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a guest
Mar 10th, 2012
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  1. SNES9X 1.43 JP US
  2. 4 letters name
  4. Zelda and Uncle: 1177 1329
  5. Uncle: 262 222
  6. Getting Boomerang: 48 44
  7. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  8. Getting Lamp: 49 42
  9. Rescuing Zelda: 425 358
  10. First Zelda speech (Entrance): 56 83
  11. Second Zelda speech (Throne room): 122 106
  12. Third Zelda speech (Sewers): 52 81
  13. Fourth Zelda speech (Levers): 52 83
  14. Sanctuary: 1080 923
  15. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  16. Getting Bow: 51 40
  17. Eastern Palace done: 56 77
  18. Getting Pegasus Boots: 915 1005
  19. Getting Book of Modura: 52 34
  20. Opening Desert Palace: 54 43
  21. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  22. Getting Power Glove: 53 81
  23. Desert Palace done: 55 80
  24. Finding old man: 56 91
  25. Second old man speech: 257 282
  26. Third old man speech: 197 212
  27. Getting Mirror: 364 453
  28. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  29. Getting Moon Pearl: 55 143
  30. Hera's Tower done: 57 93
  31. Getting Master Sword: 983 998
  32. Aganhim speech: 1093 1125
  33. Aganhim fight start: 56 82
  34. Aganhim fight end: 56 92
  35. Dark World: 1965 2750
  36. Kiki message 1: 180 188
  37. Kiki message 2: 184 151
  38. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  39. Getting Hammer: 57 92
  40. Dark Palace Crystal: 1850 2373
  41. Getting Shovel: 520 504
  42. Getting Ocarina: 53 41
  43. Saving Maiden (AKA Blind): 54 41
  44. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  45. Getting Titan's Mitt: 54 82
  46. Blind fight start: 41 34
  47. Thieve's Town Crystal: 1262 1528
  48. Saving Dwarf: 194 203
  49. Entering Smiths' house: 125 103
  50. Leaving Sword: 280 243
  51. Getting Tempered Sword: 207 191
  52. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  53. Getting Fire Rod: 55 44
  54. Skull Dungeon Crystal: 1504 1769
  55. Message before Quake Medallion: 55 44
  56. Getting Quake: 56 91
  57. Getting Flippers: 612 673
  58. Modura's Book for Ether: 48 40
  59. Getting Ether: 57 82
  60. Getting Ice Rod: 56 43
  61. Ice Palace Crystal: 1559 1903
  62. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  63. Getting Cane of Somaria: 53 83
  64. Misery Mire Crystal: 1360 1556
  65. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  66. Getting Hookshot: 56 81
  67. Swamp Palace Crystal: 1944 2427
  68. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  69. Turtle's Rock Crystal: 1508 1679
  70. Opening Ganon's Tower: 47 41
  71. Obtaining Big Key: 54 82
  72. Aganhim fight #2: 130 150
  73. Ganon message #1: 194 205
  74. Ganon message #2: 53 81
  75. TOTAL 24700 28620
  76. 3920 frames faster on Japanese
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