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Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. First off I want to say that sk deserves this remake. However, this decision is simply not sending the right message. One, it sets the precedent that the ref's word is not final, which in every other legit sport is. Two, it brings on a whole other set of problems. Now, if situations such as these happen again, there will always be speculation in regards to the legitimacy of these decisions and the possibility of bribery and other forms of coercion. Another problem is that if this game deserves a remake and as claimed by many people aatrox has had this bug for a while, then ALL games with aatrox in the past weeks must be examined and if at any point no matter how trivial this bug occurs then the game must be redone if riot wants any semblance of consistency. Also riot cannot set a date for this rematch, it must be done when Aatrox is fixed and both sides can use the same teams.
  3. edit: this also calls into question every game that has had a bug in the past and has set a very poor precedent.
  5. TLDR: this decision is not good if riot wants to be a legitimate sport in line with things such as the NBA or the NFL.
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