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Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. Diff between Peercoindark and Uranuscoin.
  3. Both are 100% clones, not even obvious things have been changed like the message:
  5. < // Subsidy is cut in half every 50000 blocks, which will occur approximately every 4 years
  6. < nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 50000);
  7. ---
  8. > // Subsidy is cut in half every 612000 blocks, which will occur approximately every 4 years
  9. > nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 612000);
  11. Its obvious that both cannot be occur every 4 years the same..
  13. Also the Naming of the Directory already is suspicious .. Both have COINNAME-ABBREVIATION as naming.
  15. Both Coins compile to "bitcoind" and have serious diff retargeting issues, you should not mine this coin if you dont want to get scammed:
  17. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp
  18. 46c46
  19. < return GetBoolArg("-testnet", false) ? 5745 : 10789;
  20. ---
  21. > return GetBoolArg("-testnet", false) ? 5745 : 21000;
  22. 100c100
  23. < if (dAmount <= 0.0 || dAmount > 201400000)
  24. ---
  25. > if (dAmount <= 0.0 || dAmount > 3672000)
  26. 186c186
  27. < "Stop PEERCOINDARK server.");
  28. ---
  29. > "Stop URANUSCOIN server.");
  30. 189c189
  31. < return "PEERCOINDARK server stopping";
  32. ---
  33. > return "URANUSCOIN server stopping";
  34. 297c297
  35. < << "User-Agent: peercoindark-json-rpc/" << FormatFullVersion() << "\r\n"
  36. ---
  37. > << "User-Agent: uranuscoin-json-rpc/" << FormatFullVersion() << "\r\n"
  38. 328c328
  39. < "Server: peercoindark-json-rpc/%s\r\n"
  40. ---
  41. > "Server: uranuscoin-json-rpc/%s\r\n"
  42. 355c355
  43. < "Server: peercoindark-json-rpc/%s\r\n"
  44. ---
  45. > "Server: uranuscoin-json-rpc/%s\r\n"
  46. 738c738
  47. < string strWhatAmI = "To use peercoindarkd";
  48. ---
  49. > string strWhatAmI = "To use uranuscoind";
  50. 747c747
  51. < "rpcuser=peercoindarkrpc\n"
  52. ---
  53. > "rpcuser=uranuscoinrpc\n"
  54. 753c753
  55. < "for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s \"PEERCOINDARK Alert\"\n"),
  56. ---
  57. > "for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s \"URANUSCOIN Alert\"\n"),
  59. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/checkpoints.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/checkpoints.cpp
  60. 38c38
  61. < ( 0, uint256("0x000000006687caaff81c22ac4d75d282c563c38691c6efc0df44f1ff9f6a99ee"))
  62. ---
  63. > ( 0, uint256("0x000000005c8cb2f26668b95dbf1914d4e97f2f8d762b4eaea18a74b38fa57f9d"))
  66. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/init.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/init.cpp
  67. 177c177
  68. < std::string strUsage = _("PEERCOINDARK version") + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
  69. ---
  70. > std::string strUsage = _("URANUSCOIN version") + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
  71. 179,182c179,182
  72. < " peercoindarkd [options] " + "\n" +
  73. < " peercoindarkd [options] <command> [params] " + _("Send command to -server or peercoindarkd") + "\n" +
  74. < " peercoindarkd [options] help " + _("List commands") + "\n" +
  75. < " peercoindarkd [options] help <command> " + _("Get help for a command") + "\n";
  76. ---
  77. > " uranuscoind [options] " + "\n" +
  78. > " uranuscoind [options] <command> [params] " + _("Send command to -server or uranuscoind") + "\n" +
  79. > " uranuscoind [options] help " + _("List commands") + "\n" +
  80. > " uranuscoind [options] help <command> " + _("Get help for a command") + "\n";
  81. 192c192
  82. < if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]) && !boost::algorithm::istarts_with(argv[i], "peercoindark:"))
  83. ---
  84. > if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]) && !boost::algorithm::istarts_with(argv[i], "uranuscoin:"))
  85. 295,296c295,296
  86. < " -conf=<file> " + _("Specify configuration file (default: peercoindark.conf)") + "\n" +
  87. < " -pid=<file> " + _("Specify pid file (default:") + "\n" +
  88. ---
  89. > " -conf=<file> " + _("Specify configuration file (default: uranuscoin.conf)") + "\n" +
  90. > " -pid=<file> " + _("Specify pid file (default:") + "\n" +
  91. 305c305
  92. < " -port=<port> " + _("Listen for connections on <port> (default: 10989 or testnet: 20989)") + "\n" +
  93. ---
  94. > " -port=<port> " + _("Listen for connections on <port> (default: 11000 or testnet: 5744)") + "\n" +
  95. 346c346
  96. < " -rpcport=<port> " + _("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 10789 or testnet: 5745)") + "\n" +
  97. ---
  98. > " -rpcport=<port> " + _("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 21000 or testnet: 5745)") + "\n" +
  99. 371c371
  100. < "\n" + _("SSL options: (see the PEERCOINDARK Wiki for SSL setup instructions)") + "\n" +
  101. ---
  102. > "\n" + _("SSL options: (see the URANUSCOIN Wiki for SSL setup instructions)") + "\n" +
  103. 630c630
  104. < return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. PEERCOINDARK is probably already running."), strDataDir.c_str()));
  105. ---
  106. > return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. URANUSCOIN is probably already running."), strDataDir.c_str()));
  107. 635c635
  108. < printf("PEERCOINDARK version %s (%s)\n", FormatFullVersion().c_str(), CLIENT_DATE.c_str());
  109. ---
  110. > printf("URANUSCOIN version %s (%s)\n", FormatFullVersion().c_str(), CLIENT_DATE.c_str());
  111. 645c645
  112. < fprintf(stdout, "PEERCOINDARK server starting\n");
  113. ---
  114. > fprintf(stdout, "URANUSCOIN server starting\n");
  115. 967c967
  116. < strErrors << _("Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of PEERCOINDARK") << "\n";
  117. ---
  118. > strErrors << _("Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of URANUSCOIN") << "\n";
  119. 970c970
  120. < strErrors << _("Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart PEERCOINDARK to complete") << "\n";
  121. ---
  122. > strErrors << _("Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart URANUSCOIN to complete") << "\n";
  124. Common Subdirectory: PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/json and URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/json.
  125. Common Subdirectory: PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/leveldb and URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/leveldb.
  127. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/main.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/main.cpp
  128. 34c34
  129. < uint256 hashGenesisBlock("0x000000006687caaff81c22ac4d75d282c563c38691c6efc0df44f1ff9f6a99ee");
  130. ---
  131. > uint256 hashGenesisBlock("0x000000005c8cb2f26668b95dbf1914d4e97f2f8d762b4eaea18a74b38fa57f9d");
  132. 67c67
  133. < const string strMessageMagic = "PEERCOINDARK Signed Message:\n";
  134. ---
  135. > const string strMessageMagic = "URANUSCOIN Signed Message:\n";
  136. 1076c1076
  137. < int64 nSubsidy = 2014 * COIN;
  138. ---
  139. > int64 nSubsidy = 3 * COIN;
  140. 1078,1079c1078,1079
  141. < // Subsidy is cut in half every 50000 blocks, which will occur approximately every 4 years
  142. < nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 50000);
  143. ---
  144. > // Subsidy is cut in half every 612000 blocks, which will occur approximately every 4 years
  145. > nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 612000);
  146. 2727c2727
  147. < hashGenesisBlock = uint256("0x000000006687caaff81c22ac4d75d282c563c38691c6efc0df44f1ff9f6a99ee");
  148. ---
  149. > hashGenesisBlock = uint256("0x000000005c8cb2f26668b95dbf1914d4e97f2f8d762b4eaea18a74b38fa57f9d");
  150. 2765c2765
  151. < block.nTime = 1413420467;
  152. ---
  153. > block.nTime = 1415061922;
  154. 2767c2767
  155. < block.nNonce = 1790071958;
  156. ---
  157. > block.nNonce = 1262967020;
  158. 2771,2772c2771,2772
  159. < block.nTime = 1413420467;
  160. < block.nNonce = 1790071958;
  161. ---
  162. > block.nTime = 1415061922;
  163. > block.nNonce = 1262967020;
  164. 4508c4508
  165. < printf("PEERCOINDARKMiner:\n");
  166. ---
  167. > printf("URANUSCOINMiner:\n");
  168. 4517c4517
  169. < return error("PEERCOINDARKMiner : generated block is stale");
  170. ---
  171. > return error("URANUSCOINMiner : generated block is stale");
  172. 4531c4531
  173. < return error("PEERCOINDARKMiner : ProcessBlock, block not accepted");
  174. ---
  175. > return error("URANUSCOINMiner : ProcessBlock, block not accepted");
  176. 4539c4539
  177. < printf("PEERCOINDARKMiner started\n");
  178. ---
  179. > printf("URANUSCOINMiner started\n");
  180. 4563c4563
  181. < printf("Running PEERCOINDARKMiner with %"PRIszu" transactions in block (%u bytes)\n", pblock->vtx.size(),
  182. ---
  183. > printf("Running URANUSCOINMiner with %"PRIszu" transactions in block (%u bytes)\n", pblock->vtx.size(),
  184. 4668c4668
  185. < printf("PEERCOINDARKMiner terminated\n");
  186. ---
  187. > printf("URANUSCOINMiner terminated\n");
  188. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/main.h URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/main.h
  189. 52c52
  190. < static const int64 MAX_MONEY = 201400000 * COIN;
  191. ---
  192. > static const int64 MAX_MONEY = 3672000 * COIN;
  193. 55c55
  194. < static const int COINBASE_MATURITY = 2;
  195. ---
  196. > static const int COINBASE_MATURITY = 4;
  197. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/net.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/net.cpp
  198. 1114c1114
  199. < string strDesc = "PEERCOINDARK " + FormatFullVersion();
  200. ---
  201. > string strDesc = "URANUSCOIN " + FormatFullVersion();
  202. 1754c1754
  203. < strError = strprintf(_("Unable to bind to %s on this computer. PEERCOINDARK is probably already running."), addrBind.ToString().c_str());
  204. ---
  205. > strError = strprintf(_("Unable to bind to %s on this computer. URANUSCOIN is probably already running."), addrBind.ToString().c_str());
  206. Gemeinsame Unterverzeichnisse: PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/obj and URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/obj.
  207. Gemeinsame Unterverzeichnisse: PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/obj-test and URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/obj-test.
  210. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/protocol.h URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/protocol.h
  211. 21c21
  212. < return testnet ? 20789 : 10789;
  213. ---
  214. > return testnet ? 5744 : 11000;
  216. Common Subdirectory: PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/qt and URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/qt.
  218. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/rpcdump.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/rpcdump.cpp
  219. 39c39
  220. < "importprivkey <peercoindarkprivkey> [label] [rescan=true]\n"
  221. ---
  222. > "importprivkey <uranuscoinprivkey> [label] [rescan=true]\n"
  223. 84,85c84,85
  224. < "dumpprivkey <peercoindarkaddress>\n"
  225. < "Reveals the private key corresponding to <peercoindarkaddress>.");
  226. ---
  227. > "dumpprivkey <uranuscoinaddress>\n"
  228. > "Reveals the private key corresponding to <uranuscoinaddress>.");
  229. 90c90
  230. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  231. ---
  232. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  233. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/rpcmining.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/rpcmining.cpp
  234. 99c99
  235. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "PEERCOINDARK is not connected!");
  236. ---
  237. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "URANUSCOIN is not connected!");
  238. 102c102
  239. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "PEERCOINDARK is downloading blocks...");
  240. ---
  241. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "URANUSCOIN is downloading blocks...");
  242. 239c239
  243. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "PEERCOINDARK is not connected!");
  244. ---
  245. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "URANUSCOIN is not connected!");
  246. 242c242
  247. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "PEERCOINDARK is downloading blocks...");
  248. ---
  249. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "URANUSCOIN is downloading blocks...");
  250. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/rpcrawtransaction.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/rpcrawtransaction.cpp
  251. 198c198
  252. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid PEERCOINDARK address: ")+input.get_str());
  253. ---
  254. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid URANUSCOIN address: ")+input.get_str());
  255. 296c296
  256. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid PEERCOINDARK address: ")+s.name_);
  257. ---
  258. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid URANUSCOIN address: ")+s.name_);
  259. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/rpcwallet.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/rpcwallet.cpp
  260. 99c99
  261. < "Returns a new PEERCOINDARK address for receiving payments. "
  262. ---
  263. > "Returns a new URANUSCOIN address for receiving payments. "
  264. 166c166
  265. < "Returns the current PEERCOINDARK address for receiving payments to this account.");
  266. ---
  267. > "Returns the current URANUSCOIN address for receiving payments to this account.");
  268. 184c184
  269. < "setaccount <peercoindarkaddress> <account>\n"
  270. ---
  271. > "setaccount <uranuscoinaddress> <account>\n"
  272. 189c189
  273. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  274. ---
  275. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  276. 214c214
  277. < "getaccount <peercoindarkaddress>\n"
  278. ---
  279. > "getaccount <uranuscoinaddress>\n"
  280. 219c219
  281. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  282. ---
  283. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  284. 254c254
  285. < "sendtoaddress <peercoindarkaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]\n"
  286. ---
  287. > "sendtoaddress <uranuscoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]\n"
  288. 260c260
  289. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  290. ---
  291. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  292. 317c317
  293. < "signmessage <peercoindarkaddress> <message>\n"
  294. ---
  295. > "signmessage <uranuscoinaddress> <message>\n"
  296. 352c352
  297. < "verifymessage <peercoindarkaddress> <signature> <message>\n"
  298. ---
  299. > "verifymessage <uranuscoinaddress> <signature> <message>\n"
  300. 389,390c389,390
  301. < "getreceivedbyaddress <peercoindarkaddress> [minconf=1]\n"
  302. < "Returns the total amount received by <peercoindarkaddress> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
  303. ---
  304. > "getreceivedbyaddress <uranuscoinaddress> [minconf=1]\n"
  305. > "Returns the total amount received by <uranuscoinaddress> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
  306. 396c396
  307. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  308. ---
  309. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  310. 610c610
  311. < "sendfrom <fromaccount> <topeercoindarkaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]\n"
  312. ---
  313. > "sendfrom <fromaccount> <touranuscoinaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]\n"
  314. 617c617
  315. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid PEERCOINDARK address");
  316. ---
  317. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid URANUSCOIN address");
  318. 673c673
  319. < throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid PEERCOINDARK address: ")+s.name_);
  320. ---
  321. > throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid URANUSCOIN address: ")+s.name_);
  322. 767c767
  323. < "each key is a PEERCOINDARK address or hex-encoded public key\n"
  324. ---
  325. > "each key is a URANUSCOIN address or hex-encoded public key\n"
  326. 792c792
  327. < "address : peercoindark address\n"
  328. ---
  329. > "address : uranuscoin address\n"
  330. 1435c1435
  331. < return "wallet encrypted; PEERCOINDARK server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet. The keypool has been flushed, you need to make a new backup.";
  332. ---
  333. > return "wallet encrypted; URANUSCOIN server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet. The keypool has been flushed, you need to make a new backup.";
  334. 1477,1478c1477,1478
  335. < "validateaddress <peercoindarkaddress>\n"
  336. < "Return information about <peercoindarkaddress>.");
  337. ---
  338. > "validateaddress <uranuscoinaddress>\n"
  339. > "Return information about <uranuscoinaddress>.");
  341. diff PeercoinDark_v2_PPCD/src/util.cpp URANUSCOIN-URAN/src/util.cpp
  342. 1105c1105
  343. < boost::filesystem::path pathPidFile(GetArg("-pid", ""));
  344. ---
  345. > boost::filesystem::path pathPidFile(GetArg("-pid", ""));
  346. 1334c1334
  347. < string strMessage = _("Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong PEERCOINDARK will not work properly.");
  348. ---
  349. > string strMessage = _("Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong URANUSCOIN will not work properly.");
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