
Of Fazbears and Vaporwave Part 1 (2/2)

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. Syd blinked a bit, looking unphased for a moment as she stood and went into the kitchen, pouring herself a
  2. glass of ice water and taking a swig, peeling off her sweater as the raging machines had warmed the room up
  3. significantly. She then turned to the droids that have been keeping her up at night, that she was staking
  4. her college degree on and leaned forward to rest on her elbows, folding her forearms as she looked to each
  5. droid. "Thanks for letting me up, but would you kindly tell me WHAT. THE. CHRIST." The droids cringed a bit
  6. as they looked towards the woman looking to each of them with a furrowed brow, clad in a rather plain t-
  7. shirt.
  9. The droids seemed to struggle at first, their speech coming out mostly as garbled noises. Bonnie struggled
  10. as the stock phrases sounded like they were being warped for a bit until eventually a much more robotic,
  11. monotone voice started to come out at first.
  13. "WuWuWuWhere are we? This issssssn't the pizzaRIA." As the voice spoke, it began to gain more and more of a
  14. lilt. "I ddddon't recognize the others. Are these our ollllld enendo-o-o skeletons?" Syd's brows raised.
  15. "Uh, no, just the spine segment. There hasn't been a pizzaria in decades. Where are you getting that from?"
  17. "Urrrrhhhhh. Nevermind. Where are we, who are you, what's going on, what is this, whyarewemadeofwood,
  18. whyisthromspnneng," Bonnie was cut off by a sharp electronic chirp before the droid body seemed to be
  19. fighting every movement it tried to make. A leg would lift and prepare to hoist itself up, the other leg
  20. would fold over it. An arm tried to reach for furniture to pull itself to its feet as the other arm pushed
  21. the furniture away.
  23. "Ih-ih-is it over finally?" a rather mature voice eminated from Freddy asked. "Who said that?" asked a
  24. rather small voice from Freddy. "Unrecognized access to voice function!" a third voice responded chipperly
  25. in the cartoony voice Syd actually recognized.
  27. "I feel s-s-s-s-o wwwwarrm! The cold's gone away! But why's it still metal and pl-plastic?" a wistful voice
  28. asked, eminating from Chica, the Bonnie droid ending up all tangled in a ball like a victim of a yoga
  29. mistake and began rolling about.
  31. Sighing and giving off a frustrated growl as she was getting no clear answers, she decided to pick up the
  32. sobbing droid in the fetal position with the Foxy the Pirate page taped to its face and drag the machine
  33. into the garage for analysis, plugging it right into the old computer. As the babbling and clunking of the
  34. other droids in the adjacent room persisted. "What the fuck? Shouldn't be that many," she trailed off,
  35. noting the excess amount of simulated brainwaves and brain activity being displayed on the cyber brain
  36. analysis.
  38. Syd tilted her head back to stare at the ceiling, fed up with the potential disaster she had on her hands.
  39. If she was hedging her bets on a failure, she was going to know why it failed and try to salvage what was
  40. left, hell that's how she ended up with all those animatronics in the storage shed. She reached to the
  41. ceiling to interact with the AR display of her cybereye, tapping it and adjusting its direction when it'd
  42. be unresponsive as she pulled up her contacts list. Time to get ahold of the bestie, Steve. He's the
  43. supplier after all.
  45. ------------
  47. A neurosurgeon in the experimental field, and always brought the good liquor, Steve showed up with a 6 pack
  48. and info slate. His self-driver pulled up to the curb of the house and the tacky gull-wing door swung open.
  49. The lack of proper lawn care was hopefully a good sign that Syd was hard at work on bigger and better
  50. things, but it was still a bit of an eye sore. Standing up, Steve buttoned up the lower buttons of his
  51. custom-fit australian-made duster and donned his stylish deerstalker that had come back into style. He
  52. pursed his lips a moment in thought before stifling a belch, the taste of trendy, crap gourmet hot dog
  53. coming back to bite him.
  55. Steve set the 6 pack down of dandelion ale and popped a cinnamon breathmint before picking the case up and
  56. heading to the door and preparing to knock, checking to see his tanned pie-face in the reflection of one of
  57. the windows when he started to hear voices from inside. "B-BUT WHY DID IT HAPPEN TO U-calm down calm down,
  58. if we're going to share thi-I DON'T CARE, CAN-OPENER!"
  60. On the bright side of things, that's not Syd, Steve thought, but then wondered if he brought enough liquor
  61. to settle the situation down.
  63. "YE BE DAFT, Lass! Keep it cool or I'll keel ha-oh god that's horrible, why would anyone tear someone to
  64. shreds with barnacles?! Lad, yer really killin' me pirate campiness here" This was getting less and less
  65. promising as being a night ending with getting shitfaced and overstuffed on lousy takeout and passing out
  66. to bad movies. Steve tried to peer past the blinds of the window to try and make sense of the chatter going
  67. on.
  69. "W-we all N-N-Need to caaaalm down, relax take a deep br-We can't breathe, idiot rabbit. God, why couldn't
  70. I have ended up in the bea-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone!" It was at this time Steve finally
  71. knocked on the door and rang the doorbell in the pattern they used to use growing up. Three knocks, ring,
  72. knock twice, ring twice.
  74. "Dammit, shut up and stay put, all of you, and make sure Freddy doesn't start a fire!" Syd was unfastening
  75. all of the locks as quickly as she could, the door swung open as Steve was greeted with a face of
  76. desperation and a sight of what looked like toasters strapped to a bunch of wood and plastic pipes with
  77. cyber arms and cyber bounce legs. Three of the things looked to Steve as he entered. Oh good, now he
  78. wouldn't get stuck only drinking one ale.
  80. "I see you've got a rather impressive update, Syd, but what the fuck is going on here?"
  81. "I'm Fr-Fr-Freddy Fazbear! Wh-Wha-Oh my god, shut it, gotta sort this ou-OH god, mommy! DADDY! Wh-Where
  82. are...?" the rather twitchy, less responsive robot responded, a picture of a bear from a kid's coloring
  83. book taped to the face of it.
  85. Syd looked back to Steve from Freddy. "I was really REALLY hoping you could answer that for me. There's
  86. something really wrong and I don't know what happened."
  88. -----------
  90. "Sit still, I'd like to finish this before the delivery gets here, and it's harder to get a clear reading."
  91. Steve nonchalantly snapped at the squirming robot with the fox drawing. "Bu-bu-but it's time for ADVENTURE!
  92. L-last time I went on an adventure I ended up here...!"
  94. Steve took a swig of ale, Syd already polishing off her second, sitting and moping on a step ladder. "Shit,
  95. the investors are really going to be pissed if I did something to wreck those brains. I still got more,
  96. but... Shit, you know?"
  98. "I hear ya, Syd. Now, Fox... thing? Foxy? I want you to slowly and concisely count to 10 Mississipi from 1,
  99. alright?" Steve looked over to the two deactivated bots for a moment before returning his gaze to the
  100. readings. It took a moment as the two voices decided who'd take care of what numbers, deciding on odds for
  101. the cautious voice, evens for the high adventure voice. By the time the droid finished 10 Mississipi, Steve
  102. had dropped his ale with the sound of glass cracking reverberating in the air. Bottle didn't break, but did
  103. get the beer all over his carbon fiber clodhoppers.
  105. "Syd. You got two overlapping brains in there. Did you double up the code?!"
  107. "No! And when I checked the code, a bunch of really weird shit was in there I didn't write! The comments
  108. were all about murder this, killed them that," Syd started to slur her speech a bit when Foxy looked up and
  109. asked in a very faint, innocent tone, "C-can I call my mommy...?"
  111. Syd felt the wall crumbling a bit with that question, her gut sinking as she was trying her damndest to not
  112. anthropomorphize the machines, they weren't technically human, nothing biologic in them, but... That was a
  113. very humanizing cry. She looked to Steve who was looking back at her completely dumb-founded.
  115. "Syd. These brains were blank, right?"
  117. "Yeah?"
  119. "...Foxy, errr... Who might you be? Please don't answer, Foxy," Steve was wincing a bit as he struggled
  120. with the phrasing.
  122. "Fr.r.r.r.r.r.r.r." the machine began to stutter as if locking up. The brainwaves on the reader caught
  123. Steve's attention as he pulled up his info slate, the clear plastic displaying numerous icons as he cycled
  124. through and pulled up some sort of reference text. "Where have I seen...?" Steve began to ask before the
  125. droid snapped out of it. "Foxy. Wait. Is that right? I'm not sure that's my name," the droid looked to
  126. Steve, the sound of optics whirring.
  128. "Well... we can get you a phone tomorrow, for now, just take it easy, alright?" Steve looked to Syd with
  129. his brow creased. Syd was halfway through her third ale, visibly struggling to swallow and trembling a bit.
  130. Steve hadn't seen Syd this bad in a long time, not sinc-"Freddy! Are you ready to rock and show th-OH. MY.
  131. GOD. SHUT UP RABBIT. ...I-I'm Bonnie," the Bonnie droid had been attempting to air guitar it seemed, the
  132. Freddy Droid standing straight up with its chest analogue pushed out and attempting to stand tall as it
  133. looked to the other two droids and into the garage.
  135. "Jeremy. Fitzgerald. Can't speak for the k-kid. St-truggling in here, thoughts blending together but
  136. seperate. Lo-Long story, I-Wanna wish you a happy birthday! Where's the special kid with a birthday?"
  139. ---------------
  141. It took the better part of the night, a whole pizza, hours of screaming and yelling and crying, simulated
  142. and real, to try and sort things out. A lot of beliefs were challenged and argued over, but the situation
  143. they were in was potentially dire, but still containing numerous breakthroughs. The AI had worked, though
  144. it was still rather simplistic, and as such there was no immediate problem with what appeared to be the
  145. consciousnesses of people who were supposed to be dead or brain dead sharing the cybernetic brains with
  146. them for the time being, but if allowed to stay as occupants eventually the space would run out and
  147. theoretically the minds, such as they were would merge.
  149. There was the solution of being put into new cyberbrains, but it was Jeremy, within Freddy, who protested.
  150. What's the point of it? They're basically dead, old lives are over, may as well keep rolling with the
  151. punches and see where things go from here. Jeremy, the ghost child, and the Freddy AI seem to be on close
  152. enough wavelengths that there shouldn't be any issues, and heck, two of the three have been looking after
  153. younger siblings in the past, this wasn't too huge of a leap for them.
  155. Bonnie however was quite fussy, the child (A brat in Syd's eyes) was upset they had to get stuffed in their
  156. least favorite character way back when. The Bonnie AI was kind of a pushover though, more a peacemaker than
  157. caretaker, so the conflict was entirely the on the ghost's onus. Chica's ghost was apparently younger and
  158. had huge temper problems despite being a space case earlier. Fortunately the AI was a bit better at
  159. restraint and was programmed to deal with kids who were troublemakers.
  161. Foxy was probably the biggest mess, a quiet, cautious kid who was scared of their own shadows having lots
  162. of wavelength conflicts with the AI who was supposed to be a bombastic entertainer, hamming it up and being
  163. center stage. Jeremy took a head count of the spirits present and checked the shed of animatronics. They
  164. were short the fifth.
  166. The sun rose, the house was filled with natural light as the droids had something new, less serious to
  167. admire. For most of the droids, this was the first time they'd seen so much color.
  169. Steve went to clear his throat only to let out a rather soused belch as he chimed in. "Well, you're
  170. probably from an era before biomods and cybernetics from what you've all mentioned. It was discovered the
  171. genes for seeing color are on the X chromosomes only, so those of you who had a Y probably couldn't detect
  172. quite as much color. These optics are meant to capture all color plus spectrums beyond human eyes ten years
  173. ago, let alone fifty."
  175. The droids all examined their surroundings with great curiousity before Syd grabbed Steve's arm, pulled the
  176. sleeve back to tap on his wrist. Glowing numbers were visible just beneath his skin. "Ah, shit, errr...
  177. Dang. Should probably plug you guys back into the wall to charge, I need to get to class in an hour," Steve
  178. looked to her and nodded.
  180. "Ya know, I could talk the firm into cutting you some slack with class today via a little bribe, you're
  181. honestly more on top of your shit than your professor," Steve offered. "Besides, I think you've got some
  182. wards to deal with. I hope you don't mind, I already ordered parts so they can make calls and catch up on
  183. information of the last five decades or so?"
  185. Syd hmmmed and hawwed a moment as she looked the droids over. "Well... Can you get me parts and a designer
  186. to spruce em up at least? I'm sure you wouldn't be happy looking like a hobo robo?"
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