
Spoiled by War

Feb 25th, 2015
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  1. ----
  2. >The Equestria is at War.
  3. >"MOVE OUT!"
  4. >And for you, that means another day on the road.
  5. >Your mother was always worried that this would happen.
  6. >Saying that you should move away from the Borderlands.
  7. >Go east, away from the Griffin Empire.
  8. >Evacuate while there's still enough time.
  9. >But you didn't want to leave all your friends behind.
  10. >You didn't want to leave your home.
  11. >And now you're marching in the caravan, along with everyone else.
  12. >Pulling a cart loaded with all of your worldly possession.
  13. >Or what's left of them anyway.
  14. >You're tired.
  15. >Physically.
  16. >Mentally.
  17. >Emotionally.
  18. >Sometimes you feel like giving up.
  19. >But you won't.
  20. >You can't.
  21. >Before she died, you promised your mother that you would stay with the caravan.
  22. >You promised her that you'd do everything to survive.
  23. >You promised that even if something happened to her, you would still go on.
  24. >You promised you would make it.
  25. >And so you hold on.
  26. >Walking.
  27. >Pulling.
  28. >Marching.
  29. >The daily life in with he caravan is very monotonous.
  30. >Wake up when the sun comes up.
  31. >Pull your cart.
  32. >Settle down when the sun comes down.
  33. >And the next day do the same thing again and again.
  34. >Repeat it.
  35. >Over and over and over again.
  36. >How long has it been?
  37. >Two Weeks?
  38. >Three?
  39. >More?
  40. >You're not sure.
  41. >The days blend and melt together in your memory.
  42. >Uneventful.
  43. >Boring.
  44. >They're al the same.
  45. >The belts from your harness chafe your coat.
  46. >You want to stop and readjust them.
  47. >But if you stop everyone behind you would have to stop as well.
  48. >And you can't do that to them.
  49. >You have to keep walking like everyone else.
  50. >And so you do.
  51. >It all just drags on...
  52. >And on...
  53. >And on...
  54. ----
  55. >...
  56. >You're tired.
  57. >You're thirsty.
  58. >The road is rocky.
  59. >You're hungry.
  60. >Your hooves hurt.
  61. >You've been at this the whole day.
  62. >At least the sun is setting down now.
  63. >It's blinding.
  64. >You close your eyes and keep walking in a straight line.
  65. >Because you promised you would.
  66. >Just a few more minutes and the caravan will stop.
  67. >Few more steps and the day is over.
  68. >One Step.
  69. >Two Steps.
  70. >You can feel every single rock that the wheels of your cart bump into.
  71. >Three...
  72. >Four.
  73. >Five.
  74. >Pain.
  75. >You stepped on an edge of a hole in the road.
  76. >You force yourself to open your eyes and resume looking where you're going.
  77. >Six.
  78. >Seven.
  79. >Your hoof hurts.
  80. >Eight.
  81. >Nine.
  82. >You put the hoof down lightly and keep most of your weight on the other three, just to be sure.
  83. >It hurts, but if you stay off it, it should be fine.
  84. >Ten.
  85. >Eleven.
  86. >You almost sprained your fetlock.
  87. >Twelve.
  88. >"HALT!"
  89. >The sun has set.
  90. >Finally, you can stop walking.
  91. >You made it through another day.
  92. >You made it.
  93. ----
  94. >...
  95. >It's Twilight.
  96. >While the males are raising the camp, you and the other mares are on the pasture, grazing on dry grass.
  97. >The times are rough.
  98. >It didn't rain in forever.
  99. >With all the able pegasi away fighting the war, there are not enough of them left to control the weather.
  100. >Floods, droughts, hailstorms...
  101. >Natural disasters, eliminated centuries, ago are all coming back now.
  102. >You spit out a stray rock you bit along with a clump off grass.
  103. >There's not much of it left.
  104. >The drought is bad.
  105. >But rain would be worse.
  106. >Much worse.
  107. >The grass would become plentiful and taste better.
  108. >But the roads would get muddy.
  109. >And you'd still have to pull your cart.
  110. >There's no way that the caravan can stop.
  111. >Everyone would have to work twice as hard to keep the caravan moving at half the pace.
  112. >And it would be dangerous.
  113. >The wheels could slip while going up or down a hill.
  114. >And if a cart goes tumbling down a hill, it drags the pony pulling it down with it.
  115. >Even without the slippery mud, ponies have died like this.
  116. >They weren't even buried.
  117. >Nobody had the time to dig holes, or weight their cart down with a lifeless corpse.
  118. >The caravan had to keep moving.
  119. >And so did you.
  120. ----
  121. >...
  122. >The daylight is completely gone, replaced by the light of bonfires, stars and gibbous moon.
  123. >You and the other mares are trying to catch some rest.
  124. >All of you are one one big pile.
  125. >It's not cold, it just makes you feel safer like this.
  126. >Even through you know that safety doesn't really exist.
  127. >Not for you.
  128. >Not anymore.
  129. >You pull yourself closer to the older mare in front of you.
  130. >You're not sure who she is, only knowing her from sight.
  131. >But somehow she reminds you of your mother.
  132. >You'd ask her to hug you back, but she's already asleep.
  133. >She's weaker than you.
  134. >Most of the other mares are.
  135. >Back when you still had real food, your mother forced you to eat her rations.
  136. >You hated her for it.
  137. >The rations were disgusting compared to the home cooked hot meals you were used to.
  138. >But they were the best thing you had.
  139. >And your mother made you eat every single crumb of every single meal you had.
  140. >You couldn't do anything.
  141. ...
  142. >One day she just didn't wake up.
  143. >She literary starved herself to death so that you could have enough.
  144. >So that you could stay strong.
  145. >So that you could make it through.
  146. >She made you swear it every night.
  147. >That you would always live another day until the war was over and everything would be right again.
  148. >Then marry a nice stallion, raise children and grow old with him.
  149. >It's what your mother and father wanted for you.
  150. >You are an earth pony, like your mother is.
  151. >Like your mother was.
  152. >Your father was a pegasus.
  153. >When the war started, he left for the front and didn't return.
  154. >You should have listened to your mother and run away before the war even began.
  155. ----
  156. >A gryphon walks in.
  157. >The mares in the pile stir.
  158. >They've come for you.
  159. >Everyone is silent.
  160. >He grabs one mare by her mane and drags her away.
  161. >Then he takes another one.
  162. >And then he takes you.
  163. >...
  164. >You're next to a bonfire.
  165. >Alone.
  166. >Surrounded by gryphons.
  167. >They're singing, laughing and celebrating their victory.
  168. >They're shouting at you.
  169. >Most of them are drunk.
  170. >The noise comes from all sides.
  171. >And you just sit there, crying.
  172. >Something lands on your head.
  173. >It hurts.
  174. >You curl up on the ground, covering yourself as best as you can.
  175. >Another thing hits your side.
  176. >You don't know what they're thrown at you, but it hurts more than the previous thing.
  177. >You try not to make them angry.
  178. >...
  179. >Someone grips your mane and pulls your face away from the ground.
  180. >"Hey, bitch!"
  181. >You quickly shut your eyes to avoid eye contact.
  182. >"Look at me!"
  183. >you do.
  184. >He spills something on your face.
  185. >You scream.
  186. >Your eyes are burning.
  187. >It smells like schnapps.
  188. >"Are you thirsty, whorse?"
  189. >You nod.
  190. >Your eyes are burning.
  191. >Gryphons don't like it when ponies talk to them.
  192. >It reminds them that you're not animals.
  193. >You watch him as he thuds on the ground and smiles at you.
  194. >Oh god you're going to vomit.
  195. >Your eyes are burning.
  196. >He offers you the drink he's holding.
  197. >You reach for it, but he pulls it back.
  198. >"Pffft-hehehehaha-HAHAHAHARHARHARHAR!"
  199. >He pours the drink over himself.
  200. >"You want a drink? Then DRINK!"
  201. >It dribbles from the feathers on his chest, down to the coat on his stomach.
  202. >And down between his legs.
  203. ----
  204. >Gryphons cocks are not made for ponies.
  205. >They're pointed, and covered in fleshy spikes.
  206. >They have knot but not a ring.
  207. >They're disgusting.
  208. >And you're inching your way to one.
  209. >You touch it with your hoof and pull back it's sheath.
  210. >Then you put your mouth over it.
  211. >There is no reason to tease him or do things slow.
  212. >He just wants to use you.
  213. >You start sucking.
  214. >The rich taste alcohol covers the taste of his dirty flesh.
  215. >Your head moves up and down accompanied by your hooves.
  216. >Whenever you pull back to breathe he pours more liquid on himself.
  217. >Cackling like it's the funnies ting he's ever done.
  218. >It makes you physically sick.
  219. >But you just have to keep going.
  220. >When his drink runs you he throws it away.
  221. >His claws wrap your hear and he fuck your face.
  222. >You've lost all control.
  223. >Control of pace.
  224. >Control of depth.
  225. >Control of breathing.
  226. >The power is all in his claws now.
  227. >And he's anything but considerate.
  228. >It doesn't take long.
  229. >His knot swells and he shoots his spunk right in your throat.
  230. >When he pulls out you instinctively take a breath.
  231. >Your mistake.
  232. >He wasn't done cumming and you breathed in some of his cum.
  233. >You're choking.
  234. >you try to cough it out, but he forces himself back in your mouth.
  235. >You try to swallow, but every second more of his sticky poison comes out.
  236. >You're drowning.
  237. ----
  238. >Someone grabs you by your shoulders and yanks you back.
  239. >You end up yon your back, roughly thrown on the ground.
  240. >Thankful for the chance to try and breath again.
  241. >Some other gryphon puts his claws on your waist and presses you down.
  242. >He positions himself over you and plunges in.
  243. >You're not even wet.
  244. >But he's too drunk to care.
  245. >Gryphons are much larger and heavier than ponies.
  246. >Luckily for you, their penises are smaller compared ot their body.
  247. >If they weren't he'd tear you apart.
  248. >He screams like a lunatic, pistoning in and out.
  249. >Pounding you into the ground with reckless abandon.
  250. >Feral.
  251. >Mindless.
  252. >Unconcerned.
  253. >You can't stop him.
  254. >All you can do is keep your legs open as wide as you can and just let it happen.
  255. >Just let it happen.
  256. >Fighting back only makes things worse.
  257. >"Lick."
  258. >Another gryphon walks over you.
  259. >His voice is cold and emotionless, like he's not even talking to someone.
  260. >Of course.
  261. >He's not talking to someone.
  262. >He's talking to something.
  263. >He's talking to you.
  264. >You watch his asshole fill your view as he sits on your face.
  265. >The overwhelming stench of old sweat makes you want to retch.
  266. >But instead you just stick out your tongue and start licking.
  267. >There's nothing else you could do.
  268. ----
  269. >...
  270. >The days were bad.
  271. >The nights were worse.
  272. >When the gryphon raping your pussy finishes, another one takes his place.
  273. >He's bigger than the previous one but moves a lot slower.
  274. >You can feel him tearing you apart.
  275. >Every time he backs out, the spikes on his cock sink into your walls.
  276. >The pain is unbearable.
  277. >Agonizing.
  278. >And then you feel his talons dig into your stomach.
  279. >He doesn't like what you're doing.
  280. >You're doing nothing.
  281. >You're just laying there, letting him do all the work.
  282. >You have to do better.
  283. >you start to moan, and move your hips against his own.
  284. >You don't feel any pleasure.
  285. >The moans are masking you pain.
  286. >The pain of helping him rend your insides.
  287. >The pain of being taken by those who destroyed your life.
  288. >The pain of not being able to stop the pain.
  289. >The moans are masking your pain and make him feel better about himself.
  290. >They make him feel potent.
  291. >Like he knows how to pleasure a mare.
  292. >Like he's the best at this.
  293. >You let him think he is.
  294. >You make him think he is.
  295. >He thinks he is.
  296. >After all.
  297. >He made a mare moan.
  298. >Didn't he?
  299. >...
  300. >Eight or nine more gryphons take their turns using you, before they leave you be.
  301. >You're covered with dirt, sweat and trash.
  302. >Maybe they at least left some food behind?
  303. >you look around.
  304. >They did!
  305. >You roll on the side, curl into a ball and start licking yourself clean.
  306. >You're bleeding.
  307. >Again.
  308. >...
  309. >The gryphons are still all around you.
  310. >But they know you're spent and they know that they won't get any more fun from you tonight.
  311. >They're completely ignoring you.
  312. >Maybe you could...
  313. >No...
  314. >You can't.
  315. >It's not like you have somewhere to run.
  316. >It's not like you could run.
  317. >You can't even stand now.
  318. >Or even lay down.
  319. >You pass out watching the flames of bonfires.
  320. >They're burning your world away.
  321. ----
  322. >...
  323. >You are woken up by someone dragging you across the ground.
  324. >It's still night, and the fires are still burning.
  325. >You look at whoever's pulling you.
  326. >A gryphon.
  327. >He's as small as a pony.
  328. >Even during celebrations, there's always someone left to stand guard.
  329. >But why doesn't he wear any armor?
  330. >The celebration is still going strong.
  331. >He's probably be too young to be allowed joining in.
  332. >The gryphons have a rule.
  333. >Only those who return from battle with blood on their claws may enjoy the spoils of it.
  334. >It makes their soldiers fight like ferocious beasts.
  335. >A youngling like this has probably never been in a real fight.
  336. >So he's left with cleaning up and fetching mares.
  337. >Gryphons don't like it when the mare's too used up.
  338. >They want them to feel what's being done to them.
  339. >They wouldn't be satisfied fucking a rag doll like yourself.
  340. >Not when they have so many more to choose from.
  341. >...
  342. >Over a dozen villages, including yours.
  343. >Stallions slain, mares raped and taken as slaves.
  344. >Forced to pull loaded loot wagons all the way back to Lion's Nest.
  345. >The children.
  346. >You don't know what happened to the children.
  347. >They were part of another caravan.
  348. >And if the attack came two days earlier you would have been among them.
  349. >Two days before the attack.
  350. >That's when you got your cutie mark.
  351. >It's a feather duster.
  352. >Your destiny was to become a maid.
  353. >You'd move to Canterlot and work at some rich noble's mansion.
  354. >Every day you'd dress up in a cute but professional uniform.
  355. >Sleep on a luxurious bed in a room bigger than your family's whole house.
  356. >Are there maids in Gryphon Empire?
  357. >Maybe you'll become a maid when you get there?
  358. >Maybe someone will notice your talent and give you a new home.
  359. ----
  360. >The dragging stops and you leave your dream.
  361. >Oh, no!
  362. >This is not the slave cage.
  363. >This is his tent.
  364. >Tears start rolling down from your eyes.
  365. >It's not over yet.
  366. >"Stand up."
  367. >You obey as fast as you can.
  368. >Which means slow.
  369. >You're tired.
  370. >You couldn't have been passed out for more than an hour.
  371. >You spent the whole day pulling a cart loaded full with loot.
  372. >And you're going to do the same tomorrow.
  373. >Your only hope that he'll be done quickly, so you can finally go to sleep.
  374. >Drift back to the blissful unconsciousness.
  375. >Sleep as long as you can.
  376. >It's the last pleasure you have left.
  377. >...
  378. >The young gryphon circles around you.
  379. >Observing.
  380. >Watching.
  381. >Considering.
  382. >Has he never been with a mare before?
  383. >Doesn't he know where to stick it?
  384. >Why doesn't he take you?
  385. >Come on!
  386. >Hurry up and be done with it!
  387. >Maybe he's just picking which hole he wants to use?
  388. >Finally, he stops and speaks.
  389. >"Spread your legs."
  390. >He doesn't sound sure about it at all.
  391. >It must be something he's heard the other gryphons say.
  392. >If it's his first time you'll be done with him in a minute.
  393. >You've been used by hundreds.
  394. >You know what they like.
  395. >How to stall those that don't abuse you so hard.
  396. >And make the ones that like to torture you blow their loads as fast as you can.
  397. >You're going to give this fledgeling the ride of his life.
  398. ----
  399. >...
  400. >His claws clutch your flanks
  401. >you bend you front hooves down, and get into the breeding position.
  402. >He pulls himself close and puts his weight on you.
  403. >You yelp in pain.
  404. >He didn't even enter you yet.
  405. >It's your fetlock.
  406. >"Fuck!"
  407. >He immediately jumps off you.
  408. >He's not concerned for your well being.
  409. >He's concerned that somebody might have heard you.
  410. >If he was found 'stealing loot' he'd be in big trouble.
  411. >"Shut up!"
  412. >He runs to the entrance and looks out.
  413. >After a while later he returns to you.
  414. >"Not another sound."
  415. >You nod and roll over.
  416. >You won't have to carry his weight if he takes you from the front.
  417. >Just like the others did.
  418. >Once more, you spread your hind legs as far as you can.
  419. >You keep your front leg on your chest.
  420. >Hopefully it will stop him from trying to kiss you.
  421. >You watch him lay down on you.
  422. >His pathetic gryphonhood is pushing against your lower abdomen.
  423. >He's as small as a colt.
  424. >It almost makes you laugh.
  425. >You'll be surprised if you're able to even feel him.
  426. >He's just laying on you, looking you in the eyes.
  427. >Does he need you to give him instructions?
  428. >He grabs your left hoof, pushes aside to the side and pins it down.
  429. >He wants you completely helpless.
  430. >If he afraid of you?
  431. >He grabs your right hoof and you wince in pain.
  432. >His brows furrow.
  433. >"What's with your hoof?"
  434. "I-It's nothing."
  435. >"No... it's... definitely something."
  436. >He twists your hoof experimentally, sending another jolt of pain through your leg.
  437. "Don't do that!"
  438. "Please!"
  439. "Just fuck me already!"
  440. >He twists it harder and your face contorts in excruciating pain as you feel something give out.
  441. "Please! Don't! I can still walk! I can still be useful!"
  442. ...
  443. >I'm sorry mother.
  444. >I didn't make it.
  445. ----
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