

Jun 1st, 2015
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  1. 20:08:41 <CarlKindle> ((Theowner is a heretic))
  2. 20:08:51 <gallifluffy> ((I love brawls.))
  3. 20:09:20 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *nods, sits back down, and doesn't move, watching him*
  4. 20:09:59 <CarlKindle> Mat: *grumbles and storms out of the bar*
  5. 20:10:00 <gallifluffy> ((This wouldn't be the first time Alfred's stirred shit. Case in point, Eddy.))
  6. 20:10:08 <gallifluffy> ((Sorry, Oreo. I just like picking on your guys, it seems. :D))
  7. 20:10:10 <Piranhaqueen> ((what'd he do over eddy ? ))
  8. 20:10:17 <gallifluffy> ((He advocated killing the werewolf.))
  9. 20:10:21 <Piranhaqueen> ((ah ))
  10. 20:10:29 <Piranhaqueen> ((it seems so))
  11. 20:10:36 <InkDream46> {{ to be fair Vi was on that boat }}
  12. 20:10:42 <gallifluffy> ((And... yeah. We had a full-on werewolf in the pub.))
  13. 20:10:52 <gallifluffy> ((Thanks, Vi!))
  14. 20:11:02 <Piranhaqueen> ((thank the outsider! ))
  15. 20:11:09 <Hannisballs> ((and banning people here in bar makes little sense))
  16. 20:12:00 <CarlKindle> Rick: *sighs* You two go on. I'll...double check upstairs ta be on the safe side...also might make 'er feel better
  17. 20:12:35 <Hannisballs> *why arent engery drinks not a thing yet. I need four*
  18. 20:12:52 <CarlKindle> Simone: Suit yerself.
  19. 20:12:57 <InkDream46> {{ There's silences. I don't like the silences. And why do I have to have the horrible sense to pick a fc which is even worse for the character than Xico is for Gabe. }}
  20. 20:13:23 <CarlKindle> *and she goes while Rick heads upstairs*
  21. 20:13:52 <Piranhaqueen> *If we dont need enough shit already outside are santiago's crows*
  22. 20:13:58 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Well, I mean... we could fuck. Would that help?*
  23. 20:14:04 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Not gay.*
  24. 20:14:33 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Just focus on the endorphins and ignore the oxytocin. Nothing to it!*
  25. 20:14:42 <InkDream46> {{ And Vi, in the distance, gets the weird feeling that he should grab a spade and go smack somebody with it. }}
  26. 20:15:10 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred: If Fuckdinand can have a therapy animal, I sure as fuck can use sex as therapy to help a friend.))
  27. 20:15:52 <InkDream46> {{ Vi: *disapproving stare and crossed arms and we-had-this-argument-already* }}
  28. 20:15:59 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand: "That's not fair cause you might get a virus or something,maybe something safer?" ))
  29. 20:16:26 <Hannisballs> ((Way: Excuse me, I am not sick))
  30. 20:16:36 <InkDream46> {{ Vi: Fuckdinand has nothing to do with this. }}
  31. 20:16:37 <Hannisballs> ((*eyes chlamydia* Wait))
  32. 20:16:44 <Piranhaqueen> ((fuckdinand ioh my god))
  33. 20:16:46 <InkDream46> {{ Didn't sleep with her! }}
  34. 20:16:53 <InkDream46> {{ Also didn't kiss her. You're good. }}
  35. 20:17:09 <Hannisballs> ((Way: See? I am all good!))
  36. 20:17:35 <CarlKindle> *Carl walks in for who he fuck knows either all will be good or he'll get pucnhed. who gives a fuck*
  37. 20:17:45 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred: The fuck, I'm not diseased!))
  38. 20:17:51 <InkDream46> {{ chiiirp. }}
  39. 20:17:58 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred: Chlamydia! TELL THEM! Sex is good, right? D:))
  40. 20:18:30 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand: "You can be."))
  41. 20:18:46 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *folds his arms and lays his head down, hiding his face*
  42. 20:19:07 <Hannisballs> Should I get you something?
  43. 20:19:10 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: Sex is great! But my name's not Chlamydia, Alfie. Clymene... just fucking call me Clementine or Clem or something. }}
  44. 20:19:54 <CarlKindle> Carl: *shuffles to the bar* *notices the bar tender is gone* ...huh?
  45. 20:20:35 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred: All right, Ms. Clymene.))
  46. 20:20:37 <InkDream46> {{ *unevaporates Dobson* }}
  47. 20:20:51 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: Thank you, Mr. Liam. }}
  48. 20:21:25 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *sits up* I'm good. Uh... should keep-- should keep dry. *gives him a tight little smile--I ain't going anywhere.*
  49. 20:21:57 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  50. 20:21:58 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  51. 20:22:04 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred: *WTF. Oh, its me.* Hahaha... thanks.))
  52. 20:22:29 <CarlKindle> ((Dobson still around?))
  53. 20:22:33 <InkDream46> {{ This is what you get for using fake names! Does he have a fake last name? People need to share their fake names. }}
  54. 20:22:54 <InkDream46> *Dobson has apparently retreated to sit in the corner. He's squinting at Carl and trying to recognize him*
  55. 20:23:12 <CarlKindle> Carl: *the beard must make it difficult*
  56. 20:23:23 <Hannisballs> *stands up and gets them two mugs of delicious coffee*
  57. 20:23:37 <CarlKindle> Carl: *leans over the bar looking for someone* H--hello?
  58. 20:23:54 <CarlKindle> Carl: *to Wayland* H-have you seen the bartender?
  59. 20:24:32 <Hannisballs> *looks at Carl with a frown, looking away and then looking back* Carl?
  60. 20:24:45 <CarlKindle> Carl: Yes?
  61. 20:24:49 <InkDream46> Dobson: *Okay that stutter, definetely him.* *takes a deep breath and gets up, heading over to lean against the counter and stare at his clasped hands.*
  62. 20:26:13 <Hannisballs> Void I didnt recognize you! Since when the beard?
  63. 20:26:48 <CarlKindle> Carl: Oh...I n--never though to shave d-d-ditracted lately
  64. 20:28:32 <Hannisballs> *rubs his own chin wistfully* Oh I know that. So how are you?
  65. 20:29:16 <CarlKindle> Carl: I'm good!....I'm at the a--academy. At l-least for a time
  66. 20:30:04 <Hannisballs> *looks at him with a pang of jealousy* Oh! In what department?
  67. 20:30:52 <CarlKindle> Carl: Anthropology!
  68. 20:31:17 <CarlKindle> Carl: I-...did s--sneak into a c-chemistry class more the nonce
  69. 20:34:29 <CarlKindle> Carl: But..I c-can tell you about later. I don't w-w-want your coffee to get cold
  70. 20:37:25 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *looks over, then puts his head down on his folded arms and pretends to sleep*
  71. 20:37:49 <Hannisballs> *smiles* THat sounds brilliant. And chemistry classes. I miss them
  72. 20:39:00 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Oh God, I'm gonna let Chesterfield down. Fuck my fucking life.*
  73. 20:39:08 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods* It is...b-better then patroling the Abbey.
  74. 20:39:13 <Hannisballs> No worries *gets the mugs and nods* You should tell me more about it later! *heads back to Alfred, putting the mug in front of him*
  75. 20:39:15 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *What would Liam say? FUCK.*
  76. 20:40:03 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *peeps up; meekly* Thanks.
  77. 20:40:21 <Hannisballs> Dont mention it *slides the mug to him and sits down*
  78. 20:40:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: *still has no idea where the bartender is* *to Dobson* H-have you seen the bartender?
  79. 20:41:04 <InkDream46> Dobson: *looks up, startled* Huh? *beat* What?
  80. 20:41:58 <CarlKindle> Carl: Oh s-sorry, didn't mean to startle you...I was w-wondering if you've s-seen the bartender. There's no s-sign of him.
  81. 20:42:41 <gallifluffy> ((As for aliases, um... Liam... Kubiac. Liam Kubiac. :I Totally plausible.))
  82. 20:42:47 <gallifluffy> ((Shh.))
  83. 20:43:05 <InkDream46> Dobson: *can't remember whether he saw the bartender or not, so he just shakes his head*
  84. 20:43:16 <CarlKindle> Carl: Hmm.
  85. 20:43:44 <CarlKindle> Carl: *i'll just sit here awkwardly then*
  86. 20:45:12 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *sits up, taking a careful sip and eyeing Wayland. Then, he mimes stroking his chin, and mouths,* Sokolov beard, boyo. It can be done.
  87. 20:45:33 <Hannisballs> *eyes him and shakes his head* No. No!
  88. 20:45:54 <gallifluffy> Alfred: If you don't do it, I will. *rubs his clean-shaven jaw* ... damn.
  89. 20:46:09 <InkDream46> Dobson: *sitting there awkwardly as well, staring at his hands very intensely. Finally, he clears his throat.* Uh, Overseer Kindle?
  90. 20:47:00 <CarlKindle> Carl: *looks over* Hm? H-have we met?
  91. 20:47:33 <Hannisballs> No. Just no! I will.... no!
  92. 20:47:49 <InkDream46> Dobson: *beat* Yeah. Long while ago. *a pause, he fiddles with his hands and avoids looking at him* Look, can we... can I talk to you? Outside?
  93. 20:48:32 <CarlKindle> Carl: Uh....Well, o-okay.
  94. 20:49:33 <InkDream46> Dobson: *nods, wipes his hands on his trousers, and heads for the door, pausing to wait for Carl and make sure he's following him.*
  95. 20:49:39 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *a challenging spark* What'll you do, huh? *grins* Just watch me. I'll grow it out.
  96. 20:50:34 <CarlKindle> Carl: *slowly follows after him. suddenly having doubts*
  97. 20:51:22 <InkDream46> Dobson: *heads outside and around to the alleyway, still checking to make sure Carl's following. He's sweating now.*
  98. 20:51:37 <gallifluffy> (("to the alleyway" RUN. THIS AIN'T GOOD.))
  99. 20:51:40 <Hannisballs> I will find you. When you sleep and I wil. shave you.
  100. 20:51:58 <gallifluffy> ((Hahaha, fuck me up the arse. I read that in Liam Neeson's voice, FUCK.))
  101. 20:52:04 <Piranhaqueen> ((oh my god))
  102. 20:52:26 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *se redresse, totalement offusque* Whoa. You wouldn't dare.
  103. 20:52:30 <CarlKindle> Carl: *keeps after him* Is s-something the matter?
  104. 20:52:36 <InkDream46> {{ Dobson: shut the fuck up. }}
  105. 20:52:54 <gallifluffy> ((Balls, that didn't--))
  106. 20:53:03 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *sits up, offended* Whoa. You wouldn't dare.
  107. 20:53:12 <InkDream46> {{ ... nice. xD }}
  108. 20:53:48 <InkDream46> {{ I wonder what would happen if just }}
  109. 20:53:54 <Hannisballs> *eyes him darkly* I would.
  110. 20:53:58 <InkDream46> {{ Everyone started doing actions in their native languages }}
  111. 20:54:14 <Hannisballs> ((Way: *liam voice* I have a particular set of skills))
  112. 20:54:29 <Piranhaqueen> ((liam neeson, liam niece's knee,son. ))
  113. 20:54:44 <InkDream46> Dobson: Y-yeah. *looks up and down the alley, then jerks his head at Carl.* Come'on.
  114. 20:55:04 <InkDream46> {{ Dobson: I'm being followed. Act normal. }}
  115. 20:55:20 <CarlKindle> Carl:...*narrows eyes* Why down an alley?
  116. 20:55:56 <gallifluffy> ((Run, Carl.))
  117. 20:56:08 <InkDream46> Dobson: *scrambles for an answer* I gotta tell you something important. Quiet-like.
  118. 20:56:20 <CarlKindle> Carl: No one is h-here?
  119. 20:56:30 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *smiles* Be sure to give me the closest shave. *wryly* I hate shaving. You'd be doing me a favor.
  120. 20:56:47 <InkDream46> Dobson: *jerks his thumb back at the bar* Just the folks back there, far as I know.
  121. 20:57:34 <Hannisballs> *looks at him challengingly* You trust me with a blade on your face?
  122. 20:58:24 <CarlKindle> Carl: They're in t-there..we can t-talk here.
  123. 20:59:00 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *doesn't break eye contact with him; he looks pretty damn thrilled by the idea, actually.* I'd trust you with a blade against my throat.
  124. 20:59:25 <gallifluffy> Alfred: But nick me, and I'll kill you.
  125. 21:00:50 <Hannisballs> You wouldnt. *sips his coffee and smiles* And judging from your cuts there... you really wouldnt mind I think.
  126. 21:00:59 <InkDream46> Dobson: *okay good enough* Alright... *takes a breath and heads over to Carl.* It's about my kid brother...
  127. 21:01:39 <CarlKindle> Carl: Brother? Is h-he and Overseer..or?
  128. 21:01:56 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *sheepishly* I was in a hurry. That doesn't count.
  129. 21:02:21 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  130. 21:03:17 <Hannisballs> Excuses. All I hear is excuses, boyo.
  131. 21:03:51 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *raises his eyebrows, scoffing* Excuses for what, boyo?
  132. 21:04:13 <CarlKindle> ((Boyo? Boyo.))
  133. 21:04:16 <InkDream46> Dobson: *shakes his head, getting pretty close to Carl* No... he aint. *grits his jaw, then abruptly curls a hand into a fist and slams it into Carl's jaw.* You fucking murdered him!
  134. 21:04:25 <gallifluffy> ((Here we go.))
  135. 21:04:33 <InkDream46> {{ weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee }}
  136. 21:04:51 <Hannisballs> For the lack of shaving skills.
  137. 21:04:54 <InkDream46> {{ Whatever happens happens. If he gets himself killed it ain't nobody's fault. }}
  138. 21:05:57 <CarlKindle> Carl: *He did not have time to move before he was hit, stumbling back with the force of the hit*
  139. 21:06:21 <CarlKindle> Carl:.....W-w-wh..
  140. 21:06:30 <InkDream46> Dobson: *lunges for him, aiming to grab him by the throat or tackle him or both*
  141. 21:06:46 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Oh, good. I was afraid you'd say I'm trying to get you to come at me with a knife, which I kind of was. But that's beside the point. *sips his coffee*
  142. 21:06:59 <gallifluffy> *I was trying to get you to... ugh. English.
  143. 21:07:16 <InkDream46> {{ Either one works. }}
  144. 21:07:33 <gallifluffy> ((But tenses gotta match. :'I))
  145. 21:07:52 <InkDream46> {{ Weirdly enough, in verbal speech it doesn't even matter. }}
  146. 21:08:19 <InkDream46> {{ Er, not in that sort of context. As in }}
  147. 21:08:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: *get tackled and stumbles back before falling to the ground* Wait!
  148. 21:08:26 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  149. 21:08:34 <InkDream46> {{ I've heard that sort of sentence said many times. }}
  150. 21:08:35 <Hannisballs> *smirks* I think I have knowledge in handling guys with a liking for knives
  151. 21:08:50 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  152. 21:10:38 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Sword training doesn't count. I'm talking dirty fighting. Ambushing you in a dark alleyway. One arm around you, a knife to your throat. That's a whole other field of study.
  153. 21:10:56 <CarlKindle> ((meanwhile))
  154. 21:11:04 <gallifluffy> ((Hahaha, yes.))
  155. 21:11:10 <InkDream46> Dobson: *scrambles to pin him down and try to wrap his hands around Carl's throat. He knows if he stops or hesitates he'll lose nerve and won't be able to follow through.* Go to the void, you cold-blooded slime!
  156. 21:11:35 <Hannisballs> *leans back and eyes him* You are planning to do that with me?
  157. 21:12:40 <CarlKindle> Carl: *kicks at his legs using his good arm to keep as much of Dobson's weight off his throat as possible* w--wait...p--please...
  158. 21:12:42 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Maybe. I know you don't like surprises. So consider this fair warning.
  159. 21:12:54 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *cracks a brief smile and drinks some coffee*
  160. 21:13:58 <Hannisballs> *snorts and sips as well* Choffer you are.
  161. 21:14:05 <InkDream46> Dobson: *this is a heavy man* *this is a heavy man leaning all of his weight he can on Carl's throat and ignoring the kicks and Carl's pleas*
  162. 21:14:44 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Maybe so. But I'm your choffer. *INCORRIGIBLE.*
  163. 21:15:07 <gallifluffy> ((Regardless of whether this is a good idea, at least Dobson's a man who can carry through.))
  164. 21:15:27 <Hannisballs> *looks at him and rolls his eyes* Yeah sure.
  165. 21:15:33 <CarlKindle> *Well, that's unfortunate for Carl not carrying's also unfortunate for Dobson*
  166. 21:15:47 <InkDream46> {{ He's kind of a coward tbh. }}
  167. 21:16:16 <InkDream46> {{ He's far from heartless and he's never killed before and he's scared as fuck about this. }}
  168. 21:17:07 <CarlKindle> *The ground beneath the two shutters for a moment before sinking in beneath them like they we a weight on top of a streched out sheet*
  169. 21:17:54 <gallifluffy> ((Killing's hard.))
  170. 21:18:05 <CarlKindle> Carl: *notices this, not like he didn't expect it, and lets go of Doson's arm to smack the ground trying to make sure he noticed*
  171. 21:18:23 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  172. 21:18:39 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Hey, I mean it. I'm your fool, boss.
  173. 21:18:58 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
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  175. 21:20:02 <Hannisballs> Yes. My fool. And I was a fool to fall for you. *sips his coffee*
  176. 21:20:39 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  177. 21:20:40 <InkDream46> Dobson: *don't get distracted, don't get distracted, come on, follow through* *keeps his eyes locked on his hands over Carl's throat*
  178. 21:22:43 <CarlKindle> *When the man doesn't let up the ground shoots up flinging the both into the air*
  179. 21:22:46 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *looks away, flattening his mouth out apologetically, then says a few quiet words in Morlish to him.*
  180. 21:23:13 <CarlKindle> *it makes an audiable noise of stone rubbing against each other.*
  181. 21:24:28 <InkDream46> *And Dobson goes flying back with a scream of panic and terror. He hits the ground with a heavy thump and stumbles to his feet, bruised and terrified and* What the fuck?!
  182. 21:25:35 <Hannisballs> *looks down and looks conflicted*
  183. 21:26:06 <CarlKindle> *The ground rolls up to support Carl, gently rolling him to his feet....he still falls to hiss knees coughing and weezing for air*
  184. 21:26:33 <CarlKindle> Carl: No..n- *cough* Don't a--any of you- *cough weeze* do anything!
  185. 21:27:17 <InkDream46> *Dobson's staring at Carl somewhere between terror and shock and the remainder of his fading determination to kill him*
  186. 21:28:36 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *quietly* I won't let you down again.
  187. 21:29:04 <CarlKindle> Carl: *still on his knees and he hold his hands to to Dobson* P--Please....lets talk o-okay?
  188. 21:29:44 <Hannisballs> *looks up and looks challenging again* You bette dont.
  189. 21:29:57 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  190. 21:29:58 <InkDream46> *Dobson stares at him and, remembering why he's here, locks his jaw* What's there to say? You murdered my brother.
  191. 21:31:35 <CarlKindle> Carl: W--Watch officer r-r-right? I remember...what d--did they tell you h-happen?
  192. 21:31:46 <gallifluffy> Alfred: I won't, boss.
  193. 21:35:06 <InkDream46> Dobson: *beat, angrily* Said he was killed by an Overseer Kindle while on duty and some bullshit about him molesting a girl. I know he wouldn't do that. He'd never do that.
  194. 21:36:01 <Piranhaqueen> ((well son i got some news for you))
  195. 21:36:08 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods* I'm s-sorry....but he did...
  196. 21:36:57 ** gallifluffy has left * connection closed
  197. 21:37:06 <InkDream46> Dobson: Liar! *starts for him again* You fucking liar!
  198. 21:37:14 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  199. 21:37:38 <InkDream46> {{ Y'all are gonna miss the climax... lame }}
  200. 21:37:44 <InkDream46> {{ I ain't sharing my log with you }}
  201. 21:38:26 <CarlKindle> Carl: *rolls onto his back backing away* I'm s--sorry! I f-f-found them they a--attacked me...I d-d-in't...I didn't m--mean too.
  202. 21:38:30 ** freemorley has joined *
  203. 21:38:37 <InkDream46>
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