

Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. Log: Log file open, 11/22/14 23:48:42
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  5. Init: Version: 10897
  6. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  7. Init: Compiled (32-bit): Nov 21 2014 09:20:27
  8. Init: Changelist: 1532151
  9. Init: Command line:
  10. Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\GoatSimulator\Binaries\Win32\
  11. [0000.75] Init: Computer: ELE-PC
  12. [0000.76] Init: User: Ele
  13. [0000.76] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
  14. [0000.76] Init: High frequency timer resolution =2.864570 MHz
  15. [0000.76] Init: Memory total: Physical=3.5GB (3GB approx) Pagefile=7.0GB Virtual=2.0GB
  16. [0000.95] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
  17. [0001.47] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
  18. [0001.47] Init: Presizing for 33476 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  19. [0001.47] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  20. [0001.48] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  21. [0001.80] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
  22. [0001.80] Log: Adapter has 1018MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1533MB of shared system memory
  23. [0002.77] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
  24. [0002.81] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
  25. [0003.33] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\GoatGame\Localization\INT\GFxUI.INT
  26. [0007.50] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\GoatGame\Localization\INT\Engine.INT
  27. [0007.50] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\Core.INT
  28. [0007.82] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\Engine.INT
  29. [0008.71] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatGameStats.ini
  30. [0008.77] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatPlaylist.ini
  31. [0010.81] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatWeb.ini
  32. [0010.83] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatCrowd.ini
  33. [0010.83] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatCamera.ini
  34. [0010.97] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\GoatGame\Localization\INT\GoatGame.INT
  35. [0011.13] DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\GoatGame\Config\GoatBuildMap.ini
  36. [0015.05] Log: 87055 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  37. [0015.05] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  38. [0015.05] Log: Initializing Engine...
  39. [0015.08] DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Localization\INT\UnrealEd.INT
  40. [0019.07] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  41. [0019.08] Log: Logged in as 'chibiele'
  42. [0019.09] DevSave: --- Processing save ---
  43. [0019.09] Log: Loading a progression of Save Version: 10
  44. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:0 was converted
  45. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:11 was converted
  46. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:4 was converted
  47. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:2 was converted
  48. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:13 was converted
  49. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:9 was converted
  50. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:15 was converted
  51. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:24 was converted
  52. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:1 was converted
  53. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:6 was converted
  54. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:17 was converted
  55. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:26 was converted
  56. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:8 was converted
  57. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:47 was converted
  58. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:5 was converted
  59. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:16 was converted
  60. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:25 was converted
  61. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:12 was converted
  62. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:3 was converted
  63. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:21 was converted
  64. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:14 was converted
  65. [0019.09] Log: QuestID:23 was converted
  66. [0019.09] Log: ConvertOldCollectibleData to level_01_2
  67. [0019.09] Log: ConvertOldCollectibleData to level_01_1
  68. [0019.09] Log: ConvertOldCollectibleData to level_01_24
  69. [0019.09] Log: ConvertOldCollectibleData to level_01_25
  70. [0019.09] Log: ConvertOldCollectibleData
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