
6 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-12 2340 +Brian Hill

Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-12 2340 +Brian Hill
  4. __
  6. +Brian Hill __ There's that literalism and *oppositional defiance disorder* I've come to enjoy from you. More than a few people know that I have taken *considerable time* and *effort* to explain things to you. After more than _two years_ of communicating with you I feel qualified to say that you just don't a mind for the things I am posting about.
  8. I know that isn't something you would want to be told and I know you would disagree with it - but that doesn't change the fact it's true. I have a fully indexed and searchable copy of every conversation we have ever had in both public and private and it is clear as day that you have not understood the things I am saying _*whereas other people have.*_
  10. In many ways talking to you is not unlike pointing out what can be seen in an optical illusion but you are someone who just can't see it. It's not unlike pointing out a colour which you just aren't able to perceive. It's not _necessarily_ your fault - it only means that for things to "click" you have some mental obstacles to overcome. _You can do it, Brian!_
  12. However - from my perspective - you don't _want_ to understand. At least not when the ideas and observations are coming from Lesta. If these *absurdly simple* and *self-evident* lie system concepts were coming from someone else - _someone you actually *"respected"*_ - I think you wouldn't be here. I think instead you'd be busy telling others about this "lie system stuff". You wouldn't be here - stuck on the same kind of things you were a year or more ago.
  14. Because the lie system concepts are coming from Lesta you just don't seem able to bring yourself to agree with anything - nor allow yourself to properly understand what I am pointing out. _You just aren't trying, Brian._
  16. I think you are also terrified of ever having to say: "Lesta - you are right". On that note - have you ever said "that is a good point"? Have you ever acknowledged anything I've done as useful, insightful or original? What positive things do you think I have accomplished over the past 2.5 years? _Is there anything, Brian?_
  18. I remember when I asked poor little "Bz" what he thought I was doing right - which points he thought I made that were valid. (I asked this because he behaved much like you do only much more insecurely.)
  20. What was his response? What did "Bz" think Lesta got right? His response was to promptly block me and then begin obsessively posting attack and hate videos calling me a liar while cherry-picking parts from my presentations (which needed to be watched in full) he could misrepresent.
  22. (Apparently I am the reason "Bz" started posting videos to his insecure little attack channel. The dummy sure got triggered - _and stayed triggered!_)
  24. If you (or "Bz") were the only person I talked to I would be convinced that I was doing a terrible job! But as it happens I do talk to other people and so I know the problem is not with me _but you._
  26. *When it comes to Lesta you are paranoid, trollish and ungrateful.* I accept that isn't likely to change anytime soon.
  28. It's true that you often ask good questions - _the right questions_ - *and that's how you first got my attention in 2015.* However - I don't feel you ask these questions _of me_ for the right reasons or to make real progress.
  30. That's not why you talk to me. You seem more about asking "gotcha question". You seem more about trying to show up Lesta to give others the impression you have a better understanding of things but - _alas_ - *you just don't.*
  32. Sometimes - _just for giggles_ - I think about posting a video which presents only *your* stated thoughts and views on a matter _just to see_ how long before you turn up in the comments section to disagree.
  34. Of course - making such a video would be a profound waste of my time and will never happen - but your predictability in that regard never fails to amuse me.
  36. Allow me to conclude this reply by saying that I *do* listen to what you have to say. And I *will* make an effort to respond to your "criticisms" / "feedback" (where they are valid) in upcoming videos and posts. Though let me be clear that it will happen on *my* time schedule.
  38. I know that my presentations and g+ posts are of no real benefit to you but they do benefit others who have a mind for this. A mind that I once thought you had (in 2015) but unfortunately *sour grapes* and your oppositional defiance disorder got in the way.
  40. *If only Lesta were not Lesta you might be the biggest supporter and advocate for (that other) Lesta!*
  42. Thank you - again - for making me aware of where some people are getting stuck with all this "tricky lie system stuff". All the best.
  50. __________
  51. 2017-08-13 0150
  53. +Brian Hill __ Sure - I can believe you would make the same comments. But only because your oppositional defiance disorder causes you to be this way with *everyone* you perceive to be on the same page as myself with regard to the lie system. I'll forgive your impatience for now but you really don't deserve my time and attention.
  57. __________
  58. 2017-08-13 0350
  60. +Brian Hill __ There is no "paradox" - what you are asking about is something I covered at great length early on and you should already know the answers if you've been paying attention. Since you're asking about it then perhaps others who haven't been around as long as you are as well. I'll write something up at my earliest convenience. I'll expect a thoughtful response from you (however brief) that relates to what I write instead of being bombarded with yet more questions about everything _except_ what I wrote about. I'll let you know when it's done.
  64. __________
  65. 2017-08-13 0740
  67. +Brian Hill __ ::sigh:: You are a most unpleasant person to communicate with but there are far worse people.
  69. I said I'd respond to your concerns from this thread and I'll let you know when I have had a chance to write something. I expect you to give a thoughtful and focused response even if it's more of your usual disagreement.
  71. Most people never realise a fraction of their intellectual potential because they habitually stop thinking at the first "good idea" that occurs to them and often I get the impression you stop thinking at the first "gotcha" or seeming "contradiction" you come up with.
  73. Sure - what I have to say about the lie system can "ironically" apply to me *if you don't think it through and don't pay attention to what I am saying.*
  75. If you don't think it through and pay no attention to what I'm saying I'm sure it can also seem "hypocritical" and like "nonsense".
  77. But what I have to say isn't for the average monkey it's for a perspicacious mind that doesn't get stuck on semantics and other trifles.
  79. I know you can do better if you can bring yourself to make the effort. Nothing I am saying is complicated and it's all self-evident (a consequence of seeking true things for true reasons).
  81. Much of what you write to me is unnecessary and - frankly - depressing which only adds to the unpleasantness of our exchanges.
  83. But at least you're inquisitive and (still) asking questions which is more than most. For that - if nothing else - I am thankful.
  85. Now sit tight and try not to add any more replies on this thread until I've had a chance to write up a proper response.
  87. Oh - one last thing. Don't let any thumbs up to my replies distract you. It's just a way for someone to express support (and perhaps agreement) without having to disrupt the thread with a comment.
  89. *Only someone with an oppositional defiance disorder would object and think I don't deserve any support for putting up with you!* And on my own videos no less! You're really something. _Sit tight, Brian._
  94. __________
  95. 2017-08-13 0945
  97. +Brian Hill __ To help you understand I will walk you through a *practical* real-world example. I will use your own example about "JLB/Lesta being the same person". Because this is *your* example I am confident you won't object and try to shift the goal posts *while I am in the middle of writing my response.* Now for the love of crikey - please read over the second half of my previous reply _and sit tight!_ No more distractions!
  102. __________
  103. 2017-09-03 0925
  105. +Brian Hill __ LOL! *You have "proven" no point you dishonest joker.* It is typical of contemptible people like you to leave out the context. Cabadejo is not free to claim I called you a "pig" or a "dog" when I didn't. And if I have ever called you something that you didn't deserve then I am more than happy to apologise for it. I've apologised to others in the past for doing just that. So where have I called you something you didn't like that you didn't actually deserve?
  107. As far as I'm concerned you have always deserved it *and the context has always supported it.* You should know I have documented everything with you yet you keep talking to me on the hope I haven't.
  109. Show me where you think I've been unjust towards you and I'll supply the context that proves I was not only justified but restrained.
  111. When it comes to me - both you and cabadejo have formed a habit of cherry-picking statements and leaving out necessary context. *That's a staple technique of party-members and the intellectually weak.*
  113. For example - there was a time when I called you a "jealous loser" but the context you would want to remain hidden from others was that you were telling people how you didn't find my lie system terminology useful but then elsewhere you were more than happy to use my term "realtard".
  115. *You are a documented and proven hypocrite.*
  117. Another time I more simply called you a "loser" but the context you would want to remain hidden from others was that you kept insisting I'd lied about having deleted some "key posts" and that I took credit for something you had pointed out. *I never deleted those posts you said I did and I credited you from the outset for what you had pointed out.*
  119. Even though I had shown you I didn't delete the posts and that I really had acknowledged you from the outset you never admitted you were wrong to call me a liar. *You never apologised for any of that.*
  121. What did you do instead? You did what any other contemptible loser would do and shift the goalposts. *You just moved on to the next accusation that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.* Why don't your relentless accusations ever stand up to scrutiny? Because you're a contemptible loser fuelled by subjective sour grapes.
  123. There is an established pattern to your behaviour with me. *You have deserved the things I've called you. I have been justified in calling you those things because they are true.*
  125. On the other hand - you have called me a *"c_tn"* for no good reason beyond frustration at not being able to control a conversation with me. *I let that slide because I don't cry over spilled milk unlike you and cabadejo.*
  127. It's sad - though not surprising - that cabadejo is now revealing her true colours through all of this. It now makes sense why cabadejo never stood up for me against you when I had asked her to do so - during that time you kept telling everyone I lied *when I had literally shown and proven I hadn't.*
  129. She knew very well I hadn't lied but she couldn't bring herself to do the right thing and stick up for me against you. It now makes sense. She said that sticking up for me would make it seem like she was ganging up on you. Aww! She said that sticking up for me against the bullsh!t you were repeating about me would only be bullying towards you. Aww!
  131. But yet here is cabadejo - _with full awareness of this past_ - accusing me of saying bullsh!t I didn't say and stirring the pot! *Wow - you are both intellectually weak and cowardly losers.*
  133. Misery loves company and in hindsight it makes a lot of sense that the two of you would now get along. It now makes a lot of sense that it was just a *weak excuse* when cabadejo told me *(when she knew I hadn't lied)* that she didn't want to get involved in drama or keep a bad situation going. _But she has now come along to White Knight for you and do just that._
  135. Cabadejo didn't have the courage to tell you that you were mistaken about me deleting posts when you said I did but now she's happy to make sh!t up about things I never called you.
  137. *Both of you are guilty of the sh!t you accuse me.* I am under no obligation to be nice to a$$h0les like you. I am under no obligation to be kind towards contemptible losers who keep proving themselves to be *snakes.*
  139. Most people would just permanently block you but despite your unrelenting goalpost shifting antics I have always continued to let you have a say. Why? Because unlike you I'm here for the right reasons and out of all the bullsh!t about me you say there's sometimes a worthwhile nugget when it comes to news events. Though those nuggets are becoming more rare and harder to come by.
  141. Both of you have both proven yourselves to be worthless time-wasting porch dogs and everyone reading along who isn't just a hater *knows it.*
  143. Good grief!
  148. ____________________________________________________________
  149. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  157. Lesta on Google Plus
  160. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  161. What exists - exists to always exist.
  162. As it is written - so it is done.
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