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a guest
May 24th, 2015
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  1. @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ESTADO, new SelectList(
  2. new List<Object>{
  3. new { value="AC" , text = "ACRE" },
  4. new { value="AL" , text = "ALAGOAS" },
  5. new { value="AM" , text = "AMAZONAS" },
  6. new { value="AP" , text = "AMAPÁ" },
  7. new { value="BA" , text = "BAHIA" },
  8. new { value="CE" , text = "CEARÁ" },
  9. new { value="DF" , text = "DISTRITO FEDERAL" },
  10. new { value="ES" , text = "ESPÍRITO SANTO" },
  11. new { value="GO" , text = "GOIÁS" },
  12. new { value="MA" , text = "MARANHÃO" },
  13. new { value="MT" , text = "MATO GROSSO" },
  14. new { value="MS" , text = "MATO GROSSO DO SUL" },
  15. new { value="MG" , text = "MINAS GERAIS" },
  16. new { value="PA" , text = "PARÁ" },
  17. new { value="PB" , text = "PARAÍBA" },
  18. new { value="PR" , text = "PARANÁ" },
  19. new { value="PE" , text = "PERNAMBUCO" },
  20. new { value="PI" , text = "PIAUÍ" },
  21. new { value="RJ" , text = "RIO DE JANEIRO" },
  22. new { value="RN" , text = "RIO GRANDE DO NORTE" },
  23. new { value="RO" , text = "RONDÔNIA" },
  24. new { value="RS" , text = "RIO GRANDE DO SUL" },
  25. new { value="RR" , text = "RORAIMA" },
  26. new { value="SC" , text = "SANTA CATARINA" },
  27. new { value="SE" , text = "SERGIPE" },
  28. new { value="SP" , text = "SÃO PAULO" },
  29. new { value="TO" , text = "TOCANTINS" }
  30. },
  31. "value",
  32. "text",
  33. 2), new { @class = "form-control" })
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