
idek i just got really attached to this idea

Nov 23rd, 2016
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  1. When she finally dropped on the porch of that duplex with a wet spatter, things were eerily quiet, all besides the sound of a chill wind and the whimpering of two babies that couldn’t be more than a week old. They were held close to her back by a makeshift carrier scrapped together out of loose bits of leather and shredded fabric. The cold finally began to set into her skin and stab into her bones, all except for those two spots of warmth.
  3. She watched the red start to spread out onto the porch and shivered. She had been forced to come here, because home was too far off. What she wouldn’t give for her brother in law to be here right now. He could patch her up, she would feed him, then they’d just go watch Jojo like they always did. But no, he couldn’t be here.
  5. At least she had made it to somewhere familiar. She felt faint and woozy now. Maybe this would be how she died. Alone, on her sister in law’s front porch. She hoped the noise of the babies’ eventual crying would be enough to rouse those inside before she got too cold to keep them warm, if this was it. Even if she died here tonight, she helped save two lives, two beautiful new lives, from a hive of monsters.
  7. They looked just like her fiancee, she hadn’t been able to help but notice. Like the children she could never have. Even if she couldn’t be here, they would find a home. Surely, Jackdaw would make sure of it. She trusted him. She had to trust him.
  9. The most surreal part was that she was at peace with this, somehow. Maybe she always expected to go out like this, bleeding to death after raiding a hive. That was an honorable death in the Garou nation. The most honorable death she could expect to have, after being chased out of her first home town for her family. But hearing these little kids softly burbling made her feel like she had done something worthwhile with her miserable life.
  11. It was so cold, and she was so tired.
  13. A door opened nearby. Or at least, she thought it did. It sounded so far away, now. She felt so detached from herself. All except for the cold. Her eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. Maybe it was time…
  16. When she next became aware of herself and her surroundings, it was so bright that she couldn’t see anything. The pain was gone. To her left he could feel a pair of rough, practiced hands pressed to her side. Somewhere in the room, she heard voices, though she didn’t care to focus in on what they were saying.
  18. “Wh- who’s there...”
  20. “Shhh. It’s just me.” That voice sounded closer to her than the rest of them. She knew that voice.
  22. “Is that you, Ros… am… am I dead… It’s too bright here, it hurts...”
  24. “No, you’re here, you’re alive. Uh...” That same pair of hands gently placed a pair of sunglasses on her face. She had to squint a bit still, but now she could see him. She seemed almost thankful that he didn’t seem to look sunken and tired.
  26. “How long have I been out of it...”
  28. “Since last night… Your fiancee found you on his porch with two babies.”
  30. “The- the babies, where are they-”
  32. “They’re in the nursery. The police officers Middy knows couldn’t find any traces of where they came from. Where did you find them?”
  34. “I- I stole them...”
  36. “You… stole babies.”
  38. “You didn’t let me finish… they were in a… Dancer hive… you know, the Dancers. Trying to bring about the Apocalypse… enemies to just about everything in existence… they left them to die. I… I had to do something. I don’t know if they’re… theirs or not… I just couldn’t let them go...”
  40. “You had radiation poisoning when they brought you in. What happened?”
  42. “Hah… some of those fuckers throw around balefire… shit, is Anya okay, is Jackdaw okay...”
  44. “They’re fine. They’re waiting to see yo-”
  46. “Sister!”
  48. “...Hello Anya...”
  50. “What have I told you about- about- that!!”
  52. “Anya, this is what Garou do… I saved lives, Anya...”
  54. “Well… well… then stop being that! What if... what if I lost you...”
  56. “But you didn’t… I’m still here…”
  58. “But I could have...”
  60. “Anya, shhh… I’m still here. It’s okay...”
  62. “It’s not okay, you’re hurt, and I can’t...”
  64. “You don’t have to… is… is that upstairs room still free?”
  66. “Yeah, why...”
  68. “I think we’re gonna need another crib, is why...”
  70. “Wh… what.”
  72. “I’m taking them, Anya… I- I think I have to… I can’t let the system take them. Not this early…”
  74. “But- we already have-”
  76. “I know you already have Midnight’s to worry about. Listen. I can handle this. It’s the only way I can, even. I need this, Anya...”
  78. “You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you...”
  80. “Heh… maybe. Listen. Get some of the doctors to bring me some paperwork. As far as anyone knows, as far as they’ll know… they’re mine, and they always have been. They look like him, Anya… I can’t say no to that.”
  82. “This is a huge thing, you know…”
  84. “I know it is. I need this, Anya… I do. I almost died over these kids. I owe them that...”
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