back when he kissed her neck, her hands moving up through his hair because they were going to do the make out thing for a while, I guess.-
  29. Smokeless: Bea shrugged some."Dress it is then." she shrugged some picking up her clothes and smiled to Penelope."Nice underwear victoria secrets?" she asked being curious because they were really cute.
  30. Tsaaq: ((Shut up Quinn you wanted to touch the fucking abs anyways.))
  31. Covet: [XD]
  32. Covet: Thorn shut up as requested and just obliged in the sexy make out times with Quinn. Laughing as she started to feel him up, because she wouldn't the other night. He pulled his shirts off and tossed them aside so that she could have full access to his upper torso muscles, as he continued to make out with her.
  33. Alexithymiaa: -There was definite groping and appreciate of the bod going on. She smirked under his lips because she didnt really know why he was laughing, but hey, everyone laugh. Let's do it. She definitely made out with him for a long ass time and then invited him to stay for regular sleeps. Because Im tired and I have work tomorrow so I dont have time to play that shit out.-
  34. Tsaaq: She turned to look at Bea over her shoulder and pursed her lips. "No." She answered breathily. "They're from France." She dragged her hands up her hips and waist then went over the closet to put on her dress for the party.
  35. Smokeless: She nodded her head."Nice" she alked out of Penelope's bedroom and to her own getting dressed for the party. she made sure to put on some lotion and sprayed her favorite melon and cucumber pefue on herself. she fixed her hair slightly an did touch ups to her makeup
  36. Tsaaq: She sprayed her won perfume and smiled at her reflection. "Are we almost ready?" Penelope asked as she went to go down the stairs and waited by the door for Bea.
  37. Smokeless: Bea came out of her room and smoothed her hands over her dress and looked at Penelope."all ready." she held her keys in her hand and made her way towards the garage to go to the frat party.
  38. Smokeless: [i found the perfect nickname for thron i think Wild Thornberry]
  39. Smokeless: [i cant spell ><]
  40. Covet: [ha]
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