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a guest
Aug 26th, 2014
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  1. sh-3.2# journalctl -xn
  2. -- Logs begin at Wed 2014-08-27 05:36:44 EEST, end at Wed 2014-08-27 06:08:03 EE
  3. ST. --
  4. Aug 27 06:07:57 Jolla timed-qt5[594]: ERROR: DBus call to interface org.ofono.Ne
  5. tworkTime function GetProperties of path /ril_0 failed: Method "GetProperties" w
  6. ith signature "" on interface "org.ofono.Modem" doesn't exist
  7. Aug 27 06:07:59 Jolla ofonod[497]: create_ril: can't connect to RILD: No s
  8. uch file or directory (2)
  9. Aug 27 06:07:59 Jolla mce[488]: mce-dbus.c: dbus_send_with_block(): Error
  10. sending with reply to org.ofono.VoiceCallManager.GetCalls: Method "GetCalls" wit
  11. h signature "" on interface "org.ofono.VoiceCallManager" doesn't exist
  12. Aug 27 06:07:59 Jolla timed-qt5[594]: ERROR: DBus call to interface org.ofono.Ne
  13. tworkTime function GetProperties of path /ril_0 failed: Method "GetProperties" w
  14. ith signature "" on interface "org.ofono.Modem" doesn't exist
  15. Aug 27 06:08:01 Jolla ofonod[497]: create_ril: can't connect to RILD: No s
  16. uch file or directory (2)
  17. Aug 27 06:08:01 Jolla mce[488]: mce-dbus.c: dbus_send_with_block(): Error
  18. sending with reply to org.ofono.VoiceCallManager.GetCalls: Method "GetCalls" wit
  19. h signature "" on interface "org.ofono.VoiceCallManager" doesn't exist
  20. Aug 27 06:08:01 Jolla timed-qt5[594]: ERROR: DBus call to interface org.ofono.Ne
  21. tworkTime function GetProperties of path /ril_0 failed: Method "GetProperties" w
  22. ith signature "" on interface "org.ofono.Modem" doesn't exist
  23. Aug 27 06:08:03 Jolla ofonod[497]: create_ril: can't connect to RILD: No s
  24. uch file or directory (2)
  25. --More--
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