
The happening

Aug 18th, 2013
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  2. The funeral was over a year ago today. No expense had been avoided, the capital was overflowing with well wishers. Still none of it mattered to you... no matter how many people came, no matter how many people tried to help her get through these times, nobody would be able to fill the now empty space in her heart.
  3. You don't know why twilight couldn't accept peace. Some unbelievable sense of pride causing the downfall of all of her people. Had you been like that in the past?
  4. You had Ron regail the tale of how he ended Lyra... got revenge for all of us, but all it does is hurt. Why couldn't you have cared when it mattered? If you had just put more effort into it, tried a it harder, she would still be here celebrating this short peace with you.
  5. You press the intercom button.
  6. >"Send her in"
  7. "right away ma'am"
  9. You didn't have to wait long, you knew she would behave... after all she didn't want all of her precious friends to get sent away did she?
  10. After about 5 minutes a mare walked in, cyan fur with a rainbow mane and tail, shaped just like Rainbow's. She would have a striking resemblance of your former ally [spoiler]and lover[/spoiler] is her blueish eyes, showing a deep regret for what she has to do.
  11. "Um... miss spitfire... I'm sorry but... I really don't want to do this..."
  12. >"Then I guess you shouldn't have defaulted on your payments then eh? I'm sure they briefed you on what you were supposed to be doing."
  13. "Is... is there any other way? I can make the payments I promise, I was just out on a broken wing and couldn't make it for the month"
  14. >"I'm not looking for excuses, I'm looking for action, and if you don't want your cozy little cottage turned into a parking lot, you'll do as I say, understand me?"
  15. She couldn't hold back her sobs as she walks forward. You walked around your desk and sat on the front of it. The suprise on her face made you smirk.
  16. >"I guess they didn't breif you well enough then, I do like it when they leave this part out"
  17. She looked away, you didn't know in fear or in shame. Maybe she was still a virgin, you didn't know, what you did know is you were getting tired of her timidness.
  18. >"If you don't want me to go in dry, you'd better get started now slut"
  19. She looks back at you, worry in her eyes and glances down at your growing member. She slowly walks over and slowly brings her head down, as if waiting long enough would make this problem go away.
  20. Annoyed by her actions you take matters into you own hands, grabbing the back of her head you bring her down sharply to your engorged member. Her lips offer little resistance as you slide your cock down her mouth and into the back of your throat
  21. It only takes a moment for her to begin bobbing her head on her own, taking you by suprise. You didnt think this one had it in her to take control but you began to lose yourself in the pleasure of her throat.
  22. >"Nghhhhhh you sure you havent done this before slut?"
  23. She continues the act with renewed vigour, and before long you feel yourself coming close to your edge.
  24. >"Nghhhhh rainbow..."
  25. You bottom out in her throat, giving her no choice but to swallow your seed.
  27. Finally done she backs away, and turns as if to leave, giving you a perfect view of her now wet marehood.
  28. >"Oh no, don't think you are getting out of this that easy..."
  29. As she shudders you approach and mount her from behind, your still erect member poking at her folds.
  30. >"Oh yea... I like you. We're gonna have fun all night long"
  31. She lets out an 'eep as you push into her...
  34. You laid in bed and lit up a cigarette.
  35. >"You can... you know, leave now"
  36. She had stuck around like a stray dog. You were finished using her an hour ago and yet she still hadn't left. It was creepy how much she was like rainbow dash though... she was really getting into the act.
  37. "Thats okay. I'll think I'll stay for a while"
  38. You thought about throwing her out... what was the point though. You don't think you could ask her to leave if you anyways, you haven't felt this good in a long time.
  39. >"Suit yourself, but if you're still around in the morning don't expect me to go easy on you"
  40. As you put the cigarette out and turned over to close your eyes, you missed the growing smile on her face.
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