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Modaco Advent Vega mod

a guest
Feb 16th, 2011
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  2. # Advent Vega ROM installer script - by Paul O'Brien, @paulobrien,
  3. #
  4. # This script is dedicated to those who hated on me on 'that other site'... then used the scripts from my update themselves!
  5. # Today's thought for the day - when you read / use something from the Internet, that has taken someone some time...
  6. #       ... and that persons time has value. Nothing on the Internet is free - someone has paid for it.
  7. #
  8. #                                               Peace to you all. \o/
  9. #
  10. echo Waiting for device... ensure 'USB Debugging' is enabled in Settings-Applications-Development and connect to PC...
  11. chmod 4755 ./adb-linux
  12. ./adb-linux wait-for-device
  13. echo Mounting and emptying system partition...
  14. ./adb-linux remount
  15. ./adb-linux push files/data/mcr/sh /data/sh
  16. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox chmod 4755 /data/sh"
  17. ./adb-linux shell "/system/bin/toolbox stop"
  18. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox rm -r /data/dalvik-cache"
  19. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox rm -r /system/bin/* ; /sbin/busybox cp /data/sh /system/bin/sh"
  20. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox pkill -9 system"
  21. ./adb-linux wait-for-device
  22. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox fuser -km /system"
  23. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox umount -l /system ; /sbin/busybox mount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system"
  24. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox mkdir -p /system/bin ; /sbin/busybox cp /data/sh /system/bin/sh"
  25. echo Waiting for device...
  26. ./adb-linux wait-for-device
  27. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox rm -r /system/* ; /sbin/busybox mkdir -p /system/bin ; /sbin/busybox cp /data/sh /system/bin/sh"
  28. ./adb-linux shell "/sbin/busybox sync"
  29. echo Flash fix phase 1...
  30. ./adb-linux push files/system/bin/sh /data/mcr/
  31. mv files/system/bin/sh ./sh
  32. echo Copying new files...
  33. ./adb-linux push files /
  34. echo Creating Symlinks...
  35. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/cat
  36. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/chmod
  37. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/chown
  38. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/cmp
  39. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /sbin/busybox /system/bin/cp
  40. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/cut
  41. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/date
  42. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/dd
  43. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/df
  44. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/dmesg
  45. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/getevent
  46. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/getprop
  47. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/hd
  48. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/id
  49. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ifconfig
  50. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/iftop
  51. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/insmod
  52. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ioctl
  53. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ionice
  54. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/kill
  55. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ln
  56. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/log
  57. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ls
  58. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/lsmod
  59. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/mkdir
  60. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/mount
  61. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/mv
  62. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/nandread
  63. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/netstat
  64. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/newfs_msdos
  65. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/notify
  66. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/printenv
  67. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ps
  68. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/reboot
  69. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/renice
  70. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/rm
  71. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/rmdir
  72. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/rmmod
  73. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/route
  74. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/schedtop
  75. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/sendevent
  76. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/setconsole
  77. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/setprop
  78. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/sleep
  79. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/smd
  80. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/start
  81. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/stop
  82. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/sync
  83. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/top
  84. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/umount
  85. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/vmstat
  86. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/watchprops
  87. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox ln -s /system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/wipe
  88. echo Setting permissions...
  89. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system
  90. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 0 /system
  91. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod -R 0755 /system
  92. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/bin
  93. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 2000 /system/bin
  94. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod -R 0755 /system/bin
  95. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/bin/netcfg
  96. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 3003 /system/bin/netcfg
  97. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 2755 /system/bin/netcfg
  98. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/bin/ping
  99. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 3004 /system/bin/ping
  100. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 02755 /system/bin/ping
  101. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 1002 /system/etc/dbus.conf
  102. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 1002 /system/etc/dbus.conf
  103. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 0440 /system/etc/dbus.conf
  104. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 1014 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
  105. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 2000 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
  106. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 0550 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
  107. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/etc/
  108. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 2000 /system/etc/
  109. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 0550 /system/etc/
  110. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown -R 0 /system/etc/ppp
  111. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp -R 0 /system/etc/ppp
  112. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod -R 0755 /system/etc/ppp
  113. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn
  114. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 0 /system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn
  115. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 4755 /system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn
  116. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /system/xbin/su
  117. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 0 /system/xbin/su
  118. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
  119. echo Flashing fix phase 2...
  120. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chmod -R 0755 /data/mcr
  121. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chown 0 /data/mcr
  122. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox chgrp 2000 /data/mcr
  123. mv ./sh files/system/bin/sh
  124. ./adb-linux shell /sbin/busybox cp /data/mcr/ /system/bin/sh
  125. echo Flashing boot image...
  126. ./adb-linux shell /data/mcr/flash_image boot /data/mcr/boot.img
  127. echo Done, rebooting...
  128. ./adb-linux reboot
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