
Rainbow Dash the Slave (Part 6)

Apr 27th, 2012
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  1. >You throw your hands up as the Rainbow Pony attacks
  2. >She smashes into your chest, knocking you back again
  3. >You feel her grasping for you, her hoofs smashing and kicking wildly
  4. >You feel her teeth graze your neck
  5. >You punch and kick her, but she refuses to let go
  6. >Soon you have your hands up, blocking your face
  7. >The pony is flipping out on you, using her wings to stay up and dart around
  8. >She's damn fast
  9. >Kicking and scratching
  10. >You throw your fists and manage to catch her on her side
  11. >She sprawls away
  12. >you turn and run
  13. >You run to the door but you hear two powerful flaps and suddenly you go face first into a wall
  14. >You throw up your arms and stop yourself from hitting it with your face
  15. >Arms hurt like shit
  16. >She's digging into your back
  17. >You throw up your shoulders to defend against the bites
  18. >You begin to feel your chest heave, you're breathing far too heavy for what your damaged lungs can handle
  20. >You move to the left and knock over a cabinet
  21. >You reach through the debris
  22. >You feel the neck of a bottle
  23. >You grab it
  25. >You grip the bottle hard
  26. >Whip around
  27. >SMASH
  29. >Rainbow Dash falls down
  30. >Blood on the end of the un-broken bottle
  31. >You stand over her
  32. >She won't stay down for long
  33. >You go over and grab the curtains from the broken-open window
  34. >Some ponies in the complex are looking up, looks like they saw her smash it in
  35. >Not long now
  36. >You wrap up the curtains like ropes
  37. >You run over and grab RD, dragging her to the bed
  38. >You're hacking and wheezing like crazy
  39. >You tie her to the bedposts
  40. >She's spread eagle
  41. >She fights and tries to kick away from your grip, but you're too strong
  42. >You stand over the bound Dash
  43. >She slowly comes back awake
  44. >She tries to struggle free
  45. "let- let me- let me go!" She says
  46. >You just stand there, breathing deeply
  47. >Just then the door opens
  48. "No... don't let them see me like this..." Rainbow Dash weakly mumbles
  49. >Pinkie and Flutters are inside the room
  51. >You stand and wait
  52. >Fluttershy stands there
  53. >You hold out your hand
  54. >Fluttershy slowly lowers her head to the ground and drops the knife
  55. >She slowly reaches over and kicks the knife to you
  56. >You pick it up
  58. >You hover over RD with the knife out
  59. >She takes a glance at you with the knife
  60. >She starts to breath deeply
  61. >You slowly lower the knife
  62. >You place it below her neck
  63. >You slowly drag the tip down her body, all the way to the waist
  64. >She shivers and tries to shake herself loose, but she cannot
  65. >You turn around
  66. >You look at the ponies
  67. >Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie are all giving you a worried stare, occasionally looking at each other worriedly
  68. >Fluttershy is shivering
  69. >Twilight looks different
  70. >Twilight is staring at you with a straight face
  71. >Her eyes staring
  72. >Scanning, analyzing
  73. >mental note: Never play strip-poker with her
  74. >You turn back around
  77. >You look down at your enemy
  78. >She's helpless
  79. >You jab the knife near her ribs
  80. >The skin compacts, but is not broken
  81. >She breathes in deeper and shivers a little
  82. >You want her to break
  83. >You want her cry
  85. >You look over her and wonder what would hurt her the most
  86. >You realize it almost instantly.
  88. >You reach down and grab her wing
  89. >She opens her eyes and looks over
  90. >You position your knife near the thin section that connects the wing to the joint
  91. >She breathes
  92. >You press the knife down on the joint
  93. "-Don't!" Rainbow Dash cries, her resistance crushed
  94. >You slide the knife, the point now resting on the fragile area
  95. "No! no no no no no..."
  96. >You glance at Rainbow Dash
  97. >She is looking at the scene with fearful eyes
  98. >Tears are starting to well up
  101. >You press down a little harder
  102. >Slide the blade up a little
  103. >That had to fucking hurt
  104. >Still not breaking the skin though
  105. >She shakes, but resists her own movements to not hurt herself
  106. >You hear her snob
  107. >You look up
  108. >She is looked at you with so much fear
  109. >No more hatred, just fear and terror and pain
  111. >You press down even harder
  112. >She cries out
  113. "-Stop! Stop please!"
  114. >You keep the knife there
  115. >You look up at her
  116. >Stare her in the eyes
  117. >She looks down, too afraid to meet your gaze
  119. "Help me friends! Help me!" She calls
  120. >The other ponies do nothing
  122. >You reach forward and grab her chin
  123. >You raise her eyes to yours
  124. >She's weeping deeply now
  125. "Please.. please don't... not my wings... anything but that..."
  126. >You shake her head in anger
  127. >She sobs more, crying out
  128. "Stop! stop! stop!"
  129. >You don't
  130. >Shake
  131. "please! Please Anon! cut my face! cut my... my marehood... just don't cut my wings... please not my wings... please anything but my wings.."
  132. >She's crying so hard you can no longer understand her
  133. >You let her head go
  134. >It falls back, sobbing and begging unintelligibly
  135. >You still stand over her, knife in hand
  136. >You feel a sudden rush of emotion
  139. >You feel hate
  140. >So much anger
  141. >No really, you're fucking pissed
  142. >unlimited rustling
  143. >etc.
  145. >Your fingers grip the knife tighter and tighter
  146. >You feel so much anger boil up inside of you
  147. >You're starting to shake
  149. >You remove the knife from her wing
  150. >Rainbow Dash seems to mumble a "thank you"
  151. >Then, a scream of pain
  153. >You dig the knife deep in her flank
  154. >over her left cutie-mark
  155. >The knife cuts a straight line across, drawing crimson
  156. >You hear a gasp and a scream from behind you
  157. >You stop the line and start a second one
  158. >You hear more voices behind you
  159. "...Twilight, use your fancy magic, stop him!"
  160. "Twilight! Stop this brute!"
  161. "Make it stop! Make it stop!"
  162. >You tune them out
  163. >You finish the second line
  165. >The third and final line
  166. >You hear a soft clopping behind you
  167. "Stop."
  168. >You keep going
  169. "STOP."
  170. >You ignore it, froth coming the corner of your mouth
  171. >Your teeth are grinding together in sheer anger
  172. >You feel a magical presence on you that pulls you back
  173. >You just manage to finish the third line
  175. >You are now on the floor, knife still in hand
  176. >Dripping with blood
  177. >All the ponies can see
  178. >A bloody "A" is inscribed on Rainbow Dash's flank
  181. >You wheeze
  182. >It's over
  183. >The ponies are all horrified
  184. >There is an almost dead silence
  185. >The silence is only broken by Rainbow Dash's quiet sobs
  186. >You suddenly convulse and puke on the floor
  187. >It's bloody
  188. >You fall to the ground
  189. >Convulsing, seizing
  190. "Help.. Help me..." You murmur, barely audible
  191. >Through your fits, you see the ponies all get up and untie Rainbow Dash
  192. >They carry her out
  193. "HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME!" You scream at the top of your lungs
  194. >Nobody comes
  195. >Darkness overwhelms you
  196. >You are alone
  198. >You look over your surroundings
  199. >The events of last night are blurry but still there
  200. >You don't feel to great, but you cannot help but feeling rage over the whole incident.
  201. >This cannot be happening
  203. >Later, the door opens
  204. >Two powerful guards comes in with a nurse
  205. >You don't recognize her from the old hospital
  206. >She comes up with the two guards
  207. >She looks over your clipboard
  208. >You clear your throat and speak
  209. >You voice is quavering
  210. "Where.. Where am I?"
  211. >The nurse looks at you
  212. >She looks really tough
  213. "You're in the Canterlot dungeon, hospital wing."
  214. >You sigh, and feel yourself
  215. >You seem much slimmer and weaker
  216. >You feel your legs, very skinny and weak
  217. "Will I... Will I ever walk again?"
  218. >The nurse gives you a stern, but sensitive look
  219. >You already know what she means
  220. >You lay back and sigh.
  221. "By the way, Anonymous, you have a visitor. And you also will talk to the Princess in a short while."
  222. >Who could it be?
  224. >The nurse leaves, but the guards stay
  225. >Soon, a Rainbow Pony comes inside
  226. >Rainbow Dash walks up to the bed, but avoids getting too lose by the guards' orders.
  227. >She is looking down at you with a mix of emotions
  228. >You look at her flank, and you see the mark you carved into her
  229. >You clear your throat
  230. >You look up at her neck
  231. >She's wearing a collar
  232. "Wha-"
  233. "You win."
  234. "What. Rain-"
  235. "You win."
  236. >She turns and walks away
  237. >You sit in silence, the two guards keeping watch
  238. >Soon, you hear a gentle clopping coming down the hall
  239. >Celestia
  241. >Celestia walk inside the cell
  242. >Her radiance is hardly appropriate for this dark place
  243. >She walks up, two more guards enter in
  244. >She looks at the guards, then at you
  245. "Leave us."
  246. >The guards look at each other and then quickly leave
  247. >The door closes.
  248. >You look up at the God-Princess
  249. >You feel like a guilty child
  250. >She looks at you
  251. >You can't meet her gaze
  252. "What you did..."
  253. "Was wrong. I know. Please do not lecture me."
  254. >She looks at you, then turns around and starts to pace
  255. "...Your majesty, I wish to make it up to you."
  256. >She looks back
  257. "Make it up to me?"
  258. >You look down
  259. >She walks over to you
  260. >She raises a hoof to your chin and gently makes you look up
  261. >She looks deep in your eyes
  262. "You were... an experiment, Anon. Not all of my experiments work out."
  263. >You choke, you suddenly feel very sad
  264. >You pull away as the tears start to flow
  265. >Celestia waits a few seconds before speaking
  266. "Rainbow Dash dropped all charges against you, you know?"
  267. >You sob
  268. >Celestia says nothing
  269. >You just have to cry
  270. >You pathetically reach out to her, like a child begging for an embrace
  271. >She stays where she is
  272. >You begin to weep
  274. >You cry for a few minutes
  275. >You chest feels so heavy
  276. >You feel terrible
  277. >Celestia soon moves again
  278. >She grabs a tube that is connected to a some container of water
  279. >She places it near your face
  280. "Drink. You're not in the condition to cry like this."
  281. >You take the tube and suckle
  282. >Celestia's motherly presence fills you with peace and calms you down
  283. >You finally speak after wiping your eyes
  284. "Why did Rainbow Dash-"
  285. "She didn't want to lose her friends. She was sure, at least in her mind, that you would sell some of them to spite her. She couldn't bear seeing them live under you, so she wanted you dead, which means she would lose her friends too. But at least they would be free of you. But once she was defeated, she knew she would lose them and it would be bad either way."
  286. >You are silent
  287. >You think for a minute
  288. "I... I don't know what to say. What do I do?"
  289. >Celestia looks at you
  290. "What do you want me to say?"
  291. >You look down
  292. >You need a minute
  293. >You think and think
  294. "Celestia, I can fix this. I can fix everything."
  295. >Celestia looks at you with a raised eyebrow
  296. "Explain."
  297. >You clear your throat, and wheeze as you explain your plan
  299. >Celestia looks you over as you finish your plan
  300. "Are you... sure?"
  301. "Yes, your majesty. I have to try."
  302. "Abolishing all slavery in Equestria will not be easy. Those slavers in the deserts and mountains and hills and jungles... they are vital to our security."
  303. >You nod
  304. "I wouldn't normally allow that sort of thing... it's just that I don't want the horrors of war to affect my little ponies. They provide a buffer from the darker places around Equestria's borders."
  305. "I know, but how much longer can you let them go on?"
  306. >She nods slowly.
  307. "Alright. I'll approve it."
  308. "Thank you, your majesty."
  309. ========================
  310. You have finally arrived.
  311. The slave conference.
  312. >You are pushed into the fairgrounds by Pinkie Pie
  313. >Your wheelchair glides simply
  314. >You sit in it, holding a small cane in hand
  315. >You can limp out of your chair, but only for a few moments
  316. >You have actually slimmed down quite a bit since being put in this wheelchair
  317. >You look around at the fair, and take in all the sights.
  319. >You see dancers, entertainers, obvious prostitutes
  320. >All of them wearing collars, or some brands
  321. >You feel bad for them
  322. >You keep rolling on through.
  323. >... That wasn't funny you faggot
  324. >You only brought along Pinkie and Twilight, the others were needed at the resort
  325. >The only one that knows of your plan is Pinkie and Twilight
  326. >Both agreed to go on
  327. >The others do not know
  329. >You cough as you are roll past a kitchen tent
  330. >You see a few very rich looking beings
  331. >Zebras wearing tribal jewelry, griffins, and even a great red dragon.
  332. >You are pushed nearby them.
  333. >They see you
  334. "Is that..? That must be!"
  335. >You keep silent as they speak
  336. "It must be the newest slave-owner in Equestria! The hoo-man?"
  337. >They laugh and ask you to speak at tonight's dinner.
  338. >You agree.
  340. >You are given a large platter of free, gourmet food as dinner starts
  341. >You aren't very hungry
  342. >You see several slaves of other, more cruel masters sitting just outside of the light of the main center
  343. >They look on with needy eyes
  344. >You see the other masters chow down, not knowing or caring about these servants
  345. >You tap Pinkie and ask her to give this food to some of the slaves
  346. >She doesn't smile at you, but it was a better-than-passive kind of look
  347. >Soon, the masters start to talk and ask for you to speak
  348. >You are rolled up in your wheelchair, and you hear a few snickers from the less kind of the slave-owners
  349. >You don't care, you're to excited to put your plan into action.
  351. >You clear your throat and speak up, even though it's difficult for you to do so
  352. "My fellow Slave-Masters. It is my pleasure to address you all tonight. As the first human to ever be reported in Equestria and beyond, and the first human slave owner, I hereby thank all of you for this wonderful opportunity."
  353. >You hear a few cheers, but mostly people are quiet
  354. >You cough and hack into a handkerchief before continuing
  355. "As such, I believe it is in my best interest to begin a bit of an eye-opener to all of you slavers towards the current political climate."
  356. >They murmur amongst themselves, what was he talking about?
  358. >You continue to speak
  359. "I know it has probably upset many of you about the current plans to increase taxes on the slave trade..."
  360. >Somebody in the audience shouts
  361. "What?! They can't do that!"
  362. >You continue
  363. "...And I know many of you are also upset about the 'kitchen' law that requires the slaves to dine on the same food and in the same room as their masters..."
  364. >The crowd starts growing restless
  365. "What!? Impossible! I was never told??? Ect."
  366. "...And I even have to mention the ridiculous laws requiring slaves to never be separated from their families..."
  368. >You pause, the crowd is shouting and screaming
  369. >You see the dragon speak up, his rumbling voice filling the area
  370. "Who is suggesting these laws, human?"
  371. >You look at him
  372. "Why, the Princesses, of course."
  373. >The crowd goes fucking bonkers
  375. "We must rebel! I won't allow some ponies to ruin my heritage! I cannot believe this!"
  376. >You sit back confidently, waiting a few more moments.
  377. >You then raise your arms above your head, and the crowd quiets
  378. >You lean forward, wheeze a few short breaths, and prepare to speak again
  380. >You raise your voice with a barely hidden smirk
  381. "...Are all of you suggesting to take down the Canterlot Administration?"
  382. >The crowd screams and yells a unanimous "YES!"
  383. "Do.. do any of you disagree?"
  384. A Unanimous "NO!"
  385. "So... you're all suggesting... treason, then?"
  386. "YES!"
  387. >As soon as those words were spoken, a crack of thunder was heard
  388. >The sky seemed to darken, the stars went out
  389. >Suddenly, Luna and a small battalion of her greatest Nightmare's came flying down from the sky
  391. >Crowd goes apeshit
  392. >Luna speaks, her voice ringing above the tumult
  393. "If all of you are traitors, then your property is forfeit! It will be sold to the next eligible slave-owner!"
  394. >the crowd is silent
  396. "One Bit."
  397. >The crowd whispers but does not speak, for fear of Luna's Nightmare's
  398. >Luna looks around
  400. >No eligible owners around
  401. >A few seconds pass
  403. >You stand up out of your wheelchair
  404. >Your legs sting at the effort, but your spirit is high
  405. >You reach into your coat pocket
  406. >You take out a single, shiny gold bit
  407. >You throw it to the ground
  408. >Silence
  409. >You finally break it.
  410. >You have to sit down first though
  411. >You cough and heave, ignoring the ugly stares and death glares from the fearsome creatures beneath you
  412. >You prepare to speak
  414. >Your voice rings out true
  415. "Too all my property; You are now free to go."
  416. >Absolute silence
  417. >You turn to Pinkie
  418. "My dearest Ms.Pie, would you be kind enough to volunteer and push a cripple like me on the road home?"
  419. >She slowly nods, shocked herself
  420. >You are pushed down off the podium and through the silent fair
  421. >The slavers look at you
  422. >Some depressed, some shocked and disbelieving, and others pissed as hell
  423. >The silence is only broken by the sound of your wheels turning and knocking small pebbles out of the way
  424. >Just then, the dragon gets up
  425. >He steps near to you
  426. >Luna's Nightmares fly closer, ready to stop anything
  428. "You lie." The dragon rumbled
  429. >You direct Pinkie to stop and turn your towards him
  430. >You look up at him, with complete confidence
  431. "How so?"
  432. "You didn't buy all of our things. It was a trick. We still own all of our property."
  433. "What I did was legal, you are no longer the rightful owner. You only own one bit, or rather, whatever share you end up with between these 30 or so other ex-slave owners."
  434. "I am not an ex-slave owner."
  435. >You smile at him and shake your head
  436. "That's where you are wrong."
  437. >You motion for Pinkie to keep going
  438. >She turns you and starts you moving again
  439. >The dragon looks down and around
  440. "The slaves will not leave, they are still ours!"
  441. >The slaves look around, and some stand up
  442. >They take a few curious steps, and just begin to walk
  443. >Following the man in the wheel-chair, becomes a progression of many dirty, malnourished slaves
  444. "Stop!" yells the dragon
  445. >The slaves keep moving
  447. >They ignore him
  449. >Down with the giant
  451. >You continue to roll
  452. >The slavers are ignored
  453. >A few slavers try to get out some whips and whip their slaves back into submission, but as soon as they use them they are beat to shit by Luna's Nightmares, and the slaves continue to walk free
  454. >All cages are opened
  455. >All the ponies walk free
  457. >The great dragon roared, he would not take this so easily
  458. >He stood up and spread his wings, flying towards the man in the wheelchair
  459. >He opened his maw and spewed forth a torrent of fire
  460. >Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed a bright light, and a shield deflected the flame away
  461. >Luna's Nightmares and Twilight defeat the dragon quickly and easily
  462. >The slavers are put into line
  463. >They are all traitors to Equestria
  464. >All except one
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