

Aug 13th, 2011
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  1. 01[10:12] <@Botherer> While Leeroy and Marianne had gone out on what later turned out to be a late night condom run, Lyonel had decided to go on an espionage mission, leading him to the Research and Development buildings. The public sector of the building, open at all hours for people to see just what kinds of technological innovations were under development in Tecmor, in its well-polished display cases and exhibits, houses quite the array of items in the glass display cases, as well as some video display systems. In the back of the room, a large, automatic steel door rests beneath a sign that reads "Staff Only", with what appears to be a sliding retina scanning system to the left of it. Seems like Lyonel's got a lot to look around at. <RP Start>
  2. 01[10:13] <@Botherer> What later turned out to be an unnecessary* condom run (Derp)
  3. 06[10:27] * Lyonel looks around for other people, and at the display cases.
  4. 01[10:29] <@Botherer> Given the late hour, there's only one other person in the room-a Researcher of sorts, taking notes as he watches one of the video screens. in a display case nearby him is what appears to be a floating silver jelly.
  5. 06[10:29] * Lyonel pokes the display case curiously.
  6. 01[10:30] <@Botherer> *Ding ding* Yep - That's definitely plexiglass composite the display case is made of.
  7. 01[10:32] <@Botherer> The researcher looks over at the penguin and eyes him up and down, then scratches his head before turning his head back to the display case.
  8. 06[10:32] * Lyonel nonchalantly walks towards the researcher whilst looking at the display cases he walks past.
  9. 01[10:32] <@Botherer> To the video display*
  10. 01[10:34] <@Botherer> The display cases Lyonel passes seem to house what appear to be quite a few bionic accessories - Cyborg eyes, jetpack wings, and even a couple of laser cannons, amonst other less impressive gadgets; one of them bears a white cross on the hull.
  11. 01[10:35] <@Botherer> When Lyonel reaches the researcher, the display fades to black. Frustrated about something, he presses a button positioned below the TV, which provokes the video to start up again.
  12. [10:35] <Lyonel> So, what're you doing?
  13. 01[10:36] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Silence, you! I must obtain information! You are merely serving as a DISTRACTION!"
  14. [10:36] <Lyonel> What information?
  15. 01[10:37] <@Botherer> On the display, Lyonel can see an old man explaining some complicated chemical equations and formulae; the top of the screen reads "Liquid Plasma Coating"...
  16. 01[10:38] <@Botherer> And quickly shifts to a visual of silver jelly much like that in the display case to lyonel's right coating several creatures, amongst them a Grimer, a Gastrodon and a Vaporeon. The creatures take up a silver tone, and displays of bullets being fired at the Pokemon, only to bounce off (one such bullet deflection causes a "shattering" effect on the screen).
  17. 01[10:39] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "The Liquid Plasma Coating! It is very good, but I feel I can perfect it! Redesign it to be used on HUMANS!"
  18. 06[10:40] * Lyonel makes a thinking gesture. "Would it be able to be used on Pokemon not already made of slime?"
  19. 01[10:42] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "The slime, it can be used on all nonmetallic Pokemon! The slimes are simply the least painful!"
  20. 06[10:44] * Lyonel clangs his fin. "So, what happens when it's put on metallic Pokemon?"
  21. 01[10:49] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "The hell if I know! I am not part of this project's development team! Which is why I must replicate this--" The screen goes blank again, causing the researcher to become further frustrated. "You, penguin, you distract me! Make your return to the containment chamber!"
  22. 01[10:51] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Can you not see that I am busy replicating the formula? I must synthesize a plasma coatin of my own so that further improvements can be made!"
  23. 06[10:52] * Lyonel points over to the cased one. "But there's some of that goo over there.
  24. 01[10:54] <@Botherer> The researcher looks to the goo, then back at Lyonel. "So there is. And your point would be, penguin?!?"
  25. [10:54] <Lyonel> Why don't you just grab that?
  26. [10:55] <Lyonel> You don't have to reinvent the wheel, y'know.
  27. 01[11:02] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Then perhaps you can find me a suitable container from the back? I would prefer NOT to have flesh warped horribly beyond reconition!"
  28. [11:04] <Lyonel> Sure, why not. I was about to enter, anyway.
  29. [11:05] <Lyonel> But let's talk about fee, first.
  30. 01[11:06] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "You are the penguin, no? What use would be had of collecting a fee?"
  31. [11:06] <Lyonel> You are bound to have gadgets that help Pokemon beyond their natural limits, yes?
  32. 01[11:08] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Indeed there are. But you are the penguin! We were to perform further experimenting in the morning regardless!"
  33. [11:09] <Lyonel> Well, give me loot, and I'll give you loot.
  34. 01[11:11] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Well, you have yet to be slated for raw power amplification processes... How does the Macro Vitamins sound to you?"
  35. [11:12] <Lyonel> It sounds Macro. What do they do?
  36. 01[11:13] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "They are the pure amplification of power!"
  37. [11:14] <Lyonel> Sounds awesome!
  38. [11:15] <Lyonel> I'll go fetch your precious coating, after I have looked through the rest of the cases after something of interest.
  39. 01[11:15] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "Now go, penguin! I must continue to replicate formula for better understanding!"
  40. 06[11:15] * Lyonel waddles over to other display cases.
  41. 01[11:20] <@Botherer> Lyonel, in his perusing of the other display cases, finds the Bionic Eye attachment, a Medigun-V3 (The V tilted on its side for <3 appearance), the Plasma Liquid coating, Blaze Boosters (The jetpack wings), and a "Mental Stim Pak". Video displays are near each of them.
  42. 06[11:24] * Lyonel prods the Medigun case to check for the strength of the plexiglass.
  43. 01[11:24] <@Botherer> Might take a good whack to smash the case open.
  44. 06[11:26] * Lyonel brings the flipper down on it.
  45. 01[11:28] <@Botherer> Lyonel brings his flipper down on the case... And is able to actually crack it open. Glass shards fly everywhere, and an alarm goes off. The researcher looks at Lyonel. "The experimental penguin! It has gone MAD!"
  46. 06[11:29] * Lyonel looks up. "Experimental penguin? Where?"
  47. 01[11:29] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "You mean... You are not the experimental penguin?!?"
  48. [11:29] <Lyonel> No, I am a penguin.
  49. 06[11:30] * Lyonel picks up the medigun.
  50. 01[11:31] <@Botherer> The researcher just has a dumbstruck look on his face. "Then we have ourselves an intruder and a thief. BRING OUT THE EXPERIMENTAL PENGUIN!"
  51. [11:31] <Lyonel> I am neither!
  52. [11:31] <Lyonel> I'm a thoughtful consumer!
  53. 01[11:32] <@Botherer> Shortly after the researcher screams this, the door behind him begins to unlock. As it opens, a small red glow can be seen from the darkness.
  54. 01[11:33] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "You will not be one to acquire the five finger discount here!"
  55. [11:34] <Lyonel> I have no fingers, you idiot!
  56. 06[11:35] * Lyonel bags the medigun before waddling over to the door.
  57. 01[11:38] <@Botherer> When Lyonel approaches the door, the red glow approaches him as well... As the creature it's attached to emerges from the darkness, it's revealed to be... A Piplup... (still writing)
  58. 01[11:40] <@Botherer> The Piplup, however, is mostly covered in metal plating, which seems to have been soldered to its body or something horrible to that effect. A bionic eye is installed into its face, wiring portruding from the metal platings covering its face, neck-ish area (Not that Piplup have much of a neck, but.. Yeah...), lower waist, and flippers, the latter of which look almost detachable at the front part of the extremities.
  59. 01[11:41] <@Botherer> Its flippers look a lot thicker than usual for Piplup fare, and have coiled wires attached to the backs of them from its head.
  60. [11:41] <Lyonel> <Penguinese> Oh man, has it been long since I've seen another of my kind.
  61. 01[11:44] <@Botherer> The Piplup's eye glows brightly as it begins to analyze the penguin. "You may be a penguin, but you are also an intruder, as the databanks have so informed me. Therefore, you must be ELIMINATED."
  62. 01[11:45] <@Botherer> The researcher ... Doesn't seem to have any idea what either of the two are saying.
  63. 01[11:46] <@Botherer> <Researcher> "That is him! He is the one who is making an attempt to deprive the exhibit of its Medigun!" He points at Lyonel. "Destroy him! Destroy him!"
  64. [11:46] <Lyonel> <Pokemon, then>There's an intruder? I haven't seen anyone intrude.
  65. 01[11:46] <@Botherer> "He must be DESTROYED!"
  66. 06[11:47] * Lyonel looks at the researcher and says "Shut up, we're talking!" before returning to the Piplup.
  67. 01[11:47] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "That is evidence contrary to what the security databanks have conveyed to me."
  68. 01[11:48] <@Botherer> The Piplup's eye beams a hologram projection of a camera feed, which shows Lyonel smashing open the case and swiping the Medigun.
  69. [11:49] <Lyonel> <Pokemon> Oh, that. Well, if you want it back, just say so. I was on my way inside, anyway.
  70. 01[11:50] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "You will place the object back where you had originally found it, and leave the premises immediately, or I will be force to subdue and/or eliminate you."
  71. [11:52] <Lyonel> <Pokemon> That's not nice. Hey, how about I return it inside?
  72. 01[11:53] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "You will return it where it was originally placed. You will be given fifteen seconds to do so, followed by an immediate retreat from this location."
  73. 06[11:54] * Lyonel picks up the Piplup and begins heading inside. "Now, don't be rude. Show a fellow penguin around, will you?"
  74. 01[11:55] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "Ten seconds..."
  75. 01[11:56] <@Botherer> A gem on the Piplup's head, placed in the middle of the metal plating (which wraps around the form of it) and what little of its outer head is still flesh, begins to glow yellow.
  76. 06[11:56] * Lyonel heads inside and holds the piplup facing away from him. "What can you tell me of this place?"
  77. 01[12:00] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "In your remaining minute, at most, of consciousness, I will inform you that this place is where Pokemon such as myself are cybernetically enhanced to the extent that inferior creatures such as yourself are incapable of competing."
  78. 01[12:02] <@Botherer> The Mecha Piplup then begins to rock its body back and forth, swinging back and forth within the Empoleon's grip.
  79. [12:02] <Lyonel> <Pokemon> Hey, I just thought. What if this statement was false?
  80. 01[12:04] <@Botherer> As it does so, its right flipper detaches, revealing a small laser cannon, crackling with electricity. "You should be devoting this time to escaping with your life intact as opposed to pondering hypothetical questions."
  81. [12:05] <Lyonel> <Pokemon> Oh, fine.
  82. 06[12:05] * Lyonel tosses up the Piplup and brings a flipper down on it.
  83. 01[12:08] <@Botherer> The penguin finds itself smashed into, leaving a large dent in its metal exoskeleton. It bounces back, metal clanging heard on the floor as it rolls away.
  84. 01[12:09] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "You have chosen to initiate combat. Very well, then. You shall be subdued and thoroughly eliminated."
  85. [12:09] <Lyonel> <Pokemon> Hey! You began this!
  86. 01[12:09] <@Botherer> From the Piplup's cannon, a blast of crippling electricity is launched, numbing the poor penguin.
  87. 01[12:09] <@Botherer> numbing the much larger penguin.
  88. 01[12:12] <@Botherer> The Piplup then attempts to spray Lyonel down with an electrical beam from the cannon.
  89. 01[12:14] <@Botherer> Lyonel, needless to say, gets zapped, though to minimal effect at best. Silly electric moves, thinking they can make this penguin crispy.
  90. 06[12:14] * Lyonel shakingly gets up on his feet, before sucking in air.
  91. 01[12:16] <@Botherer> Lyonel launches a torrent of water, which washes down the whole room. The Piplup manages to avoid the blast, but it swirls around the room, bowling over the Researcher and knocking him out cleanly.
  92. 01[12:17] <@Botherer> It then takes the opportunity to analyze Lyonel, who finds himself incapable of motion.
  93. 01[12:18] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "It seems there is some abnormality in your composition, though I cannot determine it quite yet."
  94. 01[12:19] <@Botherer> The Piplup then attempts to rush the penguin, body crackling with electricity as it does so.
  95. 01[12:23] <@Botherer> Upon impact, the Piplup begins to shoot sparks from the crevice that would otherwise be its neck cavity after colliding into Lyonel.
  96. 06[12:24] * Lyonel doesn't move much from the impact.
  97. [12:25] <Lyonel> Ngh, you're... Mine!
  98. 06[12:26] * Lyonel blasts the Piplup with colourful, frozen lights.
  99. 01[12:27] <@Botherer> The display of lights is colorful and pretty... But for the most part literally just bounces off the metal hull of the Piplup.
  100. 01[12:28] <@Botherer> It does, however, sever one of the wires dangling from the Piplup's head, causing its right flipper to flare up as fire shoots out from beneath it.
  101. 01[12:29] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "You've proven yourself to be attuned to the ice element. As such, my previous method of damage affliction has proven to be ineffective. Perhaps this will prove to be more efficient."
  102. 01[12:33] <@Botherer> The Mechlup launches a spray of bubbles from its beak, which crash into Lyonel.
  103. 06[12:34] * Lyonel is moved by that, for once.
  104. 06[12:37] * Lyonel moves in and slashes twice at the Piplup.
  105. 01[12:39] <@Botherer> The Piplup's batted away, and knocked onto the ground, the front of its left foreflipper (the arm one) falling off. A blade pops out of it, and the Piplup stomps the ground with its right flipper, causing it too to ignite in flames.
  106. 01[12:40] <@Botherer> The bird then rushes forth at Lyonel with the blade, propelling itself forth with the flames coming from beneath its feet.
  107. 01[12:41] <@Botherer> It made a small nick into Lyonel's plating, but little else.
  108. 06[12:44] * Lyonel tries to slash twice again.
  109. 01[12:44] <@Botherer> The first strike Lyonel attempts on the mini bird thwacks it, causing its eye to begin sparking as well, but the bird manages to fly right out of the way of the second one. Damned rocket boots.
  110. 01[12:45] <@Botherer> The little penuin attempts what may be its last attack, readying to launch a massive torrent of water down upon Lyonel.
  111. 01[12:50] <@Botherer> Lyonel attempts to dart forth, but unfortunately for the bird, his attempt is merely that. He succumbs to the little birdy's attack, a massive stream of water blowing Lyonel backwards and into a wall; he finds himself unable to move, wavering in and out of consciousness as the little penguin approaches him.
  112. 01[12:52] <@Botherer> It looks like it just might fall apart it you poked it good enough.
  113. 01[12:52] <@Botherer> <Mecha Piplup> "You would have done well to heed my warning. We cybernetically enhanced creatures are far superior to lesser beings such as yourself."
  114. 06[12:53] * Lyonel coughs. "Agh... So close..."
  115. 01[12:57] <@Botherer> The last thing Lyonel hears before feeling his body being tugged at is this. "You shall be taken to holding chambers until we've decided how to best utilize your corpse, at which point you will be eliminated."
  116. 01[12:58] <@Botherer> He doesn't feel like he's been dragged off more than a foot away from where he was originally left by the time he loses consciousness.
  117. 03[13:02] * TheBMW ( has joined #PTAFallen
  118. 03[13:29] * Lyonel is now known as Xom
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