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Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. # Thank you for purchasing UltimateEssentials by TheJimmyJ57 and HYPExMon5ter!
  2. # Use '&' or '§' for color codes!
  3. # Use '{player}' for the senders name! (supported in most strings)
  4. # Use '{recipient}' for the argument players name! (supported only in strings that have a player argument)
  5. # Use '{player-prefix}' for the player's prefix (works in chat format)
  6. # Use '{player-suffix}' for the player's suffix (works in chat format)
  7. # Use '{message}' for the player's message (works in chat format)
  8. # Use '{newline}' for a new line (works in most strings)
  9. # Use '{arg-<number>}' for text arguments (where applicable)
  10. # Use '{loc}' for location of player (where applicable)
  11. # Use '{num}' for numbers (where applicable)
  14. version:
  15. do-not-change: '2.0'
  16. messages:
  17. important:
  18. prefix: §5§lDEL §8§l» &7
  19. staffchat-prefix: §3&lSC §8§l» &b
  20. no-permission-message: §5§lDEL §8§l» §cYou do not have access to this command! :(
  21. update-found-message: §9An update is out!
  22. join:
  23. first-join-message: §d{player} has joined Delirium for the first time! Welcome home!
  24. join-message: §2{player} &ajoined!
  25. leave-message: §4{player} &cleft!
  26. broadcast:
  27. broadcast-proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/broadcast <text>'
  28. title-broadcast-proper-usage: '§9Proper Usage: §7/tbroadcast <text>'
  29. broadcast-prefix: '§3[§7Broadcast§3]:'
  30. mention:
  31. title: §c§l§o{player}
  32. subtitle: §7§l§ohas mentioned you!
  33. enabled: §7Mentioning is turned §cOn.
  34. disabled: §7Mentioning is turned §aOff.
  35. message:
  36. msg-proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/msg <player> <message>'
  37. reply-proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/r <message>'
  38. msg-offline-player: §f{recipient} §7is not online.
  39. msg-afk-player: §f{recipient} §7is currently &fAFK&7 and may not respond.
  40. nothing-to-reply-to: '§cError: §7No message to reply to.'
  41. msgcolors:
  42. msg-sender-color: §6
  43. msg-arrow-color: §a
  44. msg-receiver-color: §6
  45. msg-text-color: §a
  46. socialspy:
  47. socialspy-enabled: §7Socialspy §aEnabled&7.
  48. socialspy-disabled: §7Socialspy §cDisabled&7.
  49. clearchat:
  50. clear-chat: §7Chat has been cleared by §f{player}&7.
  51. personal-clear-chat: §7Personal chat has been cleared.
  52. mute:
  53. muted-on-chat: §cYou are muted.
  54. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/mute <player> (time)'
  55. mute-success-to-sender: §f{arg-1} §7 has been §9muted.
  56. mute-success-to-receiver: §cYou have been muted.
  57. timed-success-to-sender: §f{arg-1}§7 has been muted §7for §f{arg-2}
  58. timed-success-to-receiver: §7You have been muted §7for §f{arg-2}.
  59. player-already-unmuted: §f{arg-1} §7has already been unmuted.
  60. unmuted-success-to-receiver: §aYou have been unmuted.
  61. unmuted-success-to-sender: §f{arg-1} §7has been successfully unmuted.
  62. ignore:
  63. ignore-enabled: §7You have stopped ignoring §f{recipient}.
  64. enabled: §7You are now ignoring §f{arg-1}.
  65. disabled: §7You have stopped ignoring §fl{arg-1}.
  66. sethome:
  67. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §fProper Usage: §7/sethome <name>'
  68. normal-sethome-confirm: §7Home §f{arg-1} §7set to §f{loc}
  69. replace-sethome-confirm: §7Replaced home §f{arg-1} §7now set to §f{loc}
  70. replace-sethome-deny: §7Home replace §cdenied.
  71. max-sethome-messages:
  72. message-1: §cMax homes already set!
  73. message-2: §7Remove home with §f/delhome <name> §cto set a new one!
  74. message-3: §7Use §f/home §7to view list of homes
  75. home:
  76. no-home-set: §7You have no homes §7set yet. §fUse /sethome <name>
  77. no-home-with-name: §7You do not §7have a home with that name yet. §fUse /sethome <name>.
  78. home-teleport: §7Teleporting to the home §f{arg-1}&7.
  79. cleared-homes: §7All Home info cleared for §f{arg-1}&7.
  80. delhome:
  81. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §fProper Usage: §7/delhome <name>. Use /home for
  82. home names.'
  83. no-homes-left: '§cInvalid Usage: §7You have no homes to delete.'
  84. home-removed: §7Home §f{arg-1} §7has been removed.
  85. setspawn:
  86. set-spawn: §7Spawn has successfully been set.
  87. no-spawn-set: '§4Error: §cSpawn not set. Please setspawn or inform an admin.'
  88. spawn:
  89. self-teleport-success: §7You have been teleported to Spawn.
  90. others-teleport-success: §7You have been teleported to Spawn §7by §f{player}&7.
  91. delspawn:
  92. no-spawn-set: '§cError: §fNo spawn set to delete.'
  93. removed-success: §7Spawn has successfully been deleted.
  94. feed:
  95. self-success: §7Your Food Level §7has been replenished.
  96. others-success-receiver: §7Your Food Level §7has been replenished by §f{player}§7.
  97. others-success-sender: §7Successfully fed &f{arg-1}§7.
  98. heal:
  99. self-success: §7Your Health §7and Food §7have been replenished.
  100. others-success-receiver: §7Your Health §7and Food §7have been replenished by §f{player}§7.
  101. others-success-sender: §7Successfully replenished §f{arg-1}'s §7health and food.
  102. butcher:
  103. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/butcher (entity type) (radius)'
  104. success: §7Successfully killed §f{num} &7{arg-1}(s)&7!
  105. can-not-kill-players: §cYou can't kill players with this command!
  106. no-mobs-in-radius: No §f{arg-1} §7were found within §f{arg-2} §7meters.
  107. no-mobs-in-world: No §f{arg-1} §7were found in this world.
  108. give:
  109. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §fProper Usage: §7/give <player> <item(s)>'
  110. others-success-sender: §9{arg-1} §7was given §f{item}§7.
  111. others-success-receiver: §7You were given §f{item} §7by §f{player}&7.
  112. blacklisted-item: '§cError: §f{item} §7is blacklisted and cannot be given.'
  113. giveall:
  114. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §fProper Usage: §7/giveall <item(s)>'
  115. others-success-sender: §f{arg-1} §7was given §f{item}§7.
  116. others-success-receiver: §7You were given §f{item} §7by §f{player}&7.
  117. blacklisted-item: '§cError: §f{item} §7is blacklisted and cannot be given.'
  118. item:
  119. success: §7You spawned §f{item}.
  120. blacklisted-item: '§cError: §f{item} §7is blacklisted and cannot be spawned.'
  121. gm:
  122. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Use. §fProper Usage: §7/Gamemode <surv/cre/adv/spec>
  123. §f(player)&7.'
  124. change-self-surv: §7Your game mode is now §fsurvival.
  125. change-self-cre: §7Your game mode is now §fcreative.
  126. change-self-adv: §7Your game mode is now §fadventure.
  127. change-self-spec: §7Your game mode is now §fspectator.
  128. change-others-surv: §f{arg-2}'s §7game mode is now §fsurvival.
  129. change-others-cre: §f{arg-2}'s §7game mode is now §fcreative.
  130. change-others-adv: §f{arg-2}'s §7game mode is now §fadventure.
  131. change-others-spec: §f{arg-2}'s §7game mode is now §fspectator.
  132. player-not-online: §f{arg-2} §7is currently offline.
  133. weather:
  134. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Weather Type. §fProper Usage: §7/Weather <clear/rain/storm/thunder>'
  135. success: §7Weather has been set to §f{arg-1}&7.
  136. time:
  137. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §9Proper Usage: §7/Time <day/night>'
  138. success: §7Time has been set to §f{time}&7.
  139. suicide:
  140. success: §f{player} §7has committed suicide.
  141. kill:
  142. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/Kill <player>'
  143. player-offline: §f{arg-1} §7is currently offline.
  144. success: §7You killed §f{arg-1}&7.
  145. ext:
  146. invalid: §7Nothing to extinguish. You are not on fire.
  147. success: §7You have been extinguished.
  148. repair:
  149. invalid: '§cInvalid Usage: §7You must be holding a tool.'
  150. success: §7Your §f{tool} §7has been repaired.
  151. success-all: §7All tools have been repaired.
  152. hat:
  153. must-hold-block: '§cError: §7You must be holding a block.'
  154. cannot-hold-item: '§cError: §7You must be holding a block not an item.'
  155. helmet-slot-full: '§cError: §7Helmet slot full. Please /unhat or remove helmet.'
  156. success: §7You now have §f{helmet} §7as a hat!
  157. unhat:
  158. not-wearing-hat: §7Must be wearing a hat!'
  159. success: §7Your §7Hat has been removed.'
  160. fly:
  161. self-enabled: §7Flying is now §aEnabled
  162. self-disabled: §7Flying is now §cDisabled
  163. others-enabled-to-receiver: §7Fly §aEnabled §7by §f{player}&7.
  164. others-enabled-to-sender: §7You have §aEnabled §f{arg-1}§7's fly mode.
  165. others-disabled-to-sender: §7You have §cDisabled §f{arg-1}§7's fly mode.
  166. others-disabled-to-receiver: §7Fly §cDisabled §7by §f{player}&7.
  167. temporary-time-over: §7Your Fly §7time is up.
  168. enabled-temporarily: §7Fly Mode §aEnabled §7for §f{arg-2}&7.
  169. temp-enabled-others-to-sender: §7Fly §aEnabled §7for §f{arg-1} §7for §f{arg-2}&7.
  170. temp-enabled-others-to-receiver: §7Fly §aEnabled §7by §f{player} §7for §f{arg-2}&7.
  171. skull:
  172. proper-usage: '§cInvalid Usage. §fProper Usage: §7/skull <player name> <number>'
  173. success-one: §7You have been given §f1 §7of §f{arg-1}§7's head!
  174. success-multiple: §7You have been given §f{arg-2} §7of §f{arg-1}§7's head!
  175. clearinventory:
  176. success: §7Your inventory has been cleared.
  177. seen:
  178. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/seen <player>'
  179. never-been-online: §7The player §f{arg-1} §7has never been online.
  180. online: §f{arg-1} §7has been §aOnline §7for
  181. offline: §f{arg-1} §7has been §cOffline §7for
  182. ip: '§f{arg-1}''s IP is: §f{IP}'
  183. setname:
  184. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/setname <name>'
  185. not-holding-item: §cError. §7You must be holding an item.
  186. success: §7Your §f{tool} §7has been named §f{arg-1}§7.
  187. lore:
  188. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/setlore <set/remove> <line number> <text>'
  189. not-holding-item: §cError. §fYou must be holding an item.
  190. success-lored: §7Your §f{tool} §7has been lored.
  191. success-unlored: §7Your §f{tool} §7has been unlored.
  192. top:
  193. success: §7You have been teleported to the surface.
  194. exp:
  195. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/exp <set/take/remove/add/give> <amount> <player>'
  196. self-gain-success: §7You have given yourself §f{arg-2} xp levels.
  197. self-lose-success: §7You have taken §f{arg-2} &7xp levels from §7yourself.
  198. self-set-success: §7You have set your xp levels to §f{arg-2}&7.
  199. others-gain-success-to-sender: §7You have sent §f{arg-2} &7xp levels §7to §f{arg-3}&7.
  200. others-gain-success-to-receiver: §7You have recieved §f{arg-2} x&7p levels.
  201. others-lose-success-to-sender: §7You have taken §f{arg-2} &7xp levels §7from §f{arg-3}&7.
  202. others-lose-success-to-receiver: §7You have had §f{arg-2} &7xp levels taken from you.
  203. others-set-success-to-sender: §7You have set §f{arg-3}'s §7xp levels to §9{arg-2}.
  204. others-set-success-to-receiver: §7You have had you xp levels set to §f{arg-2}&7.
  205. spawnmob:
  206. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/spawnmob <mob name> <number>'
  207. success-single: §7Successfully spawned §f{arg-2} {arg-1}&7.
  208. success-multiple: §7Successfully spawned §f{arg-2} {arg-1}(s)&7.
  209. no-perm-for-multi-spawning: §cError. §7You do not have the required permission to spawn multiple mobs at once.
  210. spawner:
  211. success: §7Spawner is set to a §f{spawner}&7 spawner.
  212. not-looking-at-spawner: §cError. §fMust be looking at a mob spawner.
  213. afk:
  214. enabled: §f{player} §7is now AFK.
  215. disabled: §f{player} §7is no longer AFK.
  216. invincibility-msg-to-attacker: §f{victim} §7is AFK and invincible.
  217. speed:
  218. success-flying: §7Successfully set §f{arg-1}§7's flying speed to §f{arg-2}&7.
  219. success-default-flying: §7Successfully set §f{arg-1}§7's flying speed to §f1&7.
  220. success-walking: §7Successfully set §9{arg-1}§7's walking speed to §f{arg-2}&7.
  221. success-default-walking: §7Successfully set §f{arg-1}§7's walking speed to §f1&7.
  222. incorrect-type: '§cError: §7That is not a speed type, the types are: &fwalk&7,
  223. &fwalking&7, &ffly&7, or &fflying&7.'
  224. getpos:
  225. success: '§f{arg-1} §7is at §fX: {x-pos}§7, §fY: {y-pos}§7, §fZ: {z-pos}&7.'
  226. tree:
  227. not-looking-at-dirt: §cError. §7Must be looking at grass or dirt.
  228. random-tree-success: §7You have generated a §fRandom &7Tree.
  229. oak-tree-success: §7You have spawned an §fOak &7Tree.
  230. spruce-tree-success: §7You have spawned a §fRedwood &7Tree.
  231. jungle-tree-success: §7You have spawned §fJungle &7Tree.
  232. near:
  233. success: §f{player} §7is §f{num} §7blocks away.
  234. no-one-near: §7No Players Within 200 blocks.
  235. setjail:
  236. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/setjail <name>'
  237. success: §7Jail §f'{arg-1}' §7has been set.
  238. no-perm-to-overwrite: §cError. §fYou do not have permission to overwrite jails.
  239. jail:
  240. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/jail <player> <jail name> <reason>'
  241. list-no-jails-set: §7No jails have been set.
  242. cmd-no-jails-set: §cError. §fNo jail has been set.
  243. jailed-no-reason: §f{arg-1} §7has been jailed for §f{jail-time} minutes.
  244. jailed-with-reason: §f{arg-1} §7has been jailed for §f{arg-3} §7for reason §f{arg-4}&7.
  245. jail-reason: '§fJail Reason: §7{arg-4}'
  246. jail-time: '§fJail Time: §7{arg-3}'
  247. released: §7You have been Released!
  248. break-protection: §7You cannot break blocks in jail.
  249. place-protection: §7You cannot place blocks in jail.
  250. death-protection: §7Death can't help you escape.
  251. deljail:
  252. no-jail-set: §7No jail has been set.
  253. success: §7Jail §f'{arg-1}' §7has been deleted.
  254. break:
  255. success: §7Block has been broken.
  256. motd:
  257. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/setmotd <set/help/placeholders> <line number>
  258. <text>'
  259. no-line-specified: §7Please specify a line.
  260. success: §7Line §f{arg-2} §7set to {colored arg-3}&7.
  261. nopvp:
  262. enabled: §7PVP has been §cDisabled&7. You are now safe from PVP!
  263. disabled: §7PVP §7has been §aEnabled&7. You are no longer safe from PVP!
  264. msg-to-attacker: §f{player} §7is protected from PVP!
  265. freeze:
  266. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/freeze <player>'
  267. player-does-not-exist: §f{arg-1} §7does not exist or has never been online.
  268. freeze-success-receiver: §7You have been frozen.
  269. freeze-success-sender: §f{arg-1} §7has been frozen.
  270. unfreeze-success-receiver: §7You have been nfrozen.
  271. unfreeze-success-sender: §f{arg-1} §7has been unfrozen.
  272. when-player-tries-to-move: §7You cannot move. You are frozen.
  273. more:
  274. not-holding-item: §cError. §7You must be holding an item.
  275. already-full-stack: §cError. §7You already have a stack of this item.
  276. success: §7Successfully gave you more items.
  277. infinite:
  278. not-holding-block: §cError. §7You must be holding an block.
  279. error-for-items: §cError. §7You cannot make item's infinite, sorry.
  280. enabled: §7Infinite §aenabled §7for item in hand.
  281. disabled: §7Infinite §cdisabled §7for item in hand.
  282. zap:
  283. proper-usage: §fProper Usage §7/lightning <player>
  284. success-to-sender: §7You just zapped §f{arg-1}&7.
  285. success-to-receiver: §7You have been zapped!
  286. player-not-online: §f{arg-1} §7is not online
  287. clearlag:
  288. success: §7All dropped items have been §9removed.
  289. timed-warning: §7All dropped Items will be §9removed §7in §f{arg-1}&7!
  290. strikes:
  291. cleared: §f{arg-1}'s §7strikes have been cleared.
  292. no-strikes-to-clear: §7Player has never §7been on the server or recieved a strike.
  293. max-strikes-reached: §7You have used ALL your strikes. Action will be taken.
  294. strike-notifier-message: §7Advertising is NOT Allowed. §7You have §f{num} &7strike(s) left.
  295. chatcolor:
  296. red: §7Chat color has been set to §4§lRed.
  297. green: §7Chat color has been set to §2§lGreen.
  298. blue: §7Chat color has been set to §1§lBlue.
  299. purple: §7Chat color has been set to §5§lPurple.
  300. cyan: §7Chat color has been set to §b§lCyan.
  301. light-grey: §7Chat color has been set to §7§lLight Grey.
  302. grey: §7Chat color has been set to §8§lGrey.
  303. lime-green: §7Chat color has been set to §a§lLime Green.
  304. gold: §7Chat color has been set to §6§lGold.
  305. yellow: §7Chat color has been set to §e§lYellow.
  306. white: §7Chat color has been set to §f§lWhite.
  307. magenta: §7Chat color has been set to §d§lMagenta.
  308. light-red: §7Chat color has been set to §c§lLight Red.
  309. aqua: §7Chat color has been set to §3§lAqua.
  310. indigo: §7Chat color has been set to §9§lIndigo.
  311. black: §7Chat color has been set to §0§lBlack.
  312. cleared: §7Chat colors have been §f§lCleared.
  313. chattype:
  314. bold: §7Chat type has been set to §f§lBold.
  315. italic: §7Chat type has been set to §f§oItalics.
  316. underline: §7Chat type has been set to §f§nUnderline.
  317. strikethrough: §7Chat type has been set to §f§mStrikethrough.
  318. staffchat:
  319. enabled: §7Staff Chat §7has been §aEnabled&7.
  320. disabled: §7Staff Chat §7has been §cDisabled&7.
  321. god:
  322. temporary-time-over: §7Your God §7time is up.
  323. enabled-self: §7God:§aEnabled.
  324. disabled-self: §7God:§cDisabled.
  325. enabled-temporarily: §7God §aEnabled §7for §f{arg-2}&7.
  326. enabled-others-to-sender: §7God has been §aEnabled §7for §f{arg-1}&7.
  327. enabled-others-to-receiver: §7God has been §aEnabled §7by §f{player}&7.
  328. temp-enabled-others-to-sender: §7God has been §aEnabled §7for §9{arg-1} §7for §9{arg-2}&7.
  329. temp-enabled-others-to-receiver: §7God has been §aEnabled §7by §9{player} §7for §9{arg-2}&7.
  330. disabled-others-to-sender: §7God has been §cDisabled §7for §f{arg-1}&7.
  331. disabled-others-to-receiver: §7God has been §cDisabled §7by §f{player}&7.
  332. player-never-been-online: §cError. §fPlayer has never been on the server.
  333. msg-to-attacker: §f{victim} §7is in God Mode.
  334. commandspy:
  335. prefix: §4[§cCMD§4]
  336. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/cmdspy <console/player>.
  337. player-spy-enabled: §fPlayer &7Commandspy §7has been §aEnabled&7.
  338. player-spy-disabled: §fPlayer &7Commandspy §7has been §cDisabled&7.
  339. console-spy-enabled: §fConsole &7Commandspy §7has been §aEnabled&7.
  340. console-spy-disabled: §fConsole &7Commandspy §7has been §cDisabled&7.
  341. player-message: '§f{player} §7performed §f/{command}'&7.
  342. console-message: '§fConsole §7performed §f/{command}'&7.
  343. nick:
  344. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/nick <clear/<name> (player)'
  345. self-name-cleared: §7Successfully removed §7your nickname.
  346. others-name-cleared-to-sender: §7Successfully cleared §f{arg-2}'s &7nickname.
  347. others-name-cleared-to-receiver: §7{player} has cleared §7your nickname.
  348. self-success-colored: §7Your nickname was §asuccessfully §7set to '§&r{colored arg-1}§7'.
  349. self-success-uncolored: §7Your nickname was §asuccessfully §7set to '§r{uncolored arg-1}§7'.
  350. others-success-colored-to-sender: §aSuccessfully §7set §f{arg-2}'s §7nickname to '§r{colored arg-1}§7'.
  351. others-success-colored-to-receiver: §9{player} §7set your nickname to '§r{colored arg-1}§7'.
  352. others-success-uncolored-to-sender: §aSuccessfully §7set §f{arg-2}'s §7nickname to '§r{uncolored arg-1}§7'.
  353. others-success-uncolored-to-receiver: §9{player} §7set your nickname to '§r{uncolored arg-1}§7'.
  354. realname:
  355. success: §7'§r{nick}§7' is §f{player}§7.
  356. no-matches: §7No one has a nickname of '§r{colored arg-1}§7'.
  357. mail:
  358. you-have-mail: §7You have §f{mail} §7mail messages. Use §f/mail §7to view.
  359. empty-mailbox: §7Your mailbox is empty.
  360. success-sent: §7Mail has been sent.
  361. receiver-never-been-online: §f{arg-1} §7has never been online.
  362. cleared-mailbox: §7All mail has been cleared.
  363. staffmail:
  364. no-mail: §7There is currently no staffmail.
  365. no-argument: §7Please specify an argument to send staffmail §7as you don't have permission §7to check it!
  366. success: §7Mail Sent!
  367. cleared: §7Staffmail has been cleared.
  368. depth:
  369. success: §7You are at §f'y' §7level §f{loc}&7.
  370. warp:
  371. no-warp-set: §cError. §7No warps have been set yet! Use /setwarp <name>
  372. teleport-success: §7You have been teleported to Warp §f{arg-1}&7.
  373. location-not-safe: §cError. §7Warp Location is submerged or blocked.
  374. warp-does-not-exist: §cError. §7A Warp with that name has not been set.
  375. set-success: §7Warp §f{arg-1} §7set to §f{loc}&7.
  376. delete-success: §7Warp §f{arg-1} §7has been deleted.
  377. overwrite-success: §7Warp §f{arg-1} §7successfully overwritten.
  378. tppos:
  379. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/tppos <x> <y> <z>'
  380. success: §7You have been teleported to §f{loc}&7.
  381. tpall:
  382. success: §7All §7players have been teleported to you.
  383. tphere:
  384. tp-success-rec: §f{player} §7has been teleported to you.
  385. tp-success-admin: §f{admin} §7has teleported you to them.
  386. tptoggle:
  387. self-enabled: §7Teleport protection has been §aEnabled&7.
  388. self-disabled: §7Teleport protection has been §cDisabled&7.
  389. others-enabled: §7Teleport protection has been §aEnabled §7for §f{arg-1}&7.
  390. others-disabled: §7Teleport protection has been §cDisabled §7for §f{arg-1}&7.
  391. never-been-online: §f{arg-1} §7has never been online.
  392. protection-enabled-tp-blocked: §f{arg-1} §7has teleport protection §aEnabled&7.
  393. protection-enabled-tp-blocked2: §f{arg-2} §7has teleport protection §aEnabled&7.
  394. tpa:
  395. tptoggle-block: §7Tpa Request has been stopped.
  396. tpa-sent-sender: §7Tpa §7sent to §f{recipient}&7!
  397. tpa-sent-receiver: §7Tpa §7request recieved from §f{player}&7!
  398. tpa-instructions: §7Use §f/tpaccept &7or &f/tpdeny &7to respond.
  399. tpa-received-actionbar: §7You have recieved a Tpa Request.
  400. tpa-time-remaining-actionbar: §7You have §f{num} §7seconds to respond.
  401. tpa-expired-actionbar: §4✘ §cTpa Request Expired §4✘
  402. tpa-accepted-actionbar: §2✔ §aTpa Accepted §2✔
  403. tpa-denied-actiobar: §4✘ §cTpa Request Denied §4✘
  404. tpa-stopped-player-offline-actiobar: §4✘ §cPlayer Offline §4✘
  405. tpa-teleporting-soon-actionbar: §7Teleporting in §f{num} &7seconds.
  406. tpa-stopped-player-left-server: §cTeleport Cancelled. §7Player left the server.
  407. tpahere:
  408. tptoggle-block: §7Tpahere Request has been stopped.
  409. tpahere-sent-sender: §7Tpahere §7sent to §f{recipient}&7!
  410. tpahere-sent-receiver: §7Tpahere §7request recieved from §f{player}&7!
  411. tpahere-received-actionbar: §7You have recieved a Tpahere Request.
  412. tpahere-expired-actionbar: §4✘ §cTpahere Request Expired §4✘
  413. tpahere-accepted-actionbar: §2✔ §aTpahere Accepted §2✔
  414. tpahere-stopped-player-offline-actionbar: §4✘ §cTpahere Request Denied §4✘
  415. tpaccept:
  416. accepted: §7Request §aAccepted
  417. denied: §7Request §cDenied.
  418. no-pending-requests: §7You have no Requests §7at this time.
  419. tp:
  420. tptoggle-block: §7TP Request has been stopped.
  421. self-teleport: §7You have been teleported to §f{arg-1}&7.
  422. others-teleport: §7You have been teleported to §f{arg-2} §7by §f{player}&7.
  423. block:
  424. loading: §7Attempting to craft...
  425. cancelled: §7Craft cancelled! You do not have enough materials to turn into blocks!
  426. crating-done-single: §7Successfully crafted §f{num} §7block!
  427. crafting-done-multiple: §7Successfully crafted §f{num} §7blocks!
  428. iteminfo:
  429. not-holding-anything: §7Ah yes, air. Try something else!
  430. id:
  431. not-holding-anything: §7The id of air is 0, but you knew that. Try something else!
  432. flashlight:
  433. enabled: §7Successfully §aEnabled §7your §fflashlight.
  434. disabled: §7Successfully §cDisabled §7your §fflashlight.
  435. vault:
  436. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/vault tag <number> <text>'
  437. no-perm: §7You do not have permission for Vault {arg-2}&7.
  438. cleared-success: §7Vault &f{arg-2} §7has been cleared.
  439. tag-set-success: §7Tag for Vault &f{arg-2} §7set to {colored arg-3}&7.
  440. does-not-exist: §cError. §7That Vault number doesn't exist.
  441. tab:
  442. enabled: §7Custom tab has been §a§lEnabled&7.
  443. disabled: §7Custom tab has been §c§lDisabled&7.
  444. header-set: §7Custom tab header set to {colored arg-2}&7.
  445. footer-set: §7Custom tab footer set to {colored arg-2}&7.
  446. ban:
  447. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/ban <player> <reason>'
  448. already-banned: §f{arg-1} §7is already banned.
  449. exempted: §f{arg-1} §7can't be banned. Idiot.
  450. broadcast-with-reason: §f{arg-1} §7has been banned for §f{colored arg-2}&7.
  451. broadcast-no-reason: §f{arg-1} §7has been banned for no reason! &8(Of course there's a reason)
  452. never-been-online: §f{arg-1} §7has never been on the server.
  453. tempban:
  454. proper-usage-1: '§fProper Usage: §7/tempban <player> <reason> <timespan>'
  455. proper-usage-2: '§fExample: §7/tempban Notch hacking and asking for op 1 hour'
  456. already-banned: §f{arg-1} §7is already banned§7.
  457. broadcast: '§f{arg-1} §7has been temp-banned for §f{arg-3} §7by §f{player}§7.
  458. Reason: {colored arg-2}'
  459. banlist:
  460. invalid-ban-type-1: §7That is not a ban type, valid ban types are 'bans' or 'tempbans'.
  461. invalid-ban-type-2: §7Please specify a type of ban! Valid ban types are 'bans' or 'tempbans'.
  462. unban:
  463. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/unban player'
  464. success: §f{arg-1} §7has been unbanned.
  465. not-banned: §f{arg-1} §7is already unbanned.
  466. never-been-online: §f{arg-1} §7has never been on the server.
  467. kit:
  468. proper-usage-1: '§fProper Usage: §7/kit create <name> <true/false> <cooldown (hours)>'
  469. proper-usage-2: §7True/false is for including a permission.
  470. does-not-exist: §7Kit §f{arg-2} §7does not exist.
  471. already-exists: §7Kit already exists. Please use /kit remove {arg-2}
  472. creation-success: §7Kit §f{arg-2} §7created.
  473. delete-success: §7Kit &f{arg-2} §7has been removed.
  474. delete-error-does-not-exist: §cError. §7No kits exist with that name.
  475. cooldown-denied: §cDenied. §7Cannot use for another §f{num}&7.
  476. receive: §7You have received Kit &f{kit}&7.
  477. cooldown: §7You can claim the kit in another in §f{num}&7.
  478. sign:
  479. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/sign <edit/copy/paste/clipboard/clear> <line>
  480. <text>'
  481. delete-line: §7Successfully changed line §f{arg-2} §7to nothing§7.
  482. set-line: §7Successfully changed line §f{arg-2} §7to §f{colored arg-3}§7.
  483. specify-text: §cError. §7Please specify some text (use 'nothing' for blank).
  484. not-a-sign: §cError. §7This command is for signs only.
  485. incorrect-arg: §cError. §7This argument can only be '1', '2', '3', or '4'.
  486. no-line-specified: §cError. §7Please specify a line number (1-4).
  487. copy-all: §7Successfully copied the sign §7you are looking at§7.
  488. copy-a-line: §7Successfully copied line §f{arg-2} §7of the sign §7you are looking at§7.
  489. paste-enabled: §7Paste mode is §aenabled§7. (Punch a sign to paste).
  490. paste-disabled: §7Paste mode is §cdisabled§7.
  491. clipboard-cleared: §7Successfully cleared your clipboard§7.
  492. playertool:
  493. success: §f{tool} §7has been bound with §f{command}&7.
  494. not-holding-anything: §fPlease §7hold something other than air.
  495. cleared-success: §7All PlayerTools §7have been cleared.
  496. nothing-set: §7No PlayerTool §7currently set.
  497. back:
  498. none-set: §7You have not teleported anywhere recently§7.
  499. success: §7Successfully sent you back to your last location§7.
  500. burn:
  501. self-not-in-creative: §7You cannot §7burn yourself in creative mode.
  502. self-success: §7You have been ignited.
  503. others-not-in-creative: §7You cannot §7burn §f{arg-1} &7while they are in creative mode.
  504. others-success-to-sender: §7You have ignited §f{arg-1}&7.
  505. others-success-to-receiver: §7You have been ignited by §f{player}&7
  506. jump:
  507. cannot-be-air: §cError. §cYou cannot jump to air.
  508. success: §7You have jumped!
  509. too-far: §7That is too far away §7to jump.
  510. vanish:
  511. self-vanish-success: §7You have vanished.
  512. self-unvanish-success: §7You have unvanished.
  513. others-vanish-success: §7You have been vanished §7by §f{player}&7.
  514. others-unvanish-success: §7You have been unvanished §7by §f{player}&7.
  515. sudo:
  516. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/sudo <player> <command>.'
  517. protection: §f{arg-1} §7has protection against being sudoed!
  518. potion:
  519. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/potion <effect> <player> <duration>'
  520. self-default-time: §7You have applied §f{arg-1} §7for §f30 &7seconds.
  521. self-custom-time: §7You have applied §f{arg-1} §7for §f{arg-3}&7.
  522. others-default-time: §f{player} has applied §f{arg-1} §7to you for §f30 seconds&7.
  523. others-custom-time: §f{player} has applied §f{arg-1} §7to you for §f{arg-3}&7.
  524. soulbound:
  525. success: §7Your tool is now forever with you.
  526. already-owned: §cError. §7Someone already owns this.
  527. holding-nothing: §cError. §7You cannot soulbind air.
  528. deathchest:
  529. not-the-owner: §7You do not own this deathchest. §7It cannot be opened.
  530. invsee:
  531. specify-player: §7Please specify a player!
  532. player-is-exempted: §f{arg-1} §7has permission that denies §7you to invsee them.
  533. enchant:
  534. disenchant-not-holding-item: '§cError: §7Please hold something while unenchanting!'
  535. rules:
  536. none-set: §7No rules have been set yet.
  537. addrules:
  538. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/addrules <text>'
  539. success: '§fRule Added: §7{colored arg-1}'
  540. delrules:
  541. proper-usage: '§fProper Usage: §7/delrules <number>'
  542. success: §7Successfully §9removed §7rule number §f{arg-1}&7.
  543. no-rule-with-number: §cError. §7No rule with that number set.
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