

Feb 11th, 2015
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  1. MITB 2 outline
  2. HHH and Pillman beat down IRS on the outside as HBK and Hakushi focus on Cactus
  3. Cactus starts fighting back with a chair, and teases piledriving HBK onto the chair before Hakushi stops him
  4. IRS gets a ladder and fights off HHH and Pillman by airplane spinning it
  5. HHH lifts Pillman onto his shoulders to grab the case, but HBK superkicks HHH, leaving Pillman dangling from the case. HHH stumbles over the ropes, landing on a ladder bridge.
  6. Cactus tries to climb a ladder, but HBK Sweet Chin Musics it so hard it falls over and he gets tangled in the ropes
  7. Pillman falls off the briefcase into the arms of IRS, who airplane spins him for at least 30 rotations
  8. Hakushi bows his head in prayer before he does a diving headbutt to HHH who is on a ladder bridge on the outside, breaking the ladder and KOing HHH(this should be noted as a particularly crazy bump in the writeup)
  9. Joanna fallaway slams IRS into a ladder on the outside
  10. Joanna lifts Pillman on her shoulders, and he grabs the case.
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