
Pianon in Equestria - Oneshot!

Sep 21st, 2012
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  1. >Day 4:4 in Equestria.
  2. >You're preparing for one of the biggest days in your life.
  3. >Taking deep breaths, you walk out onto the stage.
  4. >In front of you lies a grand piano in miniature.
  5. >P0nies had pretty much everything humans had back home, but smaller and magic.
  6. >When you first saw a piano here in horseland, you were surprised, to say the least.
  7. >How could a p0ny play with hooves, even with their strange hoof grasping magic abilities?
  8. >Turns out, not many p0nies could, but gryphons, Minotaurs and some dragons had the ability.
  9. >P0nies were very musical, by nature, but their piano concertos were rather... disappointing.
  10. >Any creature in Equestria with the equipment to play piano had eight fingers, or fewer depending on the species.
  11. >Spike had shown himself to be quite a dapper hand at the instrument, but when you displayed your skill on the ivories to Twilight she was completely blown away.
  12. >It was then that she set this up, a performance for the princesses!
  13. >Before arriving in Equestria, you were a Youtube sensation with a couple of junior piano awards under your belt.
  14. >But here?
  15. >You perform for ROYALTY.
  17. >One last adjustment to the silken collar of the fine suit Rarity made you, and you turn to your rather small audience.
  18. >You give a curt bow, and clear your throat.
  19. "Thank you all for the wonderful opportunity you have given me to play for you today," >you say, "I would like to dedicate my first song to the fair princess of the night, Luna. It is a song originating from a famous composer of my world, Ludwig Van Beethoven. This is his Piano Sonata number 14 in C-sharp minor, known colloquially as the Moonlight Sonata."
  20. >You flip your coattails back and sit down in front of the piano.
  21. >You had insisted that Rarity include coattails on your suit, you always wanted to do that.
  22. >The two princesses and few p0nies in the audience clop their hooves together politely as you rest your fingers on the keys.
  23. >Now for the moment of truth.
  24. >You had spent a bit of time practicing before this performance to get used to the small keys of p0ny pianos, but it wasn't too hard.
  25. >Part of your Youtube popularity had come from performing difficult classical works on toy keyboards after all.
  26. >You take a deep breath and begin.
  29. >First movement, easy shit.
  30. >You knew this song would be perfect for the occasion.
  31. >You play dramatically, the sound of the piano is rich and soothing.
  32. >Stealing a glance at your crowd you see Luna has her eyes closed, relaxed.
  33. >She seems to be enjoying it, you think.
  34. >You sway with the music, wanting to give a worthy performance.
  35. >Playing with the dynamics a bit, you start off on the quieter side, and increase the volume as you play.
  36. >This is the kind of music that even some p0nies could play, despite how beautiful it may sound.
  37. >But you chose this particular song for a very good reason, and as you near the second movement, that reason is growing closer with every note.
  38. >You start in on the second movement, and play a bit more forcefully than you normally might.
  39. >Hitting the notes with a bit of flair, you emphasize the upbeat parts.
  40. >The audience is listening politely, but you can tell they aren't especially impressed.
  41. >As planned of course.
  42. >You're certain Spike could play this part with little practice.
  43. >He's pretty good, after all.
  44. >But shit is about to get very real, very soon.
  47. >Moonlight Sonata, Third Movement.
  48. >Difficulty level: asian.
  49. >You fucking got this.
  50. >Now is the time to break it the fuck down.
  51. >This is the song that won you your first ever piano competition.
  52. >You know it like the back of your magnificent human hand.
  53. >Spike can go fuck himself now, ain't nothing in all of p0ny Earth that can play this bit of music.
  54. >Ten fingers and damn good with them, you give these p0nies a show they will not soon forget.
  55. >You jam as much passion as you possibly can into the rapid notes.
  56. >You're playing especially quick right now as well, the small keyboard actually helps you here.
  57. >Miraculously, you avoid mashing any keys as you play, your fingers dancing across the instrument with unbridled finesse.
  58. >This is easily your best song, you could play it with your eyes closed.
  59. >In fact, you decide to do just that.
  60. >You lift your head to clearly show this ability off, moving it in time with the music.
  61. >As you wrap up the song, you hit the last chords with as much gusto as you can, pounding the piano with enough strength to splinter wood.
  62. >You stand and take your bow, stunned silence greeting your ears.
  63. >A quick survey of the p0nies in the audience reveals more than a few of them gawking at you.
  64. >Heh, and you're only getting starte...
  65. >Oh god what is Luna doing, she's flying directly at you, what.
  67. >The dark blue princess collides with you abruptly, knocking you to the hard wooden floor.
  68. >You cry out in pain, and are silenced by her lips meeting your own.
  69. "Wai-"
  70. >She stops your exclamation before it can even leave your mouth.
  71. >"Oh Anon!"
  72. >You're rather stunned, you don't even put up any resistance.
  73. >Not that you really want to, this is kind of a good thing really, a princess is all over you.
  74. >On a stage. In public.
  75. >Okay yeah, maybe not perfect.
  76. >You look to the small audience before you hoping for some help.
  77. >AJ and Fluttershy are walking out of the amphitheater.
  78. >"C'mon Fluttershy, let's give tha two of 'em some privacy."
  79. >Rainbow Dash is blushing furiously, sitting at the edge of her seat watching you intently.
  80. >A blue aura forms around you and you feel an almighty rip.
  81. >Holy fuck, Luna is tearing your clothes off and it hurts like fuck.
  82. >"Well I never! Harumph!"
  83. >You turn to see an offended Rarity storm out as well, head held high.
  84. >She probably doesn't even care about the sex, the torn clothes are most likely the only reason she would leave.
  85. >You're stiff as a rock, this was pretty hot.
  86. >"So much! Passion! I must! Have it!" Luna shouts in between kisses.
  87. >She begins to rut you right then and there, in plain view of the remaining few p0nies of the audience.
  88. >As you begin to lose yourself in the pleasure of royal poontang, your eyes scan the seats once more and find princess Celestia telling a shocked looking Twilight Sparkle,
  89. >"Well my apprentice, you were right. This Anonymous really DOES know how to put on a show!"
  91. End
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