
Shadow powers

Aug 29th, 2015
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  1. Shadows Powers: This is just notes for me to take about shadows powers...i coudn't understand what i was trying to explain in the actual powers app so i am going to explain it here.
  3. Dark-step: Shadow has learnt that as long as there something casting a shadow he can instantly teleport there by disbursting into a bundle of shadows and reforming onto that shadow spot. If the time of day is night and or the sun is being blocked at the time he can travel longer distances at the reduce cost of aura.
  8. "Shroud": Shadow is engulfed with a shadowy mist that would make his body looking obscured and often hard to tell what he look like or his form. Also hard to react to an act because the person wouldn't be able to see what he is going to do, all there be able to see is just black mist coming there way.
  11. Shadow Mind: Shadow is able to induce weaker char or npc minds, by either making them see shadowey beasts, monsters, or bring up there fears if he knows about them. Stronger char who worked on training the mind will have a resistance or an immunity depending how long and what kind of technique they used(Such as meditating is one of them).
  12. Notes:
  13. " is just creating a semi-solid figure out of shadows in normal size"
  15. Shadow creation:
  17. He can create forms around his body that can mimic the body structure of other opponents for some time
  19. Tendrils" Anything that casts a shadow , Shadow can use that to have a tendril shooting out of it..conserving on aura since its just him re-animating it and using the Shadow as a by product, the tendrils strength and speed hits about super human as per its strength can hit from 250 pounds to 2 tons worth of force, he can also forms other shapes but would need to have a shadow being cast from it. It Weakens tremendously if sunlight touches it.
  21. Shadow can : Summon any of his weaponry his pistol, rifle, Smg, Lmg, Assualt rifle, spear, swords, shield and other essientials he can also summon his two hydro's body guards if needed and his any of his transportation vehicles. Depending on size depends on how much aura is consumed
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