
Pierre 2.0

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. Name: Pierre
  2. Race: Changeling
  3. Gender:Male
  4. Alignment: TN
  5. Class: Trickster(Bard/Rogue)
  6. Hits 5/5
  7. Talent: Crafty Bughorse (+2 Stealth)
  9. Skills:
  10. Changeling Flight(racial): You have thin gossamer wings which allow you to fly unencumbered but somewhat slower than other races. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  11. Shapeshifting(racial): spell, recharge 3; A Changeling can imitate almost anything the same size as itself. This acts as disguise, but can copy any specific person/object on success, with higher success rolls giving better quality to the shapeshift. The disguise is removed when knocked helpless, rolling a critical failure when attacking, or when dispelled by magic. Purchasing the disguise skill causes this ability to autocrit , but you cannot benefit from it otherwise. Changelings can tell each other apart via pheromones and can automatically see through any disguise you use.
  12. Evil Twin(racial): passive; There is a magic connection to appearances that Changelings are able to tap into. Looking like an individual makes them stronger when fighting that individual. You receive a bonus to rolls made against anyone whose identity you are assuming. +1 if it’s a general category of people(e.g. military, police, royal guard)and +2 if it’s a specific person.
  13. Ruse: once per combat; use this skill when you roll a critical failure, on success it is instead treated as a critical success
  14. Stealth: become hidden. Enemies cannot attack you until you reveal yourself. An attack used in stealth Autocrits. Can be used at DC8 in combat.
  15. Con Artist: on success, whatever you say, no one thinks you are trying to deceive them. Characters with evidence or knowledge contrary to your claim may still readily disprove you. Outlandish or ridiculous statements can still get you in trouble. Can also forge documents.
  17. Inventory:
  18. Tricorne Hat
  19. Box of matches with faded postcard inside(n'oubliez jamais! mon amour!)
  20. Cigar Case(10 rolled cancer sticks, bag of tobacco, leaves)
  21. Steel Dirk(Fencing)
  22. Flintlock Pistol(Ranged)
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