
gracideal edit

Apr 11th, 2015
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  606. <div id="editthis">
  607. <div id="music1">
  608. <div id="music2">
  611. <img src=""></div>
  613. <div id="music3">
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  618. </div>
  620. <div id="musiclist">
  621. <h1>Playlist</h1>
  624. 02. C'MON — PANIC AT THE DISCO <br>
  625. 03. 1 AM — ANIMAL CROSSING <br>
  626. </div>
  628. </div>
  629. </div>
  632. <div id="ireverent2">
  633. <center><img src="" style="opacity: 1;"> </center>
  634. <br>
  635. <center><div style="background: #ffebef; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px;"><b>INFORMATION</b></div><p>
  638. <b><i>INDEPENDENT</i></b></big> &nbsp;semi-canon divergent hikari<br>merged timelines with extra events <big><b>&&.</b></big> story<br>highly selective <b>&&.</b> exclusive<br>selective singleship — <big><b>taken by <a title="Hugh" href="">this dork</a></b></big>
  640. <div style="background: #ffebef; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px;"><b>STATUS</b></div><p>
  642. currently accepting threads — large or small from any mutual pokemon rpers<br>theme requests for mutual <b>pokemon rpers</b> are <big><b>OPEN.</b><br><script language="JavaScript">
  643. var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');
  644. var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height;
  645. document.write('<script src="' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>');
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  649. </p>
  650. <div style="background: #ffebef; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px;"><b>WRITER</b></div><p>
  652. written by <big><b><i>DAWN !</i></b></big>
  653. <div style="background: #ffebef; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px;"><b>OTHER BLOGS</b></div><p>
  654. <a href="">Alain</a> of the Pokemon Mega Evolution Specials
  655. <br>
  656. <a href="">Emma</a> of the Pokemon XY games
  658. <div style="background: #ffebef; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px;"><b><I>&&.</I></b></b></div><p>
  659. <a href="">sidebar credit <b><i>!</i></b></a><br><a href="">fav icon credit <b><i>!</i></b></a><br><a href="">icon credit <b><i>!</i></b></a>
  660. </center>
  661. </div>
  663. <div id="rules" class="popup_block">
  664. <center><img src=""></center>
  665. <center><blockquote>
  666. <p><b>CHARACTER INFORMATION</b></p>
  667. </blockquote>
  668. <p>This blog is for Trainer Hikari of &nbsp;the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Platinum Games. The majority of interactions will strictly be post-Platinum or Post-BW2. She's canon divergent in the way that the Diamond and Pearl games come strictly first chronologically, with her being the player character, but skip two years later and she is the NPC lab assistant for Professor Rowan in the Pokemon Patinum Games. Later on, I do make her the Champion of the games a few years after the end of Platinum, but for the most part, she will simply be a lab assistant as a verse for BW / Platinum, though Post-BW2 is the main and default verse.</p>
  669. <p>I do take elements from anime and manga verse as well, but keep in mind it is never that specific verse.</p>
  670. <p>This blog is singleship with <strong><a href="" target="_blank">unovanger</a>,</strong> but canon to <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>contortvm</strong></a>.<br /></span></p>
  671. <p >Don&rsquo;t tell me how to play my character&nbsp;; I&rsquo;m perfectly cool with anyone telling me areas of improvement, but for the love of Arceus, do not just leave a message in my inbox just saying &ldquo;ur character sux&rdquo; without any explanation for it.</span></p>
  672. <blockquote>
  673. <p><b>BASIC RULES</b></p>
  674. </blockquote>
  675. <p>I won&rsquo;t follow everyone back ;&nbsp;I&rsquo;ll take a look at your blog before following or not, and while I&rsquo;m cool with your character not having an about, if you don&rsquo;t have rules, there&rsquo;s a low chance of me following you.</span></p>
  676. <p>That said, I will only accept asks from mutuals in any situation. Enough said. No magic anons. I&rsquo;m lazy as heck, so it&rsquo;s hard for me to keep up, plus I don&rsquo;t see too much point to them.</p>
  677. <p>In regards to plotting: I am always open to mutuals asking to plot, as long as it&rsquo;s in reason. I have every right to choose whether or not I thread with you, regardless of plotting, and regarding crossover threads, while I am not too selective of following non-Pokemon RPers as long as you have good information on your character, I will not plot with non-Pokemon RPers or self inserts, and like I said about M!As, end of story.</span></p>
  678. <p>I&rsquo;m really selective in terms of who I follow. Do not pester me at all if I do not follow you, and that said, if I don&rsquo;t follow you within two days, I&rsquo;m not following you.</p>
  679. <blockquote>
  680. <p><b>ROLEPLAYING INFORMATION</b></p>
  681. </blockquote>
  682. <p>I post way too many starter calls (which are for mutuals only) but, regardless if you like it or not, I still got a choice in whether I should make it or not.</p>
  683. <p>Please let me know if I&rsquo;ve forgotten a reply! I try to keep track of things, but I&rsquo;m very sorry if I don&rsquo;t see it! That noted, please don&rsquo;t pester me for it, but a reminder now and then is perfectly fine!</p>
  684. <p><strong>I will only roleplay with mutuals.</strong></p>
  685. <p>Please be somewhat eligible in terms of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I understand if English isn&rsquo;t your first language, but at the very least please let me be able to read it. That is, unless it&rsquo;s crack.</p>
  686. <p>That said, I love crack roleplay. Having fun with your character is seriously encouraged, and I never unfollow for that sort of thing.</p>
  687. <blockquote>
  688. <p><b>ANONS AND DRAMA</b></p>
  689. </blockquote>
  690. <p>Anon hate will not be tolerated at all. It&rsquo;s gonna be deleted immediately.</p>
  691. <p>Any anonymous messages &ldquo;warning&rdquo; me about other users aren&rsquo;t going to be taken into much consideration. If you got something to say to me about someone do it off anon.</p>
  692. <p>No drama, please. I get enough of it just watching the dashboard, so please don&rsquo;t involve me in it when I&rsquo;m not supposed to be, especially on anon.</p>
  693. <blockquote>
  694. <p>ASKS</p>
  695. </blockquote>
  696. <p>Ask meme karma isn&rsquo;t necessary at all. I&rsquo;ll try my best myself to follow so in some circumstances, but for the most part, followers aren&rsquo;t required to do so.</span></p>
  697. <blockquote>
  698. <p><b>UNFOLLOWING</b></p>
  699. </blockquote>
  700. <p>I don&rsquo;t unfollow too often, to be honest? But, uh, here are some reasons why I might&nbsp;; half the time it&rsquo;s nothing personal, but one thing you don&rsquo;t have to worry about is OOC. I never unfollow for excessive OOC posts, aside from completely unrelated things, but anywho, here are the reasons:</span></p>
  701. <ul>
  702. <li>Not being mutuals with me for more than two weeks.</li>
  703. <li>Drama.</li>
  704. <li>LOADS OF SELF PITY. Don&rsquo;t get me wrong, I do see that some people aren&rsquo;t the most confident? but please, do not constantly be a self-matyr and pity yourself 24/7.</li>
  705. <li>If you, or your posts irritate me&nbsp;; this could happen for loads of reasons. First, the above, and second, if?? I don&rsquo;t enjoy your character, or if you just post smut (I&rsquo;m cool if it&rsquo;s tagged, but if not, no) constantly.</li>
  706. <li>STEALING.</li>
  707. <li>Hate.</li>
  708. <li>If you unfollow me first.</li>
  709. </ul></center>
  710. </div>
  712. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  714. <div id="stats" class="popup_block">
  715. <p><center><img src=""></center>
  716. <p><center><img src="" />&nbsp;<img src="" />&nbsp;<img src="" /></p>
  717. <p><strong>Birth-given Name: </strong>Hikari Kyoko Kimura<br /><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> November 19th<br /></span><strong>Age:&nbsp;</strong>16 yrs. post-Platinum, 20 yrs. post-BW2<br /><strong>Height:&nbsp;</strong>5&rsquo;<br /><strong>Weight:&nbsp;</strong>91&nbsp;lb.<br /><strong>Species:&nbsp;</strong>Human<br /><strong>Gender:&nbsp;</strong>Demigirl<br /><strong>Sexual | Romantic orientation: </strong>Asexual | Demi-panromantic<strong><br />Occupation:</strong> Certified&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.4;">ᴾᴷᴹᴺ Trainer&nbsp;; research assistant at the Sandgem Town&rsquo;s Pokemon Lab&nbsp;; one of two DexHolders for the Sinnoh region &mdash; SinnohDex is complete, NationalDex incomplete<br /><strong>Ethnicity:</strong> Sinnohan &amp;&amp; Kantonese<br /><strong>Family:&nbsp;</strong>Hiroki &amp;&amp; Momoko Kimura (parents) ;; Hitomi Kimura (younger sister)<br /><strong>Spoken language(s):</strong>&nbsp;fully fluent Japanese, rough English, &amp;&amp; very basic Kalosian<br /><strong>Voice claim(s):</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Risa Taneda</a>&nbsp;(Japanese)&nbsp;; <a href="" target="_blank">Jennifer Paz</a> (Lapis Lazuli; Steven Universe)<p/><p><strong>TROPES</p></strong>Action Girl, Adorbaly Precious Child, Adorkable, Anti-Hero, Awesome Backpack, Back-to-Back Badasses, Beware the Nice Ones, Cute Bruiser, Dangerously Short Skirt, Deadpan Snarker, Exposed To The Elements, Fire&mdash;forged Friends, Genki Girl, Good Is Not Nice/Soft, Good With Numbers, Guile Hero, Hair Decorations, Kid Hero, Large Ham, Little Miss Badass, Mini Dress of Power, Nice Hat, Platonic Life Partners, Socially Awkward Hero, The Leader, The Heroine, The Smart Girl, The Straight Man, Took a Level in Badass, Tsundere, Wise Beyond Their Years<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><strong><center>PERSONALITY</center></strong></p> a relatively calm and collected girl, Hikari&rsquo;s always seeking an answer, and chances are, she&rsquo;ll find it in given time. But, unfortunately, with such a curious attitude comes with pride, and when there&rsquo;s something to be said, she&rsquo;ll say it, with some unnecessary sass included. Her usual attitude is quite friendly, being open to most people and conversations, but say something wrong or act hostile, she can make a complete 180. Keep in mind that this girl is one of the&nbsp;<strong>best</strong> in the region &mdash; second to only Cynthia and a few select others, Hikari is a skilled battler with a mind as strong as her will and emotions. She&rsquo;s definitely not afraid to let a person have it, with her normal method of vengeance coming in many verbal and snarky remarks &mdash; all of which can sound very underhanded and passive aggressive. Yet, despite her numerous flaws, Hikari is a person with heart; she knows what to do, even if she doesn&rsquo;t know how to get there, and is still pushing through as strong as she can.<br /></span><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><p><strong> CANON EVENTS&nbsp;</strong></p><p>born to two caring parents by the names of Hiroki and Momoko Kimura, Hikari has always been a girl who&rsquo;s up on her feet, always seeking answers; a trait that has shone through even in her childhood. She had attended school with a young boy named Barry at the time, the two both being enthusiastic for their future as Trainers. There had been another around at the time, Koki. Her eyes never stayed focused on the boy for too long, only knowing of his presence and nothing more, and it had always been that way. The years went by, with the regular ups and downs, and on another day with another adventure, the hyperactive blonde had dragged the girl to the lake near their home, and after a failed legendary-search, the two left, only to be attacked by a herd of Starlies. The two immediately grabbed PokeBalls out of a stray pack left by a certain Professor, and emerged victorious from the battle. It was then that she had gotten her first Pokemon (after a small talk with the Professor, of course) and began her Pokemon journey. It was as normal as one could get with its regular ups and downs, up until Hikari met Galactic.</span></p>
  718. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; As one would think of such a group, the organization never stuck in her mind with too much importance, with her primary feelings toward the group only being irritation. The Trainer only continued, earning badges up until Snowpoint, where her entire world was thrown out of balance, quite literally. The group that she had run into had started a disaster completely unprepared for, by kidnapping the Lake Spirits and extracting the Red Chain, Galactic began to alter the dimensions and timelines right before her using the Pokemon Palkia and Dialga. Hikari battled Jupiter and Mars alongside her friend, triumphing above them as always, only to face Cyrus next. It was a battle that ended in her favor, but next came her final challenges: Dialga and Palkia. Catching the deity was completely against her desires, and defeating the Legends, the chaos ended. But, the journey wasn&rsquo;t. Hikari still had one badge to go, and earn it she did, only to face the Pokemon League soon after. All four of the Elites had been&nbsp;<em><strong>tough,</strong>&nbsp;</em>but soon after the Champion came: Cynthia. Hikari had met the woman multiple times during her journey, growing to admire her power and skill on the battle field, but now she was facing&nbsp;<strong>her.</strong> The battle was long and hard, ending with their Garchomps battling each other, with the younger&nbsp;<strong>surprisingly</strong> emerging victorious. Was she proud? Very much so. But&hellip;&nbsp;<br><center><strong>Did she accept the position?</strong><br> No. </center></p><p>During those past few years, Hikari had learned that her own ideology was not to fight for reputation or anything trivial - it was to fight for what you believed, and for the ultimate good, as vague as that was.&nbsp;<strong>That</strong> was what she learned to understand.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Of course, this decision did come with some backlash from the media, knocking down her popularity with other Trainers quite a bit, but it didn&rsquo;t matter. Battling was never truly her forte, something that never had as much interest to it as simply learning from them did. She wanted to learn more about the world, and the Pokemon that roamed it, and that desire pushed her to become Professor Rowan&rsquo;s assistant in Sandgem within time. It was around then that Koki had started his journey, and taking a newly hatched Chimchar along with her, she taught him the basics of battling along with capturing Pokemon. <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; After that incident, Hikari had met the boy multiple times along his journey, along with a group that was forever a thorn at her side: Galactic. Several times had they come across her mind, filling her with anger and worry at why they had come back after this long, only to be answered with the entrance of the Distortion World. It had been Koki that had saved the day, that time, but the fact that Cyrus was stuck in that literal hellhole didn&rsquo;t sit well with her, nor Koki&rsquo;s reaction. He had come back terrified, with the experience of what had happened back there unknown to her, but evoking worry from both her and Barry. It had been a memory that stuck with her, that will never be forgotten, but now comes the present. Now, things are at peace. Galactic is nowhere to be seen, and the region is recovering with remarkable progress.&nbsp;</span></p>
  719. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><strong>POST-GAME BUT CANON DIVERGENT EVENTS</strong></span></p>
  720. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Somewhere along the way, the girl had come across a previously unknown Pokemon - Shaymin, who had gotten her into quite a few adventures involving some ruins of her past, leading her to the Distortion World. It was an area otherwise unknown to her, but unlike Koki, the researcher had proper knowledge before such events, so it ended up not as traumatizing as one would think.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;It should be known that due to past events that Hikari has had a lot of exposure to the Distortion World and its matter, but as far as she knows such exposure doesn&rsquo;t cause anything negative nor positive.</span></p>
  721. </div>
  723. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  725. <div id="verses" class="popup_block">
  726. <center><img src=""></center>
  727. <center>
  728. <strong>MAIN VERSE: CANON TIMELINE <br>DIAMOND &amp;&amp; PEARL&nbsp;&raquo; PLATINUM</blockquote></strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; You know the regular story of the hero; defeating the villain and bringing peace to the world - but what you don&rsquo;t know is that there were actually&nbsp;<strong>two.</strong> Hikari and Koki were there names, with Hikari as the first, and Koki as the second; just as always. Hikari and Barry left first, with no knowledge of what was yet to come, but with every encounter with the group only came with more mysteries, all leading up to Spear Pillar. It had ended in a more-or-less good way, with Hikari defeating the boss of Team Galactic and moving on, only to have this story&nbsp;<strong>repeat,</strong> this time with Koki as the hero.</blockquote>
  729. <p><img src="" /></p>
  730. <p><strong>V: LADY CHAMP.<br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post-BW2 verse.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 20<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Badges: 8</p>
  731. <p></p>
  732. <p><img src="" /></p>
  733. <p><strong>V: ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.</strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Post-Platinum verse.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Age: 16<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Badges: 8</p>
  734. <p><img src="" /></p>
  735. <p><strong>V: DISTORTION.<br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; Takes place during Platinum.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Age: 14-15<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Badges: 8<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Region-locked.</p>
  736. <p><img src="" /></p>
  737. <p><strong>V: FOOLISH CHILD.</strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post-Diamond &amp;&amp; Pearl verse.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 12<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Badges: 8<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Region-locked.</p>
  738. <p><img src="" /></p>
  739. <p><strong>V: SPACIAL RIFT.</strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Takes place during Diamond &amp;&amp; Pearl.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 11-12<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Badges: 5<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Region-locked.</p>
  740. <p><img src="" /></p>
  741. <p><strong>V: PRECIOUS TREASURE.</strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Reincarnation verse, with Hikari&rsquo;s previous life being known as Takara Satou. When she was alive, Takara was known for being quite the skilled Trainer, with many badges and titles under her belt, but ultimately had the occupation of helping to protect the temple of Regigigas in Snowpoint City. Her method of death is still unknown to the public, but in reality she had died in a battle near Snowpoint - exactly sixteen years ago.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Age: 21, up until her death<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Badges: 8<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Region-locked.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
  742. <p><strong>WRONG TURN: CANON TIMELINE WITH CHANGES MADE.<br /></strong><blockquote>The resolution of the Galactic incident still remains as something that ended well, but with these verses, Hikari has made different choices, and in some her involvement might be less or more deeply rooted with Galactic and Interpol.</p>
  743. </blockquote>
  744. <p><img src="" /></p>
  745. <p><strong>V: COORDINATION.<br /></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Coordinator verse. Not anime, but is inspired and heavily based on it.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 15<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Badges: 1<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Ribbons: 4<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Region-locked.</p>
  746. <p><img src="" /></p>
  747. <p><strong>V: UNDERCOVER.<br /></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp;Galactic Spy verse where Hikari is infiltrating the Galatctic HQ to get information. Her involvement with Interpol is much more clear and rooted in this verse, and while there isn&rsquo;t too much divergence from the actual timeline, her personality is more hardened and distant.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Age: 14-15<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Badges: 6<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Region locked.</p>
  749. </blockquote>
  750. <p><img src="" /></p>
  751. <p><strong>V: ARTISTIC.<br /></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Manga artist/high-school timeline slightly inspired by the anime Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Hikari is a manga artist under the name Kyou Hayashi, working on her shoujo manga in her free time after school. She shows clear dislike of the many restrictions placed on her writing and plots, but ultimately she tries to write and draw stories that people will like, rather than the stereotypical. Her personality is definitely much more eccentric but still rather introverted and awkward, often showing her many odd habits to her assistants and classmates.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 17<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Occupation: manga artist and high-school student.</p>
  752. <p><img src="" /></p>
  753. <p><strong>V: TOP COORDINATOR.<br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; PokeAni verse; post-Best Wishes.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Age: 16<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Occupation: coordinator</p>
  754. <p><img src="" /></p>
  755. <p><strong>V: INCOMPLETE HEARTS.<br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Pokemon Special verse.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Name: Platinum Berlitz<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Age: 15<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Occupation: trainer</p>
  756. </center>
  757. </div>
  759. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  761. <div id="navi" class="popup_block">
  762. <center><img src=""> </center>
  763. <b><big><big><center>NAVIGATION.</center></big></big></b><P><center><a href="/s">STATISTICS.</a><br><a href="#?w=350" rel="pkmn" class="poplight">POKEMON.</a><br><a href="/v">TIMELINES.</a><br><a href="/r">RULES.</a><br><a href="#?w=350" rel="mun" class="poplight">WRITER.</a><br><a href="/blogroll"/>BLOGROLL.</a><br><a href="">SOURCES.</a><br><a href="">HEADCANON.</a><br><a href="">OTHER BLOGS.</a> <p><big><big><b>CANONS.</b></big></big><p><a href=""/>KOKI.</a><br><a href="">THORTON.</a><br><a href="">GIRATINA.</a><br><a href="">FLINT.</a><br><a href=""/>RILEY.</a><br><a href="">CAITLIN.</a><br><a href="">LEAF.</a><br><br><big><big><b>EXCLUSIVES.</b></big></big><p> <a href="">AYANO.</a><br><a href="">LEAF.</a> </center>
  764. </div>
  766. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  768. <div id="pkmn" class="popup_block">
  769. <center>
  770. <blockquote>
  771. <p><strong>{ HALL OF FAME PARTY }</strong></p>
  772. </blockquote>
  773. <p><img src="" /></p>
  774. <p><strong>[&nbsp;♀ INFERNAPE | #392 | LV. 93 ] </strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; ► ABILITY: BLAZE<strong><br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NATURE: ADAMANT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NOTES: QUICK TEMPERED.<br />FLARE BLITZ | CLOSE COMBAT | ROCK CLIMB | BLAST BURN</p>
  775. <p><img src="" /></p>
  776. <p><strong>[&nbsp;</strong><span>♂&nbsp;<strong>AMBIPOM | #424 | LV. 88 ]</strong></span></p>
  777. <p><span style="color: #545454; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: small; line-height: 18.2000007629395px;">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">► ABILITY: TECHNICHIAN<br /></span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; ► NATURE: RELAXED<br /></span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; ► NOTES: MISCHEVIOUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;DOUBLE HIT | RETURN | RETALIATE | AGILITY</span></p>
  778. <p><img src="" /></p>
  779. <p><strong>[&nbsp;</strong>♂&nbsp;<strong style="line-height: 1.4;">STARAPTOR | #398 | LV. 91 ]<br /></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► ABILITY: INTIMIDATE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NATURE: DOCILE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NOTES: A LITTLE QUICK TEMPERED&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;BRAVE BIRD | ROOST | CLOSE COMBAT | STEEL WING</p>
  780. <p><img src="" /></p>
  781. <p><strong>[ ROTOM | #479 | LV. 89 ]<br /></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► ABILITY: LEVITATE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NATURE: RASH<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NOTES: NODS OFF A LOT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;DISCHARGE | SHADOW BALL | THUNDER WAVE | SUBSTITUTE</p>
  782. <p><img src="" /></p>
  783. <p><strong>[&nbsp;</strong>♂ LUCARIO | #448 | LV. 91 ]<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; ► ABILITY: INNER FOCUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NATURE: SERIOUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NOTES: HIGHLY PERSISTENT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;AURA SPHERE | CLOSE COMBAT | DIG | BONE RUSH</p>
  784. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><img src="" /></p>
  785. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>[&nbsp;</strong>♀<strong style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp;GARCHOMP | #445 | LV. 90 ]</strong>&nbsp;<br /><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► ABILITY: SAND VEIL<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">► NATURE: ADAMANT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">► NOTES: LIKES TO FIGHT<br />&nbsp; DIG | DRAGON TAIL | POISON JAB | STONE EDGE</span></p>
  786. <blockquote>
  787. <p><strong>{ SWTICH-INS / OTHER PKMN }</strong></p>
  788. </blockquote>
  789. <p><img src="" /></p>
  790. <p><strong>[&nbsp;<span>♂ CHIMCHAR | #390 | LV. 34 ]<br /></span></strong><span>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ► ABILITY: BLAZE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span>► NATURE: BASHFUL.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span>► NOTES: HIGHLY CURIOUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;FLAMETHROWER | FLAME WHEEL | DIG | ROCK SMASH</span></p>
  791. <p><img src="" /></p>
  792. <p><strong>[&nbsp;♀ TOGEKISS | #468 | LV. 83 ]<br /></strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► ABILITY: SERENE GRACE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NATURE: GENTLE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: OFTEN LOST IN THOUGHT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; AIR SLASH | ANCIENT POWER | THUNDER WAVE | SKY ATTACK</span></p>
  793. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><img src="" /></span></p>
  794. <p><strong>[&nbsp;</strong><strong style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">♀&nbsp;</strong><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">LOPUNNY | #428 | LV. 68 ]</strong></p>
  795. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► ABILITY: CUTE CHARM<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NATURE: SASSY<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: STRONG WILLED<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; HI JUMP KICK | BOUNCE | DIZZY PUNCH | HEALING WISH</span></p>
  796. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><img src="" /></span></p>
  797. <p><strong style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">[&nbsp;</strong><strong style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">♀&nbsp;</strong><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">CLEFABLE | #036 | LV. 57 ]</strong></p>
  798. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► ABILITY: UNAWARE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NATURE: DOCILE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: NODS OFF A LOT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;METEOR MASH | STORED POWER | COSMIC POWER | WISH</span></p>
  799. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><img src="" /></span></p>
  800. <p><strong>[&nbsp;♂&nbsp;ALAKAZAM | #065 | LV. 53 ]</strong></p>
  801. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► ABILITY: INNER FOCUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span>► NATURE: BOLD<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: HIGHLY CURIOUS<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; PSYCHIC | CALM MIND | RECOVER | EMBARGO<br /><br /></span></p>
  802. <blockquote>
  803. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">{ GIVEN/GIFTED POKEMON }</span></strong></p>
  804. </blockquote>
  805. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong><img src="" /></strong></p>
  806. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>[&nbsp;</strong>♀&nbsp;<strong style="line-height: 1.4;">PIPLUP | #393 | LV. 48 ]<br /></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; ► ABILITY: DEFIANT<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NATURE: QUIRKY<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;► NOTES: SCATTERS THINGS OFTEN. RECEIVED FROM BARRY.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;DRILL PECK | BUBBLEBEAM | HYDRO PUMP | AQUA RING</p>
  807. <blockquote>
  808. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>{ BEFRIENDED POKEMON }</strong><br /></span></p>
  809. </blockquote>
  810. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong><img src="" /></strong></span></p>
  811. <p><strong>[ SHAYMIN | #492 | LV. 50 ]<br /></strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► ABILITY: NATURAL CURE / SERENE GRACE<br /></span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► NATURE: &nbsp;GENTLE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: LOVES TO EAT&nbsp;; WAS MET DUE TO AN INCIDENT IN THE DISTORTION WORLD</span></p>
  812. <p><img src="" /></p>
  813. <p><strong>[ UXIE | #480 | LV. 50 ]<br /></strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;► ABILITY: LEVITATE<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NATURE: MILD<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">► NOTES: CAPABLE OF TAKING HITS</span></p>
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  821. <p><img src="" /></p>
  822. <p><strong>Name:</strong>&nbsp;Dawn (lol the meaning behind it&rsquo;s not &lsquo;cause of the Pokemon character, though)<br /><strong>FC:</strong> Ruby Rose (RWBY)<br /><strong>Gender:</strong> idk right now I just know I'm a girl lel<br /><strong>Characters:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" title="Emma from the Pokemon X &amp;&amp;. Y games" target="_blank">Emma</a>, <a href="" title="Trainer Alain from the Pokemon Mega Evolution Specials" target="_blank">Alain</a><strong><br /></strong><strong>Fandoms:</strong> Pokemon Adventures/Special (duh), Kagerou Project, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Ace Attorney, Heroes of Olympous, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Toradora!, Nisekoi, Sailor Moon, No Game No Life, Free!, Haikyuu, etc.</p>
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